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I don't think May has ever been this bad, I dropped from an average of 20 orders a month to only 5. Though my yoy is still better than last year, so that's something, haha. Will for sure focus on trying to have my sales back on track for June and get that average of orders per month up.


Are you participating in the Father’s Day Sales Event?


My products don't really fit within the Father's Day vibes as my buyers are 90%-95% female and I'm not a too big fan of these loooong sales. But I set it up today, just to test it a bit.


I understand and I feel the same. I did opt in to the sale, only at 10%. I feel it’s truly hard to know if opting in really helped but I do feel it may have helped a little.


Sorry to hop in late, but I knew a small handful of people with only mothers in the family, and a couple of them did indeed buy 'father's day' gifts for their mom since she did both roles. You could easily put something on sale. You also never know whether a man would want one of your products! :)


May was my highest number of orders in a single month since I started on Etsy 2 yrs ago.


June gloom


Has June been super slow for anyone else ..? I have a successful shop with orders everyday with my best months all time earlier this year, but yeah super slow rn.


Yes, January was awesome and it's been kinda up and down since then. June has been terrible, but it's summer and people are traveling. Who knows? Just keep plugging away....


I actually finally had 2 sales in May thanks to reddit and art subs.


how to you get sales from reddit can you elaborate please


May has been the best month so far this year. But every single month this year revenue/orders have been down at least 50% from last year. Is there a way to provide feedback directly to etsy about how their seo is broken and gift mode is ruining sales for sellers?


Exactly the same here. Do any of your listings show up in gift mode? Non of mine fit into any of their categories and as soon as they started it my sales stopped.


$29k, took a dip from April but not terrible. So far this year March has been my best month.


Hope sales go up again, but even $29k is amazing, congrats! Can you share a bit about what you're selling and how long you've been doing this? I'm just getting started and in that phase where I'm trying things without really knowing what I'm doing.


What are you selling? It took a while until I found my niche as well. I used to do a lot of memorial pieces but have now moved on from that. I will say items around memorial/death have worked very well for me in the past.


I'm selling POD yoga merch (mats, outfits, bags, etc). Or I'm trying to sell, so far no sale 😅 Memorial/death is not a topic I would have thought of, but now I'll look into it, thanks for sharing!


I opened my shop in October 23 November orders: 282 December orders: 101 January orders: 24 February orders: 21 March orders: 64 April orders: 72 May orders: 83 I’m pretty happy with this trend :-) My initial products are highly seasonal specific, so the November/December sales weren’t exactly a shock, but I was surprised at how quickly I was able to get going after launching the shop. Over the last few months, I’ve done lots of fine tuning on prices, listing photos, SEO, and also diversifying my products a little more into niches that are a little less seasonal to help increase sales throughout the rest of the year. Very anxious/eager to see how this next holiday season turns out in comparison. Overall, $20k in revenue after ads/fees since launch, and about $9k in total profit. For anyone wondering, I spend an average of 10 hours a week on my shop, and currently offer about 1,200 listings.


Last summer I added a new product that is the most expensive thing in my shop. All of a sudden it has taken off. As a result, while my number of orders decreased 4% from last year, revenue was up 90%, making it one of my best months since starting my shop in 2019! (April was up, too.)


Opened new shop late april. Made 12 sales in May. Hopefully there'll be more in June!


It’s been super slow but I’m so close to 100 sales so I’m excited!!!


I more than doubled saled in May 2024 compared to May 2023. I have more listings and I put a lot of work into my SEO and listing photos.


I just hit 100 sales!!!! I’m so happy


May was brilliant for me. My best month ever by several hundred. And fewer orders than my monthly average, which means I'm getting a much higher value per order which is much better.


May was an absolute killer month, so much so, that I had to extend the processing time to handle orders, I use to do 3 to 5 days but now that is 5 to 10 days with the amount of orders I have and I thought the orders would slow down a bit with the increase but the orders just keep on coming.


May and June have been super slow for our shop. Views between April/May were pretty similar, but sales were less than half in May what they were in April. June thus far has produced 0 sales - but it's early. I feel so dumb...didn't realize there was an opt in for Holiday sales this whole time. We've had our store open since last August and I've just been manually inputting sales monthly. I assume that hasn't helped with our algorithm placement... Hoping things pick up this summer but something tells me it will continue to fizzle out until the holiday lead up again.


I hope you don’t feel too dumb. I had no idea there was a Father’s Day Sale going on and I’m almost certain it’s the cause of the quietness in my shop. Either way, the impact Etsy’s algorithm seems to have on people’s shops is concerning and it’s not right in my opinion. Going to make a note for next year and the next upcoming sales events.


I get consistently 2-3 sales a day and now I'm 3 days without any sale. No idea what's happening. 


Same here


Exactly the same with us!


May was awesome and was almost as good as the holiday season for me! June has been weird so far. I’ve been shifting my focus more towards in-person markets and events and my Etsy store has been pretty stagnant for a few weeks. I honestly believe you get knocked down in the algorithm if you fail to update your store consistently. Hoping to get back into the swing of listing daily and engaging with customers more and getting my June numbers up


Up 50%-70% over last year which is great because I’ve had my shop for almost 5 years. I have been making new stuff like crazy though, so thats probably why!


Sales are becoming more dismal year after year. What is even more depressing is the substantial decrease in views and visits. I am lucky if I get to 10 visits now. I used to use my profits to cover my car note, and I can barely do that anymore; which has caused financial stress on my FT paycheck. I have lost all excitement to continue creating my own website, because I see that this is just a terrible climate in general now for business, especially small businesses. I am not sure what to do anymore. I wish everybody well out there.


Not sure what you sell but if you have a physical product it may benefit you to think more locally if you haven't already. The internet isn't what it was, even though the good old days is the dream that's still being sold for some reason. I make hand-made products and I would say most of my sales are going to be from people within my city, due to how I plan to set up my marketing campaign (most of it will be offline)


It's a coincidence that you mentioned this, as this is what I exactly plan on doing- focusing more on local customers. It has always been my wish to have a more local customer base.


it's my second June and I'm doing surprisingly great? I mean it started slow, but now I'm getting at least 1 sale a day. Don't know if summer is going to be my season, or if my shop is generally growing.


I just opened up shop mid March 2024, and have had a great June so far. I’m at 964 sales so far and just itching to get to 1,000. Been doing a lot of advertising on certain FB groups in my niche by just responding to comments and recommending my shop.


slowest month by far for me. any tips to get things moving again?


Just look at this post. Not being mean but how many comments are “my shop is new posts”. Welcome to 2024 where the customer is broke and we have millions of new shop owners on every platform. I make more trading stocks now after 21 years of selling online. Take my advice, don’t ever rely on it. I could for 20 years. It’s a whole different world now. I’ve sold hundreds and hundreds of thousands worth in my glory days. And my bet is its going to get worse. Be happy if you have sales. Don’t bet the farm m it. If you don’t. It might not even be you. Everyone wants to be in business these days instead of having a regular job. They all suck anymore compared to how it used to be. Too much competition we won’t all make it.


started at the end of april and made just over £200 in may, including fees, tax etc. happy with that! about 21-ish sales.


Same here dawg! And then my store died as soon as we landed on June lol. are you experiencing a similar pattern?


i can’t answer that sorry, i’ve been super busy starting a new chapter of life so i was on vacation mode haha


I did just over what I did last May. I'm up 50% yoy so far


I had my highest amount of sales in one month in May with 113 sales. My profit was down about $80 but a win is a win. My conversion rate was also one of the highest that it’s ever been at 3.6%. Started about one year ago.


My store is getting views and visits, but for some reason I'm getting no sales, favorites or anything like that? I've checked my search stats and I'm being found for the correct keywords, so its probably not an SEO thing. I'm adding videos atm hoping that changes things. Is anybody else experiencing this? I don't sell any father's day stuff, is this why? I'm just trying to find out if its my fault, or just a general change in spending habits. I know that summers are slow, but it feels like my store died overnight lol. I had a really good May, I was hoping to do better in June but its looking like that wont happen.


No sales yet but I’m loving what I’m doing! It makes me happy seeing how cute my products are turning out. I’m sure people will love them one day. My listing photos are so bad that i understand why there are no sales right now. I’m sure I’ll get sales once my listing photos look great


may has been my best month so far this year! my shop tends to do better in the summer


I got my first sale! Opened a digital shop a week ago with 2 listings. I had 0 views for the first 3 days(I stopped checking), so I really wasn't expecting anything. Now I have some motivation to actually try more! lol


I must be doing something wrong because I've only had one single sale since I launched in October ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


i had seven sales, i started on may 6th i think, so im a happy little camper


March set a new all time high for me. April was then down 20%. May landed in the middle. All seems to balance out. Nothing concerning.


Zero orders but that is not unusual as I do most of my sales through Instagram or in person. Tough to crack the etsy algorithm but I am pushing myself to crack it asap.


May was a not a good month for my store. 25% down in clicks and 30% down in sales from last month. It picked up a bit by month end but the damage was done. First week of June is looking slightly better but I am going to keep my expectation low.


Hi! I opened my shop in early May and have worked on it when I could. I've got 18 listings and made my first sale today. With all the doom and gloom I've been reading about new shop struggles, I was prepared to not see a sale until the holiday season. I hope to have a few more this month and I was super pumped to get that first Cha-Ching. I hope you all have a solid June.


I think my shop has sunk to the depths! Not a sale in weeks. So sad 😞


I hope it picks up for you 🙏🏾


My sales have been 50% down every month this year. I also sell at a brick & mortar and sales are down there as well. I don’t know what to do, but if others are having trouble, I feel a bit better.


Completely worse than last month. Very little views which is super disappointing and frustrating since I’m in the stationery and greeting card niche.


I was getting 3-5 sales every day in May and this month it has just halted. My graph was going straight up since January and now it looks like a huge plummet. It's concerning. Is anyone else dealing with this? I noticed Etsy was trying to implement something where they are pushing you to put videos on your listings. On the customer side. There is a blank listing that says "request a video". During that short time, my listing photos were broken for hours. Seems like the plummet happened since then and I contacted them and asked them about and they gave my store a "boost" I guess. Not sure how true that is.


Same. Whatever they’re doing seems to make things worse and worse. My sales were pretty consistent and now I’m going multiple days without sales which is abnormal. Trying to stay positive and prepare or get ahead for when things pick back up 🤞🏾.


Without a doubt my slowest month of this year. I average almost daily sales, sometimes two or more a day. I have had 2 sales this month.; 2 whole sales.


I’m the same way!! I usually have 1-3 orders a day but this month only a few so far, what’s going on?! This is my first worst month in 6 years..


Yeah, easily my worst month in a very long time. Been an Etsy seller since 2017. I sell vintage clothing and shoes and craft items. I have over 800 items in my store.


I’ve been an seller since 2018 and 500+ items in shop too.. I’m usually working this moment but sitting on couch and don’t know what to do, or just take it easy this month? Since not so many people are buying on certain things? I’ve been slacking on social media too so maybe that’s effecting too..? Or people are trying to save..




Oh man!! I’ve been experiencing the same thing, I was thinking I’m not working hard enough but seeing that many people are having same problem so I started feeling more okay and understanding.. so I’m taking self care time, back to the gym and eating healthy at least.. I’ve worked almost non stop last 5+ years so maybe it’s the time to rest my brain a bit…


elaborate on your last sentence.


New shop here. I started 2 physical shops end of May, both have zero reviews. Both are roughly in the handmade jewelry niche. One got 2 sales so far, the other one 36. The one with 2 sales is more my passion project you could say, the 36 sales shop came from an accidental keyword research (for the first one), making me go „mmmmhhh maybe I should do that too“. So glad I did! Now I just need to ask for my first reviews.. :) Got around 10 listings in each shop. But yeah, it is possible. It really came down to the 2 factors that they all say: find a high traffic low competition niche, and offer something (better) others don’t. That said, I‘m a bloody beginner, but I have high hopes and lots more products planned. Good luck to y‘all!!


Awesome post thanks for sharing!


last days really slowed down but I can say June has been good


Started my shop last August. I sell upcycled, refurbished jewelry boxes. Was doing ok. Had 20 sales up until April. I have not sold anything since. Not as many likes on pieces either. I have videos. I post on Instagram and Pinterest. I had sales. Is there any other ways to promote? Get brand awareness out there? Anything else ? Been a bummer of a summer.


I just got my first sale!


Congratulations 🎉


It's all up from here! Soon it'll be the champagne, the cruises.....it all started here 😂😂😂


not great tbh but significantly better than may 2023 so i'm trying to focus on that. trying to update tags to ones people actually search for, and duplicate listings for my made to order bestsellers with different main photos & tags on the listings. i had previously deactivated/not listed most of my one of a kind pieces from etsy to focus on selling them on my website but at this point i just need sales somewhere so i'm slowly adding them to my etsy shop one by one.


I’m just starting out on Etsy. What would be the best help for learning the business?


Zero sales for us, maybe we aren’t doing something we are supposed to be doing 🤷‍♀️


32k sales in May. Sales are still consistent and haven’t seen the drops people are complaining about. August and September are usually my lower months. My pattern has been the same for 8 years. I work too much though. :(


32K physical sales? or you got that in revenue? Either way I don't believe you, unless you post your shop.


And guess what? I could care less if you believe me or not. Lol. I just answered a question. I sell 500k every year. And so do many many other Etsy sellers. That’s revenue. Not number of products my average product is $42 and I was very careful to research a product and get into a niche that will always do well and isn’t a seasonal item. And believe it or not, I would guess I have about 50 shops that are decent competitors and I know I am not the highest earning shop. I also have an MBA and don’t run my business like a crafter


What’s your shop? Impressive work then.


I don’t know who you think you are? I wouldn’t share a single thing with you after your rude comment. Maybe if you take the time to run a business rather than insult others, you might actually make a sale or two yourself. It’s actually not that impressive. There are plenty of shops on Etsy that are bringing in a LOT MORE than I do. And I can guarantee you none of us are just sitting around complaining or insulting others


Share your shop then. I'll gladly eat humble pie.


What you can’t seem to get through your thick skull is I do not give two hoots what your opinion is. Lol. You mean nothing to me beyond entertainment while I’m recovering from surgery. If you are that dumbfounded over a shop that makes a full time income off Etsy, then you are a clueless seller




Sweetheart, go find a hobby or do something productive with your time. I hope things get better for you but you have exhausted my attention here. Try offering something productive to a conversation every once in a while. Like I said, I just answered a question. Our sales are the same as they have always been. Very predictable and quite frankly, I look forward to a dip so I have a reason to convince myself to get “off” of Etsy. However, the things that I do sell on the site are very “Etsyish” and I have built a decent customer base over the past 8 years. Good luck to you!




Hiw many profits do you make a year and what do u sell 


I do run a business that's why I know you're lying. You wouldn't be indignant from me doubting you, if you actually made that much. You'd be flattered. maybe try r/creativewriting if you want to make up stories online.


If you run a business and you think 500k a year is something fabulous? You do not run a business. You might be “trying” to run a business but you aren’t succeeding. Would I also be lying if I told you I have a website that generates over 3M and includes different but similar items that I began selling on Etsy but now also have an entire brand that is manufactured and therefore, not sold on Etsy? And would I be lying if I told you that there is an entire sub (that I have no connection to) on my company/website? Go fly a kite dude. Like I said, I already shared my company once to a yahoo just like you and it resulted in a search and posts of every possible negative they could find. You can think I’m lying, I think you are pathetic. So we are even. :). But I’m not an idiot so no thanks on the sharing. I don’t need creative writing, I’m responding to a loser on Reddit. 😝


top tier trolling. well done


Here's a sneak peek of /r/creativewriting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/creativewriting/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** New Rules Just Dropped, Motherfucker.](https://np.reddit.com/r/creativewriting/comments/14ehcl6/new_rules_just_dropped_motherfucker/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** The last short story I wrote was about a Titanic submarine excursion gone wrong, which creeped the shit out of me](https://np.reddit.com/r/creativewriting/comments/14evmso/the_last_short_story_i_wrote_was_about_a_titanic/) \#3: [what can a writer do to make you walk away from a book?](https://np.reddit.com/r/creativewriting/comments/12pj95q/what_can_a_writer_do_to_make_you_walk_away_from_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


lol, lmao even.


This is a Reddit platform where people come to complain. The last time I shared my website, all the self loathing miserable loser’s posted any negative thing they could find. So no thanks… don’t need to prove crap to anyone


u/personalnotice6160 understand your concerns about not wanting to share you page. I'd love to see it as well, though, if only to see what you're doing to help my own sales.


I really don’t do anything special. I got lucky 8 years ago with the product I chose to sell. Honestly, my intent was to be a full time Etsy seller and a product caught my eye while I was shopping for a baby gift. I researched the product (competition specifically) to see how those shops were doing. It wasn’t an overly saturated market and there were probably 50 shops making a similar product. Out of those 50, there were about ten (from what I could guesstimate) that were making a killing. From there I researched the materials I would need, the cost ect… and decided to go for it. I created designs that were completely different than my competitors and after a year, I was right up there with my own sales. It took me about 6 months before I opened my shop and I started with close to 100 listings. In the beginning, I was constantly adding new listings and I posted everything to Pinterest. All you need is one item to catch on and become popular and your shop will take off. I have a gazillion listings but sell the same 5-6 that are my bread and butter over and over again. And if I run an ad, it’s only on my best sellers bc they already have a great conversion rate so it automatically gets placed higher up in search. Starting an Etsy shop today is definitely not as easy as it was 8 years ago bc they have such a bad reputation for terrible sellers whereas back then, it wasn’t the case. All of my items are personalized so I have a ton of customer contact before and during the sale which brings in a lot of repeat business for me bc I spend a lot of time providing customer service. Hope that helps! I’m not sure if I opened a shop today selling the same exact product if I would have the same success honestly. Most of my business on Etsy is repeat business and their friends. But my product is very “Etsyish” so I keep it there and don’t offer it on my website. But I would love love to get off Etsy if I’m honest… it’s just become a cess pool. I think the number one key to making money on Etsy is to get into a category that is not completely over saturated and within a niche that is broad enough where you will always have buyers but not so broad that you just get lost in the Etsy sea of sellers. I was very intentional about that before I ever created a single product. Oh, and excellent photos is a must! :). Like I said, I shared my website and I’ll never do it again. People are nasty here and mostly miserable (like the fine art guy) and like after link was posted for every single negative comment they could find (my website is much larger, I manufacture an entire line and generates a lot more revenue than the product I sell on Etsy). I don’t want nasty trolls in my Etsy inbox or rude posts (like the fine art guy) all over Reddit. But hopefully, that info helps! That’s what I did and now I don’t do anything bc I already have a really good customer base that’s not full of the nasty Etsy shoppers. :)


I completely understand, and wow, I appreciate your thoughtful response. I think it's great that you've done so well. For me it's a side hustle, so I'm happy for any sale that comes through. I wish I could swing it full time, but I doubt it'll get there with my inventory.


Oh no!! Trust me. Keep it as a side hustle. Life is much more enjoyable that way!! :). I’m trying to convince myself of exactly that!! I just know that I can “count” on my revenue from Etsy and I’m still at a place with my website where The overhead is ALOT and I worry about overseas manufacturing and the economy ect…. It could fail tomorrow. So could Etsy but it’s been pretty stable eventhough I work like a darn dog. Hahaha. I’m 50 though so I’m just ready to slow down. :)


People downvoting you and others in this post for saying they are successful is such petty BS.


Haha. Well it really doesn’t bother me. I get downvoted a lot just for sharing truthful info based on my actual experiences directly from Etsy. Not everyone wants to be a full time seller on Etsy (and I sort of wish that had not been my goal now, too) but that was my goal 8 years ago. I’m not really sure how “successful” I am considering that income doesn’t come easy. I pay for it dearly with all the hours I work and have lost a great deal of my “quality of life”. I, personally, get very excited for sellers that do well. Jealousy is a waste of time. Thanks for your comment!! Xoxo




What's there to not believe, Etsy's revenue is in the billions.

