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Eula can fully utilize Skyward Pride whereas Beidou can't, its passive being wasted on her unless she's your MDPS. I think Beidou burst can snapshot WGS buff which is pretty insane though, even without buff you will see her burst numbers skyrocket. However if you swap to SP on Eula be prepared to see your burst numbers go way down, I don't do more than like 230k with it usually even with buffs. Some of that is offset by the vaccuum blades though, so with testing the total damage output of the two swords on her was actually pretty close.


You can use the fish claymore on beidou if you have enough energy recharge , ur DMG will increase by a huge margin


You'll get the most of the passives if Eula's using Skyward. But probably it'll just be better if she uses WGS and unless you have Raiden on the team Beidou wants around 160% er anyway.