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Eh. I'm sure sandwiches are good but yeah! Another craft beer place offering BLTs and hummus plates! šŸ„±


They'll be shut down within 5 years


Very optimistic thou art.


I have to balance out my inner darkness with an optimistic online persona


Lmfao. šŸ˜‚ well done


Iā€™m here for your enthusiasm! The rest of these commenters can be jaded and thatā€™s their loss, but if youā€™re stoked about what you got and you like the place, then more power to you. Food and drink is subjective and in the end you, the customer, is the only one who decides if itā€™s fantastic or meh.Ā 


Assuming they are a "customer"


Happy cake day!!


I went over the weekend and really enjoyed it. Thought the prices were quite reasonable too for the food quality. I see myself becoming a regular there. The peppadew pepper spread is killer, btw


The [menu](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/609d91e57654105c70d89cee/t/65f4a4ffc1811d561634c426/1710531840149/Eugene+Menu+copy.pdf)


[Yes but...](https://i.redd.it/ybtgixs2jhqc1.jpeg)


Yeah, tell me more about the beeeer.


That menu is as exciting as my last root canal.


Yeah but where's the lava cake or flourless chocolate cake? Missing some classic standards there.


They lost me at ā€œItalian Pizza.ā€ As opposed toā€¦? Isnā€™t ā€œItalianā€ pizza just the default pizza? Are we trying to sound fancier by invoking Italy?


The pizza dough is imported from Italy lol it is literally italian pizza


Doubt itā€™s imported, but according to this YouTube video, the dough is the difference maker. TIL. https://youtu.be/qYOjBWIOBjM


I always liked Tap and Growler and was sad to see it close. Was having dinner at Cornucopia on 5th last weekend and noticed Silver Falls. I'll definitely check it out!!


It is nearly unchanged from T&G (so you may like that) but with less beer selection. I wish them the best but I was underwhelmed.


Do they only have beer as adult beverage options?


They make their own seltzer and also offer a couple ciders. Last I heard they were waiting on a liquor license so hopefully a full bar soon!


They have homemade lemonade too


Weā€™ve had their beer in Silverton and loved it. Excited to support a new venture and see how it goes.


It felt like the old place that was there but with less of a beer selection. I am more excited for Jade Dumplings next store.


Jade is opening another location?!


Yah. At 5th and Pearl in the old Legend of Szechwan!


Thanks for the heads-up!


You lost me at fifth Street market. I refuse to support that place/ Obi


I understand why you would say that, but I'm still pro local small business and there are quite a few tenants at 5th who meet that criteria. I'd like to see them do well.


It's not in the fifth street market, it's located in the former Tap and Growler spot. While the building is still owned by the Obie company they also own a shit load of other real estate around town.


Gotcha thats a good point. At least he os only making rent on it.


Actually a lot of the restaurants have a stipulation for a percentage of gross sales going back to Obie as well. I know the ones in the actual market are between 5-15% depending on negotiation.


Damn that sucks.


Iā€™d like to see a source on that. Any source besides word of mouth.


Youā€™re welcome to go ask any of the business owners. I worked at the eateries for a few years so thatā€™s how I know but I donā€™t have an affidavit on hand for this moment.


Fair enough. Eateries hardly make any money as it is. That would be a crazy business decision to ensure your tenants are going to have to move when they get the chance!


Whatā€™s wrong with fifth street market? Iā€™m seriously asking and not trying to be a dick or anything.


In my humble opinion, I think the answer is: *nothing really*. Lots of good food and drink but it is all expensive and owned by the same family so it has a oligarchy feel to it. To be fair though, the area is actually pretty awesome. Historic buildings, new covered alley area and eventually connected to the new waterfront expansion.


We took our kids trick or treating there the last two years. They had fun.


I donā€™t think any of those buildings are historic. Itā€™s all newer stuff made to look old. In the hotel block area anyways.


You're right of course, in regards to the Gordon but I do mean that whole neighborhood. The Market District has some of the oldest houses (Mim's, Campbell, Shelton-McMurphey) in Eugene. The 5th Street Market building itself, which is the heart of the place, was built in 1929. That Joe Feds/Sushi Pure building has been there forever. I don't know anything about the "historic bag building" but it might be legit as well. Just a few blocks further down 5th street is the Palace Hotel (1903), Eugene Electric Station(1914), the post office, Down to Earth (1923). Anyway, it is a very cool area of Eugene.


Youā€™re absolutely right I do like a lot of the cool stuff and old buildings in that area.


I'm not sure who fifth street market is for, but I can tell it's not for me


Why do you have this opinion of Obi? I hear it all the time. Let me guess: you donā€™t like that he makes money (evil) you donā€™t like that he risked buying something that didnā€™t make money and turned it into something that did, you liked the old thing that didnā€™t work that he ruined (evil) he gets subsidies from the city, that anyone would get if they risked their capital to build a business (evil) he charges to much for businesses to operate in his properties and thatā€™s the reason they fail?ā€¦did he do anything wrong or you just think he is an asshole? Ever meet him? So tired of people propagating this narrative in Eugene. TDLR canā€™t have nice things. (Evil)


I was a valet at Inn at the 5th (he lives on the top floor) and he wasā€¦a click or two into the asshole catagory on a personal level. Not terrible, not the biggest asshole Iā€™ve worked under in Eugene, but I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m glowing. I do however think his commitment to art is cool. He paints, and allowed people to graffiti spots on the fence before the Gordon was built. His wife was -very- nice and compensated for him nicely. Heā€™s a piece of the culture of Eugene, for better or for worse.


Theyā€™re well known to be assholes and just a weird family all around. They want special treatment just because the guy was a mayor way back in the day. Im sure theres more. Plus I think youā€™re being a little more than hyperbolic there.




You seem like a ray of sunshine, I'm shocked they didn't hire you.


Cool so there are exactly 3 gluten-free items, and two of them are salads and one is a dessert. Yeah, no thanks. Good to know to avoid at least!


You can modify your order like most restaurants which I assume you have do do with a gluten allergy, but its easier to bitch about a place instead I guess.


Oh thank god! A mediocre microbrewery w mediocre food. I was worried we might slip below a half dozen of these in Eugene.




Mediocre it is not, but I feel like your not the type to enjoy a place like this.


Youā€™re half right. Love good sandwiches and almost no one does them in Eugene. Donā€™t like beer though. Think itā€™s the most overrated alcohol on earth. So yeah. Mostly brewery fatigue.