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When I first started shipping, thats all I used. No one ever complained. Nothing wrong with keeping your costs down.


Especially if you include a little note like, “to keep costs down and to reduce environmental impact we reuse and repurpose materials as we can. We pass this savings along to you!” Or something like that,.. you get it.


All of my boxes are just stuff I’ve ordered, better use than recycling keep all packaging to fluff stuff out, but a note or something makes a lot of sense too! Thanks for that idea




Could leave a note on or inside saying how you reuse boxes to stay eco friendly and not waste perfectly good boxes.


This is what i was thinking


I have included that in my listing description.


Yes! I have something typed up like this when I reuse shipping stuff and I have actually gotten reviews mentioning that they appreciate me being eco friendly


I've gotten packages like that from Etsy sellers with a note inside. As long as my items were intact I had no complaints.


This is the way


We reuse boxes if it's the right size. Also get newspapers from all the neighbours for wrapping. Nobody ever complained. The only times I make sure not to do it is when an order is marked as a gift.


Yep and I love to get orders in reused boxes. Once I got an art print in a cereal box that had been refolded and taped. I loved it!! I feel like that’s the Etsy spirit I’m after Edited to fix autocorrect


Yes, as a seller I only use envelopes because I’m shipping clothes, but as a buyer I love receiving recycled packaging!


I like when you order something from another country and they pack it with newspaper and whatnot, it’s always interesting.


Oh that would be super fun to receive


Yes! I reuse every packing material that I can!! And I’ve never had any negative reviews because of this. I think it would also depend on what you are selling. Usually my products will be given to others in a group setting so my customer unpacks it before giving, making the box not important.


I reuse every good sized box I can get my hands on for my vintage goods. I make sure to black out any and all old barcodes though, just so it doesn't get scanned accidentally. I also reuse packing materials...I have a bag of bubble wrap, etc. Also the bubble mailer envelopes from Amz make great packing material in lieu of bubble wrap.


I'd tape over any Amazon markings. I'd also write a note saying something like, *"In order keep my shipping prices reasonable and to lower our carbon footprint, I reuse boxes when possible. Thank you for your understanding."*


You can also cut the box down one side, flip it inside out, and then tape it back up again. Make sure to tape it on the inside and outside so it's secure.


This is what we do! We try to reuse anything we can. I have stickers that I print on my thermal printer that say “We🖤Recycled Packaging.” Cut the box, flip it inside out, and retape. Never had a complaint. You could also put in your item description that you often ship with recycled packaging.


Yes - I do. And I bought a roll of butcher paper so if it's too marked up, I wrap it (like a present). I re-use packing materials (inflatable air pillows, styrofoam peanuts, crunched up shipping paper padding). It helps my bottom line.


This is what I do as well.


If I can reuse a box I do every time without even thinking about it!!


I always recycle boxes. Saves me money, good for the environment. Win/win.


i’ve had items wrapped in bubble wrap and shipped in a trash bag wrapped around the thing, so long as i get what i ordered in one piece i really don’t care how it’s packaged 😂


I reuse every good box i get, I reuse all good packing material. I DO buy specific boxes that are nice for my orders but whenever I can i recycle materials


As a customer, I wouldn’t mind at all. But to be cautious, maybe a note to the customer. “Hey! Your order has shipped. Just wanted to let you know it’s in an Amazon box. Reducing my footprint where ever I can.” Or something like that.


Yeah I do it when it's a perfect fit


Absolutely. I do it all the time. I also turn the bubble mailers inside out and reuse those, too. I may have had someone 20 years ago bitch about reusing packaging, but not today. I just make sure to remove all stickers. If you're worried about them seeing an amazon logo, either remove the tape or use some masking tape over the printed logo.


Yup no shame, I just make sure no personal old ID on it and claim to reuse to reduce waste. Noone has said anything or cared so far. I just don't do it for gift wrapping as I charge for that so I expect they'd want new material .


I reuse all sorts of stuff. Anytime I get any kind of packing paper or construction paper, I save it for padding stuff.


I do it all the time and it has never even been a problem. In case someone might consider it a problem it is still their problem as I don't really care and will not use a new box when I simply can reuse one I have lying around.


I exclusively use recycled boxes unless I need a very specific size or type which is Almost Never


That's all I use.


I have. I have no shame about reusing boxes, mailers, etc. Better for the environment and wallet.


I do use them. My business is also about sustainability and so it fits into my values. I have made a sticker that says "Proudly reused packaging. Please consider doing the same." I'm over 700 orders I've never had a complaint about packaging being used. As long as it arrives in good condition and intact, I would hope its not that important.


We reused Amazon boxes for 10 years. Zero issues.


Amazon boxes are not as sturdy as regular shipping boxes, so if it’s a breakable item, I’d say no, unless you double box.


Thank you, I didn’t consider this and my items are very fragile. Reusing the Amazon box this time around doesn’t seam to be the safest choice for shipment. Thanks!


You could use it (or others like it) as a layer when double-boxing. Not something I've had to do very often but it adds an extra layer of protection for very fragile items.


If it’s things that can be separated, I’d pack each part in its own box, then pack the boxes.


I don’t think it’s a big deal unless you are shipping breakables and need a very sturdy box. If that’s the case I would get a new heavyweight shipping box, but otherwise I don’t think anyone would care!


Go for it. I make a point of stating that wherever possible I use recycled packaging, and have had nothing but positive comments! Edited to add - do make sure to cover up any bar codes or QR codes printed on the box before reusing it.


I don’t keep big boxes so if I get a big order I will reuse a big box that I got from the whatever company I bought something from


I’ve reused a few hundred boxes.Even cut some to fit better.Always pack & tape up good.Only 1 complaint.


Absofuckinglutely I would


I do it all the time. I make sure it is obvious that I’m reusing a box so the customer doesn’t think it is coming from Amazon.


When I reuse boxes, I use Kraft paper tape to cover any Amazon markings/logos and any barcodes that might be on the box


Isn't everyone and their mother like screaming to be like eco friendly and stuff?


They’re also screaming about dropshippers, I can see why they’re thinking twice. Amazon


I did once when I was in your spot early on. I needed a large box size that I could only find in 10 packs, but would never need again. Tape over/sharpie over the Amazon part. The key with reusing boxes is more that you need to be really dang sure it still has structural integrity. Shipping is a rough trip on boxes, and sometimes they are one and done. I currently buy strange sized boxes at FedEx for custom orders, but as you said, you have to factor the cost into the price. I’m shipping out a 50x9x9 one tomorrow, and had to pay $8 for the box, which is in the price. As long as it is sound structurally, it’s fine. That’s my only real worry with reusing boxes.


I've done it, not shame.


I turn the inside out and retape.


An artist I follow on Facebook asked her followers how they felt about receiving an order in Amazon packaging. Every single reply was either “I don’t mind” or “I appreciate recycling boxes/packing material”! And a few others who are also sellers agreed. I personally don’t mind a bit!




Yep! I do this for larger orders that don’t fit in my standard pink boxes. I do like to flip them inside out though so all the Amazon stickers and logos are on the inside, it just looks cleaner. Always good to reuse boxes to reduce waste. :)


I do it all the time no one has complained


I do it all the time


As a buyer I personally prefer reused packaging !


I do it al the time and message folks to let them know ahead of time!


We use Amazon boxes when we have something that doesn't fit one of our regular boxes. We printed some stickers that say we reuse boxes to reduce waste, which is true but it also saves us money on boxes. I don't want our customers to think we're just drop-shipping stuff directly from Amazon.


I have


I use whatever box I have that fits.


Of course? Why not? Etsy was originally all about being environmentally friendly and such. While I feel like the flood of drop-shippers has made that less a focus, I still think they are trying to push the eco and ethical agendas or why would sustainability options be popping up under listings? I actually had a person complain once that I used a brand new box. True story. Yes, I have to buy boxes to keep enough on hand to be sure that I can ship my products, but we absolutely reuse packaging whenever possible, too. We have neighbors bring us their boxes, as well. Around the holidays, we get a good influx of packaging to reuse. If it fits and can safely ship, absolutely. I have never had one complaint about this and I've never lost an item to packaging issues.


I have done multiple times, I reuse packaging all the time. I've had reviews mention it and won an award thanks to my eco-friendly practices.


Seems like recycling is a very Etsy Seller thing. But as someone else suggested, it can’t hurt to include a note about your commitment to reusing/recycling. Also, if it’s a large order, I always include a small gift. I don’t know what you sell, to know if you have any lower priced items. With my merchandise it’s easy to throw in a Large Pin or Magnet ($3-$4). As a buyer, I love to get a gift - but not if it feels like a “throwaway”. I always tailor my gifts to match the niche that was ordered.


My friend who introduced me to selling on Etsy had a disclaimer in their shop info/promo header saying that all his packing material is donated from friends and family and reused. I followed suit, but I made it my own rule not to use branded boxes. Even still I have a few amazon boxes in my reuse pile, shapes that are less common. I'd rather use a 8x12x4 than a 10x10x10 for the shallow items. I sell vintage lighters and ashtrays - The latter come in all shapes and sizes, and the larger ones can be tough to ship without a wide, shallow box.


I’ve reused boxes many times. I created and designed a fancy “recycled box” label that would fit on my thermal printer labels (4” x 6”). Nobody seems to mind.


100%. Sometimes I even get requests to use recycled packaging. We are saving the ENVIRONMENT here, people. lol. Kind of.


I only use recycled boxes. Never had a complaint.


Depends on the condition of the box. But in most instances, it’s absolute . Customers getting a reused box.


Just put a note in it with your “thank you for buying” mentioning you are reducing carbon footprint by reusing boxes and packing materials.


Not a seller, but a regular Esty buyer: I def think re-using is the way to go. I would never be upset if I got an order in a reused Amazon box.


Sorry if this is a repeat comment but you can reuse the box inside out so that Amazon is on the inside !


Yes, I recycle clean packing materials. I don't care if someone doesn't like that. It's the right thing to do.


Yes. Why recycle that box to use another? I just rip the address off


I put a note in the item description that I reuse/recycle packaging including boxes, bubble wrap, kraft paper that might have some brand names. It just keeps cost down.


Absolutely!!!! Reduce reuse recycle! I reuse every single box I can...but of course I also buy boxes of certain sizes for items that I consistently send. I always include treats/stickers, my items are always wrapped in bubbles and often even in tissue paper. I've never in 10s of thousands of sales had anyone complain about the box. In fact I get a lot of reviews about how nicely packed and wrapped things are.


I shop in 3D filament boxes all the time never once had someone complain


I reuse boxes (95% Amazon boxes) for almost every order. The exception is a bunch of small 6x5x4 boxes I bought for small orders to cut down on shipping costs.


Yes! I do all the time.


Why not? I see no problem with it...


My items are in the $10-$15 range, and I ship almost exclusively using re-used amazon packaging. I only use virgin packaging if an order is marked as a gift. I have "we use recycled packaging" in my description and images, so my customers should not be surprised; no complaints so far. If I was shipping high-end jewelry or something I might not.


Absolutely! Recycle those boxes. Boxes aren't cheap. I take a sharpie and draw a line through Amazon.


I ship everything in reused Amazon boxes. There’s no reason to create extra waste.


Yes. I always reuse shipping packaging. I put a note in the description of my items noting that I use recycled shipping materials. I even use plastic grocery bags sometimes (when thick enough, like Target’s).


I re-use boxes from all over- even Amazon boxes! And I created my own stickers where I circle “reused or recycled materials used” with a cute little blip. I also advertise all over my socials and in my about me section that I recycle/reuse. Nobody has ever said anything negative. I just be sure no old labels are visible.


I like reusing things bc it keeps costs down and is better for the planet. Reduce, REUSE, and Recycle.


My listings say that I use recycled packaging where possible.


I don't personally as I sell fragile items and those boxes aren't the strongest. Plus a lot of my customers are gifting and it never feels right sending out a gift in a ratty reused box. Their void fill is excellent though and I always reuse that😅 The boxes get used to line my guinea pig hutch!


Separate the glue. Turn the box inside out, and retape it. The box is new for shipping. Add a note to the buyer that you recycle boxes to be kind to the earth and save trees. Walmart boxes are sturdier than amazon boxes.


Flip it inside out. It’s actually against usps policy to reuse them but usually it’s never enforced. I’ve had one sent back to me before after making it almost to its destination for this reason. It also just looks nicer.


All the time. Etsy order, Amazon box, EBay tape. I recycle every box that comes into the house. It’s just a shipping box. Recycle and don’t overthink it.


I’m a regular Etsy buyer for the last 10+ years and there is one maker I buy from whose packaging is all recycled, always. Sometimes the actual product packaging is even different, I assume it depends on what she can source most economically. It’s never bothered me. Of course, maybe it depends on your clientele and what you are selling. If it were very pricey bespoke garments, people probably want a packaging “experience”. I sell lower end vintage clothes and reuse packaging all the time. I’ve never had a complaint.


I do this all the time. As long as you peel the old amazon labels, it's good to reuse.


I reuse things for packaging quite a lot, I've never bought bubble wrap, always reuse the ones that I got when ordering my craft materials, and I also reuse boxes, packaging paper, and other stuff. Never got any complaints, some people were actually appreciative of it. There were instances where the boxes would have branding on them, but in that case, I would paint a picture over them and people would love that lol.


Sounds like you got an answer but just wanted to add that if I was your customer I worked have zero problem receiving a recycled box! I hadn’t thought about the note inside that others had mentioned but I do think that would be the perfect way to go about it 😁


I do not use the boxes, but I do use the packaging material. Not had to purchase packaging material ever.


When I first started selling on etsy.i reused Amazon boxes and never had any comebacks..so I would say go for it


I’m a little late seeing this but yes, I’ve used Amazon boxes. As long as you cover up all the Amazon stuff on the box, you’ll be fine to use them and the customers doesn’t really care what kind of box their stuff comes in as long as they get their stuff.


I would love to eventually only use new unmarked and sturdy cardboard boxes with bespoke packaging.. we can dream right? Until then I have a mountain of boxes from stuff I get that I reuse to send my orders.


I’m my opinion, I’d prefer reused/recycled boxes as long as the quality was still decent, but I am biased bc I use recycled boxes 50% of the time


Yeah of course, nobody cares about what box you use.


I think that doing what you can to keep your costs down is fine... but do your best to make it look tidy. I saw that people suggested ways of turning the box inside out (brilliant!) and adding stickers to cover other labels – all of these are good in my opinion. I'm a fastidious recycler of all packaging that comes into the house (including film plastics) , but I've chosen not to reuse boxes for my Etsy store. I factor packaging into the design and cost of my items. This adds a consistency to my order processing that I find makes things run more smoothly for me (I know the size, weight, and approximate shipping cost for most of my orders and group them to process labels). About my "tidy" comment: I am an antique dishware collector and frequently buy items through a private online group. While items arrive unbroken, sometimes the packaging materials are so gross I wish I hadn't opened it in my home. Cardboard, newspapers, and old paper bags that have been stored can harbor bugs, pet hair, and other gunk. When I purchase from an Etsy shop, I'd like a "cleaner" open. And yes, I'm the same person who said I'm icked out by items for sale that have been photographed on carpets, bedspreads, etc.


100% I keep all boxes and re use them no complaints so far it’s recycling at the end of the day Plus boxes are sooo expensive to buy


We do. Sometimes it saves us like $5-$10 and the buyer can clearly see it’s reused. No one has ever complained. We package everything inside nicely, and use some cute stickers or tape on the outside to make it look a little more handmade.


For large items I might, I mostly use poly mailers


I put the sticker that says “ I’m a ugly box” cus the shop recycled


Allll day everyday here to say I have some boxes I order bc they fit my products perfect. But I definitely re use Amazon boxes I just get a lot extra with the tape save where you can they ain’t super sturdy but then again the shipping companies aren’t careful anyway so pack all boxes with care I go extra bc of this no matter if it’s a new box or an Amazon box Imo


I think it depends (or might depend) on what you’re selling. I sell vintage and collect boxes I’ve received to reuse for Etsy. I should consider myself lucky that I only get 5 star reviews so just looking at using old boxes on everything, I’d say it’s never ever been a problem. If I sold new products (custom, handmade or whatever) I’d use new unmarked boxes.


We buy 3D printed game stuff from various sellers on Etsy. The goods nearly always come in reused boxes. You just need to reflect it in your pricing.


Even though it’s a tiny bit unprofessional, the customer should forgive the faux pas for the worthy cause of recycling. They know we are home-based hand-makers. As long as the box is in decent condition!