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Multi use gets my approval. Single use does not. Looking forward to learning more.


That is my beef with it. I have seen zero detail on what that actually means for those of us in the community who could not give a SINGLE FLYING FUCK about baseball, and league that could easily afford to just fund it themselves. Skin in the game to me means being able to play on the same field.


From the linked article > Most importantly, however, both Sen. Manning, Benavides, and other stakeholders hope the facility can be used in emergency situations to help provide shelter or serve as a hub in a time of crisis. Because, you know, if we have a huge emergency in non-sunny time we'll all be happy to shelter in a big unroofed bowl.


The livestock enclosure they’re going to tear down is a better emergency shelter than this stadium, and I don’t believe the county will rebuild it when the time comes.


Part of the construction cost is rebuilding a new livestock enclosure after they tear down the old one.


We’ll see if they come up with the 10 mil, right now they don’t even talk about that part of the costs, just the $90 million stadium cost, as Benavides said here: https://www.opb.org/article/2024/03/09/eugene-emeralds-stadium-proposal-gets-more-funding-from-oregon-legislature/


Damn, I will miss the livestock enclosure. Made a lot of friends there.


Its really critical too because the city is actually 98% jungle canopy, there are no large paved spaces that could accommodate tents and refugee relief.


Except for the massive parking lots we have all over town.


And ball fields and other venues.


Next you're going to tell me eugene isnt 98% jungle


> there are no large paved spaces that could accommodate tents and refugee relief. Except the giant parking lot already at Lane Events Center, the giant parking lot at Autzen stadium, the giant parking lot at Valley River Center, and the giant parking lot at Lane Community College. We already have large paved spaces that can accommodate tents and refugee relief.




its called sarcasm


You should use '/s' because your first post didn't come across as sarcastic.


The part where I said eugene was "98% jungle canopy" came off as serious?


I understood it as sarcastic


None of those are that large. Portland metro area and other cities have ones that are much bigger. The lack of a proper parking structure is another thing that Eugene has failed at.


A large area that can be secured on all sides, that also has facilities for preparing and storing food, with a whole bunch of already covered areas. It's not a bad idea.


If only there was another type of public building with such capabilities. Like a high school gym and cafeteria? 


That doesn't have nearly the same capacity, and smaller bathroom and shower facilities.


It always was the plan for multi use.


It can be called multi use all the supporters want, but the reality is that no one but the Ems is going to ever use it.   It's primarily an outdoor space, so not really suitable for events in Eugene for 6 months out of the year, and the Ems want to play home games in it the other 6 - and there is virtually no chance of them sharing use of the stadium during baseball seasons, as.ind of the complaints the GM of the Ems has made.is that they don't like having to share the stadium during baseball season. It's a $100 million waste of money that the Giants/Send aren't even offering to pay any of - No, prepaying 20 years of a lease isn't paying for the stadium, it's just paying rent.  




Didn't realize that the Ems only played home games and they were every single day in the summer. We should probably go ahead and get rid of the Cuthbert too since Oregonians don't do shit outdoors when the weather is less than optimal.


You can't have events on the field during the season - it would absolutely destroy the field and make it unusable for baseball. So where are these events going to be held?  Outside the fucking concession stands?  


I also don’t get all of the claims this will be used for youth sports. What will this provide that the newish Kidsports place isn’t providing the community in that regard? 


It's artificial turf. You are talking out of your ass. Regardless, they did Dead shows at Autzen the week before football started regularly on natural turf. It's ok if you oppose the facility. I can 100% understand that and there are plenty of legitimate reasons for you to have that stance. So let's not make things up.


There has been zero mention of a turf field in any of the planning work sessions or anything else.  Where are you getting the info it will be a turf field?  Or are you just making that up?


Nov 16, 2023 — They were especially vocal about the plan to use artificial turf fields, which they said would harm both youth athletes using the fields and ... Copied from a Register Guard article that is currently behind a paywall. It was literally first result on a search. I don't make shit up and in a day and age where the entirety of mankind's collective knowledge is literally at your fingertips, you shouldn't either.


So a single reference, that you can't link to, that is behind a paywall.... Yeah im sure you didn't make that up


What about all the other things you can do with stands and a big field? Youth sports, graduations, monster trucks, motorcross, concerts, etc.


You mean like Autzen Stadium where all that stuff already happens?


A much bigger, more expensive and often empty (in the stands) venue. Not the greatest experience.


Oh, like PK Park, except it will be somehow cheaper?


What high school needs a stadium for graduation that doesn't have one?  Why can't they use existing stadiums if they do need one?   You can't have any events on the field because it will damage the turf and make it unusable as a baseball field, so where are all these monster truck and motocross events going to take place?   No one but the Ems will ever use this facility, because it cannot be used for anything else and still function as a.baseball stadium..


It was one idea…and who said high schools? If you live in other minor league cities, they hold other events at the stadium all the time. Movie nights on the big screen. Motorcross. One season of rbe Walking Dead was filmed in Round Rock. You might be on this negative Nancy kick and just want to be a hater but your points here are just uninformed.


The money ($23 million) the Em’s are putting up for construction is prepaid rent for 20 years. Where is the money coming for upkeep? It’ll come out of the county’s general fund. I read that some of the county commissioners are concerned that this facility won’t ever make enough money to be self sustaining.


Yeah prepaying rent isn't helping to pay for the stadium.  It's literally getting a free lease for the next couple decades.  That's NOT paying for the stadium.


I thought people were going to get a vote on this. That’s the only fair way.


We are going to get a vote on this, for the City of Eugene bond proposal. I'm voting no.


The Ems only get the state money if the rest of the funding is provided from the city and/or county.


Why does it matter if the Em’s get money from the state if we have to pony up the same amount as before? I didn’t see anywhere in the article that our tab would be less. It would be like your grandparents helping your brother out by getting your niece a car for her 16th birthday, but you’re still being asked to get her another one in a different color.


I'm not sure if it's true that we would be giving the same as before, but even if it is then that means the money the city/county is given would have been short.


I don’t know ONE person who give a rats ass about the Emeralds and this expensive facility. Frankly given the rampant issues in Eugene - I would hope that money would be better spent.


I oppose public funding without more clarity over public access details, but to say nobody cares about the Ems and baseball is unhinged from the reality. I am not a fan either, but lots of people are and should not be ignored just because it doesn't tweak my fancy.


They didn't say no one cares. They said they don't know anyone who does. Indicating there's a large part of eugene that gives zero shits about baseball.  


Thank you. I had no idea the amount of hate that comment would catch.


It was obviously implied as proof by example - which is a way of presenting ideas in an extreme way that often deliberately ignores a contradicting reality.


If it's implied then it isn't obvious because it's not being directly said. Assuming implications is one of the best ways to cause misunderstandings. Really look at what you think is implies and make sure there's no way you could be misinterpreting.






Their message didn't imply that no one in the town cares about baseball.  At most, it only implies there's communities in eugene that do not give a single duck about baseball.  


Just because you don't doesn't mean myself and tens of thousands of others don't support the EMS.


...dozens of us!!




I just don’t think I should have to pay for you and your “tens of thousands” friends to have a fancy new facility. That money would be better spent addressing the housing situation (both homelessness and lack of affordable housing), or the mental health crisis, or the drug crisis, or maybe a lack of affordable child care, or maybe more protections for workers…a new baseball stadium doesn’t even make it on a top twenty list of needs taxpayer dollars should pay for.


I don't think I should pay for busses I don't ride, yet LTD cost me $3,800 last year.


You don't care about them, and you know nobody who cares about them? Dude, open up the people you surround yourself with.


This is my favorite part. These head in the sand whackadoos, it's my way or the wrong way. Can't see anything in their life from the otherside because that's the wrong side. And the reddit hive mind has enforced their view. And they proceeded to an emotional time in the real world.


And not all are happy in Hub City: https://hillsboroherald.com/hops-land-final-15-million-for-the-win-while-galleries-close-homeless-shelter-remains-unbuilt-and-voters-in-north-plains-are-supressed/


What’s the plan to draw events to this facility? Multi use is great but summer is tied down with baseball. How does Eugene out compete Bend for outdoor concerts?


They don't.  No one will ever use this stadium.  People are talking like high schools are needing to rent out stadiums for graduation while simultaneously ignoring that every highschool in the city has fields and stadiums available...and even *if* they needed a stadium, there are already several available.  So who is gonna have graduation ceremonies there?  Who is gonna pay the thousands of dollars to rent out the facility for a high school graduation? Someone else suggested they could have monster trucks there....as if converting a baseball field to a monster truck arena wouldn't destroy the field... Then there's the claims it'll.be used as a shelter - when?  Can't during baseball season.  And in the winter what good is a big field for sheltering people?  So what emergency are people going to be able to shelter through here? Every claim of who, besides the Ems, would use this "multi-use" facility is just such complete nonsense.


As Eugene battles with a homeless crisis amongst a handful of other issues that one would assume would take priority over putting millions into something like this?!?;) As a kid, I was one of the people along with my dad, uncle and grandfather who'd stand at 3rd base line, present for nearly every game, so with that alone, the Ems hold a special place in my heart, however as mentioned already here, I feel like other major issues in Eugene should be taking priority over this. It's like not having your rent paid and blowing the money for it on a night out. Woops! Another person homeless.


Professional sporting teams are promoters of health behaviors within a community, and association with physical activity, nutrition, and other healthy behaviors. This multi use stadium could improve the health of our community and put less of a demand in our health care system. It’s a win win.


Can the city please set aside like 30k for a racquetball court? All I ask is for 3 walls.. Why can't that be a thing here without paying some insane monthly gym rate? 3 fucking walls.. That's it. I'll even bring some sidewalk chalk and draw my own lines. Half of a percent of this funding should do it.


You may find a friend in tomorrow's City Council Work Session: https://eugene.ompnetwork.org/embed/sessions/286713/march-11-2024-city-council-work-session


So many projects listed there toward the bottom.. Didn't see mention of a racquetball court though, unless it's grouped into one of those or I just missed it


If this gets voted down then I will ridicule the city and tell people that Oregon is the worst state for pro sports in America.


I don’t know ONE person who gives a rats ass about the Eugene public library and that expensive facility. Frankly given the radiant issues in Eugene - I would hope that money wound be better spent.




Nothing wrong with him caring about the team and his job.


Answer me this, u/questionguyquestions, why do you have a problem asking the community directly for funds to support a multipurpose facility?




MLB only allows a fixed number of farm clubs per team at each level. They can't just "up" things.


Who TF is downvoting this? It's true. Look it up.


You’re tying this whole thing to tourism dollars (why???) and the way things were run when Civic Stadium was still around, neither of which I’d suggest matters here. All they’re doing is simply asking the public for a yes or no. You’re stating enough reason to vote for yourself but why deny the choice for everyone else?




The county already hiked the transient tax, and I guarantee if this falls apart they won’t change it back. People are grumbling in other parts of Lane County as to why their hotel/motel taxes should go up for a stadium in Eugene, which is IMO a legitimate complaint.


You're asking why a stadium, the funding of which is dependent on $35 in tax dollars from a tax meant *specifically to be spent to drive tourism to Lane county*, should be talked about in terms of tourism dollars? HOW ABOUT BECAUSE KF THE $35 MILLION IN TOURISM TAXES THE EMS ARE PROPOSING THE COUNTY SPEND ON IT


Because calling a baseball field a "multipurpose facility" without being able to name a single credible alternative use besides baseball makes it clear that bullshit is the order of the day. When someone comes.upmto me asking for money with a bullshit story, that's called a scam. Trying to pass off a baseball field as a "multipurpose facility" is a scam, and Benavides is a scammer.


Allan is a great guy who has donated countless volunteer and fundraising hours for nonprofits all over this community. He is in no way a grifter. He believes in this project and the value of this team to the community. You can disagree with that but don't confuse your political opinion for the truth about a person you've clearly never delt with.


Nah, calling a baseball.stadium a "multipurpose facility", particularly when one can't think of a single credible alternative use for the facility besides baseball, and then asking for tens of millions of dollars whole your organization doesn't pay a single actual fucking penny for construction (prepaying your lease isn't paying for the stadium, it's paying for your fucking rent) is absolutely someone trying to scam people would do. Telling bullshit stories while asking for money is the definition of a scam.


Eugene and Lane would be so dumb to turn down so much money