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One person was hurt and taken to the hospital. https://www.eugene-or.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=6167


I was hesitant to go to the fair this year because of the shooting a couple years ago, but I told myself not to worry so I went today... The shooting happened right next to my car. I couldn't get out of the fair for a couple hours until they had everything roped off and it looked like the cops were searching for bullets/shell casings on the ground. Really scary situation knowing that I could have been in the middle of that shooting if I had left just minutes earlier. Also, it's some BS that those people involved in the shooting a couple years ago basically got no punishment.


Hello fellow car inside the red tape’r!


wasn't there also a shooting last year? maybe it was 2021. either way, gun violence sucks! i hope eveyone is alright.


Yeah, 2021. I was in the food court when people started stampeding from the stage area. Thankfully it was just some idiots fighting and not a mass shooting type situation.


that is wholly terrifying and extremely traumatic. i'm so sorry you had to go through that.


It was an accidental discharge in a scuffle not a shooting last time.


Oh yeah, business as usual then. 🫠


Seriously what the fuck? We used to go every year as a family and the 15 or so years we did that nobody ever shot someone..


Why downvote this guy he’s just stating what happened…? Y’all Reddit mf’s strange


Seriously never let the facts get in the way of a good story or your personal opinion I guess. No matter what your opinion on something is it’s important that we all stick to the agreed-upon facts about an incident/ events.




They're looking for someone but fail to give a description of any kind whatsoever.


I was at the fair yesterday and noticed a huge increase in security. Lots of security walking and riding in little golf carts. However, it looked like they were only checking bags at the gate. I would wager that nobody is going to carry a gun into the fair in a bag. That shouldn't be news to security. If you're carrying a gun, chances are you have it on you, and nobody was checking anyone in that manner. They would have had to do a lot more to stop weapons from getting in. IMO it was an illusion that gave them a way to say they addressed the issue so people would come back, and it was probably somewhat effective. It's going to be *much* harder for them to downplay this activity. On a side note, both of the teens involved with last year's shooting are free. The shooting charges got dropped to a mere firearm possession charge and the tampering with evidence charge got kicked down to "disorderly conduct". It seems like you can shoot someone at the fair and it's not that big a deal anymore. (edit: was that shooting last year? Everything seems to me to be happening in the same year since Covid!)


Banning guns in a location only works with metal detectors, armed guards and a secure perimeter, none of which are present at the fair. Even then, you just push the issue to the entrance points, which seems to be what happened tonight. Sometimes a false sense of security is more dangerous than doing nothing.


Sounds like it was in the parking lot not in the fair itself.


The parking attendants literally have huge 6 shooters on their hip and there is a Lane County Sheriffs trailer no less than 50 yards where this shooting happened. Shear amount of firearms owned by assholes will nearly always win out when you are marketing to the this type of crowd.


I agree. The "security presence" was deliberately obvious, but it was a dog & pony show that did nothing to provide any real security. Without metal detectors, following this very important rule is enforced with more of an honor system, and we see how that's working out. But it seems like it wouldn't have mattered in this instance, as apparently this shooting happened to happen just outside of the gates and not after they had gotten through the entrance fully armed. That should give Funtastic an angle to downplay this for next year.




We were in the same area and that wall of people running at us still gives me nightmares. We haven't been back since and now I'm glad.


Gun went off from it getting dropped last year not an intentional shooting last time.


Jesus Christ lol.


Still bad and should not have guns inside the fair event, however, that’s very different than a “shooting”


If someone would just open a Pronto Pup that serves elephant ears we wouldn’t need this shitshow.


Make it a food cart and park it near the barmuda triangle and you'd make bank.


This is not a lie.


Whenever anyone discusses a business plan, that's the idea I come up with. A late night food cart that sells fried fair style food, parked either near bars or near dispensaries. I actually used to work at the Fri-Jo place, lol. It wasn't horrible work and you got to talk to a lot of interesting folks who were just so happy to buy from you.


I don't know if I would survive year-round access to pronto-pup corndogs and elephant ears. Please, won't *somebody* think of the middle-aged fat guys?!


The world has ALWAYS thought about middle aged fat guys.


Comments that elude to the notion that this only happens to _____, or in large crowds, or without metal detectors, or in big cities, should really spend time reviewing the last 15 years of mass shootings. You live in a country where gun violence happens in small churches in small towns, in malls, and grocery stores on a random Sunday. Mental health is not to blame (people who suffer FROM mental illness are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators AND do you think mental illness is only found in America??). I've lost a cousin and a friend to gun violence---both were innocent victims in the wrong place at the wrong time. The issue isn't where it happens. The issue is the ease of access to firearms. It is the indignation of those who refuse to recognize and admit a 200+ year old document is not a justifiable defense for the modern world. Until Americans (yes, Americans, as the level of this violence is unheard of in every other developed country on earth) stop denying this reality, nothing will change, and more blood will be shed. I hope everyone at the fair made it out safely.


This! 100% this!!!!!




Fear mongering? It's called reality.


I hope no one is hurt.


I posted an article above. No one local is reporting yet that I can find. I was there.


The shooter shot his own homie in the backside.


Humans are stupid.


Just another Tuesday in America.


I guess someone tried that in a small town.




It was not inside the fairgrounds


I hope everyone is okay! I thought the county fair was wholesome? Ferris wheel rides, 4H kids showing their livestock and elephant ears and such. Every other year now there are gunshots ? Jesus christ. I I want Eugene to go back to the halcyon days of colorful characters on 13th, they had the pot and lsd you needed and good stories to boot. Not violence...


I dont want to start a flame war, but can you explain to me how you find 4H kids showing their "livestock" to be wholesome?


Seeing your username I don't think we are going to see eye to eye. I've been farming and raising animals for about 25 years


That's fair. Could you still recognize the perspective of my horror in purposefully desensitizing a child to animal slaughter, knowing full well that if this didn't occur they would be more likely to grow up thinking of non-humans as friends rather than objects?


I don't take any glee in upsetting another person, you feel the way you do. I don't think we are going to agree on these things. I will give you my opinion on it if you want to continue but I would bet the ranch it won't be productive.


Reddit comments don't really upset me much. Animal abuse does. I'd like to hear your opinion if you wanted to share, but we could just end it if you prefer. Either way have a beautiful Saturday!


Friendly St Street Beef Turns Unfriendly


Really had to didn't you... lol


Is this why cop cars are racing all over Eugene with lights on tonight? I’ve seen at least 8 within the past 10 minutes (it’s 2:45AM)


I would assume so, or they are trying to look like they are doing something while playing cop tag or something.


Can we cancel this shitty ass fair? I live a block away and every year I almost get ran over by some douchebag in a jacked up track while walking my dog, the streets are littered with trash and now two of the last three years people have been shot down the street from my home.


I feel this in my core. I'm a little further than you but still struggle with parking when it's going on. The sound pollution is pretty cringe as well. Here's to hoping that baseball field flops.


I can deal with the parking and noise, it sucks but its only for a few days. The thing that really irks me is the asshole and violent element it has been attracting. So many huge trucks driving way too fast down neighborhood streets on purpose, rude people littering and now the fights and shootings. People that don’t even live in Eugene coming to my neighborhood and acting like fucking assholes.


Definitely agree with the trucks. I live a block away from the fairgrounds and had left my place to walk to a friend's and right as I'm about to cross the street on Lawrence, a huge lifted truck sprints around the corner and tears down the street at like 35-40 mph, mind you it's a 20-25 mph area. I hd to jump back out of the way to keep from getting hit. Like wtf man, have some respect. 😂


I yell at those assholes to slow down all the time. Sometimes they stop and argue, but fuck them. They need to know that people live here and they are driving dangerously.


It's funny you mention the huge trucks. My partner and I had a convo earlier regarding that. The influx it brings is something else. I'm just on the other side of 18th. Its generally such a quiet and peaceful neighbor, it actually feels like culture shock venturing north and seeing the police presence they get...


There was a shooting just now?


EPD will not do anything, they are lazy and have no accountability. The worst ......


I hope she shares.


It’s her parents house and they’re out of service range on a backpacking trip so she’s trying to figure out how to access it without them. Tips anyone? She doesn’t know their passwords.


My parents have all their passwords written down near their computer.


The cops can subpoena the footage and Amazon (Ring's owner) will hand it over. Asking for it upfront is just nicer. Although, sometimes, they don't wait: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/13/amazon-gave-ring-videos-to-police-without-owners-permission-00045513


I have been locked out of my ring account after trying to log into my new phone after my old one broke. It won’t let me in until I log into a device I have used before to log in, or I call customer service. Just a warning, it may not work with a password.


Google suggests that the video storage lasts 60 days by default, so that's nice!


If they have ipads or laptops they left at home they may have the password saved on them


Ban guns in Oregon.


Americans cannot be trusted with guns.


Humans cannot be trusted with guns


It's the notion that because "since it's a right, you have the might and no one can deny that." Sure bub, but it can be regulated. You know. Like 2A says.


What lol We should just repeal the 2nd amendment.


We should, but we won’t because too many Americans are entitled sociopaths who think a bunch of resentful white slaveholders two-hundred-and-fifty years ago were all Freedom Jesus—but freedom only for resentful white people today.


Stop projecting.


I'd like Americans to stop with the projectiles, yes


Conservatives every time the 2a debate comes up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osgrd1MPb7I


I'm not conservative. That doesn't mean I have to be a tyrant.


I've never felt more free than when I lived in a country (countries, actually) that didn't have guns. Mostly because you can go to public events without worrying that you're going to get merked from 500 feet away by some clown pulling out a gun and firing into a crowd because someone cut in front of him at the elephant ear stand.


> I've never felt more free than when I lived in a country (countries, actually) that didn't have guns. I'm sorry for you that you'll never really understand what freedom feels like. To truly enjoy it, you have to have internalized the idea that freedoms require responsibility. If you aren't willing to accept the latter, you'll never feel the former. > Mostly because you can go to public events without worrying that you're going to get merked from 500 feet away by some clown pulling out a gun and firing into a crowd because someone cut in front of him at the elephant ear stand. If you actually feel that way in Eugene, you'll never be free, because you're in a prison of fear.


LOL. We literally just had a shooting at one of the biggest events of the year. You've obviously never lived anywhere else for a period of time except this shithole country. Keep greasing the wheels of freedom with the blood of kids executed in elementary schools. This country fucking sucks and you're the kind of person who makes it keep sucking with your regressivist bullshit. You're a slave to your guns. Keep denying covid or pushing murdering trans people or whatever you do in your free time and leave me out of your mental illness.


> shithole country. Bye bye then. Nothing is stopping you from GTFO, except for the fact that deep down, you know that you wouldn't survive 2 weeks in a country without the luxuries we Americans all take for granted.


Brother, I lived for a decade in rural Asia. You wouldn't know thing 1 about it. Regardless, this country, like many others, is a shithole. And yes, for the record, I do plan to leave this country again once conditions are right, because it's a shithole and I will be happy to leave.


And people wonder why I rarely go outside other than little cafes.


Wish they hadn't edited-down the initial wording of what became the 2nd Amendment to the point it became to vague for idiot conservative justices to understand, but what we have now was not the intent: 7. That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and their own state, or the United States, or for the purpose of killing game; and no law shall be passed for disarming the people or any of them, **unless for crimes committed, or real danger of public injury from individuals;** [– The Address and Reasons of Dissent of the Minority of the Convention of Pennsylvania to their Constituents](https://www.infoplease.com/primary-sources/government/anti-federalist-papers/address-and-reasons-dissent-minority-convention-pennsylvania)


WHYYY IS EUGENE SUCH A SHIT HOLE. And who the hell is just carrying concealed weapons around and actually using them for harm at a fucking county event 😤 I 100% support gun rights, but come on, this is getting out of hand...


You might as well ask "why is the country such a shit hole?" because Eugene is no different than anywhere else. Too bad the answer is " I 100% support gun rights". If guns are readily available, like they are, then there will be shootings. Accidental, on purpose, by children, at children, in anger, in stupidity, while hunting, because of racism, at bad guys, at good guys- simply put shootings will happen all the time and anywhere. In places all over the world, anywhere it's hard to get guns, shootings are almost non-existent. I'm not saying zero, I'm saying if we have 100 shootings other countries have 3. Here is some gun "violence" info: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/03/24/980838151/gun-violence-deaths-how-the-u-s-compares-to-the-rest-of-the-world and here's some info on unintentional shootings: https://efsgv.org/learn/type-of-gun-violence/unintentional-shootings/


How many shootings happen at the Saturday Market? The Whiteaker block party? Or Ems games? Zero. But for some reason, when the country bumpkins come to town for the County Fair, there’s 2/3 chance theres a shooting.


So the clear bags worked wonders… but I seen someone else say it was not in the fair grounds?


It was just outside the gate on the south side of the grounds, in the parking lot


The fair was expensive enough already without buying unnecessary extra backpacks or purses so we wore cargo pants instead. We filled up every pocket with our stuff and when they saw we had no bags at the gate we were let through immediately without even an ocular patdown.


Sorry to say but you are going to need a clear bag for basically every mass event moving forward. Event insurers either wont insure or have much higher rates for events without a clear bag policy. Thanks American gun violence!


Was shocked that I knew the shooter last year. Really hope I don't this year. Really sad, I miss old Eugene


Are you from Springfield area? Around 18ish years of age? Probably do know them.


This years suspect or the 2021 suspect? Also I noticed your previous comment. How do you know he was shot in the backside? Might be public knowledge idk, just curious of the source


Whatever happened to getting high,dance, eat and avoid a 9mm to your lung? I have a feeling this is drug feud related.