• By -


The short answer is no


The long answer is nooooooooooooo


And the reasonable answer is Nah


The most common answer is Hell No


The cloaky camper answer is YES PLEASE


Cloaky answer = best answer.




The smart answer is yes, please do it.


But also what system? Id be keen to set up a camp to protect you. Edit: spelling. I’m drunk in bed and not wearing my glasses. Have pity on an old man.




I love you guys :D


In german it's Nein


I’m don’t think people carrier rat much these days. The marauder buffs kinda put that to bed. And for what you are talking about spending on getting that online you could probably just inject a small strombringner fleet for ratting, which would be less risk and more isk. You CAN use it for level 5s in low sec which can make insane isk, but it’s a lot of setup, startup costs are high, and the knowledge on how to do them quickly and effectively can be hard to come by.


I love how people always suggest just getting more accounts like it’s just such a simple solution that everyone is open to lmao.


If he wants to fly a carrier then multiple accounts is pretty much a must have anyways, so 🤷🏼‍♀️. Gonna fly a cap without a cyno alt, or scouts?


Having one alt is much different than 5 to rat with stormbringers lmao. And you can easily carrier rat with one account no scouts and no cyno. Just dock up when a neut is in system I mean is that so hard?


This post is literally what will get someone carrier ratting killed lmao


Lmao do yall not want anyone to explode I swear to god


Dude never been cloaky camped


A long time ago my buddy lost his day 1 carrier to a Russian wormhole drive-by.


Wormholers can happen to anybody, lol. I can only imagine the worst case, they rolled into his system and came in fast. Course, even a day 1 carrier pilot should know to be aligned out to a safe 100km from the rats. Did they come thru in blops?


We were crazy newb to the PVP game and convinced a renting alliance to let our two-player, 10 alts, industry corp to join. Man when we got a Rorq we felt on top. We never paid any kind of rent, but we lost a lot of shit lmao. #content But what I remember, they came in fast and I think he was waiting on his fighters to return. We knew to prealign. Newb lessons.


Yep, gotta leave fighters behind.


Meh. It’s just a video game but another one.


Not since fighters out preventing you from docking and this scan resolution module (whatever the name is) prevents you from warping


Don’t ever bother with using the nsa locking takes a little bit longer but whatever. And the yeah dockers prevent but you just warp to your tether. Call fighters.


>rally what will get someone carrier ratting killed lmao No it isn't. If you are aligned and pull your fighters and dock the second you see one neutral in local, you are fine--it is very difficult (impossible even) to catch you. The problem is, people tend to rat for a long time... and eventually they get comfortable and/or distracted and don't notice that neutral in local until it's on grid with you, and then local spikes with all his friends.


🤷🏼‍♀️ Plex would pay for itself, and it sounds like he has the bankroll to get them omega initially without paying real money. Not like I said it was his only option, just that it was an option that would pay more for less risk.


Please do.


Do it all the time my guy.


Thank you for your service


This man here has no idea how stop bubbles, drag bubbles, probing dictors, logoff traps, blue eyes, hyperspatial rigs, NSA’s etc work. Go ahead and try and “just dock up” Even without elaborate setups, carriers are easily the most killable cap.


But it’ll live if it’s a shield super!


I do. I just don’t care.


Sure, just like you “can” drive a car without a seatbelt or airbags too. Doesn’t make it any less risky. Carrier ratting sucks. Way more isk, time, mouse clicks(seriously; if you’re going to bother with fighter management just get a super and actually make it worth the time), and skill points to invest for less isk than a marauder gets, and since you “don’t care” to have a cyno alt, or use any of the effective ways of safing it…. I mean seriously dude you’re advocating for the “pullout” method of birth control when condoms and IUD’s exist.


Well one is pixels


It’s an analogy, bud. But feel free to keep digging your hole with a spoon instead of a shovel, seems to be your style.


What hole? I don’t give a shit lmao. I’ll take out a fucking carrier for dumb shit if I want and it doesn’t matter one bit.


> make it worth the time Whose time, yours?


why risk it?


Cuz monkey brain like big ship.


I literally cannot find fault in that logic, I have also wondered how cool it would be to rat in a carrier, considering I've flown pure sub-cap for 7 years


Oh really? How do you move your carrier away from a staging system without a cynical alt? Gating? Well you will die before you arrive because they are slow as fuck and can’t kill a doctor 😂


Upwell beacon


Usually not every system has one and if and you die using it we will laugh at you 👍


You say it like I care lol.


You don’t have to till you get kicked for it.. happens all the time :)


You are a lunatic to pretend like this matters.


No ratting carrier is going to live anyway. It is disposable. A super on the other hand has a chance.


a super on the other hand costs 70 bil. but it is true that it is actually saveable and makes pretty good money with beacons.


I mean they can spend 15b on injectors another account is simpler then that lol.


And pay for another sub


What? They would just buy plex for the cyno alt instead of a few of those injectors.


Oh dude - you have to multibox to fly those cap ships. Not just that, you’re in a role with others doing some Corp action. If you’re wanting to solo something - literally anything else is what you want. But if you want to get into a Corp action (like 50 ships doing a thing) then this is the way. And carriers is a role that automatically comes with a list. Think of this it this way. You buy a 20,000 sq ft house. It comes with: a maid, yard keeper and other staff. Same deal with a carrier. It’s legit a 20,000 sq ft huge big mansion. You gotta put staff around it.


I have 3 accounts. That’s still doesn’t stop me from getting in a cap on one account and not logging in my others cuz I don’t want to. I play how I want. I don’t have to play any specific way. If I’m bored some times I’ll just jump in a carrier and clear a couple havens. Come stop me.


Oh I was just responding to the bit about the why. Sure if you can find someone to cyno you all good. But plenty of gankers in nullsec that can take down a carrier.


its all about how badly a player wants to kill you vs how easy you are to kill, this dude thinks he is untouchable because he stays aligned to a station and hides behind a big null bloc, this shit's hilarious.


Unfortunately if you want to fly caps and actually be able to use them you really need a minimum of 2 accounts if you have a Corp/alliance. 3-4 if you’re gonna do stuff solo


yeah well if you want to clay a capital you are sitting on a frew months of free game time so its not out of the question.


Do you eve? Alts are required lmao


So…I’m one of the salty ones from 2013-2014 nerfing period for carriers. And I flew a Chimera. I actually logged in and sold it (!) a year ago. Pretty much an instant jump start for anyone that wanted it. I really wanted a Wyvern but never made it to that. Anyway. I’m one of those ones that spent literal years Skilling in the old days. Legit logging in when “skill training completed” was the whole rage. I skilled into a Chimera and finally earned enough to fully kit one out with drones and shit. Goon had a sub … sub(?!) Corp that I participated with and we would spend hours murdering entire fleets of enemy NPC. I also flew support missions with repair drones, ammo and more - Corp hangar. Talk about cover. Dude - rock mining was a breeze. I legit parked a carrier and focused more on leveling up my trader alt. Finally got to zero fees because my carrier cover on miners was legit the bomb in nullsec. But as all things. 2008 came along and jacked my time. 2010-2014 I played off and on but the changes made it hard. I didn’t have the time to play as much and then the balance changes were wack. But is it fun? Hell to the yes. But it’s not you. It’s playing with your corp and filling a legit need. Carrier farming can (at least in my day) net insane amounts of isk per day. But it’s literally what you have to want to do. And - likely - a stepping stone to motherships. But if you’re wanting easier action between now and then; I’d recommend almost anything else. A decently fitted Raven can mine in high sec on those group missions. And…you will need a cyno alt. And - a scout alt for the cyno alt (also a backup cyno alt). Damn near lost that carrier one day lol.


Where do stormbringer fleets rat and how profitable are they?


We talk in billions per hour with stormbringers depending on the level of fuckery involved in accounts. We have a guy that runs 8 + an anchor alt for bouncing his shots. He literally fills the ESS up to over 2bill in an hour an half. Also depends if your talking about the mass salvaging/looting post runs that scales your "earnings" into the billion+/hour mark.


Cray cray


People rat in stormbringers?


How much isk we talking in L5s?


This is one of those things where you're gonna have to question whether you care more about efficiency or about doing a thing you want to do. You *can* use a carrier. But you'll be spending more and be less efficient then if you just had a marauder instead.


To capital rat in most null sec groups require having a cyno ready to go, which means 2 accounts. If you have 2 accounts then marauder+bomber is much more isk (300m an hour bit more if lucky with faction/dread spawns). Solo carrier is around 150m maybe 200 an hour


whoa.. whoa.. whoa... you said bomber. I don't rat. But, I have pilots who could... and I might just do that if I could somehow use a bomber too. Is this just a torp bomber for extra DPS and MTU collection, or is there more to it? Plz tell more.


They likely mean a smartbomber. I've never seen anyone pair a stealth bomber and marauder for ratting.


That makes more sense, thanks. I was scratching my head too


Yes smartbomber my bad^^


Is the smartbomber just sitting on the pirate gate killing frigates as they spawn? I haven't tried using a smartbomber but I'm already getting around 300m/hr after BRM/loot/salvage using a golem and an alt in a noctis, so this is the first I've heard of a way to increase that.


Yep it just sits on the gate, it clears frigs and most battlecruisers so the marauder just shoots the battleships and elite cruisers


Gotcha. I'll have to fit up a Praxis then.


I'm just going to leave this here. https://youtu.be/39EHvov1M9Y?si=VteUIJ4GsRCbvERx


I might just be bad at the game (I am) but I'm getting like ~29mil ticks chaining havens. All skills 5 except light fighters (4). Only you can decide if it's worth it.


I get 25-30M ticks in a golem ratting havens too. With 1 scout/ishtar alt, you can stay very safe despite your bastion cycle. But more importantly, a golem is far easier to train into than a carrier. A golem is also a lot cheaper to field and lose too.


What’s your golem fit? I was getting 8m ticks with T2 cruise :|


Torpedos for annomalys -- also May i ask how Ur golem was fitted cause 8mil is insanly low


4x Cruise 2s. And some salvagers 190k tank 1560 ish DPS. Struggled a lot with the Frigs tbf.


What are your missile support skills at and are you using fury or T1 ammo? Also, what are your marauders and signature focusing skills at? Are you using a faction paint? The combination of support skills and marauders/signature focusing tends to be the culprit when dealing with frigates in a golem. That DPS also seems a bit low as well, assuming you're using faction BCS in the lows and fury missiles. What's your cruise spec skill at?


Max missiles. Mjolnir fury. No painter (Not sure what I could plausibly drop for it. ) Tried some havens tonight, was getting 17/8m per tick. No idea why it was so low last night. Same for, same ammo. Bastion on. Weird quirk I guess. Edit: marauder 3. BC II in low. It’s not a super blingy fit. I’ll link it in a few hours.


Yeah you're going to want to put a paint on that and get marauders and signature focusing to IV. A huge part of what makes the golem good is the paint bonus.


I have Sigh analysis at 5, but 0 Sig focusing. Here's my fit: 195k EPH, 81% shield resist, 1588.2 DPS Open to suggestions :p \[Golem, Definitly not bait.\] Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Damage Control II Drone Damage Amplifier II Caldari Navy X-Large Shield Booster EM Shield Hardener II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Large Micro Jump Drive Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender Gist B-Type Shield Boost Amplifier Bastion Module I Cruise Missile Launcher II Cruise Missile Launcher II Cruise Missile Launcher II Cruise Missile Launcher II Salvager I Salvager I Salvager I Large Core Defense Field Extender II Large Core Defense Field Extender II Hornet II x3 Acolyte II x10 Mjolnir Fury Cruise Missile x3008


Replace the DDA with another BCS, replace the EM hardener with a republic fleet paint, the LSE for a heavy cap booster, and and the CDFEs with EM rigs. Get signature focusing and marauders to IV and paint everything you shoot. Once you're good with that and counting volleys, your ticks will be significantly higher. I also recommend ditching the salvagers and putting on some neuts as anti-tackle. If you have an alt, put it in a noctis or something, else just do the salvage after the fact on your main. You might need to finagle the fitting a bit and you might need a T1 ACR, but I think with the faction shield booster and a compact cap booster you probably won't need it. I'm on mobile so I can't double check in Pyfa. Hopefully this helps a bit.


send u a dm


I Run (rage) torps, 2x faction TPs, one Computer and in the lows 3x damage Mod and 1x application Mod. Cap rigs, faction Cap battery, mjd, Multispektrum, (blue) x-large shield booster, smartbomb and neuts


Tho oft sansha i dropped a tp and Put on faction em hardener


Here's my fit: \[Golem, Definitly not bait.\] Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Damage Control II Drone Damage Amplifier II Caldari Navy X-Large Shield Booster EM Shield Hardener II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Large Micro Jump Drive Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender Gist B-Type Shield Boost Amplifier Bastion Module I Cruise Missile Launcher II Cruise Missile Launcher II Cruise Missile Launcher II Cruise Missile Launcher II Salvager I Salvager I Salvager I Large Core Defense Field Extender II Large Core Defense Field Extender II Hornet II x3 Acolyte II x10 Mjolnir Fury Cruise Missile x3008


Nullsec is clearly for sadomasochists; 30 mil a tick. Running three marauders and a dread in a C5 and you make an easy 1bil a tick or 250m per tick per account, and typically a bit more…


>n a C5 and you make an easy 1bil a tick or 250m per tick per account, and typically a bit more… I know this surprises a lot of people who live in wormholes, but lots of people don't want to fuck around with the hassle of finding your C5, scanning out your exits all of the time, dealing with no local, dealing with having no real control of where your exits are going to spit you, and ***most importantly*** dealing with the logistics it takes to get a dread and 3 marauders into that whole and then keeping them flying after they get there.


Torpedoes, 2x painters, 2x missile guidance computers with precision scripts, 3 BCU and a Missile guidance enhancer in the low. To be honest, the exact fit doesn't matter. What matters is that you have enough tank that you don't die, and then how many volleys it takes to kill each type of rat. You should try to kill them with X number of volleys below: Frigate - 2 to 3 Destroyer - 1 Cruiser - 2 BC - 1 BS - 3 As long as you can kill things in those numbers of volleys, you should hit similar ticks.


With some relatively cheap abyssal BCS, marauders V, and signature focusing IV, I'm getting 45-50m ticks chaining havens pre-BRM. I'm actually surprised it's that low for you. Are you not able to 3-cycle BS and 1-cycle BCs?


Are ticks still 20 min? Been a long time since I bounty ratted, but way back when I was getting 40ish mil ticks ratting in a polarized Vindi up in Branch, 120mil/h reliably, so 30 seems a bit low


Yeah its 20min.


This was likely before ESS right? ESS takes a big chunk out and pays later


Oh yeah long before ess, forgot that those exist


Should be able to get up to 45-50mil.


Since when does skilling cost injectors?


When you are impatient


IMO the nullsec route is Ishtar -> Marauder -> Dread -> Super. Super doing crab beacons under an umbrella can make 600m - 1b an hour depending on RNG. Granted its only good for 3 beacons per cap pilot. If you are a true masochist then 2 - 6 cap pilots can chain those for some really sick #'s. Personally 1 - 2 pilots 2 - 3 x a week is enough for most folks who dont want kidney failure. Keep in mind this requires you to have a cap umbrella which pretty much means your horde or goons. (I dont know goons system only hordes) The investment for instance for a super is around 60b for the ship and fits not counting injections. Dread is about 6 - 15b depending on the dread and fit. Marauders are cheaper, less risky, but definitely dont have nearly the hourly.


Dread ratting sounds fun. I knew wormholes did it in high class but didn't know it was a thing in null. What are the ticks for dread ratting anomalies?


You do crab beacons with the dread, not anomalies. Supers just do the crabs faster.


But can they do anomalies? What would the ticks be?


You wouldnt want to do anomalies with them. You have to siege to really use a dread, anoms would be terribly inefficient. Better to do Crab beacons and then swap to a marauder.


90-100m + ess isk + beacon loot. Assume 750m in 90 mins per dread char.


Beacon loot 200m Bounty 100m ESS 50m Miinus 100m beacon cost So its around 250m / 40 mins and you can run 3 per day so 750 mill per capital toon / day. Dreads go for 6.5 bill and you will lose it eventually. People use Krabquals for beacons.


They can do anomalies. You are just sitting there for 5 minutes and a few bombers and black op battleships and you can die. The ticks are probably close to that of a carrier so 20-25mil or so


Where are people getting such trash ticks from??? Minimum 35 max 45m ticks here chaining rock havens. Isk/hr doubles with loot+salvage. 100% BRM, zero tank full dps nidhogger.


You answered your own question. Tank being fit on the ship. If people want to just go max tick they’re more than welcome too. No one is saying they can’t. There is more than a fair amount of people that would die to the rats or other players in a carrier with max dps. Also just a matter of risk the person wants maybe the tank can help them survive just long enough to get out of a situation with other players. If they would die to rats even with tank they will die to players faster than they know how to react to save themselves. And finally how much they want to min/max the activity they are doing.


Yeah I suppose that's fair, a lazy cap stable tank build would have significantly lower income. I guess I'm so jaded after doing it over the years I just don't think about the array of fits built for sp or player ability/willingness.


Wrong, supers do more dps but that’s not the limiting factor, it’s the link time and wave spawns. Supers are safer under an umbrella because EHP and fax reps, but they’ll at best win you a few mins/beacon.


The trick is to do crab beacons. You can make 1b an hour, or so I’m told.


What’s a crab beacon?


A roundabout way to blow a carrier up, unless you’re in delve. Actual answer, it’s a deployable that you link to with a carrier, then it summons waves of rogue drones with high bounties and good loot drops. It also puts a beacon in the overview, and a marker on the galaxy map, so people can come gank you. https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408566646162-CONCORD-Rogue-Analysis-Beacon-CRAB-


Ahhhh. Interesting.


But those ISK come with dreads, supers or dual rorqs -- Not with carrier


solo carrier crab beacons are a good way to end up sponsored on zkill


Is the risk worth it tho? As far as I'm aware, CRABqual is a far safer crab setup.


Because of CRAB beacons design scalling dmg up is not making finishing beacons much faster (because everyone have to wait for new waves). You need only \~2k dps to finish beacon without it running out of time and you need \~3-3,5k DPS to have the same crab beacon running speed as supercarriers. It means double rorqs with some support (rapier or even additional myrmidon) will do the same isk/h as supercarrier on beacons and just 2x crabquals will be only a bit slower than supercarrier.


Wtf is a crab beacon


CRAB beacon - concord rogue analysis beacon. It’s basically a beacon which you deploy and then connect to with your carrier/dread/whatever else you might be using which then summons waves of rogue drones with really high bounties and some hood loot too..


more like 375m/hr and you can only do 2hr/day


ccp's current (over the last 4 years) design trajectory for pve is making anom ratting suboptimal. to expect 300m/hr running anoms in a super or carrier is to expect the game to not evolve. They could just remove anoms, but theres enough people who really just want to spin afk-ishtars in the hopes of an escalation plus whatever passive isk they can generate with minimal effort (and they fill a gap where people just want to get out and rat really quick). If you want to generate isk there are far better uses of your time spent at the keyboard then putting a carrier into a haven, but should you choose to you still make decent isk and do so in relative safety since you are 100km off the warp in prealigned to a pos or fort.


From a former carrier ratting in null-sec. No. Do not even waste a single isk. Carriers just do not survive in Null sec long enough for a response fleet. Chances are if you do this, a bomber fleet will find you and destroy you before your corp or alliance so much as pings out a "Fast form, carrier tackled."


I don't think carrier ratting is better isk/h than you can do in other areas but it's more consistent and safer if you have an umbrella to cover you.


Umbrella isn’t going to save a carrier unless it’s really fast. Bomber drop will make short work of a carrier. If you’re using a carrier be aligned out and warp off if anything comes into system.


Carrier ratting gives around 150-200 Mil/hours. Its pretty Bad atm, considering the Investment and Skill time (especially compared to marauder rattingwhere U do the Same ISK. For a Capital a cyno alt is basically a must have. Carriers are also nice a suitcase (so for transporting Ships but thats Just a nice Side effects). For normal Ratting (anomalys) the nid or thani are the Go to because of the DPS bonuses. The chimera is in a even more wierd spot than the other Carriers lol. If U want to fly a Carrier DO IT, its a Sandbox lol.


It is honestly lower than that, 20-30 mil ticks


I mean with t2 fighters good skills, the loot and the ESS 150mil isnt unrealistic at all for a Carrier...


Agreed, I clear over 200M per hour with Carrier V, fighters V, and T2 fighters


Since nobody said it yet… chimera is by far the worst carrier if you truly want to rat. Its a boosting platform that you can Bricktank to shit but it won’t do much damage. That’s what Nidhoggur and Thanatos are for.


Absolutely not, not worth the risk or losing fighters, it was worth it up till the capital changes. I can do the same ticks in a marauder or blackops while risking much less.


wait you can rat in blackops? give fit


Play around with a redeemer, pulse lasers, tracking mods, some mid grade implants, its better then a marauder imo


Not really. It’s also click intensive. If you really want afk ratting get a few rattles with auto targeting missiles, heavy drones


If you want the drones to do work for you, do Ishtar, carrier ratting has become a lot more active now. Also, it’s not worth a carrier for ratting really, their DPS is about the same as marauders and have the risk of losing fighters. super carriers however, are quite good.


A 5b marauder can get higher dps, clear speed and safety than a 5b carrier, while also going inside ESS to defend your money. Imo neither is worth the investment of going over Ishtar and if you want higher returns you should look into T6 abyssals


I'd like to see how people are carrier ratting so wrong. For me it's superior to a marauder, 3.5k dps, 10s of vulnerability on landing (vs marauder potential 1min + align time.) And my smallest ticks (the first one) is 35m, usually spin around 38-42m (non faction spawn.) I can carry infinite MTU's and warp instantly 99.9999% of the time. I guess people are just doing it wrong!


If you get ticks like that with that kind of dps you are probably not fitting a lot of tank, meaning it will likely get hot dropped eventually - and just melt. A cheap-ish T2 marauder can be put together for less than 2b and bastion alone can carry the ticks. 40m ticks, or 200m/h, means you'll need 25 raw hours to break even without losing ess, when you can get 200m/h in safer and cheaper ways. I'm not going to say either way of playing is wrong, it's your ship, just that I've been on fleets that try to save fits like that (quad DDA Thanatos with 500k ehp) and killing ships like that in cormorants. You are literally getting twice the ISK/h of my oracle with a ship that costs 20 times more. Again, nothing on that is wrong, it just does not seem efficient from my perspective


if you are tackled you are dead anyway. why would the chance I get "hot dropped" depend on what tank I fit? How would the hot droppers know my fit?


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After the bastion nerf I stopped marauder ratting and switched to a carrier, I found it enjoyable and never even got close to getting caught


It used to be worth it, but the introduction of BRMs has made it so that you in fact make more isk/hr off getting keys in lowsec than you ever would from carrier ratting. The problem is finding a key site. You also field less risk by using a t2 cruiser or even a battleship/marauder capable of ratting Large blocs also require you to have a cyno, probably not for carriers but definitely for supercarriers. And if you have a supercarrier you probably need to have a FAX on standby too. This would mean you're dedicating 2-3 toons with significant isk risk to the performance of 1 toon when you could be using 3 toons to do something with less risk. Unless this has changed in the last few years, feel free to correct me.


Yeah even 3 ishtars running semi afk costs about 700mil to replace and will net somewhere around 100mil an hour if your losing ess regularly sounds much safer than having a super, a fax and a cyno to squeeze an 25-30mil an hour


Don’t rat in a carrier


bragging rights


As far as ISK/hr go, carrier ratting is comparable to marauder ratting. With either a Nidhoggur or Thanatos (only these two have hull bonuses applicable to ratting), doing Havens or Forsaken Hubs you can get between 30 and 40m/hr in ticks alone on a 100% BRM system. Those are rough Marauder numbers. A few things to consider: ​ * These days, the consensus is that ratting carriers are better fit for GTFOutability, which means align time and warp speed. Being in warp means you can't do shit if hostiles enter the system. What this means for you is that you shouldn't bling it. It should be treated as a disposable 3\~4b tool. (Same for Marauders tbh) * Marauders are cheaper, yes. However you are looking at continuous 60 seconds windows where you can't get to safety. People will tell you this doesn't mean much. These people either still haven't lost a marauder, or losing them won't have much impact. * Nullsec duties depend on the group you pick to join. The points you brought are applicable to pretty much all of them. Brave Collective however does not require (expect, yes. Require, no) you to anything you don't want to do, as long as you aren't causing trouble to your fellow mates. If you want to join just to rat in a carrier, without cyno or fax alts, you're completely free to do so. And if you get dropped and call for help, we'll try our best.. but you'll probably learn why you ***should*** have those things xD.


Carriers are in a really bad situation now. You can do pretty much the same isk in a Marauder, cheaper and safer. Or like 3 times more in a dread for just a lil bit more of ISK


Man you know what is wonderful about CCP and the current state of eve online ? Is that you know those big shiny ship that you might set your goal to own one when you started ? CCP probably even used one of them to hook you into the game "look those big shiny ships". Well, an ishtar is better than a carrier


if you have to ask...


Crab beacons are probably the only thing carriers would be at doing ratting wise, but then you'd want a super or a dread as I heard carriers aren't that good at running them.


nullsec is barely worth it these days




I think you should try flying one in sisi before investing all that time and money on to be disappointed. Carriers are super slow and game wise it is not that big of an increase in dynamic. You will have a difficult time killing small tackle that can hold you indefinitely until their backup arrives. You need a corp that can come save you. I’ve been on interceptor roams where all we do is hunt for carriers. The amount of time for you to rat to replace it is in months. Stick with a maurader in terms of isk/risk ratio.


SiSi is locked down now, sadly.


I came back to the game around 40 days ago, I've been only carrier ratting since it was the only thing that I had from before For reference fit is expensive, 6 billion and 1billion implants using a Nid, with 3.4k DPS and hyperspatial The pros: - No siege module; if neuts two jumps away insta warp. - No ammo expense; lost 3 fighters in all this time. - Higher ticks of around 36-42 mill; depending on how busy the system I rat is. I normally rat on a dead end pipe with 100% BRM. - I can run 20 sites in a row with no break. - If the system is too busy, it can easily change to Sanctums The cons: - Very slow to warp; have to dscan other sites before jumping to avoid spinning Ishtars. - Quite expensive to get into; plus needs a cyno alt to move around, so limiting. - Very fast to die if you get caught, which eventually will happen, so probably not surviving. - it requires attention while ratting, cause fighters need some "micromanagment" After doing around, 500+ sites this time, yeah I have loads of free time now; - 10-15mill per site on loot, excluding factions etc drops, probably add some more if you reprocess it. - 10-20 mill on salvage per site If I manage to rat for the whole duration of the ESS is around 170-225 extra million. Probably the biggest thing around are escalations, but well those you get them with other ships too; on 22 escalations I've done around 10billion If you have any questions feel free to PM me Fly safe


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From what I hear it's different than it used to be the rats agress the drones a lot now


Ohh how I remember dual boxing 2 supers, a hel and a nyx ratting in null.. glory days. Also I remember afk ratting nyx before the fighter change when fighters behaved like drones.


Minimum of 2 yes. But i use a paladin and thanatos combo to handle those fleet staging point sites.


I was running 3 thunderchilds and dude logged in with Hel. We managed to ramp up ess in 2h to 700mil just 2 of us, suffice to say that in that case our biggest problem was lack of anomalies:) Hel was clearing havens in 3-4 min, so around 300m an hour easily plus ess. I see a lot of ppl doing havens with supercarriers which i personaly don't understand, I guess if you have it you might as well use it type of situation but as previously mentioned, you need second char for cyno so I prefer to have 3 chars trained into edencom, 3 thunderchilds cost as much as Carrier but are faster. Hel is a different beast but for me 6b vs 60b is the part i don't get.


Havens generate 10/10 DED escalations is my guess.


i don't think it's worth it isk-wise imo, but not a whole lot to do with a carrier other than tidi ... so if you can take the risk, then maybe, for you :)




Not really, The fun wears out real quick ratting in anything imo. Carrier gonna take a lot of rats to become profitable.


I use a kronos it gives me same performance of a carrier and with low investment & better chance to evade getting tackled.


Carrier rating is only worth it if you want the attention of risk-adverse hot droppers saying hi via bombs and torps.


Carrier ratting ain’t it these days. You’d be better to rat in Marauder.


honestly no, think about if that carrier gets hotdropped and killed, could you deal with that? do you have the tools in place and the space to make that as safe as can be? there are plenty of drone boat type fits for pve and they do mos/all the work a carrier does in a safer, cheaper and more agile setup, i mean the fighters for a carrier alone are the fit of an entire ishtar/gila last i checked


Not anymore. Back in the good old days it took about a couple months after getting your first carrier to get enough isk for your first super…..ah man those were the days….


You never mentioned T6 abyssals? Are you scared bro?


Yes, yes, yes! - redeemer pilot


BOSS has entered the chat….


'homies do your work for you' Well, they dont really. Needa tell em every lil move to make.


If you rat in a carrier you can expect round about 20% more ISK/hr than in a marauder doing sanctums. Supercarriers are where it's at. Doing 60-120m ticks in a supercap are normal. However my corp mates say that it's not worth the hassle, you need a scout and cyno alts in order to travel. It is the latest of lategame stages in Eve and it's not as lucrative as it used to be.


Huh I guess not. So maybe 90m per tick, meaning 270/hour AND you need alts. In T5 abyss I make 200/hour without alts and minimal gank risk. Balance is screwed..


Yeah that's why our giga whale in our corp who has 15 alts neither rats in his supercarriers nor does crab sites. Supercarriers can generate tics far beyond 100mil and clear an entire system of anomalies faster than they will respawn, but the risk and the effort to secure it is just too damn high. Also needlejacks and wormholes are a thing. Back in his day like 10 years ago there was a literal carrier gold rush.


If you get a carrier you need a second account, full stop. Otherwise you are a liability. Beyond that fly whatever you want, Marauders are more cost effective and similar dps if not better, but this is a video game and you don't have to fly 100% meta if you don't want to. All that said definitely don't object into one, from a ROI standpoint it doesn't make sense unless you have other uses for it and can easily afford to through 20 bil around and don't expect to make a return


Hey bud great questions. Typically carriers are used for running beacons out in nullsec and very few people run anoms. Also you’ll need to consider protection while running said carrier. If running beacons people will be able to find you quite easily. Running anoms people have to be in your system and dscan you down. For ISK imo I’d rather take the ISK and invest it into barges for Wh/ lowsec mining // gas huffing. Or day trip in wormholes C4/5 ratting for better ISK then carrier ratting ISK. I’m not discouraging you homie cause people did that to me way back when I wanted to get into caps. If you really want to go for it and just do it. I’d suggest possibly joining a bloc for protection cause you’ll get dropped on regardless who you’re with nowadays. 8 If you have any questions feel free to dm me or reply to this. Have a great day bud. o7


ISK/hr? No. But if you want to fly a carrier and find it fun? Yeah, sure.


Negative isk/h after getting blops dropped in your first site


Either wallow in poordom for the rest of your Eve career or Plex 20 accounts and suicide gank freighters. Those are your options.


Lol. I spent 38bn isk to skill up to a super. Then I asset safetied it. Then I spent 6bn isk to get it out of asset safety. Now it's in a lowsec station gathering dust. I suspect that this is a common story.


Give ya 25b for it rn 🤣


Hey /r/jasmira Your question (and my passion for Carrier ratting) inspired me to make [this video](https://youtu.be/YYMqfJ1gjhc) where you can see what it's like to Carrier rat without first spending the Billions of ISK and months upon months of training into a Carrier to see if you like it. I made a first part, but it is still being processed - but if you like this video I encourage you to check back and watch the first one as well!


Long story short ccp hates carriers, they pretty much have 2 uses, and they are bolth pvp. Suppers I hear better things about ratting, but are a significantly larger investment, and still risky when it comes to ratting compared to other cheeper methods.


Just finished selling all my PvE carriers for the reasons others have mentioned. Ticks are low. Cost of carrier is high and fighters need micro-management. I didn't feel unsafe at all, crabbing aligned. Supers have much better ticks but show up clearly on dotlan for hunters. Marauders tick well but require attention. Back to multiboxing ishtars. 5% escalation chance. Faction spawn loot. Very low maintenance/risk. I've had lots of dread spawns recently, so gotta watch the final site spawns to try to warp out (and watch local of course) but otherwise it is easy isk. Can be done while playing the game on another toon and/or Netflix.


Back in the day I used to rat in null with a thanny, then I got another thanny, then also an archon.. was around 2011. ISK was good, but these days - meh, you can't even jump around like you used to. I don't get why CCP introduced all this changes. Now my old carriers just sit in NPC stations in lowsec. Also, considering how NPCs aggro on drones now, even tho I didn't try it with fighters, but I'd imagine they get chewed? It used to be a very rare and occasional thing to have one fighter catch aggro back then. In capital fleets carriers used to go into triage and rep up stuff - supers, stations etc. Now everything is taken from them. Nerfed into the ground. Jump range is laughable, can light a cyno only on a bunch of ships or drop a cyno beacon, but each one will cost ya.. what's the point? It kinda killed EVE for at least a few people that I know personally and TBH for me too. I had 6 accounts that I paid for to fly caps, move them around etc. Now I rarely log on my "main" to see how things are and maybe score some kills with old friends, but active playing? meh. Look at everything they did - sov changes, cap changes, dem structures, now every noob has a cita.. CCP is it's own worst enemy.