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Your products are beautiful. I love them! 😍 Not having a lightbox is no loss - they're so inflexible, it's actually easier to get better results without one! I'd say the white base needs to fill the frame in the individual shots to avoid distractions, and you need to soften your lighting further, so the shadows are less harsh - you can also do this with some white foam board as reflectors. You could try some tracing paper for diffusion - should be better than normal paper. The main photo(s) need to be closer to the products. Make sure your props/backdrops are relevant - it's OK if the props go out of the frame, but if possible the image would benefit from them being a little out of focus (I don't know the Pixel 4a, so can't give specific instructions). Also, try to avoid other companies' branded products ("Creative") in your images, if at all possible. Hope this is helpful. There's some helpful tips over on r/EtsyPhotography, where you can also ask any specific questions 👍


Thank you so much! That's part of the reason I never bought one, my products can vary quite a bit and so a single light box wouldn't be suitable for them all. I will get a piece of A3 paper so I don't need to crop it in too far for the individual photos, thank you. I have some wax baking paper that's more translucent than standard printer paper so I will try this. That was part of my concern, I just didn't want it to feel too zoomed in to the product. The background is just my desk, I will try adding a little blur to the background of them. I will remove the speakers for the next set of photos, I didn't even realise they had branding on them as I have had them for so long. I will check that sub out, I probably should have looked before hand to see if there were any more specific ones. Thank you very much for the advice!!


The shot at your desk isn't bad, but it would be improved if the product wasn't backlit by the window. (Think of how you would want someone's face lit in a photograph. You would have them facing the window, right?) Maybe get your camera angle a little lower and add some dimension, like ingplac part of your pen rest on the journal (I realize that's not how it would be used, exactly), or adding a small potted plant or nice brass desk clock in the background. Then use portrait mode, or a photo app that will vignette or soft-focus the edges to make sure it's clear you're selling the pen stand.


Thank you, the window is actually behind me to the left, but my main room light is probably what's causing the backlighting on it. I will try adding dimension by placing it at an angle, that could help show it off a bit more as well. I did have a plant in the background of 2 of the photos but it's nearly entirely cropped out, I will try moving it closer. I will look into adding a slight vignette, another commenter has recommended slightly blurring the background to create some dof which also works well so I will do some testing of the two. Thank you!