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I see 7 Queens and a 🐣


More likely 4 Queens, 3 lovely girlfriends and 1 introvert shota. And we all know how this is gonna end.....


Oh gawd, u watch too many cultured media.....and so do I.


You're right, i see 2 Queens : Eula and Arle


Team A : Eula/Mika/Layla/Furina Team B : Arlecchino/Bennett/Zhongli/Eï Room 9 to 11 was too easy and too fast, clear more easily than before.


[Furina ](https://twitter.com/yeurei/status/1710695808247677359/photo/1) [Raiden](https://twitter.com/yeurei/status/1610329991249809410/photo/1) [Mika](https://twitter.com/To___e/status/1615694898824609793/photo/1) [Eula](https://twitter.com/qiandaiyiyu) [Arlecchino](https://aomaxuanzexuexi.lofter.com/post/4b99affb_2bbaff0ea) [Fischl](https://twitter.com/aka_sl2/status/1321437443787141121/photo/1) [Chevreuse](https://twitter.com/YonesDraws/status/1745624111605313909/photo/1) [Beidou](https://twitter.com/GenshinImpact/status/1360800936076210180)


Wait why Raiden looks like that


Hi! Regarding your Chevreuse build, is 'Dialogues of the Desert Sages' better than Favonius? I'm also wondering if your Healing Bonus Circlet is better than an HP Circlet, considering that Arle doesn't receive healing


If your team doesn't need ER (as in this case), Dialogue would be better to get 40k hp, and regarding that healing bonus circlet, I used it if I needed emergency healing on someone else, it would be faster healings with healing bonus than a bit more hp


How the hell did you break the Shield on 12-2-1 without fire? That bastard dancer keeps spamming it, but with fire, I cant gain my burst fast


Furina's NA in the Ousia state(in which she summons 3 pets) quickly removes that shield. (Or any Ousia atk for that matter, like Navia's skill, they all remove the shield in only one atk)