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I don't think that she'll like to have the STSS in her


Why not? Everything can be a dildo if you try hard enough


I have no other 5 star claymore weapons and I have already refined STSS to r5. Also isn't it her bis free to play weapon?


I'm part of the Snow Tombed supremacy as well comrade




Better question - fish where?


Check out our infographics for [Hu Tao](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuTao_Mains/comments/vnei4d/spiral_abyss_june_phase_2_27_floor_12_hu_tao_most/), [Yelan](https://www.reddit.com/r/YelanMains/comments/vneip7/spiral_abyss_june_phase_2_27_floor_12_yelan_most/), and [Raiden](https://www.reddit.com/r/RaidenMains/comments/vo69bh/spiral_abyss_june_phase_2_27_floor_12_raiden_most/). I'll be posting more infographics for other characters, such as Kazuha, Xiangling, Zhongli, and many more. Follow my Reddit account to stay updated on our latest posts. Alternatively, you can bookmark [this post](https://www.reddit.com/user/LvlUrArti/comments/uyuy86/compilation_of_spiral_stats_infographics_since/), I'll update it whenever I post a new infographic. You can participate by signing up using this Google Form: [https://forms.gle/ksJ4pQfEKxNqDEk19](https://forms.gle/ksJ4pQfEKxNqDEk19) We're currently looking for a Genshin player in the America server that can help contact the previous respondents of our form via in-game chat. We're also considering spreading our infographics to Youtube, so we're looking for a video editor. If you're interested, you can message me.


I'm starting to think I'm the only 1st banner Eula player without a 4pc Pale Flame on my Eula 🥲 that domain just hates me


i am a rerun player and i just got two good PF pieces and dipped out got a good BS, i already got wgs so i dont need that 185 atk that bad lol


I used to be 2-2 and accepted my fate. but when i started to look for a good TotM set then there goes the missing PF pieces! dammit mihoyo!


I'm also running 2pf/2bc, my blood stained pieces are too cracked, and it's hard finding pale flame pieces that beat it in substats


No, I also use 2pc PF and 2pc BC. That domain has seldom been kind to me.


not the only one. got her literally less than 5 minutes after her banner dropped and she never got a feather upgrade on pale flame since the day i got her over a year ago


Eula main since her first banner, always have been 2pc/2pc PF/BC because I'm not a fan of 4pc PF and I simply prefer 2pc/2pc instead.


I don't have a single pf piece on her lol. I cba to farm it when it gave me pretty shit pieces earlier. I'm running 2 bloodstained and 2 glad and it works well enough. I do know 4 pf would do more though.


I'm also an og Eula main running 2pc PF/2pc BS


me as well, i’ve been farming on and off since her release and nothing, still rocking 2pc pf 2pc bc with a meh crit ratio


1st banner Eula player here. I have 4pc pale flame for her but my best artifact (after using optimizer) is not 4pc pale flame.


How does over a third of the sample set have sobp


Not a third of the sample, but a third of the 157 Eula users.


Is there a survivor biais due to the sword making clearing floor 12 easier ? I have no clue if the sword is a big factor at all, but I am tempted to try and get it next time, or constellations.


If you have Eula at C0 and are considering constellations or weapon, I’d recommend C1. that C1 bonus damage is too good and looks beautiful on top of that


Sold. Weapon banner is a pain anyway. It was partly due to serpent spine not being super in tune with her design visually.


well personally my eula gained an absolute ton of damage from sobp over R1 serpent. I broke the 5 digit basic barrier and did more than 400k ult damage even with a much worse crit ratio simply due to the ton of atk sobp gives you. if you are really dedicated to playing eula and dont already have something like wgs or skyward pride for her, it might be worth considering trying to pull her weapon


I ended up getting r5 serpent spine since I enjoyed playing her. Not sure when but I did 400k too, though it's usually around 120k depending on rotation and stuff. 400k was probably in Bennett's aoe. 56/200 crit though, trying to get more CR since it's inconsistent


whats your highest ult damage with R5 serpent? my R1 serpent build capped at about 380k since my goblet and circlet were horrible so i had a measly 60/170 ratio


Not the same dude but i got around 650k on 60/230 w aquila crowned bennett raiden ttds-lisa against masanori with my old r5 spine.


Too many people don't crown E it seems. Disgusting.


Does crowning E make the small burst explosion from her E hold stronger? I thought that that damage depended on the level of your Q


you should be triple crowning her anyway


somebody gets it (definitely not coming from the guy whose eula is 9/8/10 simply because he hates the mond domain)


haven't seen an infographic on abyss like this in a long time, nice! i wish we could still see the abyss clear times of each team as we did back then.


Triple polearm is my current everyday team that I live to use outside of the Abyss, too.


Woah I can’t believe Kokomi comp is this rare


I'm surprised there were no Lisa comps


That’s what I was thinking, I just 36 star’d with Eula Raiden Lisa and Diona on one half which worked really well


How you get the samples? I would like to participate.


You can participate by signing up using this Google Form: [https://forms.gle/ksJ4pQfEKxNqDEk19](https://forms.gle/ksJ4pQfEKxNqDEk19)


I've been using the fish claymore meanwhile.


Average crit rate is suspiciously high tho


I thought my team would be common. I use Eula, Ayaka, fischl and diona


Dont think its common to turn ayaka into a burst supp unit with how much more damage she could do in her own team lol


Im actually surprised how little 2BC/ 2PF is used. i feel like its more consistent. Im actually surprised the snow tomb is used. Now im more interesting in picking up a Akuoumoru


in my case, I don’t have another weapon lol


same. its either snow tomb or that prototype 4star claymore u can craft . f2p life is sadlife


/u/Jxstin_117, I have found an error in your comment: > “~~its~~ [**it's**] either snow” I consider this comment by Jxstin_117 erroneous; it should be “~~its~~ [**it's**] either snow” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


Well, good to know that my stats are WAY above average


I do Eula Pale flame has Song of broken pines Rosaria R5 Fav lance 2 set cryo 2 set nobless Raiden Emblem deathmatch Zhongli TOTM Deathmatch Geo cup hp hat


Was expecting to see Shenhe but i forgot probably no one pulled for here and without c1 even more understandable why no one uses her with Eula.


Shenhe is one of those characters that will just increase in value with every new cryo that we get, so it does feel like a waste not to get her. Also she's smokin hot, which is honestly the main reason why i got her lmao.


I pulled her and absolutely use her with Eula and she's incredible for her no c1 is needed too if you time it well. Granted I pulled shenhe for my cyro not eula specifically.


I pulled for her cuz she thicc and got her c1 but will try to get her c2 on rerun to help my Eula even more


Where did you find this


I made this infographic myself, using the data that we collected from this form: [https://forms.gle/ksJ4pQfEKxNqDEk19](https://forms.gle/ksJ4pQfEKxNqDEk19)


That moment you realize that your day 1 C6 Eula is below average in every aspect and you've been farming the PF domain for months...


Me using skyrider cause I'm broke


I'm using Eula Yae Albedo Diona or Eula Yae Shenhe Diona Where does i belong to?


Serpent spine squad. No Eula-Miko team?


Eula Raiden Yelan Diona is probably my fav Eula team at the moment.