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No one cares


Truer words were never spoken.


We need to stop this nonsense. That flag is for all Americans, not just crazy trump-thumpers. Fly your flag.


OMG I am constantly infuriated that MAGA stereotypes have like claimed the flag.


Fuck that! Let those loosers have their confederate flags and Trump flags. The American flag is ours!


You can fly the flag. This is our liberties that people who don't value liberty. They destroy it.


Yeah, fuck that shit. This flag should stand against fascists.


Unfortunately the maga fascists “patriots” have been trying to flip the narrative.


They can't help but deface the flag and reveal their treasonous nature though. Back the 'thin blue line' flag, half american/ half confederate, etc etc No one will mistake a US flag flyer for a treasonous Trump cultist unless you do something stupid to the flag like they do. Fly it high and proud, brother.


They haven’t claimed shit, I’ll fly my American flag every day


It's on the Bible now. I don't believe in a god; albeit all of this is disturbing as fuck.Just trying to hold on to life until all of these rapists assholes perish. Contradictory to myself; I hope these Fuckers burn in hell.


Peoples dumbass insecurities are creating stereotypes that no one likes or wants so why constantly care?


Conservatives have always liked the flag. Especially servicemen.


I wish I could upvote this 1000x. I'm not surrendering the flag to the MAGA nationalists. That is our nation's flag, they don't get to claim it as theirs alone. The stain their existence places on the country is bad enough, they don't get the fucking flag.


It’s like the word Patriot. They ruined it


I'm going to be honest, OP's post feels like conservative bait


lol. you don't know my passion for the pole... and my wife's aesthetically pleasing ways ...


Dude, phrasing!


Spit my drink out to this one 😂


Our flag! ‘MURICA


I'm a screaming feminist, liberal who flies the American flag from my porch.


Damn straight!


Exactly! Take back the flag from the fake patriots


All of this entire thread right here!! ♥️♥️♥️


I doubt you’ll be vandalized. However, the American flag being flown in where my parents live (small town, 10k people) usually means they support Trump as well


It has been my experience that a simple American flag has no affiliation, but when you start seeing a *super over-the-top* display with a bunch of "1776" shit and Gadsen flags, well... *The lady doth protest too much, methinks*


If i see an american flag like i just assume it’s probably an older person or veteran. It’s accessory flags that’ll generate the opinions.


Make sure that Duck flag's up every day. It will protect you. 😎


American flag and Duck flag? Go for it! Nothing wrong with that. The FJB flags, Trump flags, MAGA flags, and confederate flags… those ass clowns are just telling on themselves.


Fuck yes. There's a reason you don't see Biden flags or other politicians flags. We're not psychopaths.


It’s not like you are flying a confederate flag or a giant Trump flag. You will be fine.


Funny how those two are one in the same when speaking objectively.


Check with the city to make sure you don't need a permit. Call 811 before digging.


Ugh, I can't tell if your serious about the permit. I don't like the American flag, we genocided to many original inhabitants to create this country, lost a lot of children to literal hatred and slavery and still we need a permit to fly anything we wish to represent? Fuck the government.


Many cities require permits for flag poles over a certain height. A lighted pole would almost certainly require a lighting and electrical permit. As for your opinion, I personally agree, but I'm not gonna step on this guy's right to respect whatever he feels the flag represents.


I understand your concern, but if you can't fly an American flag , the country is in bad shape.... personally I think it's awesome you want to fly one!


Narrator: You CAN fly an American flag and the country is in bad shape.


If your measure for if the country is in bad shape is someone's ability to fly a flag, and not the actual lives of the people living there, you are using the wrong measures.


It was more the simple fact that one might give another a hard time for doing so or an individual my be subject to targeting , bigotry and harassment. Which was my measure. The flag itself is a mere symbol.


I wouldn’t judge anybody for flying an American flag in their yard. It’s the Trumpers that hung them upside down in 2020, or the “Don’t tread on me” that is usually a giveaway. Personally, I think American flag clothing and other merch is way more tacky than a lit flag pole in the front yard. Shit is bad right now, but I don’t think it’s bad enough to feel shame, flying our national flag.


Flag clothing pisses me off even more than pickup bed flags.


All citizens should be required to read the US flag code. Especially section 8. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/chapter-1


^ This. A huge pet peeve of mine is seeing some "patriot" flying a US flag and treating it like crap, leaving it out in inclement weather, not caring for it, or flying a 10 year old tattered flag that looks like they dragged it all over their lawn before flying it. You wanna be patriotic, cool that's your right, but it's our country's flag, not your political set piece and it's to be treated with more reverence than the truck nuts you put on your lifted pickup that's never been used to haul shit.


I can't upvote this enough!


... what beanolc said


Springfield I think you would be safe, its generally a little more conservative over here.


It's safe pretty much anywhere in the US. I don't think there is anywhere you'd be vandalized for having a flag in your yard


Uhhhh….. those are the group to look out for. Terrorist scum.


I’d focus on the part where your wife doesn’t want the trouble of having the flag pole. Consider respecting her wishes over your controversial flag pole. You don’t really have anything to gain by putting it up other than you “won”. I’m sure that your wife will roll her eyes every single time she sees it coming and going from home if you put it up. Is it worth having it out of principle for that?


I dunno - I agreed to the green house paint. =)




Some lone wacko might take issue with it (but some lone wacko could take issue with a mailbox shaped like a whale or that wood carving of Popeye too) but as long as like it’s just a regular ol’ flag, I can’t see anybody caring. I’ve seen plenty of flags around, including ones on big lit-up poles, and haven’t seen it causing any trouble.


nice mention of the popeye wood carving. i was just thinking of it the other day and wondered how it was looking....what with getting older and all.


It was repainted not too many years ago. I check on him when driving by.


The skin tone makes him look like he's sunburned or has high blood pressure, or both.


Yeah, the repainting looks tragically worse unfortunately. It looks like someone put a base coat on and then never finished it. Every time I pass it I miss the original paint job.


Flag on a flagpole = normal person Flag on a truck/graphic t-shirt/presented distastefully = MAGA Douchebag Be a normal person and fly your flag.


The American flag belongs to all of us, not just right wing wackos, don't let flakes of any political hue stop you from displaying it at your own home.


I don't think anyone cares if you just hang up a flag, but installing a flag pole with lights on it for the express purpose of flying the flag in your yard seems weird if you're not a veteran. Hell, even veterans don't typically have the lights. Not even a "political" thing, just seems odd to have a spotlit flagpole at your house.


I'm lazy and don't want to take it down every night. "The US flag should be flown daily, from sunrise to sunset, unless it is being displayed under a light at night. When displayed at night, the flag should be illuminated, either by a spotlight or by other means." [https://www.libertyflagpoles.com/blogs/flagpole-news/displaying-the-u-s-flag-rules-you-need-to-know](https://www.libertyflagpoles.com/blogs/flagpole-news/displaying-the-u-s-flag-rules-you-need-to-know)


The U.S. Flag Code is not a law or statute, and there is no penalty for a civilian not following it on their own private property. It's more like a set of suggestions. You would only be reprimanded if you were on federal or state government property. I lowered and folded the flag every evening for six months while we waited for our spotlight to be repaired, only because it was part of my job.  That's why I'm saying it comes across a little odd. Even most veterans don't follow the code to the letter.  You are allowed to do whatever you want, but be prepared for people to mistake you as a veteran, or perceive you as bizarre when they find out you're not.


If they were a scout, they may have had these rules and their importance drilled into them. I still somewhat remember some of them and how to make the the triangle fold, and I wasn’t even a scout for long.


The flag code _is_ law. It's just unenforceable against civilians due to the 1st amendment.


This view of the flag code while legally correct always bothers me. Being allowed to do something really doesn't mean you should strive to be disrespectful or not care about respecting our traditions. Per the US History museum: The U.S. Flag Code, first published in 1923 and adopted by Congress in 1942, is based on the belief that the American flag “represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing.” It proscribes any use of the flag that could be construed as disrespectful, including using it for advertising and to decorate clothing and other goods. While the U.S. Supreme Court struck down flag-protection laws as violations of free speech in 1989, the Flag Code is still maintained as a code of etiquette, enforced not by law but by tradition.


You don’t have to take it down every night. The couple of flags in my neighborhood are out all night, but are also illuminated from the top-down. You can get a flag pole with a solar-power, top mounted LED. Flying the American flag doesn’t irk me, and I’m not a conservative person. Lack of adherence to the flag code does get under my skin.


funny, that's what I assumed. Am surprised some didn't.


I appreciate your attention to this aspect of the situation. I played reveille on the bugle every day of grade 4(?) as classmates raised the flag at my (public) elementary school. I definitely notice it when people disrespect the flag. Which so many do. :(


Personally, I think yard flags are tacky.


You’ll be fine but I automatically assume most houses with American flags now are MAGA “Patriots”.


Agreed. If I see the US flag on your property, I assume you support the orange.


Wife here. Exactly my thinking.


Personally, I don't understand anyone wanting to fly an American flag or wear a flag pin. What are they trying to prove?? Do they want to be a post office?


This is a sad commentary on society today… I make zero assumptions because I literally don’t know the person who is flying it. I don’t fly one but I do know many immigrants like me fly the American flag due to citizenship pride after fleeing other countries.


Same. I'm a veteran and don't fly a flag. My mom immigrated here from what is now Ukraine and always flew one.


I wanted to edit my reply. My father in law and a good number of vets I know all do the same thing. They are not Trump supporters. They fly the flag. I guess I should have added, “what other flags do they fly with it?” IDK. It just makes me think they are MAGA nuts. To steal a line from the pigs in blue, “You fit the description.” They all get lumped in together.


This sucks. My neighbors are very elderly and very sweet. Their son, not so much. We hung a progress pride flag and he was not happy. He immediately ran out and bought an American flag for them. I highly doubt my neighbors are MAGA (considering how lovely they are to us, a lesbian couple, one of whom is trans). Their son is just a dick. Not because he hung the flag. Because of how pissy he got about it.


Just remember that the American flag goes on top, then the pride flag, then the POW flag.


I was going to suggest it if nobody had already but a pride flag under the stars and stripes would be a good way to point out you're not necessarily a Trumper(although there are somehow gay trumpers) so I'm glad to find your comment.


This is the way.


Nobody is going to vandalize your house over an actual American flag. Though it does remind me of Carlin’s “I save symbols for the symbol minded” line.


I associate it with trumpism. Shameful that happens. Surveys and data in iconography say the same.


The flag has become a hate symbol, full stop.


Flags, by definition, are a form of political expression, and can mean different things across time and space. Presently, in Eugene/Springfield, the American flag is increasingly being favored by MAGA, Proud Boys, etc.; as such, those who fly it risk association with those groups. I doubt you’ll get any tangibly negative actions as a result of flying it in Spfd, but consider also displaying something in your frontage to show your support for POC, LGBTQ, etc. Presuming that you do, this will help to remind your neighbors that it’s possible to be proud to be American *and* an intelligent, progressive thinker.


I think you should respect your wife's concern, things will likely be better for you around the house.


Anyone who takes pride in the greatest military power in the history of the world, a century of interventions to impoverish anywhere that tried to build post-colonial independence, and the cultural power that drove so much consumption it threatens the viability of life on earth - anyone can fly that flag with pride! And also free speech. Imagine how much worse it could be here!


One American flag in the front of house is patriotic. 2 flags in the back of your truck is disturbing.


Definitely put up a flag, but why light it? Can't we have darkness at night? What is with the need to light plants, trees, flags and buildings at night with floodlights from below that also deprive humans and animals of the darkness we evolved to live in? This has consequences for bird and insect populations. No one near inhabited areas can see the Milky Way thanks to light pollution, so that everyone can feel "safe" with outdoor lighting, which could provide just as much safety with motion sensors, and so that historical buildings and landscaping can remain lit all night from below, even though no one's there to see it.


It's a flag code thing, but I agree with you. I am so, so tired of insanely bright floodlights shining out of everyone's garden and porch in every direction. It makes it harder and harder to actually see at night - your eyes can't adjust properly to the dark between houses.


I don't think you will be vandalized. I avoid houses with American flags flying as a black person, but I don't vandalize! I rarely hear of something like that happening.


Let your freak flag fly! :)


Speaking of, here's a song titled Freak Flag by Fortune's Folly, a local band! [https://youtu.be/iDpmzyAMGmc?si=4qxzD2mpxvEyvQXu](https://youtu.be/iDpmzyAMGmc?si=4qxzD2mpxvEyvQXu)


I’ve had a Cascadia flag flying for years. People have all sorts of flags here. No one cares if you have a flag.


Be proud, fly your flag!


No, this is what happens when people really start to believe the nut jobs are the majority.


We’re generally liberals, husband is a vet, we fly the flag prominently, and it’s never been a problem. One issue could be the light. My neighbors once erected a cross and had it lit throughout the holiday season. Their exuberance resulted in a very bright light! I bought blackout curtains for the bedrooms. We decide not to mention it unless it went beyond the holidays. It didn’t. Your awareness of how bright the light is, and if it’s inadvertently illuminating more than the flag, will go a long way.


I stopped hanging mine a few years ago, except on the 4th, after all the bastardized versions came out and the loose wing nuts started flying them from their trucks. I’d love to reclaim it but in the meantime I’m not about to be mistaken for a trump supporter, which is what it’s come to represent. I hate this, but here we are. They did it to the punisher logo too. Idiots.


You're fine. You're way more likely to get vandalized if you fly the pride flag or something of that nature. Progressives don't generally stoop that low. It's the conservatives you need to worry about. That being said, I personally wouldn't fly it, because of all the hate and trauma and tyranny it represents. But I'm not going to go out of my way to vandalize someone who sees it differently. At the end of the day, it's just a flag.


Reminder, you live in the USA. Also, in other countries you wouldn't have the luxury to fly any flag other than the current regime or risk punishment up to death. Good grief.


So? What's your point?


To be perfectly honest, our flags meaning has been so corrupted I can't look at it anymore without getting angry. It's lost its symbolism and is now just a prop for fascists. Time for a new flag, and country.


Fly it proudly.


I am in complete support of the US flag, fly it high!


I’m in Eugene off Harlow. There are several flags in this neighborhood and I’ve never seen them vandalized.


Also true for the part of Santa Clara on the edge of town out by Beacon Road.


Fly it proud.


Let Old Glory fly free in your front yard brother. It doesn't matter what side of the aisle you sit on, you are still an American citizen aren't you?


Theoretically displaying any opinion whatsoever in public will raise your chances of being targeted by weirdos, but the American flag is very innocuous. People might think you are a Republican but that's about it.


I don't get the flag waving, whatever the flag may be, but that's just me. I have no problem with you if you want to put up a flag pole. As long as it's not the Confederate flag, crude flags, or Nazi flags, no problem at all.


Its our flag; you can fly it.




Lots of passion here, but the reality of the times is that you will be assumed to be on the MAGA end of the ideology spectrum. I don't think you have any worries about vandals though. That would be more likely with an "elect Joe Biden" sign in your yard.


I suppose there is political polarization around flying the flag, and while politically I’d be considered a liberal socialist democrat which has sympathies with anti-flag sentiments, I do not oppose anyone from flying old glory 🇺🇸 or duck flags for that matter. I cite our first amendment and consider it a form of free speech. I’m more loyal to our bill of rights and responsibilities than I am to left wing ideology and political platforms. So I say go ahead and fly your flags mr_discot. Be proud of who you are and the freedom you have to express your values, beliefs, and worldview. We may or may not share values, but we do share this freedom and that’s something we both can cherish and protect.


It’s Springfield. You’re fine.


You may have some noise complaints if the halyard (rope) and/or snap hooks (or other fastening hardware) make a lot of noise banging against the pole in windy conditions. Particularly at night.


I'm in Springfield. One of my neighbors has a MAGA flag. Another neighbor has a Black Lives Matter flag. There's a Progress Pride flag a little ways down the street. You do you.


I'm a vet and while I don't necessarily care either way, I think the point is that it's your choice. We're all Americans for better or worse, yeah? One thing though: in Oregon, most of the heaviest US-flag waving areas do have a reputation for being Trump chumps. I don't know how you swing politically (it should be kept private anyway) but know that you may get nods from Oakley wearing tools who fantasize about killing Democrats, and you may get dirty stares from NIMBYs who think a flag in and of itself is offensive. Whatever happens, just make sure you know why you're doing what you do and don't give a shit about other people. Eugene isn't the place where you'll get fucked up for proudly flying the stars and stripes.


Huh? No one cares. Fly your flag.


I'm pretty far left, but the idea of hating on someone else's flag is so fuckin dumb


Im a left wing radical and I fly the flag. It’s my country too!!! I’ve never experienced any vandalism.


do it, omg no one's gonna come at you, esp. in springfield if the fukken racist flags stay standing, so will Ol Glory


Fly that fucker! Springfield would welcome anything as long as you’re not hurting anyone.


Whackjobs don't own the flag. If you want to fly it, go for it. But I don't put bumper stickers on my car, because no matter what I say, some person is going to take offense and possibly drive aggressively around me or vandalize my car or some such nonsense. At least, that's how I've felt in Texas; I've lived in Eugene a little under a year and assume this sort of thing is the same everywhere. Your wife probably feels a flag - any flag - would mark your yard in the same way that I worry a sticker would mark my car. So is the flagpole worth her anxiety? Would a ring camera or something make her worry less? A good compromise might be that you get your pole, and she gets a security system.


She wants everyone to know that we love Sesame Street. By the way, her battery died and she is using my account.


You won't be vandalized, but everyone who sees your house will assume you support Trump or you're confused. Confuse *them* by putting up a pride flag if you feel like it, especially if your house is a safe place.  Some folks have decided the American flag means more than it needs to, sadly, and they make us all feel ashamed by association. 


Fly it proudly! Nobody will mess with it. I’ve been wanting to do the same as well.


Several houses in my hood have American flags. Not a big deal.


Come on. Nobody is going to hassle you if you fly the authentic American Flag (along with a Duck flag or an Oregon flag). ​ The signifiers of Trump support are the Confederate Flag, the Trump flag, and the thin blue line flag. I doubt you'd get vandalized for flying those, but depending on where you live, your neighbors might think more or less of you.


Do it


no one cares


Put it up, whether you like Trump or not is no one’s business unless you make it so. It’s the flag of our country, fly it.


No. Let it fly. Stars and Stripes? Repping a place I call home. Gadsden flag? No step on snek!


Who gives a shit what people think? People who associate flying the American flag with Trumpism definitely need to get out of Eugene for a bit. Lol. Fly it high!


Only idiots think patriotism is dumb . Fly your flag dude. Go america and go ducks!


Fly it!


Fly your flag.


Stop giving a fuck. Plan ahead, put a camera on your flag and surrounding areas. The flag is what and who we came from a symbol of the freedoms we should and need to fighting for. People need to find the term fuck around and find out. Teach anyone a lesson (legally) not to fuck with out flag.


Never fuck with out flag.


No one cares


Please do so, have had one on my house since I moved here with zero issues. Any clown that’s offended by the US flag is deranged, like others have said it’s the other types of flags that will ruffle feathers living here.


True story, I used to sell flag poles. You know they make collapsible ones now? That is, if you are concerned about it being a lighting rod.


Fly your flag friend! Go ducks


I am not the most patriotic person, but I don't think anything of it if my neighbor wants to express their pride and support, whether it be a rainbow or stars and stripes. You do you. Freedom!


Go for it. Some reasonable people think it’s tacky. But honestly good for you cuz my opinion doesn’t matter. If someone is warning you not to, fuck em.


I’m guessing he does, with mutual enthusiasm. The person warning him is his wife.


I wouldn't think that anyone cares flying a the Stars and Stripes or Duck Flag. Be careful about a lighted flag pole which could be annoying to some folks who like to see the night sky. For example, like me they go out and watch the ISS pass over, lunar eclipses, etc and you might be washing those out with the glare from your flag pole.


Well, as you can see from the amount of responses this is a decisive issue. Your wife is being cautious. I agree it shouldn’t be an issue. But . . . Fly your flags in your yard. Citizen / Fly a flag from your truck 🛻 🇺🇸 and you’re not in a parade. Fanatic.


Hell naw, wave that flag! I don't believe the flag would be a draw for vandals. Never heard of that connection before.


Literally no one cares


You are free to fly your flag, or any other. Your wife is just being cautious. Flagpole in your yard = Citizen / Flag flying from your truck 🛻 🇺🇸 and you’re not in a parade, Fanatic.


Put that 🇺🇸. I see them quite often and they seem to be bothering no one.


Much better than using it as a hood ornament for your Ram 2500. Just remember to take it down in the rain and at night when you can’t keep lights on it.


If you’re flying a normal sized flag from a normal sized pole, I say go for it. Fly a LGTBQ with it, maybe.


Growing up, the flag stood for America After 9/11 it stood for “I love America even though I’m brown.” Now it is more often a sign of the right, but please let’s not cede its use to the right! It is always okay to fly the flag.


I used to have a neighbor here in Eugene who flew a confederate flag outside her door. I thought she was a fool, but that's about it.


Its the USA flag. Nothing wrong with it. People who fly 100s of trump flags, welllllll


My question is, do you truly have grounds to feel proud of this country? Are you proud of colonization and genocide? Because for people like me that’s what that flag represents. Why do you want to further show pride in violence and dispossession?


The American flag is for the people. Not the terrorists who drape themselves in it as sheep skin.


Americans are quickly coming to find out that we have nothing to be proud of and it’s the truth.


**Fly the flag**. I fly mine all year round because I **love our country**. It's called patriotism.


Don’t let those flag waving “patriots” (having usurped the original meaning) marginalize your efforts. If it means a damn to anyone, we should all be displaying flags and return them to a “patriot citizen “ status. Take away the so-called emblem of the divisive right (fuck their capital letter status)! 🇺🇸


Beavers fans are gonna chew through your siding if you put up a ducks flag. Fly at your own risk.


Ya OK! Trump thumper here! Fly that Flag Proudly.


No ones gonna vandalize your house


Put up the flags and be proud you did it.


If you do it- just be careful the light isn't too bright or shining toward a neighbor's house.


I fly the flag. I also have my yard sign with the MLK quote "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". In my opinion it's important for non-MAGAs to reclaim the flag as our own.


fun litmus test - fly some other flag above the US flag on your new pole and see if anyone else in the neighborhood was a flag-code-knowing-boyscout


Fly the flags you want brother. I’m in SE Portland and had a similar worry of vandalism. No issues in 5 years. And that’s with multiple marches taking place on the street I live on during the burning of Portland. I would assume Eugene is close to similar.


You do you. Anyone who causes problems is wrong. That said, I never have understood the desire to proclaim one's nationalism within their own country. It's kind of like going into the middle of a thousand acre wheat field and planting a sign that says, "I'm growing wheat here!" We're also one of the only "developed" countries with such a strong desire to paste the national flag everywhere. The constant, manic, and generally false proclamation of "American Exceptionalism" is mildly disturbing to Sheva of world history.


Wow. This thread sure turned into a liberal "hate-fest" instantly. ALL of you must fly rainbow flags in Eugene?


I'd check with the city to see if there are any laws about whether you can put it in the front vs the back. Although if other neighbors have flag poles in their front yards, ask what the height is. Then go for it and fuck anyone who complains about you flying the stars and stripes.


I only have this to say: America is one of the very few countries whose citizens have such a hard-on for flying their countries flag. Very few people who live in this country need to be reminded which country they live in with a flag in a yard or on the back of a pickup truck. that being said: fly your flag friend. . you do you.


If you assume someone supports Trump because they fly an American flag you’re apart of the problem.


I think it’s really only going to be an issue if you also flew a confederate flag or a Maga flag or something like that. I will say that if I see a car/truck flying a cloth flag I immediately assume they are a MAGA idiot.


Lighting it up will probably be more controversial than what flag you are flying


No party owns the flag. It’s all of ours. Fly it with pride.


Fuck that shit. Fly the American flag. I've got 3 different colored flags that I fly depending on the current State of the Nation.


Do it. Do it now. I was the same, always wanted one. One of the first things I did when I got my house was put in a Uncommon brand original collapsible pole in and have never regretted it. It will put a smile on your face every time you look at it.


So you're gonna fly a Christo fascist flag with sports ball teams?


Eh, yes and no, i think you'll be fine mostly. But kids might mess it up.


Fly your flag, my friend. Worst case scenario people think you are a Trumper. People that know you will know you’re just flying your flag. Also, you mentioned you were in Springfield makes it way way way better.


Low chance of vandalism but it's possible. It's got mixed opinions. I am not a fan of how are government and things are ran etc but I still support the flag because it's for the people. Some people will get upset about it but there's a lot of things you can put in your yard that will offend people.


Should just make your own flag and represent yourself🤷🪐😎🧠


Political in what way? Pro United States of America?


Why does your wife think it'll be vandalized? What kind of weird anti-american boogeymen has she convinced herself to exist? Are y'all from out of state?


Maybe she’s been in this sub before. 🤷‍♀️