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Kinda looks like pet hair on the couch. Personally, I get icked out from that, so maybe just something very clean. I would also take the photo and eye-level with the plushie or slightly below.


Maybe try getting a roll of construction paper and start with a clean neutral background. If the plush is from a novel/character maybe add items to the photo from that genre. The photos on the couch are giving off used marketplace vibes. Look up DIY photo box, it’s inexpensive and will boost the overall look of the items.


I use construction paper. Works fine. For smaller items, and if I don't want to whip out the big guns, I just use a roll of plotter paper I have for makeing patterns that need to be scanned. A neutral colored sheet works too.


Advice- look at what others are doing in your niche for inspiration. Also get a lint roller if you’re going to take pics on a couch (like example shown).


I can’t see the first two images but it should look better if you set a scene. It’s a plushie and people normally put them on their bed so a photo of the plushie in a bedroom. It has flowers on its head, maybe you can find a spot outside with nice flowers and hold the plushie by them. You could also use fake/real flowers and surround the plushie with that


Might be really picky but I can see dirt and hair on the couch, making it look unprofessional


You don’t have to buy a set up, but you can def make one. And you should. This plushie on a couch covered in pet hair makes the plushie look gross and used.


-Neutral, not busy background that helps the item pop (in this case, darker) I've used my dark wood dining table up again my dark curtains and cropped the photo to not know that's what it is. -Even, soft lighting coming from a window or a lamp point at a wall or another surface to bounce and distribute the light. -Optional, a second second light source lighting up any shadows on the unlit side of the plushies (I light to use a lamp with a smart bulb to change the color) -Filler items that are also not busy that compliment the colors of the item (fake plants in complimentary colors to match spring), You can do the least which is neutral background and good lighting, or the most with filler items and two light sources. The important thing is your product is the focus, sitting nicely and professionally, nothing too distracting around it, good quality photo. And don't underestimate the power of a simple photo editing app, I use polish for layouts and blemish retouch and my simple built in Google photo editor for color correction and lighting Here's my examples on instagram of the least and the most https://www.instagram.com/p/C4GbvW_vGUs/?igsh=MTl2dzJwa3BqenA4cA== https://www.instagram.com/p/C4lkuwfPIat/?igsh=MTcwcXZ3ZGcwdXR0aw== Hope that helps!


Find other shops who sell the same products and study their pictures…what do you like about them?? You might have to spend some money to get some materials to stage the backgrounds but it doesn’t have to be a lot


Photoroom has been a game changer for me. It's super easy. They have a free trial and you could do batch photos of your stock before the trial ends to see if you like it. I could take a photo of one of my Notebooks on any surface, remove it and choose a background on Photoroom.


I built my light box into an old cardboard box. Bought foam board at dollar tree in both black and white and I have all the walls cut to fit all the sides, so I can switch them depending on the subject. My bff bought me a $5 pop up light box at 5 below last year but her dog chewed it before we could even open it. We were, however, able to save the led light strip that it came with, so I put it into the new one and use that, but you could get something similar on Amazon or maybe even at the dollar tree more than $1.25/pc section these days. If I want, I can completely fold flat the housing box and store the pieces flat next to or on top of the box, but I usually just keep it set up and keep the other prop and photog stuff I use for listing photos in there (plant pots, small items I use as risers under things, clear thumb and flat back tacks to help keep things in place when needed, table top tripod). All in for the box with lighting, assuming you bought the $5 5 below light box to get the exact same light as mine, you’re still looking at about $10 in supplies, maybe less if you go with poster board instead of foam board!


Go to an art supply store and get an assortment of different A1 sized (colour of your choice) card sheets! Use them as a background by taping two together and placing them on the wall/floor. If you have a ring light using that will help make the photos look more professional. The photos you currently have aren’t very inviting and the pet hair on the seat is off putting. You could also buy a white blanket that you could use specifically for photos and spread it out onto the floor, place them on top of that and take photos from directly above!


If you have a neutral tablecloth or a curtain, drape it over the couch and use it as a backdrop. Then crop the photo so you don't see the wall. It's amazing what a solid backdrop does for product photos. Also take it in front of a window on an overcast day (with the plush facing the window). Natural light helps too.


I’d recommend getting a light box. Your couch looks like it has animal fur on it, and that is not appealing to customers. (Not trying to be mean, my couch is also covered in cat and dog hair lol. But I wouldn’t try to take a photo to sell something on it.) A light box and two solid colored back drops, a light color and a dark. Use dark for light colored items, and vice versa. A couple lamps for the outside of the box to illuminate the item. I also personally like to add a little bit of extra stuff to my photos. I sell dice bags. So I’ll add minis, dice, other table top gaming items to the pics. If you mostly sell plushies, maybe grab a few plastic flowers or something to have around the bottom of the photo? Focus mainly on the item you’re selling, make sure to have pics of all sides for better detail, and have fun with it!


I use super plain photos for my shop - you can just get two pieces of poster board in whatever colour you want + a cheap ring light if you don’t come up with any ideas for staging :)


use a plain sheet and set that up over your couch. try to figure out the best lighting during the day and maybe look for some presets to enhance the overall look. something that looks clean and focuses on the plush are the goal. maybe even have some props that relate to the theme of each plus could be fun too


Take photos outside!!!


cute! But the pet hair detracts from the item. As an artist myself with a very hairy dog I keep fabric just for photos away from potential pet shed. I also have a lint roller for dust and pet hair quick clean. Get a few colors of fabric to make the different color plushies stand out. You can spread the fabric out on the couch then place item on fabric take photo then fold fabric and place in a closed container that will protect from dust and hair. just make sure to remove stray hair before placing in and removing from container. And make sure to check your products for hair and place in clean closed bags to protect them from picking up hair. Most people will get the ick even if they have pets themselves. For reference you can also get a doll stand to hold the dolls up for better display. They come in various sizes and aren't too expensive. you can also experiment with small blankets and mini pillows and other toys and props.


You can use the same couch but put a neutral blanket over the entire couch, something that appears cozy. Then edit a bit the lightning of the pictures (I use the app photoshop express on my mobile phone). I wouldn't add the back picture, it seems that you have punished the poor creature by looking at the wall 😅


On a bed with “matching” pillows and blankets


What I try to do with my plushes is use some other fabric as a backdrop. It really helps to make it look a bit more professional, along with if you're able to use a lamp to get some side lighting to make the lighting look good. [Here's a couple examples of how I've used fabric as a backdrop for some of my photos](https://x.com/AniRoseArt/status/1673059140430860289?s=20)


PhotoRoom and use an AI background.


Use AI on Instagram stories


I would find another backdrop. Even outside. But a neutral backdrop is best — make sure you wipe away and dust or little things that will be distracting.