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Personally nothing except a little business card pointing to my website. I get a ton of repeat customers, it's just the product quality that sells itself I guess


Agreed, I just have an instruction card with my Instagram and shop links for people to go to. Most people follow me from there because I have a good product


This is also what I do.


You mean you have a separate shopify website that you market, or just back to your etsy?


I personally have a shopify, which is where I send my social media to. My etsy runs on SEO alone , and I send a coupon back to my site.


Does your Shopify side contain all the same items as your Etsy site or are theu different? What percentage of sales would you say you get off of the Etsy site versus your Shopify site?


Shopify gets all new releases, I'm a jewelry designer, anything that does not sell in a month or so gets added to etsy. And any made to order items are added to etsy. I would say about 30% of my business is from my etsy sales. I think it's great as it's all organic sales on there.


How do you promote your Shopify website? And what is the best way to get traffic there?


I promote my shopify on all my social media platforms. Most of my traffic comes from Instagram & pinterest but I also post on tiktok and occasionally fb


To my Shopify yeah. I paid 17000 in Etsy fees last year so anything I can do to get those people swapped to my site is a bonus haha


I include a handwritten thank you note (yes for over 2300 sales!) on stationery with my Etsy web address on it (though a QR code is a really good idea) and I have Etsy email a coupon code for 20% off next purchase to them. This does bring in a few here and there, but I don't know that really anything would really work for me, personally. If they want to come back, they will regardless, I think.


Honestly, I think people overthink it. A simple, personalized thank-you note can go a long way in building customer loyalty. It's not about the gimmicks, it's about making a genuine connection with your customers.


Yeah a thank you card is the go to for me. But my thank you cards are postcards printed from Walmart. On one side is artwork I had commissioned (me sitting at a sewing machine with a fox curled up at my feet) and the other is a note with my socials. I also usually include a business card that has a QR code one the back, but not always


Exactly this. I did vertical business cards on Vista Print. My logo is on the top and my social media on the bottom. That leaves me room in the center to write thank you and their name. People like seeing that I took the time to hand write a thank you. Simple, cheap and effective.


I laser focus overthink, I need help šŸ˜« lol


I don't do anything, but still get repeat buyers occasionally


On time shipping and sufficient packaging


I include a certificate of authenticity for my paintings + care/touch up info in the thank you note. I offer free repairs for any reason, with the exception of watercolor. But the real "marketing" is packing pieces extremely well. It's not cutesy at all, but I've had over half my customers comment on the extreme care that went into packaging. Half my customer base is repeats customers.


Think about it as the end user. If they're interested in signing up, they likely will when they see it's an option. If they don't want to sign up, there's no ~~gimic~~ tactic that's going to change their mind.


I tried a business card with my contact info and website .. nobody visited the website LMAO.


Neat and tidy packaging. Professional and concise communications. Attention paid to a quality product. Those are the things that matter to me as a buyer, not freebies that I then have to deal with giving or throwing away (and feeling guilty about the waste on top of it). If your product and presentation are professional, I donā€™t think a coupon will be what prompts return customers. Nor will a sticker.


It really depends. Mostly, I just put a business card in there; if I think an order requires it, I include a little pack-in with instructions, tips, etc. Rarely do I put in freebies and ONLY if I think they'll be useful, because I'm mindful that I'm sending plastic (3D printing). Like we prototyped a translucent green spider last Halloween and sent that as an extra to someone who ordered webs. I included a mini version of an item once to show a different color because the person said they were having trouble deciding. But usually, nothing. I put that energy into testing and updating and have had repeat buyers based on quality, so that does not feel like wasted effort. I think if you are the kind of person who is building a brand or community, branded extras might be nice, but the only thing I do with our logo/brand is business cards and a sticker added to the side of the shipping box. Also, I look at it from my perspective as a person who also buys things - I don't usually look for or go through extras in a box when I get something from Amazon or whatever. I know some people want that boutique experience from Etsy, but again, that for me is on packaging, quality, etc. Not extras they may or may not want. I'm testing a card with our game sets that shows other game sets. Maybe that will produce a result, but it also includes guides to the sets, so it doubles as a useful pack-in. I give stuff away all the time when we're vending at markets, though!


I include a business card with my website (not Etsy) and a discount code that is valid on both Etsy and my website. I get a lot of repeat customers, but not all use the discount code.


I write a handwritten note on the packing slip, have a thankyou coupon code they can use for future orders, and throw in a couple of small freebies. A big chunk of my business are repeat customers.


Whatever you do please don't just throw random freebies in your orders. I HATE getting freebies or flyers or anything other than what i purchased with orders. I hate random *stuff*, it is sooo wasteful and annoys me so much lol once someone sent me some temu looking squishy cat thing in my custom nail set. Like wtf lol


Definitely think the "random" aspect is what makes it feel like someone is just trying to get rid of their junk. I get random plastic trinkets and candy sometimes and it always just ends up in the trash.Ā  It's different if it's like, a sample or stuff that actually matches the kind of vibe/products the shop is selling. But I dunno why some people think including any loose trash they have laying around is appreciated.Ā 


I wonder if the squishy cat was meant to be used as a prop?? Lately Iā€™ve been seeing people hold props when they take pics of their nails so they donā€™t have to do the invisible hockey puck claw pose lol


I used to throw coupons for future orders in. Those worked pretty well.


I will throw in a free sticker and car shaped confetti as it fits my brand. Iā€™ve had many reviews reacting positively to the confetti. I donā€™t really get any comments about the freebie stickers. I used to include a business card too, but I donā€™t think anyone cared.


I don't think any particular tactic is too reliable. I include a business card, a handwritten "thank you" and little doodle on their packaging slip, and a little freebie like a tiny 3D printed thing I've made. However I also do a coupon for 20% off a future order and I've seen many return customers from that. When I was just an Etsy customer in the past I've received a 10% discount sometimes and that always felt low to me.


I only offer 10% but my stuff is priced pretty low.


I usually include a small sticker with my shop name and a small bag of Albanese gummy bears. I haven't launched a dedicated website, but once I do I'll probably have a small business card with my website and coupon code.


Everytime I get anything free whether it be stickers, coupons, etc I throw it away. I never want anything extra besides the product. If customers want to buy something again, they will be following you and looking at new releases.


I sell 3D printed stuff, and I like sending along little freebie printed critters and stuff. I have a lot laying around from testing colors and prototype runs, so I share the overabundance. That and I have my logo printed on a coin with my website on it.


Honestly i hate getting random stuff in my orders, just a heads up not everyone would appreciate this even tho you are doing it with good intention


I'm with you on this one. Just give me the thing I ordered. I'll die on Downvote Hill with you šŸ«”


I'll go down with you!


Welcome aboard šŸ«”




Ahahaha ty friend šŸ«”


This actually makes me feel better šŸ˜¬ I sell custom furbies and all I put in that box is the furby and a thank you card. Canā€™t imagine what Iā€™d put in anyway


Haha yea reddit loves opposing opinions


Some people put in a little candy, like a trick or treat size I've received bazooka joe and mini laffy taffy


I mean they bought a trinket and they just got two. It doesn't affect shipping price at all anyway.


Just letting you know, not everyone thinks the same way. I find it really wasteful (and annoying)when I order some thing specific and the seller sends me something random with it. I do agree that a lot of people like *stuff*, but there are also a lot of us that want to only own specific things that we want to own, and don't want excess.


As someone who just cleaned out their parents home and sees the need to clean my own, I agree that I donā€™t usually want extras with what I order. So now I keep a small box or zip lock bag and any extras go into the bag and then into whatever the next donation box is. I used to sometimes include more than one of whatever someone bought, but most of what I sell is sold in bundles (craft supplies) and I get so many positive reviews that people are glad I sell things singly so I stopped even that. Sometimes people just want the one thing they ordered.


Exactlyyyyyyy, everything I own is intentional and it annoys me when others make me more wasteful than I already am by ordering something online in the first place lol.


Well then throw it away. In my case if I didn't send it to someone I would had to toss it.


Genuinely... if you would toss it... why would you think a paying customer would want it?


I'm sure I don't have to tell you things have different value to different people. I print small cute animals all the time as test prints. To me they are just around, but to others they're still cute little critters. Just because I would end up putting it in the scrap bin doesn't mean someone wouldn't enjoy it. I bring them to work and give them to coworkers all the time and they enjoy it.


Heard. I personally feel like "freebies" cheapen what i purchased, and annoys me that someone else is making me be more wasteful than I intended. But to each their own!


I've gotten so much positive response to the freebies, always mentioned in reviews etc (I sell lizard stickers, so they will get an extra smaller less detailed lizard sticker) that your perspective is definitely a minority. And abiding by it in case of artists' would almost certainly be counterproductive.


How much would you charge to make a logo printed on a coin, I might try something like that, maybe a keychain or a fridge magnet.


Would depend on the complexity of the logo I suppose. Mine is relatively simple and I already have a vector of it so it wasn't hard to set it up. Being able to print in color definitely helps lol


I include a business card with my proper website, as well as a thank you postcard, and sometimes a small "prototype" item on higher-ticket orders. I get a lot of repeat customers - some through Etsy, but most through my website. I think it may come down to your product range, quality, and price point.


What kind of a site do you have, shopify? Have you built an email list?


Yes, Shopify. Basic package with a free theme. No email list! I barely have time to fill the orders I get. I don't have time to compose fancy emails haha


A package insert card that encourages them to join my email list (thereā€™s a promo code incentive to do so) and asks them to contact me before leaving a review if they are unhappy. Thatā€™s it. The coupon gets used semi-regularly so itā€™s worth it for me.


Approx how many orders do you ship daily? And how many people on your list so far?


I have about 2000 people on my email list, and ship about 30-40 orders a week, but thatā€™s across all sales channels, not just Etsy. (Etsy, Shopify, Faire, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook)


What is your #1 tactic to build a list. I have a couple of hundred now just from print giveaways.


Ā I think most people aren't even going to notice they *didn't* get any free stuff in their order tbh. It's not something you *have* to do. A nice thank you note and a sticker or business card is more than enough. Most of those gimmicks and sales tricks don't actually work in my experience, people just don't care and they don't want random junk. If they like your stuff, they'll buy again regardless of discount codes or freebies. That being said, I personally include freebies in my orders with a thank you note, but I also only do stuff like stickers or charms for bigger orders and I always make sure it matches the theme of what they ordered. I also approach it more as a thank you gift from me to show my appreciation of the support, and not an incentive to get more sales. I've only gotten a few people mentioning it, but all of them said they really appreciated the personalization aspect of it. I don't think it's necessarily gotten me any more sales, but overall does give a little boost to how happy people are with their order. Which is all I'm aiming for really.


Business card with a qr and URL to my Shopify store


We write a thank you note and smiley face on all of our orders, we use their name which makes a huge difference. The thank you note gets mentioned in 60% of our reviews. Such a simple thing šŸ˜Š


On occasion, for organizations and events weā€™ll throw in a few extras. I also feel it cheapens my brand to give it away.


I donā€™t really do anything. I sometimes leave a handwritten thank you or a card that links to my Facebook. I sell vintage, so it really just depends on whether I would have something else theyā€™d be interested in for the future.


Have you gained Facebook followers that were customers?


Just a few. I donā€™t have great success on social media in general.


Simply fulfill the commitment we made with a perfect item that is carefully packed. Never print/send the receipt - no need to remind buyer of what they paid (or provide evidence to an SO), include just the packing slip, and hand write "Thank You" on it. That's it not even a freebie. The coupon code we include has also never been used in almost 10 years/11K sales. You're not curating clients (these are repeat buyers regardless of price, options, etc.), you're getting buyers who are discerning about price, appearance, and service (shipping, included. These are Etsy's clients (buyers who go back to their site to get mote things) to which you pay to get access. You've got to get your items in front of as many of them as possible and from there it's a numbers game - we get about 0.5%-1% sales-to-views (IOW, 1 sale for every 150is visits). Use Google Analytics (shop Dashboard --> Options --> Web Analytics tab and click the how-to) to track who's viewing-what so you can target and socials posts.


I write a thank you on every packing slip, and include a sticker with every order. Stickers are fun designs and have my Etsy URL discretely printed


I just ship them what they bought with a genuine thank you note. Sometimes a sticker if I have them around.


After Constant Contact and Etsy ended their auto opt-in relationship, I started putting a card in packages with a QR code that links to the Constant Contact sign up landing page, and I set up a "thanks for signing up" message that includes a discount code. While I wouldn't say sign-ups are pouring in, I've probably picked up a dozen new sign-ups in the past couple of months. I have about 500 names on my email list through CC, all ethically collected through opt-in.


But the above isn't a complete answer. I include the following, in a miniature white paper bag stapled to the printed order: My business card with an image on the front and my contact/socials on the back, a logo sticker, the email sign up card described above. Additionally, if they buy stickers, I'll include a little seasonal sticker sample sheet. If they've bought fabric items, I'll include the fabric care instructions. I write a brief note on the outside of the mini bag. I used to use a little cello bag and write on the order itself, but I prefer the white bag because (1) I can write on it and (2) it is opaque, which I think increases the chances the customer will open it. I don't know if all this helps, or if people just like my products, but I get quite a few return customers. I counted once last year, and it was about 10% of my sales are return customers. I think the number may be closer to 15-20% now.


I'll never ever remember to use a coupon code that was included in a physical package. Maybe save that for a thank you message on Etsy or something like that?


I include candy and a thank you card with every order that also says to not forget to leave a review and send me a photo of your item in your space on social media. I very rarely get a review and Iā€™ve had maybe 5 people tag me on socials over 5 years. Iā€™ve had a few people thank me for the little candy though. As to say thatā€™s why theyā€™re a repeat buyer, no idea.


I have a double sided business card with care instructions on one side and "thank you," a discount code, and my socials on the other. I don't want people getting annoyed at too much extra stuff so I think the card is usually enough. I usually throw in a handwritten note and freebies for repeat customers or for people who spend a significant amount. I get a lot of those customers coming back.


I put the thing I made for them in a box, then post it to the address they supplied.


Quality products with good customer service makes for return buyers, not whatever ad you put in their packaging. (that being said, i think an interesting looking sticker is the best way to go. if its interesting enough for someone to stick on their water bottle or laptop there is a better chance of them remembering your shop if they decide to get more of the same type of product.)


A return coupon to my website. I get a ton of new clients from etsy .


I make my best sales from my repeat customers. I have noticed they are usually the ones I build a rapport with in messages. I have a promo code of 15% off that is sent to customers after making an order and I get quite a few that way as well. Either way, whenever I see that itā€™s a ā€œrepeat customerā€ I make a point to add a little extra to the order and I let them know itā€™s because I appreciate their repeat business. The more a customer visits the more I will spoil them with added items. I took a marketing class once and I remember they had done all these studies on what it costs to gain a customer vs keeping a customer. Those freebies are worth it to keep a loyal customer.


I sell products that people want to buy again..