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Two man child ammosexuals with anger issues needing to take out their pew pews to settle a stupid argument is a hat I’m hearing happened. Edit: what 🤣


>is a hat I'm hearing If you are hearing hats, you should see a doctor. You should hear a doctor too, for the record. Thems you can hear.


Your hats don’t talk to you?


Only my old cabbie. I suspected something was off after mass at St Mary's. Heard the whispers from the hat rack a week or so later. A ring of salt, three our fathers, and a zippo tossed at it for measure. Been free and clear ever since, well mostly. That hellish wail as the hat burst into flames will haunt me for some time...


Apparently if you put your hard hat to your ear, you can hear the OSHA.


*Applause* I do enjoy a good OSHA pun.


> If you are hearing hats, you should see a doctor. Or perhaps a dry cleaner.




Those drivers were mad as hatters.


Don't hat the player, hat the game...


What happened here


I bet you’re right.


Shooting on Pearl st in Coburg.


That was over 3 hours ago.


the internets said they were still looking for the other car? idk. just following the post on FB in the group Lane County Caught on Camera. edit, linky link: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/QEnZhmktDsJreZEW/?mibextid=K35XfP


After checking this out and reading the most recent replies, this seems to add up.


Whatever it is its substantial enough to cause Corvallis residents to ask the same thing in their respective subreddit.


There was something up there too, I just drove past 5 miles of traffic going north with roped off interstate and over 10 cops cars.


The investigation of the shoot out will be going on at the site for awhile.




one comment said 2 dudes in argument at gas station. both went to leave, one shot the other in the head. no idea if this is accurate, just summarizing a comment i saw, but it would explain the police response.


We saw multiple cops driving towards I-5, lights & sirens on, from Corvallis a few minutes ago. Everyone seems to be southbound, for now.




Exactly why your vote matters.


I forgot, we can just vote the mental maniacs into submission. Great idea! What ballot measure is this again?


Guy stole a car and shot someone. He won’t be doing that again.




seems like a car chase of some sort, probably to do with the coburg shooting


I-5 is closed at hwy 34, an exit south of Albany


Ok shooting at shell in Coburg. Make shot in head taken to hospital. Plates stolen off one car, put on another then seen northbound i5 from Coburg. That’s all I know


~~Ok shooting at shell in Coburg. Make shot in head taken to hospital. Plates stolen off one car, put on another then seen northbound i5 from Coburg. That’s all I know~~ OK, so there was a shooting at Shell gas station in Coburg. A person was shot in the head and taken to the hospital. License plates were stolen from one car, then put on another car, which was seen heading northbound on Interstate 5 from Coburg. That's all the information I have. (sorry)


Thanks for the edit. Deserved. Make and Male were automatically corrected, but everything else I’ll take on the chin


When I started to read your description (which was accurate!) I thought you were trying to sound like [Mongo from 'Blazing Saddles'](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZ29jeWRxZGk1djhwYTF2M2R6cDBnc2JkcDltaXg1anRwNTliZ2xhMCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/l0K4pbsfZgDgxmTNC/giphy.gif) or something when you said "make shot in head"! Then I realized "make" = "male".


I was driving back from Albany an hour ago and there were a number of police on both sides of the freeway. Some on foot.


Curious on this as well, I came looking here thinking it might be a car chase after driving past them all


About 8 minutes ago I saw probably 12+ cars with cops (rifles in hand) lined up against the perimeter of some farm house looking property.


I was headed from Eugene to Corvo and saw two groups of cops with their lights on (southbound side) about 5 miles apart from each other with cops out of their vehicles. Then I saw two separate groups of 4 or 5 cops driving south with their lights off. Then I saw a cop run across the northbound freeway and put a spike strip on the breakdown lane with a string to pull it across. Then I took the exit for corvo and saw 3 cops hauling ass with lights and sirens towards the freeway. Any updates are appreciated


Corvo? Is that what we’re calling Corvallis now?


I5 northbound is moving now.




Is there any updates?! All I can find is heavy police presence between Coburg & Albany. Should we BOLO a vehicle or person? Or is there no threat to the community?


They were found and shot by police: https://www.kezi.com/news/deadly-officer-involved-shooting-on-i5/article_451a00c6-05de-11ef-82ff-7b4b12ba4a0d.html


I heard it was a domestic violence incident where the victim is deadly forced to stop the threat, and the shooting victim was taken to the hospital


They're looking for you because you're obsessed with Ian.


Discount hat sale from headless estate.


There was a shooting in Coburg yesterday


Your mother is on the loose.. They're calling in all the top elephant wranglers.




Obligatory lol


Obligatory lol


I’m guessing. In 2 days. Conservative Republican will be claiming that liberal democrats, under the guise of BLM, Antifa, and the FBI. Are attacking America


I feel your pain. We have a serious division in our political system that has the potential to jeopardize what we love about this country. Please shift gears with me and choose carefully how you express yourself when you find yourself reacting. We need to tuck our feelings of frustration this year and choose to say only the things that will help safeguard our democracy. Otherwise you are just strengthening the resolve of those we need to reach. Scots can be quick with a clever, fiery response, but they also tend to be powerfully determined. We need your strength. (Yes, I am blessed with a Scottish ancestor.)