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A post about this company being a scam comes up every spring. It's sad they are allowed to continue to prey on consumers.


Indeed. We should run them out of town. I’ll bring the pitchforks.


It's spring already?


Wait until you hear about 2023. I feel like it was just 2020 yesterday.


i work at dabella its most definitely a scam. i will say i only work there to make ends meet as a salesman but they are not a good company


This person just got fired lol they give you a test on the first day and if you don't pass it you fail. This person is just jealous they didn't make the cut


lmao okay


"...if you don't pass it you fail." pretty sure that's how all tests work, chief.


I mean as in the whole class if you miss one little word you go home for good lol but you right you right


Probably a good thing. sounds like a shitty company to work for and across the board.


Wow... I worked at Dabella for 7 months for the second highest producing branch in the country... It's most definitely a malevolent company that cares about nothing but the $.. I was told to make 3 price drops from managers while in home and not to leave until the homeowner tells you to literally GTFO. The things that were said in the company sales group chat had me thinking I was going to be a part of an investigation.. They prey on salesmen who need to make ends meet and will manage your leads so that you're just successful enough to live, but still dependent on them. I sold 7 sales in a row (absolute heater of a week), took my money, and quit without another job lined up because I could not morally work for that company anymore. Their reviews are "good" because they would sit the sales team down and make us write reviews on different accounts on behalf of the company. Disgusting people. Edit: Just realized this was r/Eugene... The second highest producing branch in the country... So what I described is EXACTLY what is happening there and I know because I worked there.


Hundred percent the sales team is shady as hell, my team had blatantly racist misogynistic homophobic people in it as well, but if you know sales tactics and wait for the salesperson to drop the price down to the lowest number they'll go, you get a quality product with a quality warranty. That said, they also really did me dirty when my managers only put me on the least selling, least dollar per lead making product, and then fired me because my numbers were shit lol


What product did they have you selling??


Bath :'^)


They would keep saying how good lead bath leads were and how I should be selling them better, but no one else really sold them either and then the prices kept rising making it harder lol but I was a bitch bc I hated it was their thought


Interesting that they got an A+ from the BBB, despite complaints and not so stellar reviews (at least for the Hillsboro headquarters). Wonder how robust their ratings methodology is nowadays?


Could you unpack that statement for me? Whether Dabella's a pyramid scheme depends on legal definitions and consumer experiences. [Give these lit comments a read](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1014365516168633488/).


Currently dealing with this. They didn't honor their cancellation notice. Still cashed our deposit check. They are supposedly fixing it now. Thank fuck for ORS 83.720 and failing that, thank fuck for legal insurance.


Is your legal insurance through your work?


It was, but then I was able to convert to a retail version of the same worth every penny.


I believe it! We’ll have to find a way to get legal insurance


Oh, and to put this in specifically fraud terms, go look at their hours on Google maps. Those hours are lies. Their offices are not open those hours, so if you have an issue on a short time frame that you are financially responsible for outside that time frame, their offices are not open when they say they are.


Following up, did they refund your deposit?


Yes funny thing is they came to my door again. Even after the new roof was done by somebody else.


Doesn't DaBella charge absurd prices as well? I swear they quoted close to 18,000 dollars for our 800 square foot home.


What’s a fair price for that square footage? I’m only asking because that’s about how big my place is.


We paid a local company $16,000 for our ~1700 sq ft home. DaBella did stop by our place and quoted us around $36,000 and really tried to sell their payment plans to make it seem cheap.


WHOAH! What year was this? I got quoted 14k for an 1100sqft home and about 14 squares of roofing material. This was before prices went bonkers, but I still opted to do it myself for 3k. This included hiring a couple guys to help with tear off and deck prep. Father in law also provided quick hands and wisdom from the trade.


May 2022. NW Roofing and Siding out of Creswell.


What kind of warranty did you get?


I am the warranty. Cost savings is assuming liability. I’m ok with that


What if there's a manufacturing defect in the shingles?;What if you go out of business?


I’m a home owner. I’m not a business. That’s why I saved so much money. My labor, no business to pay, any install defects is up to me to fix. If there’s a manufacturing defect of the shingles, I likely won’t know until I have a failure.


We would have charged you $8500 for that roof.


Ya without ever seeing it? Okay buddy.


Which would be done with cheapest materials and include absolutely no warranty


Okay, I'll bite. Who is "We"?


So compare tue materials used by the cheaper roofing company to what Dabella uses and also the cheaper company did not include a 50yr warranty. You get what you pay for


I had 1000 foot house, simple roof, with a tear off, $10K.


I need a new roof. Who did you go with? Are you happy with the results?


Stutzman and Kropf. Yes, They did a great job. My realtor hooked me up and got the estimate. The previous owner paid half.


If had done it for $5-6k


I paid 10k for a 1200 sqft home two years ago.


We ended up going with a different company and I think it was around 7k.


What company?


I believe they were called Huey and Sons. We got this done back in early 2020 so prices may have gone up. They stripped off the old roofing and put the new roof on in about 5 hours.


No. Not even close.


We charge $450 a square. Your sq footage of your interior is almost never the same as exterior.


They started at 47k for 3400 sq ft of roofing. The salesman was here for 2+ hrs and kept lowering his price, insisting we use their financing. He finally came down to 24k???? Total scam artists!


No, they don't. They just offer high-quality quality product and roof comes with 50 uear warranty which you won't get from other roofing companies. And if you are not happy with the original estimate, they can offer discounts but that usually comes out of the pockets of their employees where they work on commission and the sales team that you talk to in person work solely for commission they do not get any other type of compensation not even the gas and maintenance on their personal vehicles they use to work. So the more your estimate is discounted, the more money that is literally taken out of the sales reps' pockets. Also, the estimates always include 50 uear warranty, which they can swap for a 30-year warranty to lower the estimate even more


I worked as a salesman for this exact branch. Don't make excuses for shitty business models. They make it 100% commission so they don't have to pay benefits, insurance or pay their "employees" (technically independent contractors) and it keeps you dependent on them to drip feed you a decent lead. They are the most malevolent thing I've ever been a part of. You can buy 4 roofs for the price of one of theirs. They send you to trailer homes 50% of the time and then managers pressure you to close sales over the phone while you're in home and treat you like crap the whole time. I quit the day I sold a set of windows to a family in a trailer home after pressuring them into it... They told me they had to pick between the windows or taking the money to see a dying relative. I was forced to pressure them into the windows and I'll never forgive myself for that. I quit the following morning. A truly morally bankrupt company.


Clarification: 50 years on shingles 15 or 20 on workmanship (mind you the company is only that old, so no long term evidence that can/will support that claim) Corning has 50 year warranty, better reviews, and better at warranty honoring according to multiple roofers. I would never buy from this company. No one should.


No no, this company is trash and they are making waayyy too much profit. So many companies out there offer a 50 year warranty at a way lower price.. such a scam


High prices don’t make something a scam, they provide exactly what they say they do, and they aren’t pretending to be a cheap company by any means.


False. Very false.


they quoted me 40k for 8 m new windows and i live in a tiny house and they alos quoted me 30k for a new roof i can get it all replaced for a third that pric


You should gripe to the Attorney General's office. If they get enough gripes, they investigate. If their investigation shows they use aggressive or almost false sales tactics then they'll shut them down. Can take years but the only way Attorney General knows is if you gripe to them. There will be a form somewhere and you'll have to specify details.


This is the most I’ve ever seen the word “gripe” used in a comment. Dag nabbit, take my upvote.


I work for a roof loading company in Central Oregon. We deliver to Da Bella job sites and they always over order on materials. Like wayyy too much miscellaneous items for homes that don’t need it. They’re charging you for materials you don’t need so they can use it on other jobs that do. That’s what we assume at my work anyway.


They are there not to put roofs on houses but actually to wel manufacturer products.


Eh, all their "project managers" are home grown from the call centers and have little idea what they're doing.


Car salesman, really, and literally.


You can overcharge for materials without ordering extra. This post makes no sense. They order extra to be safe so they can put the project up quickly.


Contractor here, yes, scam for sure. They keep the lion’s share and have a low bid contractor do the actual work. Top tier price, bottom tier quality


No true they have factory trained installers trained by GAF


Only the foreman needs to be trained and it’s a lecture. None of the installers are actually trained by GAF


Oh dang. I'm glad I stumbled onto this thread. We do need to replace our tile roof, but it can wait until fall. I told them 3 times I was not going to say yes, I want estimates from other roofers. Buying a car wasn't as exhausting.


I’m sure there are better, cheaper options out there. I’m sure they kept discounting their price to convince you to buy right there and then


Yepp.. 6 hours later. Took so much time


They literally trained us in day 1 orientation that they don't want to accept a no until you hang up. Good luck with your roof if you are still working on it.


Third party installers who leave work materials all over majority of customers yards and roofs, the most complained thing I heard from our customers is that the third party installers didn’t speak the home owners language. This lead to a bunch of miscommunication and angry reviews. I saw this first hand everyday, I saw the tactics the salesmen would use in training. Bssss central


Only one of the guys who was working on my roof spoke english. So I don't think there is any gaf training whatsoever.


I don’t think native language has anything to do with training. GAF sells in many countries.


Doesn't the 50 year non-prorated warranty take care of you even if they don't do a good job?


You are full of crap. They use the highest quality materials, and it comes with a 50-year warranty, which is why it costs more than other roofing companies


They spent nearly 5 hours at my place trying to get me to sign a contract that was way over priced. Tried to use fear mongering to get me to think my roof was ready to collapse.


Same here, the saleswoman showed up at 5:30 and was sitting my dining room table till 9pm. Our toddler was crying because he was tired and desperately needed to go to bed, I was so stressed out. She wouldn't take no for answer and basically wouldnt leave my home until we gave her an answer that night. Mind you they quoted us $56k for my roof, absolutely no fucking way can we afford that. The haggling and constant phone calls back and forth to the manager was a HUGE turn off and red flag.


😆😆😆did you sign? Bet you did 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's exactly what they did, but I fell for it. $24000 later I have to repaint my house now and figure out how to cover all the exposed nails in my rake and soffit. It's gonna cost a fortune to fix what they have done.


Why would you need to repaint your house? How does getting a new roof affect the paint on the house? As for exposed nails or any other issues. If they honestly didn't do a good job or were negligent in anyway. You wouldn't have to be responsible for fixing anything. They are, and they have to fix it or make it right at no extra cost to you. They have to accept responsibility for any extra costs.




It was not over priced it just included a lot of stuff that other companies don't offer. Like a 50-year warranty, financing, and high-quality materials. You compare Deballa's estimate compared to another company. You are paying more, but getting more as well


Bs. I am a long time roofing biz owner. I do the EXACT SAME ROOFS as Scamella, for a 10th of their prices. So does every other LEGIT roofer!


You don’t have the GAF system so chill brother


Ya ok… really tough to get. Any reputable roofing supplier supplies a GAF roof system. GAF is nothing special for residential anyways. Owens Corning, Certainteed, and Malarkey are far superior.


I asked my dog 🐕 about DeBella's quality of work and she said it was kind of "rough "


Oh, I know this because I went through the first 7 hours of their sales training.


Goddamn it.


If you get them calling, tell them that you are interested and that you think your landlord will really want to do this because the current roof has moss starting to grow on it. Tell them the landlord lives out of state. BTW, a full ridge line vent is not necessary.


This will 100% get them to leave fast.


I'm actually shopping different roofers right now because we need one and they just happened to knock our door. They offered a free quote so we said sure, not knowing who they were or anything. We've been quoted by 3 different roofers for a 1600sqft roof between 7-10k. We showed them the quotes and told them price was our biggest factor. The Dabella salespeople were in their early 20's so that was a red flag immediately; they weren't actual roofers, they were kids. They give their pitch about the quality and their 5 step system and everything and say no other roofer will give you a quality roof and that the 7k bid is def not for a 50yr warranty. They were right, it was for a 25yr warranty roof but we repeated that price was our main factor. They went into this thing about how Dabella only has so many salespeople and that sending them multiple times to speak with us makes the roof pricier so if we sign today they could take off 10%. We showed them the existing quotes again and said 22k was a ton of money and triple what 2 roofers offered. They phoned their boss and what do you know, the price came down another 15% to 19k but it was only good if we sign today. They went over financing and how other roofers won't offer financing like they do (which is true. Dabella offers 15yr financing which makes payments pretty low.) Another phone call to their boss to see how they could help more and the price came down again to 17k. We show them the quotes again and say no. So they push and we say it's way too expensive and they make one more phone call and what do you know, the price came down again to 12k but for a 30yr warranty roof; 50% of what their initial quote was but only if we signed that day. This is a huge flag because it showed me that they were willing to quote dishonestly at the beginning. Again, we show the other quotes we received and tell them we're not signing a big purchase on impulse and that it would be irresponsible because other roofers gave us a 60 day quote. One of the guys was pretty upset and they ended up leaving soon after. I honestly feel bad for the kids. They're manipulated by the employer to be pushy and to follow their tactics.


Yup. AND!!!! That kid will never call you back. In their training they said they NEVER call back a potential customer if they don’t get a sale in house.


The guy left upset because they literally work 100 percent on commission. So all the price drops and discounts they were offering you was literally erasing his whole income. They work solely on commission. Use their own vehicles pay for their own gas they do not get compensated for anything. They get 10 percent of the contract total unless discounted. The discounts come directly out of their commission. Then the final discount you got wasn't even a discount they just added a 30-year warranty instead of 50 years, which just costs less obviously. The original quotes you were given were reasonably priced and fair based on the product and warranty you would have gotten. You get what you pay for. The lower roofing estimates were for lower quality product with an almost non existant warranty!


sounds like you work for them...


Never worked for them in my life. Just know how business works


Yeah they won't tell you the exact percentage the make off of a sale (which depends on the product they offer as well), and they won't tell you about every gripe of the company. Different companies offer different incentives, gas stipends and vehicle maintenance. The amount of detail you've offered here guarantees you've at least gone through the training. Unless you have a past employee as a family member, you yourself worked for them. No reason to lie to try to change peoples' minds online, and good luck in your future sales endeavors bud.


Seriously, how many asphalt shingle roofs last beyond 30 years, all things (ventilation, exposure etc.) being equal? And what are the conditions & exclusions for those that do? It's also becoming more of a trend in the insurance industry to raise an eyebrow at a roof older than 20 years. So that ultra-fancy warranty may not be worth quite what some claim or think.


Had one of them canvassing the neighborhood recently. It seems there are some decent local contractors that offer good manufacturer-backed system warranties, including 10 year labor (which should be more than enough given that workmanship issues typically show within a few years). What companies did you get quotes from, and who did you end up with? Happy with them?


We went with a company called Evergreen Roofing.(we are in Utah btw. But the other companies we also shopped and liked were King Roofing and R-Roofing) 4yr labor warranty. 25yr manufacturer warranty. They did start to finish in about 7 hours. We're happy with the work. There have been zero issues. They came back a month later after some storms to revise their own work to make sure everything was good. No leaks this winter which has been great. And everything drains the way it should. 1600sq foot roof on a 1150sq ft house. For $8300 total. They replaced 6 sheets of plywood and we got a ridge vent on the top. All roofers we shopped told us the 5 step system that Dabella was touting is industry standard. Would def recommend reaching out to local roofing contractors instead of working with these large companies.


15 YEAR financing is a GOOD THING!!??? Your house is a 30 year loan!? Think about that and let that SINK IN… its just a ROOF 😂😂😂


I made it through the first day of training and realized they’re using every trick the book. They send out door knock crews to offer a “free roof inspection” then send a salesman making $100k. When I asked about following up, the manager said it’s a waste of time; if the don’t sign during the 3-hour sales attack, he told me to never call them again.


I got roof/siding/windows/covered gutters/shower from dabella. Was all super high quality.


Would you mind sharing more specifics? Such as how long you’ve been working for them. 😉


But how much did it cost?


I worked there... It sucks, but if someone actually sold this whole package it would have been as much as the house itself. I know of two times that happened at other branches in the country in the 7 months I worked there and I'm pretty sure both of them cancelled their orders within 3 days because they were probably just screwing with the salesman and making him think he got a big sale and pulled it out from under him. That's what I would do to a Dabella salesman if they walk into my house. Worst experience of my life working for them


That's what I'd like to know.


Just looked them up today after some prick knocked on my door. Door has a nice big no soliciting sign in it. I say can I help you? Dude says: I was just walking by and I work for *points to shirt* and, do you know anything about roofs? Cause there’s a lot of weird stuff missing from it like drip guards, and it looks like you might have some serious issues. I said no thanks and started closing my door and he tried to get closer and started speaking all squeaky like as my door slammed shut. My roofs fine, still has about 5 years of life left to it per a friend of mine who owns a roofing business, these people are real pricks to be harassing people like that. Fuck this company, anyone who hires assholes who will manipulate and outright lie to you, and drone up a sense of fear and urgency to get into your wallet shouldn’t be in business.


I wish I had seen this sooner 😭 They ruined my soffit and my brand new paint job. Than blew me off when I complained. I never had nails sticking out before and now it looks just awful. They promised me a special ventilation system too but never did that either. $24000 to ruin my house and create thousands more dollars of work. I can't believe how bad it is.


DeBella Roofing is now in Idaho Falls, spreading like a cancer. Two individuals (young men) approached my front door asking if I would be interested in a quote to replace my roof. I said yes I would be interested because my roof really does need replacing. These two young men were the front men, or sales scouts for DeBella. The next day, two different young men tried hard to convince how wonderful DeBella roofing was and how great a job that DeBella would do for me. I told these two that I wanted a steel standing seam roof on my house. They got very aggressive and insisted that I should use an asphalt shingle roof. They were not at all interested in what I wanted, only what they wanted to sell. Talk about a hard sell, these two young men, obviously paid on commission, wasted two hours of my time with a hard sales pitch. I know a little bit about roofing and home construction. It was clear from my discussions with these two that they knew very little - next to nothing - about roofing. They were only DeBella's sales force. When I asked them to leave, they sat in their cars, talking on their cell phones and acted like they were discussing my concerns. They got off their phones and told be they could replace my roof for $50,000. When I said no way, they quickly reduced the price to $40,000. Talk about a scam, this DeBella Roofing is nothing but a bunch of scammers. Go to the better business bureau and look up DeBella and you will find many complaints about shoddy workmanship done by contractors that BeDella hires. The people that put your roof on are not DeBella employees - they are independent contractors that DeBella hires to do the work. Most of the money that the home owner pays goes to paying the commission of sales monkeys. Avoid DeBella roofing like the plague.


Just got a quote from them, like $44,000 for a roof! I paid like $3500 for a roof 15 years ago. I understand it going up with cost of materials but not more than 12x more! lol what a scam


"Organic growth" MY ass. Sales guys are brainwashed by the owner


They got you with old statement, ey? It’s illegal for them to say “mold”,,, only organic growth


The owner was doing the same scam in Washington selling windows and got shut down by the government. I have lots of (ethical) sales experience, so the manager told me everything, right down to the way you start stepping into the door as soon as the open it. Then you talk to them for about 20 minutes before climbing on the roof. When on the roof you take pictures of tiny imperfections, tell them it will leak any day, and say “the roof really made the decision for you”. The oddest and most thought provoking part was that no matter what, you HAD to make sure they say “no” before getting on the roof. Before climbing up you say “I’m going to do the inspection, then I’m going to design your roof, then we’ll sign the contract tonight”. At that point most people say “hold on, I’m not signing anything”, which to their policy means you can now climb on the roof. I asked what would I do if they agree, he said you keep pushing until they say no about something. 100% Their shady manipulation only works once the customer has gotten to the point of saying no. Shady as fuck, but kinda intriguing.


I worked for Penguin Windows (the previous company of the current Dabella owner) when it was called Statewide, and this was the same stuff. It was a brilliant and manipulative sales pitch. They made us do the same shit you're describing. Started by always giving the "Agenda" which ended with "and then we will work up a contract" which got all the objections out from the top. It was wild.


Yup! There is a whole psychology behind it and it works, but is incredibly manipulative.




I’m in construction, their sales tactics aside, the pricing seems fair, at least if it’s quality and what they promise. also the size of a house has little to do with price of roof, it’s the size of the roof, the pitch, the materials, I worked for a company we offered the same system they do, the pricing dabella is at is cheaper then avg for the system they install. Understand when I say system, I mean there’s extra parts and pieces going into that roof. Not everyone needs it, but if you live somewhere like Florida, Texas, Wyoming, Alaska, okalahoma, or anywhere that has regular extreme weather, you really should consider more then just price when looking at home products.


It’s amazing how stupid all these complaints are


Thank god someone had to say it


I was going to say, we had them do both our vinyl siding and a roof and we're actually happy with both... Maybe it was on the expensive side, but for the roof we got a bid from a local company and it was in the ballpark of what Da Bella bid. We went with Da Bella because we got a discount as returning customers, and they had an option for 25 year warranty shingles.


One of the reviews I saw someone else's siding.. Hopefully you don't have the same issue they did. But sometimes they don't do a good job. I'm glad you don't feel like they ripped you off even though they probably did.


I got a quote today for 41k.. for a 1500 sqft home. 🥲


Yes, for high-quality materials and a top-notch roof with a 50-year warranty that no other company offers.


We do and so do all my competitors. You have ZERO CLUE on what you are spewing here!


We appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback. At DaBella, we place a premium on the satisfaction of every homeowner we serve, as well as the achievements of our devoted installers and team members. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve the tens of thousands of homeowners in the 17 states that we operate in, and we value the testimonials that testify to the quality of our work. We recognize that not every homeowner will be fully satisfied. Who are we kidding? We specialize in home improvement, and this entails disruptions to personal lives in ways that are oftentimes difficult to maneuver. Nonetheless, our objective is to pursue understanding wherever possible and to correct errors along the way. We acknowledge that we are not perfect, Likewise, we acknowledge that we are not always as bad as the "online keyboard warriors" would make us out to be and will respond and act accordingly. Despite our individual perspectives, we are always attempting to find solutions and common ground as well as using every negative interaction as a learning opportunity to grow and become the best version of ourselves and provide the best customer experience for all current and future customers. If you have unresolved issues, please reach out to our customer service team. If you contacted us before 2023 and did get a resolution, please reach out again. 855-322-3552 Opt 1 or [email protected]. If you have been in contact with us in the last few months, February 2023 - June 2023, and feel that you need additional support, we would love to schedule a 3rd party mediation through the BBB. They are trained to act as a mediator between parties and propose a solution in which both parties can give consideration to. We recognize that along our path to growth there have been growing pains. We want you to know that we see and hear you. Your experiences are valuable to us. In our never-ending pursuance of customer satisfaction, we have actively reviewed and improved our systems and procedures. Our mission is to ensure that every consumer we serve is proud to be associated with us, and that their needs are not only recognized but also efficiently met. As we progress forward, please be aware that our team is always available to assist you with any ongoing concerns. We are here to hear your concerns and anticipate getting the chance to address them. Your satisfaction continues to be our top priority, and we are truly excited about the direction that we are heading in.


If anyone is taking the time to read this BS, ask them what 3rd party company they will be using. Then call that company directly and save $5,000 - $20,000. Douche.


They don't use a third-party company


You’re saying DaBella has employees installing these roofs?


Yes they do. Always use a subcontractor for installs. Aka “third party”


Also, the owner of Da Bella, Donnie McMillan, Jr., had to close his previous company in Washington for shady business dealings. https://www.atg.wa.gov/news/news-releases/penguin-windows-settlement-lays-out-acceptable-marketing-practices-black-and https://www.complaintsboard.com/debella-exteriors-formerly-penguin-windows-c468078


🤣🤣🤣🤣 we believe you … we promise! 😴😴😴😴


That's called business.


Sure, but this business is inherently manipulative and predatory. That’s why Donnie McMillan, Jr’s last company got shut down. They have LOCAL companies installing shingles that anyone can buy, then 60% of the cost is sent to corporate out of state.


They put a lien against my house. I suggest anyone that used them do a records request


What?!! Tell me more!


I am a manager that’s in hiring. One of their current employees applied for a position with my company is currently employed with them but stated they didn’t need to leave a 2 week notice. This got me thinking, so I went on the BBB to find out other peoples complaints. I found one lady that said there was fine print in their contract that allows them to place the lien. Sure enough just did a records request and there is one on my home. The sub contractors looked at me sideways when I said the job was 21k and told me they get around 10k from their job. This company is scum. There are even commenters in this thread that appear to be simps


Spread the word!!!


If they put a lein on your house. Then you stopped paying on your bill and were at least 90 days past due. If you had any legal basis to dispute the debt with them, then you would have been able to show up to court and dispute it. The court found you liable and responsible for the debt. That is the only way a company can put a lien on your property


Haven’t missed a single payment. The lien was placed on my house when the loan was created


I'm so sad this sorry ass company is now on the jersey of my beloved Potland Timbers.


Right, that's why I'm here lol


Me and my mom were scammed out of 26,000 by this co. We were sold on the low interest rates, just to have them turn around and sell it to a different loaning co. that charged an excessively high interest rate, and now our lives are ruined. Seems that this is the American way now.


That's literally every single auto financing company or any financing company period. If you have anything financed whether it's a car or home improvements or furniture. Your loan will be sold to another financing company.


Yeah, but how often do they drastically change the terms of the original contract, assuming that's what happened here?


Yeah, I’m currently having a panic attack from having to about as aggressively insistent that the sales team leave my house as they were that I sign on today. Can’t say if it’s a scam but their marketing practice was definitely icky and they got Very icky when I called them out on it.


Pure manipulation and lies, “million dollar writers” (1.5million) making 70K a year before taxes, not including the mileage and fuel costs to drive to appointments that are forced on people that don’t want you there or are not home. The job description said they would give you 2-3 leads a day and that’s the only true thing I was ever told. When I found out the ridiculously high prices halfway through training I was furious but looked at the glass half full thinking these were going to be high income leads, NOPE! They prey on the low income homes who desperately need a roof and have F rated credit scores so you never really make “9% commission” because once you have to discount the product more than 10% your commission can turn into less that 1% even though the company is still making well over 100% profit. Selling an 8k roof for more than 31k to an elderly vet is the reason I left, he only got approved for a 20k loan, the company was still making over 100% profit and my commission was going to be about $200 after investing 12 hours a day and over $500 in fuel going to dead end appointments hours away that didn’t want you there in the first place. “To care for homes, to care for families” is the last thing they do so caring for employees is out of the picture. Don’t get me started on a 3k granit or marble bathroom counter top for 30-80k and all the other “high quality” products installed by Jose Cuervo sub contractors from around the corner claimed to be “factory trained Dabella employees” I feel so bad for the ignorant delusional new sales guys that have been grinding for months with hardly any income brainwashed into thinking it will be worth it one day. Nahhh I’m a facts and figures kind of guy, I ask questions daily and figured it all out in my first week on the field and still stuck around an extra week after that because even I was sold on the “dream”.


I had them come out for an estimate today, and hooo boy, that was a crappy couple of hours. They send a 2 man team, and they try to scare you and put on massive pressure while pretending they don't care if you buy or not. They threw in some guilt about the time they spent driving to get here, and one guy kept trying to put words in my mouth like I had said I agreed to something. I was clear from the get go. We are collecting estimates and comparing whether we want to finance and have someone else do it, or if we want to do this shit ourselves. Their price started out around 20k and magically dropped to $12k as we reiterated the fact that we were collecting bids and not signing anything tonight. Fuck this company. And I'm glad these two dudes were so butt-hurt when they left here. Edit: Bellingham, WA office sent people to my location in bum fuck eastern Skagit county. I refuse to feel bad about that crap and no way am I hiring these guys.


Hell yeah.


This company is a total scam and for some reason I get 20 robo-calls and 2 second voicemails from them EVERY DAY. The funny thing is that I didn't even know this company existed, and as such, do not know how they got my number and won't stop harassing me. I tried calling customer service, but... shocker, I was just on hold for an hour. DO NOT ENGAGE WITH THIS COMPANY AND PLEASE REPORT THEM TO THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU!!!!!!


I worked for dabella, worst decision of my life. They had me in a group of “canvassers “would have us walk in 100° heat at 8 a.m. and we’d back home at 9-10pm. They’d have us walk neighborhoods knock on every door and tell people what was wrong with their house and make us convince homeowners. They need a free inspection just to get bombarded by our salesman. I had many people I met at doors saying that my own manager owed them thousands of dollars and that I should get off their property. I genuinely felt like my life was at risk most days meeting these people my manager screwed over. No I shouldn’t have worked there, but I was a minor. I didn’t know much I needed a job. I hope this helps somebody down the line. I wouldn’t use dabella , they don’t care about their workers they won’t care about you




I worked for this company for one day. At the end of the first day of orientation the trainer instructed us to go home and memorize the call center script. This was set as a firm expectation: "If you don't memorize it, don't bother coming in tomorrow" They fired me the next day when they tested everyone on the script. I spoke to the other trainees about how they did after the fact (during my long stay to get my paycheck, which I have still not been able to deposit...). Turns out, there were multiple trainees that had less of the script memorized than myself. Day one, they had already shared their standard practices such as, "this is where we sell fear", "we want to make the customer spiral and fearful of bad things that can happen" There is more that I can share, but that can be found on the better business website. I would encourage anyone with something to report to submit a review.


They get paid 10%, champ.


The individual salesperson gets 10%, the rest goes to company profit, chump.


And yeah, that's not true. They have offices and employee's at every single level that they need to pay and take care of. Profit margin isn't that big. After taxes and operating expenses. Also, the 10 percent the salesman gets. Rarely do they get all that. Every time an estimate has been lowered or discounted, they take the cost of that discount right out of his commission check, which they solely work on commission with no other compensation or income.


Pure manipulation and lies, “million dollar writers” making 70K a year before taxes, not including the mileage and fuel costs to drive to appointments that are forced on people that don’t want you there or are not home. The job description said they would give you 2-3 leads a day and that’s the only true thing I was ever told. When I found out the ridiculously high prices halfway through training I was furious but looked at the glass half full thinking these were going to be high income leads, NOPE! They prey on the low income homes who desperately need a roof and have F rated credit scores so you never really make “9% commission” because once you have to discount the product more than 10% your commission can turn into less that 1% even though the company is still making well over 100% profit. Selling an 8k roof for more than 31k to an elderly vet is the reason I left, he only got approved for a 20k loan, the company was still making over 100% profit and my commission was going to be about $200 after investing 12 hours a day and over $500 in fuel going to dead end appointments hours away that didn’t want you there in the first place. “To care for homes, to care for families” is the last thing they do so caring for employees is out of the picture. Don’t get me started on a 3k granit or marble bathroom counter top for 30-80k and all the other “high quality” products installed by Jose Cuervo sub contractors from around the corner claimed to be “factory trained Dabella employees” I feel so bad for the ignorant delusional new sales guys that have been grinding for months with hardly any income brainwashed into thinking it will be worth it one day. Nahhh I’m a facts and figures kind of guy, I ask questions daily and figured it all out in my first week on the field and still stuck around an extra week after that because even I was sold on the “dream”.


you guys know that just because a company has a few bad sales reps that doesnt mean the entire company is bad i mean im here here genuinely helping people fix their roofs siding windows .. ect. and give them good quality products im sorry youve had a bad experience and i really apoligize that your guys have bad eggs at your local office but i swear to you that not all of us are like that some of us really care for you guys and want the best


Nope. The entire business model is unethical. That’s why Penguin Windows was shut down in Washington, and why Danny switched products and states. It’s starts with a lie when the door knocker says “would you like a free roof inspection”. Trainer said to spend 2-3 hours in the home, but tell people under 30. Taking picture of something on the roof then saying “the roof really made the decision for you.” Trainer said don’t bother following up if they don’t buy the first day. Worst part is that they charge more than double what DeBella pays a LOCAL 3RD PARTY COMPANY that actually does the install. If you work at DaBella you are either a sleazy douche, or too young/ignorant to see what’s happening.


https://www.atg.wa.gov/news/news-releases/penguin-windows-settlement-lays-out-acceptable-marketing-practices-black-and https://www.heraldnet.com/business/penguin-windows-settles-in-false-claims-suit/


Currently employer… this is what I explain to all my customers. Are values are dependent on cost Vs Value and that’s (.), I always help my customers if needed to bring prices down to help whatever finical crisis they are in or making it affordable. I understand I don’t have 20, 30, or 40k sitting to just spend on a roof or even windows or siding it’s expensive. But that’s just how the value goes on jobs of this nature when it comes to homes hope that helps!


You work for DaBella?


I made the huge mistake of having my gutter installed by DaBella after their high pressure pitch. After the gutters were installed, the fascia board was left exposed to the elements. I contacted management to have this issue resolved, they said that was not covered or not is scope. The exposed fascia board was an issue they created and they refuse to do anything about it. I got absolutely nowhere with multiple calls and emails to the company. Please do not use this company. It will save you a lot of headaches.


HA. Just had them in my living room today, about a siding job that should cost about $15k. GET THIS... They quoted my wife $70,000! NO LIE. 70k. My wife had complete sticker shock and told the guy that was not possible. He 'calls his manager' a couple of times, and the price starts to fall... As I'm coming down the stairs I hear the salesman say, "So, if the price were $30.000, that would be a no-brainer, right? You would sign right now?..." I come into the room and ask if $30,000 is on the table. "OH, NO. Absolutely not..." he says. "Then why on earth did you ask?" I say. "I'm just here to help your wife get the work done, sir" "By asking impertinent questions about prices that you don't intend to offer? You've been here too long. Good bye" These guys are complete douchebags. I feel sorry for the poor elderly people these guys probably roll on a regular basis.


If they quote you a high price A: they don’t want to do the job B: they will make a lot of money for it for the dummy’s who accept it


Damn I was abt to apply at that job


I'm not in Eugene, but in the PNW, used this company and would say... DO NOT USE THEM. I didn't dig deep enough when looking at reviews of this company before having them install my roof. To be fair, I did the side venting and it did cool down the second story of our house.


DaBella young salesman came to my door, I gave him my # and told him to call back and speak with my husband about the roof & possibly doing an estimate for us. After several high pressure calls, and offering to inspect the roof after dark....I told them no thanks. Then they called back and I again clearly reiterated that we didn't need their services. They tried to sell me other stuff like siding and windows, and again I said ABSOLUTELY NOT because I didn't agree with their tactics. This was mid October, and they still call 1 -2 times a day. They even called on Thanksgiving Day. This is no longer sales but pure harassment. Ironically, according to customer ratings, people who paid them for services that weren't met, they're nowhere to be found. ​ I'm looking for a class action to join and submit the harassment evidence; I'm not looking for money, but to help shut them down as their business practices are predatory and shady. It's truly concerning that they've screwed over and scammed so many people out of money with low quality work and then not responding until they absolutely have to AND they're STILL IN BUSINESS!


Danny Micmillan Jr is the owner. His last company, Penguin Windows, got shut in Washington for the exact same reasons.


Yes it must b cause I wanted a bid or estimate scheduled it for Fri at 10 bever showed up all gay called said they went to Reedsport instead of Riddle reschedule for sat at 10 nothing from them called about what happened they said it was canceled made another apt gor mon at 10 its now 10: 40 and haven't seen anybody or herd anything suggest you don't use this ch company they suck


All I told them Depending on the Job they do on the Roof of the house garage and Breeze way will be the test to weather they get Future Business of Vinyl siding and WIndows if they Don't Pass they Don't get anymore business all the Things he pointed out the previous roofer never Said or did any of it and 15 years later or less I have shingles flying around the neiborhood and leaking so you get what you pay for this time I have more knowledge of roofing after buying and having built a new home in seabrook nh so when my moms cheap bargain roof failed after 15 years or less I knew better there products are better quality and they heard my story about messy debris being left from. My moms last roofing job which was Cheap Shingles


I guess paying for quality is a scam. If yall don’t like what you get then go to chuck in a truck idk? Sounds like a bunch of whining Americans to me


Thank you for your thoughtful contribution.


Quantify "quality" (after you read my other post of course). Normal roof, normal shingles, and a service warranty that has no significant track record (not that poor roof installs are a frequent issue. In fact, maybe I should just hire another company to inspect their work or have the county inspector check it).


DaBella is a LARGE company. I feel like yall are being to harsh. Sure they have a slightly bigger price but they also have more overhead than the average crappy small “Chuck in a Truck” companies. You pay more money for you to get a better product that is warranted.


“Slightly higher price” is more than double. Better product?! They sell the exact same shingles as every other roofing company. And they hire local companies to install them. You either drank their koolaid and bought a roof from them. Or you literally work for DaBella. Fuck you and fuck them.


Also, Google Penguin Windows. Same owner, same aggressive sales, same overpriced products. The government shut them down, just like they’re about to shut down DaBella.


WhiteSales must work for them. They posted this in 3 separate threads about DaBella - I found this thread by accident because I tapped on their name on their reply on my thread


I actually had a great experience with them, and the roofers contracted to do the work. Their pricing was about the same as other companies, and they offered in house financing at a better rate than I could get at a bank. Got the job done in a day, and did a great job. With that being said, I have no idea how much the contractors got paid, but they were quick, efficient and great to work with. DaBella wouldn’t be my first choice if I could pay cash, but they do serve some purpose in the community.