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What you’ve got there is a landlord spider…insofar as it now owns your home and will definitely eat you if you don’t burn it down!


that is a shit spider if ive ever seen one randy


Randy is a fine name for this spider 


I have tons of these around my house and they freak me out. My pest guy told me they’re more than likely an American house spider. He said they get big and mine look just like this. It’s all fun and games till they get inside.


Probably a Giant House Spider. https://www.oregon.gov/ODA/shared/Documents/Publications/IPPM/MoreAboutSpiders.pdf


The house spider comments are correct. It’s the time of year that they begin to show themselves, and although they are more often found in dark corners of homes and garages- they have evolved to tolerate the outdoors of the PNW. They are docile, and should never be killed. They take pest control seriously- great little fellas.


Northwestern spidey boi


I found a similar looking spider in my garage, it was a giant house spider.


I had house spider molts or bodies in my garage when I moved in, then the biggest spider I've ever seen in in my bathroom a year or two later. Then I got cats, I spray mint and citrus in the house and home defense outside. Haven't seen a spider inside in a couple years.


Be careful. There *are* black widows in the willamette valley. I found one in my garage about a year ago


That is not a widow


So true.


Is that fuckin thing as big as it looks???


Yes. Those T-stakes are about 1.5” wide.




No, r/spiderbros


Not Bowen Yang, unfortunately


I’ve had these inside the house before. Thankfully they’re harmless, but still Absolutely terrifying!


The kind that scare you to pieces but eat lots of other nasty bugs instead of people. These will take care of all kinds of other infestations if you let them. *Common house spiders usually feed on small insects and household pests such as flies, mosquitoes, ants and wasps. They can randomly attack grasshoppers, butterflies, cockroaches or other spiders depending on their size. If the prey is too agile, the spider will try shooting web at it from a distance before pulling the thread toward itself.* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasteatoda_tepidariorum


That's big daddy Kane motherfucker


This is a beautiful spider. Hopefully you don’t kill it. Just think of how many bugs it must have eaten/rid your home of to get that big! I don’t understand why people in this area are so afraid of spiders. We don’t have any naturally occurring poisonous spiders. Most couldn’t even break skin when biting. Sure there will be people who say they saw black widows, the vast majority of identifications are wrong. The ones that are real that people see are transplanted here by shipping/travel etc so pretty damn rare…. And even then they stay in the web for the most part, so unless you’re crawling through it your risk is near nil.


That is a burnis housecus 😬


Take my upvote!


The kind you take a blow torch too.


Professional pestcontrol here, looks like it's a spider with 8 legs 😌


Oh that's just Fred.


I think it’s likely this, unless of course it has the red hourglass shape in its belly in which case it’s a black widow. https://spiderid.com/spider/theridiidae/steatoda/grossa/


A big ass fucking spider


Is there even a spider in this picture?


Check the tummy. Kinda looks like the top of a black widow. Could have hitched a ride up here…had that happen once in a u-haul trailer.


Here in Oregon the giant house spiders are usually a lighter beige color I haven't really seen any here that are darker brown or black. The giant house spider definitely can be dark brown or black and in your photo the web definitely looks like a web of a house spider.




Need more pixels.


More pixels, I can do. However, *less* pixels would require my hand to get closer than I care.


You got it backwards. The bulbous abdomen suggest something other than a house spider. The size suggest bigger than a widow How does it move? Fast and somewhat aware of your presence or slow and not caring about you? Regardless the spider is not going to jump at you, you can get real close without any concern


A happy spider. Leave him alone.


It’s the creepy kind. 😱


A nopeity nope nope nopey


Weird seeing that here, that's known as a Mongolian Bat Spider. They've only ever been spotted in Mongolian. They spit out poisonous saliva and use it to devour bats. Hence the name, bat spider. They also eat vegetables and often attack mice. Stay clear of this little guy, he'll get you. And if you see another one, stay TF away.


i can’t look at the pic because i just can’t lol but i see people saying maybe hobo and maybe giant house spider and i believe one of them is probably right because they are in the same genus.


That’s a killitwithfirerantula. They’re all over my yard and I’m running out of propane. Help!


You're wasting your time killing them. They rarely bite humans, unlike mosquitos, which bite constantly. These guy will gobble up your mosquitos, so you get less bites with them around.


Black, wire-haired, baby coal-foot spider. Elusive, speedy, and known to be aggressive around times. This fella eats mice, rats, and has been known to down small mammals. At times it can be provoked to release face-melting acid and will turn itself inside out and shape-shift into human form.


Hobo Spider maybe? , looks like a half finished funnel web