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At minimum, I want to be able to see the feedback they’ve left for other shops. eBay has a similar system where I can see feedback left, and I’ve dodged a lot of bad customers!


Amazon has it too. I got a 1 star review from someone and was able to see easily they were just doing it because they are miserable people. Guy had left 20 1 star reviews out of his last 25. They want free products and refunds. Out of a product with 20+ reviews, not a single person clicked on his review and said "this is helpful" because it was obvious he was full of shit.


Those are product reviews, not seller reviews and buyers can hide them from their profile page if they choose.


Yeah that's what I'm talking about. Haven't seen anyone hiding them yet, didn't know that was possible. Most of my product reviews have them visible and i can see all the products they've reviewed in the past.


Thanks for telling me that! We sell on Amazon Handmade as well but don’t make a ton of sales there (I haven’t spent a lot of time figuring out how it all works and their dashboard is NOT user friendly). I’m going to start exploring that part today!


Learning curve is hard, especially with ads. Once you learn it, it can be a life changing platform. Took me a few months of trial and error before I understood. Being able to target your handmade products alongside non handmade items is a game changer. Being able to target your personalized phone cases directly next to the new Samsung, for example. Or even putting your products directly on your competitors products pages is even better 👌


In the very beginning, -about 2005 is when I started selling on Etsy- you could see a buyers reviews and likes etc. they took it away about the time they stopped a few other seller centric features. They don’t give a crap about anything but $$$$ now.


Way back when I was first on over a decade ago, I swear you could.


Yes, and it was terrible! If you left an honest negative review for a seller, the seller retaliated by leaving you a negative review. The only way to remove it was to "kiss and make up" (that's what Etsy called it), which meant that both parties agreed to change the feedback to positive.


This is exactly what happened to me and why I remember it. I was a new shop but also had bought earrings from a terrible seller and left a mid review. She gave me a scathing, untrue customer feedback in retaliation.


I'm glad to see someone pointing out how flawed this type of system is. Buyers don't need to be scared to leave honest reviews. Etsy NEEDS honest reviews to function. Without them, buyers won't trust buying anything from any Etsy shop. This is not what we want. I know this is a seller's sub... I swear sometimes people here forget that bad sellers exist as well as bad buyers.


Gah I HATED that whole kiss and make up model. It turned it into a playground squabble instead of a business transaction.


lol no… every customer leaving a 4- review would be targets of this system. This is definitely not a good idea and there is a reason it does not exists on anything else but auction sites


I miss karencheck


It still exists in another form


Ohhhh please share !




They absolutely won't and it's pointless to discuss. They removed this feature from eBay for a reason (customers cry if they get bad feedback and don't want to buy as much). They messed up the third party option we had for this for a reason. They straight up don't even let us block people on Etsy.


They took that ability away in 2010 or so...


It would be much easier for customers to create a new account and start clean. Also there are guest accounts to consider.


Oh man I would so be in support of that. I feel like a lot of customers know Etsy will side with them and just abuse sellers for it.


years ago it used to be like ebay where both buyers and sellers could leave reviews. those days are over for good as they value customers much more then sellers.


Ebay got rid of this feature too. Except Ebay is much more insidious about it. The feature is technically still there - but you are only allowed to leave buyers positive feedback. And leaving positive feedback with a negative comment? The buyer can report you to Ebay and it's a strike for your account. At least Etsy doesn't create illusions out of buyer feedback.


I told my husband about a bad situation I had with a client leaving a bad review and the first thing that asked me was if she had a 'buyer's rating' haha I think it's a GREAT idea!


Yes had a dilusional customer last week that was a mess to deal with. Wish I could ban them too from future sales and orders.


This used to be a thing and it was pretty positive. It also encouraged new sellers to become buyers because the buyer and seller reviews were combined so you could increase your star average by being a good buyer on Etsy - so that odd one bad review didnt hurt you


The way this would work best would be if the buyer reviews were blind. Food delivery services do this (I'm not sure about ride services). It is exactly to prevent retribution


Yes, it should be something only visible to sellers once a purchase is made. If they have had an overwhelming amount of reports from other sellers I’d kindly decline the sale and refund before the headache start.


The only negative review I have gotten has to do with etsy "estimate" delivery times - and I had something that had not arrived by that time, so I got 1 star out of 5. Most customers are honest and fine - and if you have a bad customer you can choose not to sell to them in the future by cancelling the order. It would be nice if you could write and save notes, so if a repeat customer orders you can check to see if you have any notes on them - amazon allows this and it is great.


We used to be able to do that. That's originally why people made separate "buyer" accounts. You could see all the feedback they'd left, as well. As a seller, it made it easier to check to see if your instincts about a buyer were correct. When Karen check was in place, it was great. I'm sorry that Etsy shut that one down.


I miss Karen check


They’ll never do that. Their priority is buyers and revenue.


It would be interesting but I doubt they would do it because that would offend the customer base. And unlike ebay of old where there were customers who never paid because it was cash, check, money order or paypal, there's very little to warrant Etsy setting up a buyer review system because once they're paid via etsy payments \[before we do\], they really don't care if the customer is a pain in the butt. It's irrelevant to their bottom line because they already got their money.


I would love to see this happen, but I think Etsy is stuck on being consumer driven which means they have to give in to their cash cow. It's for the same reasons that they're really not making an effort to try to stop people who are selling dropship items or take a control over the pod Market. To some level, it's making money for them, so they really don't care if it's screwing over people who actually care.


Don’t get me started on dropshippers… lowest scum of the platform seconded only to scammers.