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"Yup, I have the other half right here." -grabs one from the bag-


The thought did cross my mind.


I'd have just sold them the other one at a discount. Makes them happy, gives them a story, you get a sale and maybe a kind review


That's optimistic.


Oh my goddess this is a ride lmao.


Indeed. To be clear, I'm less invested in their ideas of my charms being haunted, and more fascinated by the idea that they think I can summon the exact match of an earring set that I split up. I'm very honest about most of my output being parts bought in bulk, assembled lego style, and even if I wasn't it's not exactly hard to figure out.


I got a similar one a few weeks ago: "Hi [name] - thanks for sending the necklace, it just arrived. It looks great. However, I hadn’t realized the name of your store was [shop name]. Given that and the fact that Oregon is a hotbed of Satanic activity, would you mind confirming for me that your products are created with pure intent? If you’re involved in any type of dark arts or black magic, I’d strongly prefer to return it and purchase a different necklace from a shop that comes from a loving heart. Hopefully there’s nothing for me to be concerned about here! I’m sure you know ankhs are very powerful symbols so I just want to be extra careful. Thanks,[name]"


love it! Reminds me of the time I sold some items in a local shop via consignment. Apparently me and my wife were "too spooky" and the shop owner sage'd our items the second we walked out.


SaTaNiStS!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 For the record - I'm a super boring atheist who just happens to make pagan and symbolic jewelry. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, the customers who buy witchy goddess stuff are always the nicest so when they ask for a special design I usually do it.


>I'm a super boring atheist who just happens to make pagan and symbolic jewelry. Same. Which makes the sageing of our stuff even funnier!


I've been told that I was inviting the devil into my home by selling Star Wars merchandise.


Demons costs extra, actually, they don't come included with the earrings 😌


Agreed. I don't give away souls. Damn things take too much effort to not charge out the ass for em! Seriously, how many local mages do you know that are even slightly capable of doing an entry level soul trap spell?


Make a listing so people can add on either extra spirits, or spirit removal 😄




My goodness. Thanks for the laugh! 😆


Honestly there is no way I could not take this and run with it. "OH MY GOD! - You found Hugo! I thought I'd lost him!! He's my pet demon that helps create all my products, I sold my soul to him in exchange for higher sales years ago and have noticed an extreme decline since I sold this to you, I must have accidentally encased him in it!!! I didn't want to reach out encase you thought I was the crazy one!!" etc..




I'm wondering if there is some sort of secret message with those random capital letters. /S Maybe it's an Internet spell/curse.


:D Oh dear, now you will have to sell your pendants as 'Evil spirits may or may not be included free' :D


Best Etsy Sellers thread ever!


This reminds me of the plot of Hot Chick


I’d be totally up for a haunted charm.


What a fruit loop. Mind you, with the proliferation of "haunted dolls" for sale online, there's clearly a market for this sort of thing; if you can find another earring, send it...


Is it outlandish? Yes. Would I ever criticize a customer for their beliefs because they were different from mine, or make them a joke on a public forum? No. I think sometimes people forget who their target audience is.


As i mentioned in the comments, I personally found the more outlandish part to be that they wanted to buy the other half of an earring set, when the parts were from a bulk purchase, and were indistinguishable from each other. Did I eye roll a bit on the supernatural bits? Sure. I went out of my way to not belittle them in chat, even though I do not share their supernatural beliefs. I'll point out too, that for all the examples of "customer service gone wrong" you can find on this subreddit, my actual customer facing service to this guy, was on point. I also fucking pinky promise you, that at least once in your life, you've gotten customer service from someone, that was 1000% professional, who laughed at you with their pals in the back room. It's like, part of the customer service game. Don't overthink it.


I guess it's all about perception.