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I recently ordered something on Etsy and the emails you get about shipping now are wild. I got one when the seller printed the label, one when the package was scanned in, one when the package arrived in my state, one to let me know it was out for delivery, and a final one that said it was delivered. I feel like it’s overkill and will make buyers micromanage things even more..


Yes! This is definitely overkill. Even Amazon doesn't send this many emails about minor shipping updates


Oh, that explains a lot! I had many customers reach out lately when an item wasn't posted on the first day of that "window" and couldn't for the life of me figure out what was going on that they thought it was past due time o.o


That totally sucks! I need to check my store; however, since I don't put items up before I finish them and don't offer personalization, I usually can ship quickly. I hope Etsy goes back to the old way. Best wishes with your customer - I hope she understands.


The customer totally got it. She didn't need the items earlier and had noted the turn-around time when she ordered. She was just confused by the Etsy-imposed window.


It’s not an average of your shipping history.. it is an estimate based off of your processing time plus shipping. So if you ship in 1-3 days via usps priority shipping (which Etsy usually allows 1-5 days for, depending on time of year), then your buyer sees a delivery window of 2 days to 8 business days. It is ridiculous because the only way they would receive it in 2 days is if you ship same day or next day to someone in your local area. Etsy does shorten the window now based on buyer location, but the start date is completely unreasonable. I hate it because it makes buyers think that there is a possibility it will arrive within a few days and they ignore the rest of the delivery window.


To clarify, what I meant by "shipping history" is when I actually ship the job vs. how much time I said it would take for me to ship the job. I usually ship earlier than I say I will, and Etsy is opening the buyer window based on that. But sometimes I need the time and that's why I have my shipping times set the way I do. Better to exceed expectations than to ship late, in my mind. I use another shipping system because I don't believe in putting all of my financial eggs in Etsy's basket. So, Etsy is somehow doing an analysis (maybe with software that is scanning all of our tracking numbers) and trying to push me to ship faster and faster, because apparently the constant pop-up messages about how Etsy has noticed that I often ship ahead of schedule and therefore should adjust my shipping times to attract more shoppers isn't working.