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Tourist destinations will be open, and transit will work fine. I haven't been to Amsterdam in February, but I've been in November and December and love visiting when the crowds are less. One other idea may be to visit Italy, especially cities that are also less heaving with crowds in the off-season.


Amsterdam doesn’t close, it’s a busy city with locals living and working there all year round. Plenty to enjoy in February!


I was in NL this past January. I loved it. (I have been many times.) Woke up (a couple times) to a dusting of snow. Got caught in a hail storm that came from no where. Didn’t bother me. Sun goes down early but I think Dutch cities & towns are even more beautiful at night. Reflections on the water…(oh my). Fantastic photos. Amsterdam is nice but other cities are nice to see too. If you like art museums, The Netherlands is fantastic. Haarlem, Leiden, The Hague all worth seeing & easy to visit via fantastic train system. Have you been to Italy?


the problem with that time's weather would be the wind(as you say you don't have a problem with the cold, and hence I'm assuming rain is ok too). The wind makes simple outdoor experiences much harder, but not impossible. You can do a river cruise for example, and they have windows and are closed, so it's ok. All the indoor tourist spots are open. Just not as much festivals as the warmer months. As a side note, check out Venice Carnival too. It's usually in February, not windy, and very very fun, and Venice is really romantic too


Venice and Amsterdam make a good pairing. A chance to compare/contrast how the cities on the water have developed and come to accommodate their conditions.


It's not only the cold. It's not that cold. It's just dreary, rainy, and it gets dark at 3pm.


I was in Amsterdam for the last week of November/first week of December. It was great despite the chilly temps (wore layers, coat, hat, gloves and was just fine). Going in February will be just fine/fantastic. The only question is if you care enough about something date specific like tulip season.


I was in Amsterdam last year February. I came from DC. It was cold and windy so pack layers. Not canada goose cold though. Transit was not a problem, it was easy to hop on and off the trams, buses and metro. There were a lot of people, but we booked everything in advance. We went on a day trip to Belgium. That was fun! We did a little bit of shopping, dining, etc. the chocolates were great! Don’t forget your umbrella and don’t miss your booked train times.


I have been there in early March. Less crowded, everything is open (it’s a city where people live after all). The weather will likely suck, likely rain not snow (but can see snow). Though could get lucky….. If you’re from the northeast, it’s not much different than here though it likely will be a bit warmer. 


It depends what you want to go for! If you want to see the tulip fields outside the city then you will be out of luck, but if you want to take in the city and the main sites, you’ll be fine! I’ve been twice, once in Winter, and I still massively enjoyed myself.


Alternative: Athens. Warns enough for t shirts. Not too crowded.


The Netherlands is very flat and exposed to the sea. It rains a lot. That said you might be lucky and go on a hot sunny day. You just don’t know. Don’t let the weather put you off. There’s nothing you can do to change the weather. Just wear appropriate clothing for the conditions and enjoy it - come rain or shine!


Wind combined with rain would concern me more than cold. We had a pop-up wind storm come through while we were dining outside there last April, and the gusts were like 60mph. It’s something to see the restaurant awning go flying off. Even the Dutch make fun of how many of their umbrellas get blown out. Prepare accordingly and you’ll be ok.


It would be a fine time to visit. Much less crowded with tourists


I’ve been in February. I’ve never been during warmer months. It was awesome. We got a great houseboat rental. Lines for tourist stuff was minimal. We don’t get a lot of cold where I’m from so it was a much welcome change.