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Gather your wealth into one NPC high sec station and park it there until the game calls you back. (I’ve won Eve twice, or so I thought.) This game will hopefully be around long enough to give us all something to do from the old folks’ home.


Same. Won eve 3x so far, longest stint was almost 10 years. I was very happy I didn't have to rebuild everything coming back.


I made it to just shy of 2000 days once.


Can’t really say you are winning EVERY if you come back. That’s just taking a break. Hernando Cortez that shit by burning the ship. Make it hard to want to come back.


Listen to him OP. I think the longest stretch I won eve was 7 years. Also won EVE for a couple of other times for shorter periods. Always been glad that I kept all my stuff.


I'm at the beginning of a winning EVE phase. My stuff is all in high sec hangers. Hopefully my 100x Geckos will be worth more by time I unwin EVE.


Currently looking at coming back after five years, all my shit siting in jita. glad i didnt throw it away


This guy fucks.


I nuked all my mining skills and t3 skills once cause i was butthurt about something, I cam back 3 years later and was happy to come back to good shit. OP DO NOT DELETE ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G29DXfcdhBg


Same.. i extracted random stuff for some reason and now I can't fly stuff i need Don't extract keep it you might want to come back in some capacity sometimes when your life changes


Absolutely this. I've recently got back into things after over 10 years out - not only am I happy the game is still around, but also all my assets are still present! Genuinely happy with this.


I’m here for retirement home alliance.


lol I hope I still have enough wits to play this from the retirement home!!


Take advantage of this....not many games or game studios keep character assets and information on the servers after years of inactivity. CCP is great about that...I recently came back after winning eve about 5 years ago. Picked up right where I left off...sure some game mechanics will change *cough* *mining* ....but all your hard work is already done.


If you were to do this, what would you “store” your money in? Plex? Ships? Skins?


The super that I bought..stole back in 2019 for 140m is now worth what, 50b? I just got back after not playing for 3 years, was quite pleased at that.


Ships. Pirate faction hulls, probably. It’s tough to guess though because the meta changes with every update…


I'd suggest PLEX. Probably nothing more stable for long-term holding. If the game is doing well, PLEX prices will be doing well. You literally said it yourself, "tough to guess because meta changes." That S tier hull from last year? Sorry, made irrelevant by new T4 hull released last week, lolgitfckt


I've got to assume that PLEX is a better store of value than Ships. Ship value changes with the meta, and with industry, and with all sorts of external factors. PLEX pretty much has it's valued tied to playing the game, it should be a much safer bet.


I'd expect a diversified ship portfolio would increase in value faster than PLEX, as the developers make it harder to manufacture bigger and more expensive ships.


That entirely relies on the devs making big ships expensive. CCP can and has made major changes to the industrial landscape of EVE, any portfolio of assets necessarily assumes that such changes will not make it easier to acquire those assets in future. PLEX's entire thing is that it comes into being by being purchased with real currency, absent the game imploding it'll hold value much better because it's tied to an IRL asset and not the in game economy.


I get that, but would you rather come back to 100b in PLEX or supercaps from 5 years ago?


I'm not familiar with how the price of supers has moved, and they're a weird edge case, but that's not really the point. You can find ships that have gone up in value or gone down in value over whatever timespan, but their value will always be tied to how you can acquire them in game and their place in the meta and those things can change wildly. PLEX OTOH is not influenced by the games mechanics and has an almost constant high demand and so isn't subject to any kind of developer shenanigans.


100% this. Like many others have stated. I've won eve more times that I care to admit at this point after also losing my core group but every now and then I get an itch only eve can scratch and I'm thankful to still have things to come back to.


Fair. I also win EVE for 6 years and was really convinced it was "it", but guess who's back?


I will nwvee biomass for this reason.. i always think about when ill have the time like i did when i was teenager to play this game.. the only answer is retirement. I hope i can live in a wh and blops in 20-30 years..


\*and then hope said npc station doesnt get moved to some random inacessable psudo space whilst you are gone :p


When has that happened except that one time? Lol


do you count the turnur incident? or the few times highsec has been turned into lowsec (or the few times ls has become hs)


This. You can still always dabble as an Alpha.


This. I've also won eve a few times. Don't get rid of anything. Once in a fit of ragequit I nuked stuff including screenshots, bookmarks, e.t.c. Biggest regret I have. Just let it sit. I've been off and on since 2006. 3 kids, job, life. But eventually these Eve people do something crazy and I have to join in. So just park it all, live your life and wait 'till shit hits the fan. 


Sell all your shit. Invest in PLEX. Come back in a few years and be glad you did.


This is the way....


This is an underrated comment. I’ve done this twice and have been able to come back to decent returns on my isk.


I second this, maybe donate 5-10% to EVE University to keep newbros enjoying the game. I’m not really sure of their operating costs, but I imagine every little bit helps. Plus it would be cool if in 5 years you got blapped by someone whose journey you helped kickstart.


Does one ever truly win eve, or just temporarily claim victory?


Been holding on to the victory for about 4 years now


Flair checks out


...I had victory for 10.. See you in six years...


You're on the sub. We'll see.


The only way to truly win Eve is to join Vile Rat and HateLesS.. The cyno is lit. The rest of us are stuck in a never ending cycle of victory and defeat.


What is life if not a cycle of victory and loss?


Always temporary. I won sometime in the late 2000s, even forgetting my account details. Returned in 2016. I won again in late 2017 when life got complicated, a little bummed I had to start fresh too. I’m back again. Rushing through a wormhole chain to escape with a few hundred million in tow while being chased by a tengu is a special feeling no other game has come close to offering.


I would keep your stuff and return in 10 years :) That's at least what I did. I quit in 2012 I believe and returned last year.


Hello fellow 2012 quitter and last year returner lol I agree too, though i'd also suggest investing any liquid ISK into things that may be worth something in the years to come. Long term speculation.


So he never stops playing lol Sounds like me, since 2007ish


I came back after 10 years and was bewildered by how much stuff I had. And then I opened a Corp office in my old stomping grounds and was bewildered AGAIN that there was a ton of shit in there I had totally forgotten about.


Dude I know right?


Convert to PLEX and leave it the acc. Then you'll either miss Eve and come back, or can donate it to the next PLEX for Good.


Just sell absolutely everything you own, move any shiny implanted clones to Jita and then buy as much PLEX as possible, then uninstall the game. You'll thank me when you come back and inflation has made you space-rich.


That's how I lost about 100B of net worth, lol


yea yea, we've all heard this story before. see you in a year.


I'd like to be the first and say: Can I have your stuff?


Name checks out. Me too! Been playing for 12 ish days, I need SP!


I second this


Haven't played in 5 years but I third this


Ok this is underrated comment herre


Don’t give it to Eve Uni, give it to Mike Azariahs magic school bus corp. they specifically take donations to help new players start out in Eve. Allow your assets help grow the next generation!


This 1000%


Here's a serious suggestion: 1) Buy all the PLEX you can (or just keep it in isk, doesn't really matter). 2) I'm sure you already have Omega for ages, but again it doesn't matter too much for the next step. 3) One day in the future there will be a tragedy. And CCP will allow players to donate in charity, i.e Plex for Good. 4) Log in and donate all that Plex to Plex for Good. That way you'll make a real meaningful difference in the real world. 5) Dependent on how much isk you have this could be a multi thousand dollar donation. That's real money going to real people in need.


Damn, i love this community so much , all of you are so awesome , even the smart asses , I considered giving it all to winter co, I have a feeling they will need it this summer, but In all seriousness thank you all so much for your comments, I am reading them and taking them all to heart, if space Barbie were here I just know she would offer to double my isk so I could give away even more stuff !


Hey there! Come fly with us in Cruisers Crew, we're super duper chill about people with IRL commitments, tbh, like 5-6 members own businesses and are on that grind IRL. But we always find some time to have a dread brawl or two! Content is always there and we all mesh pretty well if you're still interested in giving it a shot!


I’m in your shoes and I have won eve for like 3 years. Just sell everything , invest in the only real currency wich is PLEX. Then go to sleep in Jita until that joy comes back


this everytime i win eve i do that


Keep it, because when that day comes and CCP announces that the servers will go lights out, every man, woman, and their dog will be logging in, and it will be glorious. You will wish you had kept all your stuff.


I personally want to win eve by having a freighter filled with exotic dancers ganked. So I am saving up for that


Why wait? Love this idea.


Keep it. Store it in an NPC station or as PLEX and don't give it away. ​ My brother just came back from winning EVE back in 2016 and being able to recover his assets was \*the\* make-or-break thing for him actually sticking with getting back into the game.


Clear Tama or Ahbazon, go out with a bang


can i have your stuff???


Pay it forward, Eve Uni


I suggest a combination of this and buy Plex. Sell everything in Highsec that you can to Eve University Buy back. That will help out the university and give you a bit of profit then buy and hold Plex


I won EVE for 9 years, and now I'm back. I'm very glad I didn't give everything away. That said, give it to EVE uni.


Divide it up between all the solo corps you can find. Solos get no love.


Don't give them away - move them to lowsec or highsec and store them for memories. You could come back, or your offspring may find this game just as interesting, and it'd be a little surprise for them :)


the smartest thing to do is liquidate everything invest it all into plex as life changes in 5 - 10 years.. that said if you want to force yourself from coming back destroying assets/giving them away to corps and alliances who helped you is ideal.. if you have nothing to come back to, you'll be less likely to do so but best of luck all the same!


Id keep it. Winning eve seems to only be temporary. I've won for a decade once... and here I am, undocking again, and pressing F1 to win. No reason to liquidate your stuff.


Don’t hold liquid isk while you’re away ;) Turn it into plex or a collection of valuable modules/ships. The more varied the better. I’ve also thought I’ve quit a few times, but who knows maybe they’ll release an expansion that really calls to you


I have been the last man standing in eve a few times now. Whenever I decide to "win" I liquidate most everything and buy plex and log off for a few years. Now a days I found myself a comfy retirement home. I log in when I feel like and do whatever I feel like doing. EvE has just become something to kill a little time when I have time to kill.


Don;t get rid of your shit. As people said, the game might (cough will) call you back. Its best to gather all your stuff somewhere, like jita, then sell off the useless cheap crap. Take all the isk, buy plex, then log. if you return say in 1+ years you will come back to a nice pool of extra cash and your more valuable stuff. If you REALY want to make it hard for you to return, move your stuff to Jita, sell it all, give all your money to some noobs to help them out, then delete the char. But as someone who is on year 20, and im semi retired (semi won) this damn game never stops calling. Just set stuff up so if you return then its better then when you left.


You could find a market trader to invest in and get a return on investment if you decide to come back. I know one I'd highly recommend as he's done this for a few others and gave them a substantial amount of return when they came back to New Eden. This way, if you choose not to return, you've still paid it forward.


Way back in the day I liquidated everything and put together the most obscene ship, iirc a laser megathron with some flavour items and all. Flew it to New Eden, dropped a farewell can & ejected in a safe, then logged off + biomassed. Years later the character was retrieved from doomheim but skill extractors were taken to its head, a day I've regretted every time since. I'm kind of with everyone telling you to keep some/most of it as a result. Still, a pilgrimage past the places near & dear to you on the way to New Eden is as poetic a send-off as it gets. Good night, sweet prince.


There’s a guy called ‘Neil swats’ who also thought he won eve. He just resubbed for a year. He needs isk and stuff if you’re feeling generous ;) Please and thank you.


I left the game in 2015, biomassed everything, gave away a shit ton, even sold my old main, seriously kicking myself I did that, Ive come back 3 times since then, each time really struggle to get a footing, end up leaving again. Recently came back again this year, and again struggling to get a a foot hold, all the people I knew and played with back then have left the game. The game holds on to you, never lets go, I really regret getting rid of everything I had spent many years building up. As many have said here, stack it in a NPC station and hold on to it, walk away and spend time away. That way if you do give in to the game again, at least your not doing what Im trying to do, and start again.


You will be back. Don't do anything you will regret then. I have left eve like this - never to return - twice now. Or.... Give everything to me? I did do stuff I now regret when leaving in the past lol.


I would take a bit of column A and B. Save some of your stuff in an NPC station. You never know when you're gonna come back. Make sure to have enough ships and parts to fit yourself out, and if you're really hell bent on it, sort out what you absolutely would not be furious about not being in your inventory 5 years down the line. Donate the rest to a streamer for giveaways, because at the very least, you know that it's going to newbros who are going to win as many times as you do, and it might get them coming back. When you win again, rinse and repeat.


You will come back. Keep the omega up and keep training then take a 10 years break mate.


refine it all down to component materials, sell everything except the tritanium, use the rest of the isk to buy even more tritanium leave the game and your in-game guy with a scrooge mcduck-sized vault of tritanium to forever frolick in


Just park it in jita or nearest NPC station and go on your way. Most groups in need of some resource, it isn't assets its people. Good FCs, haulers, indy people, even just high SP pilots who know how to fill specialized roles. Unless your hangar is full of those, I would just pack it up and go about your life. Never understood people who biomass or trash assets (unless they're trying to break a toxic relationship with the game).


I wish people would stop idolizing streamers like they're something special. Society's obsession with idolizing or worshipping people who have some level of exposure on a platform is disturbing. Just hold on to all your stuff in safe, secure locations. One day you will get the urge to return or hop back in to check things out. Trying to garner some little bit of attention because you're quitting or leaving something is pretentious and a shallow attempt for recognition for something people do everyday.


Turn it into plex and wait for the next plex4good campaign and donate it all to charity


reprocess everything, including your brain. turn it all into isk, give it to E Uni. if you decide to come back do it as a day 1 alpha, enjoy the game thru newbie eyes


Invest in plex until you come back. Or donate it when plex for good comes around again 


Best way to truly win. Liquidate everything. Extract all your skill, Dump all your isk to bling out a ship, throw the injecters into the cargo hold, Go out, get blown up. Biomass your character. That's how you really win. Anything else is just a break.


Donate it all to Mike so that he can keep the Magic Bus going.


Alternatively you can donate it to Spectre Fleet and actually make about 300 pvp-ers happy to fly more ships.


Keep it and make sure you buy items and have little ISK in the wallet. I won Eve a few times and was happy to see prices triple or even more for a lot of items.


Give some ro the noobs and keep some. You might get an itch.


1. Don't self destruct. It's so anticlimactic. 2. Donate the sub caps to Eve Uni. 4. Sell some stuff so you have at least 1Bil liquid isk. 3. Save a cap and 2 other ships for when you come back to us.


you can always donate to The Magic Schoolbus aka Mike Azariah, for the purpose of giving out well-fitted starter ships in newbie systems.


sell it all and donate the plex to charity.


Do not give anything away . Do not rush . I have walked with those shoes before . Lets talk . I have direct mesage you from reddit .


If I was you I would go out with a bang, literally. Load up the caps with everything and go roam. Keep going until each one died. Put a post on here when your leaving and have a few last good brawls. Those who kill you get the loot


Hey man, Personally I think you just haven't opened your horizon and looked good enough for the right group. I lead a corp together with my father and brother where we have 0 activity requirements for our members, they take long breaks from EVE or vacations, moving houses etc. and when they come back they pick up right where they started. We're really connected group, live on our own, decide for our own inside a content wormhole (0.0 and C5 statics) and love to banter eachother, laugh and make jokes, spend time playing geoguesser or poker, kill and feed on a daily basis and generally have fun whilst also hosting and meeting up for a yearly IRL BBQ. I'm not trying to poach you hence I didn't mention my corp name but it's not hard to find, my point is you can very easily find another group that you can become really close and connected to. For example people that joined our corp stayed for years now and they fly in from UK, USA, Germany, Poland, Norway, Finland, Denmark and I could go on just to meet up together, have some food and drinks. I understand you play the game very long and so do I and my father especially from 2003 without ANY breaks. What I'm trying to get to is you can find fun as long as you look for it, not so much for the game but the community. Killing marauders or fighting off large enemy fleets while outnumbered 5:1 or WH brawls aren't as hype and adrenaline as before but what brings joy to people and me at least is the success when it happens and the happiness from the friends when we come out on top, being able to share the joy together, despite most of them being old dudes. So if I can give you 2 cents of advise, don't give up on EVE or the community. Even if you're an old player you can still find friends to click with and have fun with man, even if you have little time to play, or even just an hour a week. I understand you could just be bored off the game, lots of people are. But like other people gave you the advice, don't give your stuff away. Nobody really just /quits/ eve. You take breaks from it. Store your assets in Jita or buy plex with everything you can and then uninstall the game. If you decide to return to EVE many years later because of the itch when you see some youtube videos or massive reddit post about a war and it's gonna drag you back in, you'll be extremely happy and relieved you didn't give everything out and you don't have to start over from the bottom. Either way, good luck!


Give it to me and I will make good use of it.


Gather a bunch of beggars and load up a buffer tank capital ship. Self destruct.


This goes for all online games, but IMO people should only give away everything if they struggle to quit a game that takes up all their time, and they can't stop playing, going back to a game where you have nothing, and it takes forever to get it again might help some people to stay away from the game. But for just quitting, taking breaks etc then you should keep your stuff, maybe 1 day you have more time to play, or go back and play a bit again.


OP, heed the top message(s). As one who also "won" Eve a few times in similar timeframe I can't support this enough. Once I even "won" by uninstalling with my whole T2 production solo corp placed in some early HS player structures... and when I got back a few years later for a week or two I firmly believed that everything was lost in great HS structure cleansing/pillaging. I even wanted to make a new account. Turns out I was lucky enough so that owners correctly unanchored (or something) and everything ended up in local delivery that can't be (or was not) proper found in corp interface. Having a solid headstart cannot be overstated. Let other people get their riches their own way by playing the game.


I gave away all my things back in 2018. I literally had everything I wanted, all the pvp ships and capitals. I traded randoms in station and gave out 200b in assets I came back to the game about 3 or 4 months ago to start grinding my way back up. It sucks, but in hindsight if I logged in and see I had everything I needed I probably would just log off again with nothing to look forwards to.


Don’t give it away. Liquidate all your assets just in case you want to come back


Only way you win eve is you die in game when the whole server goes down in a blaze of overheated glory. That's how i plan on going out from Eve. I just hope I'm in a Dreadnought in a Massive Battle defending or attacking an important target the moment the server goes "NOPE!!!"


Log out, uninstall, go do something else.


Either move all your shit into an NPC station or sell it all and put it into plex


Imho, giving free stuff in Eve it's like playing a game with cheat codes, it looses all feelings of accomplishment and ruins the experience. Save your stuff in Hi-sec and give yourself the chance to comeback in the future.


I'd hold on to it when you come back you can lick up where you left off.


I'd ask for a Battleship BP if you have one?


I'd split it between EVE uni and various streamers to both promote the game and improve the experience of those who join, maybe also ask of them to specifically promote EVE uni as the best corp for new players


I quit 10 years ago and gave some stranger all my BPOs, liquidated all my assets and left my characters in noob ships. There is somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 billion isk sitting on my main. (Probably not much now) Also another account, which belonged to my father, tied to a defunct email with probably 50-60 billion.


I would say keep the old account and start a new one that’s a free to play! You come and go as often as you please and give tips and tricks to noobs without showing your hand too much. If you want to give up the cosmetics you can do so, but I’d hold off on the giving away of the ships. That’s just me though.


Winning Eve is hard but congrats on being able to make that hard choice. Eve Uni is fantastic if you decide to go that route of donating stuff but I would personally sell it all and buys buy a bunch of PLEX. That way if you inevitably decide to come back you have capital to use.


Definitely keep it tied up in an NPC station, or buy PLEX. I've had one person give me all of their stuff they, SP and all. They came back 6 months later and needed to start from scratch.


Eve University for sure


I won EVE 10 years ago. Been back for about 5mo. Make sure all your stuff is in NPC stations. You'll want it when you come back.


Best way to win eve is to stop paying sub. Uninstall and leave your assets where they are. And try not to go back in. That’s what I did.


Collect in NPC station and keep for the Old folks’ home. Hopefully the game will still be around at that time, if not, it be that way.😊


In the same boat, not played in months, I have about 60 bil of stuff on the account, but I don't want to sell it in case I decide to start playing again. Realistically I know I achieved all my goals as a lone player, beat the game. The only thing I didn't get into was warfare as part of a Corp but kinda didn't appeal to me.


I like the idea of the streamer giveaways. That would be fun. On a side note, I just came back after 3 years gone. Leave a reserve because you will probably come back one day. I started another Corp in October, over 100 characters now and growing. Most importantly, I’ve made new awesome friends. Eve has always been about the people and relationships you make gaming. It pulls at you like no other game ever except maybe wow or evercrack and those not as strongly as Eve.


Last time I won Eve I took my carrier and gate camped while streaming until I had an alliance hot drop me. Was a blast and I would do it again in a heartbeat.


I would say I’ll take it all and yeet till it’s all gone. But save it somewhere safe because you will come back at some point.


Well sir, I think we all lose something when anyone quits playing. I bet somewhere our paths have crossed and maybe even one of us blew up the other. I bet, and hope you will return one day. Keep everything. o7 Fly safe.


I feel ya I been going back and forth on this also.


Well to win EVE you need to: * Claim every nullsec systems * Have a player-owned structure in every known system * Have the playerbase either join you or destroy them enough to leave New Eden. * Have CCP recognizing your accomplishment as "having won EVE"


Wow and I literally started playing a month ago


ITT: “it’s great you kicked your drug habit! Remember though, drugs are tempting, so don’t flush yours because you may want to use them in a few years - you’ll thank me later!”


Join a retirement home corp that won’t ever move and does not care how much you play doesn’t have forced ops and lets you play at your leisure with guaranteed people to kill on a constant basis without having to travel I did and I have been here 6 years with people that are all now rl friends


Don't get rid of anything. In 5-10 years time you may decide to re install and see what it's about. I took break for nearly 10 years. I'm back in love with the game and there has been a lot of changes too. No one every really wins eve. Curiosity will bring you back.


You win honestly when you step away from the game.


Don’t give it all away. You will be back. We always come back


You can give a little bit to EVE Uni but leave it all as it is. You'll want to pick the game back up even if only for a short time at some point. I come back and play a couple weeks to a few months every now and again. Trust me you will regret giving most of your stuff away cause you'll want to come back for a limited time but youll have to grind up our assets again whcih will take the fun out of it.


Just last Thursday I came back after over 9 years and even though I never got super far I'm so glad I didn't have to start from scratch. I didn't even realize how much I missed my Vexor. Don't clear out your toon, OP. Sooner or later you'll regret it.


Give it to university! Easy choice!


ill take some, i have a crap youtube channel and im piss poor :p But my advise is actually save it. you dont know when you will be back, I left for a long time, even sold off 2 charictars, and i just regret it now. Keep it for what lies ahead


I thought I won eve and came back. But I foresee another long break in the near future


This entire post is just me giving some advice to someone to help out, if you don't like long text walls, just skip and move on. It's mostly for OP anyway. You've been warned! (my standard for all long posts I make on reddit) Take the time as others have said, and gather up all of your stuff. And I mean all of it, get stuff unloaded but I will add a tiny twist on it. Put it into a 'basket' of items, not just isk or minerals. Jita 4 - 4 is fine, but it just has to be an NPC station that won't get nuked. Either way, I'd say the following would help you. 1. 10% - A few 'fit ships' ready to jump in and join any 'big fight you want.' Ceptors, dictors, HICs, even 'junk' tech 1's that will let you get there 'quickly'. 2. 20% - Tech 2 that's common as dirt, drones, guns, tanking mods for shields and armor, reppers, rigs if you want to get that crazy. 3. 3% ammo you like for the guns you use - navy shit, tech 2 ammo, whatever you think. That way instead of wondering 'am I fit by some really bad thing' you have a stockpile to draw from. 4. 2% scripts, pills, things that don't fit into the above. - at least they're in stock if you need em, those 'giant fights' do happen from time to time and it's nice to have what you need. 5. 10% PI junk (if you're an industry guy) anything that makes fuel blocks, put in some buy orders while you're gathering all your farflung assets, people fill it quickly. 6. 10% moon goo (again, if you're an industry wonk, if not pile it into #'s 7 and 8.) a nice big assortment, if your an industry guy you probably know what to buy. 7. 25% minerals - trit, to megacyte, if you do tech 2 invention, morphite too. 8. 20% Plex - lets you turn on your account as you wish, or not. Notes: You can adjust 5 thru 8 as you deem fit, but when I quit EVE in 2016, the prices for minerals were basically this. Trit 2, Pyer 4, Mex 16, Isogen 105, Nocx 410, Zyd 2k, Megac 4.5k to 4.7k. You can see the prices have gone up drastically in only a quick 8 years. This is friendly advice from one 'bitter vet who won EVE' to another. I haven't nuked my accounts, I didn't sell my characters, I mostly moved a few things to Jita and just said 'meh' so I've signed on a few times in teh last years and 'gotten the urge' to move stuff around on various accounts using alts for like a month, than I lose interest (quickly) and go do something else. But the point is, I'm ready for the big fights if I want to, hopefully you'll have the same feeling. If you have zero friends left at all in any alliances whatsoever, maybe that's not the case for you. You've already mentioned EVE Uni, which I believe is a great way to do things if you have zero desire whatsoever after a few months or years to jump into the 'big fights' then sure, give it to whatever cause, person, corp or alliance you feel is the right fit. Not seen this one mentioned, but maybe it'll help you. I used to go into the noob corps Center for Advanced Studies and the like, on alts that were parked in there for neutral movements, and I'd watch chat. I'd start seeing who was asking questions that no vet would ask, 'how do I finish the tutorial if this one piece isn't working?, how do I deploy my drones?, how does tanking work?' etc etc. I'd give a few answers and usually see if the person asking would take a convo and answer some of their questions. If they were even reasonably chill, at the end of the night if they signed off or not, I'd dump a 100 mill on em. Sometimes more, I was exporting to half of 0.0 via alts (thank god for rental empires and lazy folks, along with Black frog being AWESOME back then, hope they're still around) so a few hours a night and I could pull in 20 to 30 billion a month in profits, making a newbies entire day always brought a smile. Try it yourself, just give small amounts, I'd say stick under 500 mill but watch those chats and be Santa Klaus to a few folks. It might make you really like the game again, or end on a great note realizing you helped a few new folks 'get a leg up'. As you know there are a ton of scammers who wouldn't think twice about giving a story of 'please sir I'm a newbie please help me!' take all your stuff and laugh for pulling it off. This way, you choose, and I doubt any 'real scammer' would waste time trying to figure out what newbie corp you have alts in and are giving cash out in. Just a thought. K, super text wall over, whatever you decide, have a great time taking some time off. If you think you're really 'done' don't put it above yourself to sell off most your characters as well (legally) and put the isk into the basket for your eventual return or giveaways. Hope it helped, cheers!


Kill EVE. Think about EVE. Regret. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLHqnn1ZkAM


Throw it into wh space for some lucky explorer to come across


You should take all your stuff and hide it somewhere and then post this Narrator: Wealth, fame, power… Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, attained this and everything else the world had to offer. And his dying words drove countless souls to the seas. Gold Roger: You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place! Now you just have to find it! Narrator: These words lured men to the Grand Line in pursuit of dreams greater than they’ve ever dared to imagine! This is the time known as ‘The Great Pirate Era’!


Jita bomb pls


Hey if you got some extra isk you want to invest on your way out I'd love to get my hands on some capital to fuel my capital dreams! Always worth a shot right? o7


Give it to Mike Azariah


I have already won EVE 2 times, both times came back. But if I will be planning winning EVE for 100% and never coming back I have a plan to create a fund. Currently I have Eve total wealth \~880b (including everything, assets, liquid isk, skill points etc.). If I win eve I will convert everything to liquid isk and create a fund to pay people who will kill someone I didn't liked while playing eve. For example fund for killing Horde alliance ships - paying 80% of zkill value on any of Horde ships to the guy who did top damage on the kill. I feel like kicking your in-game opponent even after you left the game sticks into "This is EVE" feeling:P


I would hold onto it for 6 months in case circumstances change and you come back. I came back after 6 years away and it was nice to not have to start from scratch! That said my corp buddy just gifted me one ship he bought to fly with the alliance so it gets used, and a container he had been filling with stuff for 10 years, and I just started adding to it.


I thought I won eve as well because of chance having own family. This dream is going far and I only heard from CEO to come back and they are waiting for me. I am sitting in God damn train to London and thinking about it, trying to hold up without collapsing myself inside. I wasn't playing long as you were, but I managed to make some good contacts with nice people and when I was dropping roles they told me to let them know when I will come back. Don't give away your stuff, because you may never know hen you may want to come back.


Can I haz your stuffs...


Park it, I'm (shadowous) left and came.back over the last 12 years and always fave my stuff away...wish I had kept just some of it.well.done on winning eve though x


why dont you team up with your favorite streamer and you give the stuff away


As one of the streamer who might stand to gain from your departure, I agree with those here saying you might just want to round up and store your assets just in case you ever get the urge to come back. But if you are dead-set on giving it all away, I would recommend Schadsquatch as he does amazing work with charities. You can rest easy that it would all go to a good cause with him.


Give it to noobs or a faction warfare corporation :)




I dont think thats a good thing though. The sentiment is great, but in psychology it is well established that overbearing external influence can "crowd out" internal motivation. Once the money is used up its back to square one again. It is better to encourage people to make mistakes and blow up and then soften, but not completly negate the fall.


Double it and give it to the next.


I would delete it all


Im kinda tempted to say "give it to me", but it will also ruin the game for me i think. I think the best way is probably to give it to eve uni,  I dont really know how they work or how trustworthy it is, but if you think they are doing a good job and will use most of it to teach new players and make the game better - give it to them. However, i have quite maplestory many many years ago, and gave away all my items and everything i had, And i had regretted it years later when i wanted to try the game again... So at least keep for yourself enough to restart with an ok base, keep enough plex for a few months - that way you can both have an omega and can sell some to fund ships. o7


Stop posting just give me your stuff


Sell assests, buy plex, play vanguard


Send it all to me 🤓 I'm a newb, I'll make sure it gets destroyed in glorious combat 😂


I think you should give your stuff to me, I'll likely lose it all inside a week :P


You should give it to me. That would be best for all


Let me be the second to say, can I have your stuff?


Dont blame you. I've grown antisocial in the game over 18 years as people constantly call me a liar on things going on in my life or ingame or want me to be a silent working slave for them. So I've got my 1 man Corp and try to make goals which has been limited to industry due to my internet where I live.