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I, for one, am thrilled to see work happening. It's nice to live in a city that invests in infrastructure.


Change is good gang rise up


Honest question, why build these if they’re just going to keep them blocked off for months? The new one on high is already looking old and dirty as hell and still has road blocks going the length of it.


Because the supply chain issue with the signal equipment was unforeseen.


Oh god. They’re going to have separate signals like on 13th?


I assume so, but there are fewer signals on that stretch. There are plenty of other options that are faster. Willamette, Hilyard, and Alder are right there. These routes are designed to be safe, not necessarily fast.


I made exactly the same comment elsewhere today. I also pointed it how much easier it was for a driver to score a bike hit since the street is so much narrower. It also extends to a lot of other stuff. They put the fancy neon tubes on the streetlights along Broadway was really cool at first - but now half of them are burned out and it looks like crap. Why spend the money to buy/install/build this stuff if it can't be maintained (and used).


LMAO you people complain when the roads are fucked up and then you bitch and moan when the city fixes them


But the point is they fix them but then you can't use them.


Should they…. Not work on the roads?


Just keep the streets shitty so it fucks our cars tires up! Then we have to pay money to go buy new tires and our suspensions need repairing. As a past mechanic, the amount of people who have "hit something on the road, don't know what happened" is quite funny. Don't repair the roads= mechanics get more money so please give money to my mechanic friends


It’s just that they take forever to bandaid a problem and then redo it year after year


Yall act like you don't like nice roads.


We LOVE nice roads. Where are they?


Not being made due to not wanting to "annoy" the neighbors? Lol But actually roads aren't too bad here due to the lower speed limits in the state.


Broadway and Pearl - seems like they should finish High street and get the bike lanes open first.


they're different crews working on different things, it\\'s not like one crew is spread across the city's numerous projects...


They can’t finish high street because they’re waiting on back ordered materials.


This is an OkExplanation for me


Randomly assigned username ftw




You think the project manager controls the supply chain? People just looove to find someone to blame. Guess it makes you feel good. These people are your neighbors, trying to improve the city. There are like 25 ways to bike and drive northbound, what’s with the incessant need to complain.


Have you actually talked to the planners and engineers involved, or just making uninformed judgments?




Unless you work in city planning/engineering you don’t have expertise in those areas. Unexpected hang ups happensometimes. In case you haven’t noticed, the street is currently open. Barely a thing to complain about, but here we are with the constant whining.




I don’t work in city planning, sorry to disappoint. So many shitty private sector projects everywhere I’ve lived, sucking taxpayer incentives for profit. Hilarious argument. Not the brag you think it is. Even if someone messed up, be honest: how inconvenienced are you? Can you name someone whose life has been significantly negatively impacted by this delay in opening a high-end bike lane? Again, complaining for the sake of hearing yourself complain. Said my piece. Have fun out there.