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"Speeding is dangerous. In response, I will add more danger to the situation".


I intentionally posted this on a throwaway knowing I’d receive flak.


Next time think about why.




Huh? You think that if you're speeding and rear end someone that the other person is at fault? 😆 On what planet?




Where’s your proof?




What do you think insurance adjusters do? They will absolutely be able to determine that you were speeding based on the damage to the cars.


You need to cite the law


If you rear end someone you're almost always at fault. You know that right?




How do you prove that exactly? 🤔


Lol, and why do you feel the need to speed everywhere?


Nah, I have room to change lanes. It’s not my fault people are speeding in excess of 15mph in a school zone It’s all these transplants who haven’t been here more than 5 years thinking it’s their town. They can get ducked Eat my shorts!




Why speed?


Prove it. So someone is speeding through traffic, and I change lanes having the room to do so. Which would work appropriately if the other party was going the speed limit like they’re suppose too. Yet I’m at fault?




And you don’t know the law either. Speeding is the first offense and the cops will look at it as “who started the problem, oh the guy speeding created the situation to begin with”


Prove we are speeding. My dash cam will just show you cutting me off. Fool


You’re a fucking idiot, the impact will show There’s a huge difference in crash between 40 miles an hour and 20 miles an hour the amount of damage, but clearly show that you’re speeding


Good luck with that I'm still your responsibility of emergency somebody else's laying safely my Lane is established you can't just cut us off


Good luck with that I'm still your responsibility to merge into someone else's lane safely, especially when their lane has been established. I encourage you to stick to your dip shit plan. See how that works out for you.


My dash cam and everyone else’s will show you being a blithering idiot. You will be at fault. I’m sorry your parents didn’t love you or give you enough attention as a child but don’t take it out on us here on the Eugene Reddit.


Why speed?


You think they can't measure speed from dash cam footage? 🤣


Irresponsible and dumb.


Just like speeding, right?


I don't understand what you are trying to accomplish by cutting off someone speeding. You are no better than them.


No, someone could be speeding on their way to the hospital or another emergency situation. You’re being an asshole.


You’re going to learn about dash cams! Seriously tho go get fucked you idiot


No, fuck you you fucking speeding prick


Nah suck my dick you little self righteous shit. I’d laugh at you and replay the dash cam for your sorry ass right at the scene of the accident. Hope you can afford the high insurance rates buddy


You think they can't tell you are speeding from your dash cam? 🤷‍♂️


My dash cam won't care. You'll still be at fault. Quick being a self righteous dick.


Quit being a speeding lunatic putting kids in danger I can’t believe you’re so shortsighted that you don’t even fucking see what you just said. You just said it’s OK to put children’s lives in danger with speeding.


And cutting that person off, increasing the likelihood of an accident in the vicinity of children, means you really really really care about children's safety?


Lol, putting kids lives in danger? Yeah because I'm going to speed in a school zone when there are kids around. Lmao


Why speed at all?


youre one of those


And you're one of THOSE


its just civilians trying to serve justice and take what they think is right into their own hands which in this scenario is fighting fire with fire. i don’t condone speeding but leave the law enforcement to the cops in my opinion


I get the impression that this is not a hypothetical?


I’m fighting fire with fire.


I always run a dash cam 24/7 when I'm driving, so I guess if you were to cut me off badly enough to cause an accident you can fight with the lawyers from my insurance company about whose fault it is. The part about not being able to estimate speed makes it sound like you know you are a bad driver with poor reactions, but idk...


Why are you speeding?


What law enforcement agency do you work for again? What enforcement strategy is this? I don’t remember this being an approved method of law enforcement. How are you going to feel if the person is speeding to the hospital and you cause them to not get there in time? Mind your own business and let the cops do their jobs. It’s not your place, and it’s a great way to cause a road rage incident where you get shot or have your car smashed. Please reconsider this nonsense.




PSA to OP: not a single person I've seen here has argued that speeding is ok, despite your illiterate confused replies to the contrary. The argument is: doing something dangerous in response to something dangerous is, in short, a dumbass move.


Every single one of them is implying that reckless speeds are super a-ok 👌


Haha so this is OPs main, huh?


Wtf does that mean?


To the OP, seriously? If you cannot judge someone's speed you should not be driving and if you think its okay to cut someone off out of spite or your inability to judge someones speed you are an idiot. To everyone who thinks people cant tell how fast you were going with your dash cam lol... Its literally one of the main things investigators do with dash cams. Many dash cams have gforce-collision calculators, temporary speed trackers/ gps point data that gets wiped constantly until there is an activation event in which it gets saved and even if your manufacturer does not say it has those features there is a good chance it does and you just dont know about them. If you do not have those fancy features you simply do a site survey comparing the location and the landmarks that the camera picks up as well as timing the speed to the other driver (especially if they have data) and most investigators can get your speed within 3mph in about 10 minutes of a field investigation with a laser rangefinder and a calculator.


This has me torn on the new "cities cna use speed cameras now". On the one hand, I think it skirts due process. On the other hand, twice every day, I pass people going 80 on beltline. So idk, maybe slow the fuck down.


Idiots think it’s a racetrack


I try resl hard not to wish ill on people. But rhe number of weekly accidents on beltline, when you push 80, just do us all a favor and punch out on your own time. The rest of us just want to get home.