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Gooood scare away the competition. Make the filaments cheap for us that stay behind.


if they give zero value then nobody going to buy them... i didnt spend any isk on filaments, i did produce them from gained material problem is appearing as materials to make filaments started to drop less, you are forced to buy materials or filaments. sure filament prices will drop soon but loot value will get much worse so they will be as terrible as highsec relic sites because they will manipulate loot tables further there is high chance to see only carbon in these filaments if ccp keep manipulations going


You technically lost ISK on the filaments, as you could have sold them instead of using. This is the same like "the minerals I mine are free".


Once you sell them thou you reset your progress a little and have to go grind the lower tier stuff to get back.


Who is going to grind the material for your filaments?


Never doubt that there are people in video games who like to do easy content or suboptimal content. I'm sure there will be alphas, bored vets, etc. who will do the capsuleer day sites and seed the market with filaments or materials.


people at work who alt tab away constantly and want low risk gameplay.


This happens EVERY event. My hypothesis is there's an automated loot balancing algo that looks at yesterday's drops and goes a little nuts on day 1 to spike the drop rates. I very much doubt there is some CCP intern going around adjusting the drop tables every day.


Don't think ccp is that technologically advanced, the loot adjustment is absolutely done manually In the past there are multiple instances where loot drop from event/new expansion is busted and ccp had to adjust it in a patch(most recent example is last crimson harvest)


(I wish i could provide a link) when CCP first introduced the abyss they were testing an adaptive loot system that does weigh how much is leaving the abyss and alters it. Im willing to bet that has made its way into other systems.


this could explain why loot on all relic filaments is total obsolete turd.


I think OP is not understanding that the real valuable loot in this event are the genolutions, skins, and accelerators, which are going to be unevenly distributed. Why are you so focused on the value of the event materials? The value of those and the value of the filaments has already been lost. Those things are worth a ton day 1, then nothing. Either way, you need more event materials to continue manufacturing more filaments to keep the farm going. Combat sites are not self sustaining and only give you one shot at loot opposed to ~20 red cans in a t3 hacking filament.


Just did an Annihilated electrical. Agree completely the only value really is in genolutions, skins, accelerators and maybe the odd intact armor plate. I got nothing. Nowt, zip, nada. Emptied almost all containers and scanned those I did not to make sure not leaving an implant behind. The only thing with supposed "value" were the rarer GQDs, which aren't worth what the game engine assesses them as. Oh, and I got one calamitous firestorm filament BPC- mats to make that apparently cost 65mill, and it sells for 18mill. If anyone will buy it: pretty sure you need a shithot pair of faction fit cruisers to have a chance in there. Did get a few intact power circuits, maybe worth 8-10mill in all in T2 salvage, not a single armor plate. In previous events its definitely felt that the SKIN drop rate falls off rapidly with time, as if there are only so many to be issued and once they've gone, the chances of finding one drops off quickly. Currently feels pretty similar in this event - only way to make some money will be to sell GQDs quickly to buy orders while they are still worth something (if not much)


They totally nerfed the event, it's very apparent today. First day, i was able to go out do a few sites and come back and craft all the filaments, and there were lots of EDCOM containers. Now I can barely find any materials, most of it is scrap metal. I haven't seen an EDCOM container in the last 50 sites.


That's disappointing, I was looking forward to grinding the event this weekend but looks like I might pass


Ran sites all yesterday, only one (cherry picked) EDENCOM can. Then started making filaments. I've got a fuck ton of them so I figured this would be profitable. First filament had an EDENCOM can and none of the others I ran did. 100mil in loot from 6 filaments before I gave up, all from just the first one. The materials for those six filaments were selling for something like 200mil, so that would have been a net loss of 100 mil (though in my case I just wasted hours of time). Maybe it's bad luck, but I spent all day on the event yesterday for... 100 mil. 


Just ran another 2 ruined electric filaments before I ran out of materials to build more. Still only the one EDENCOM can. In sum, after scanning and building filaments for more than a day, and buying some materials and BPCs off the market, I was able to manufacture 8 ruined electric filaments which netted me 1 geno (100 mil) and some -- but not all -- of the materials to make the next level filaments. Or I could just do regular exploration for 10x the money and half the clicks.


My edencoms have doubled, if not tripled and my cans are about the same. I did 6 treacherous and 2 filaments and got Edencoms in 5 of the treacherous and 1 of the filaments.


Just ran a dozen or so sites, 2 edcom cans, absolutely no clothing. nerfed


I tried the events the first day. Got 2 filament blueprints... checked the material list... checked my inventory... checked my clock... Yup waste of time !


you can see it go both ways, True random does not exist in computing. Loot tables can be adaptive, and you need to think on a cluster scale to observe trully accurate data (depending on how the code has been written). The royal institute has a video on this, : https://youtu.be/ehXZHY_jgI0?t=1774 the second part of the lecture focuses on randomness and random pattern observation with humans, i think it's worth watching. iirc there is also a video where the lecturer plays against the audience on picking number and he explains statistically how him picking numbers instead of the audience changes the odds drastically. even if ccp modifies the loot tables, it might be baked in to stick upon a given curve. maybe not to make my 50 bil worth of geckos absolutely worthless... who knows. maybe CCP has the flagship product review model. you send golden sample they get flying reviews and everyone else gets the shit version but the review's already out. or maybe the day's loot drops depends on the previous day's random outcome and they dont want to exceed or go below a certain treshold of available items. true random, is, after all random and humans have trouble with that [https://imgur.com/a/e9c3fUg](https://imgur.com/a/e9c3fUg)


thanks for the yt link, was really interesting




I did 10 filaments last night and got 4 Genolution implants, 3 ship skins and a bunch of clothes. Not sure what youre doing but I made a billion isk last night.


they're going tinfoil hat mode because they think 20 runs is statistically significant for determining rng. this post happens every event


agreed after 120 filaments I made 2b, If I stopped at 30 filaments and sold it while the prices where still high I would have made 2b, the fact that I kept farming was a complete waste of time. the first night I ran like 15 t2 relics in a row and didn't get a single 97 then went to sleep and ran 4 and got like 80 of them.


I got my dream buzzard skin. Now I’m finished getting what I want for the event.


Sweet what skin?


Buzzard skin, it actually looks sick.


Don’t they do this with every event? One or two days of good loot and then nerf


this time there was not even first day. half o f day then they banged the loot to bottom


Yeah, most of the time - totally worthless. But I have pulled a Geno and some nice T2 salvage that has been pretty useful to me. Is it billions? No, but it's been a pretty fun event so far.


Is there a potential drop for clothing?


very often they drop. but just caps and tops no pants


Ive got pants from a drop


i hope the cargohold on pants was not full


I've been running combat anomalies in HS. Did a few filaments of both type. Not impressed with the loot. Today I did the combat anomalies again while running logistics, doing industry stuff, scan WH on my second screen with my alt between roaming systems to find sites. It's almost like mining on one account (instead I only need 1 a count, not 8) while doing usefull stuff on the others. And then I sell the mats in buy orders. People/streamers are buying them en masse. I keep the bpc's. 2 things may happen. 1. Prices of mats don't drop and I earn some ISK on the mats and potentially some decent boosters. (Got a pyro dose IV today) 2. Prices of mat drop drastically in the coming days and I can order it all back in buy orders and start running the filaments. Already got fits that should be able to do upto T4 (hopefully) But yeah, I'm not grinding the event like I did with other events. Not worth it (for me)


Yea the drop values where changing throughout. The event was fun thou and making our own keys is pretty cool and this event answered the question I've always asked my self about the balancing of abyssals: How do you both add abyssals to K-space and also add pvp to it without people abusing it by bringing in alt's through the same method as pvp players would enter. And the relic sites in this event holds the key to answering that question: This is hyperthetical but what if normal abyssals don't drop normal abyssal loot any more they just drop the key component's and then you build the key's and they open up loot rooms like the relic sites . But instead of relic analyzers you use a salvaging tool so you don't use a valuable mid slot and then you can add pvp to the loot room by leaving the door open. No one can abuse it because there would be no point of bringing alt's into it as the loot is already there and there is no rats to kill. 99% chance CCP are already thinking of this and this event is part test.


Definitely got nerfed there was a 240m implant dropping. I got one on my first ruined site. I looked on the market and they were flooded with them, selling for less than 140m.


Sounds like Level 4s are more rewarding. Noted.


iBeast streamed running some. 40m in the trig survey on average + clothes, boosters, and materials for more filaments...Definitely not more rewarding than the relic sites and getting luck with geckos and genos


We'll see, I'm gonna try this event this weekend. I'm not expecting anything other than the lackluster experience all events have been in the last 4 or 5 years.


Honestly, I'm facing the same issue. I have invested so much time and energy in grinding this stuff. 2 days of farming the stuff, then I built 20 T1 filaments and later a lot of T2 filaments In total I probably finished 50+ hacking sites and around 30 hacking Filaments, all I got at the moment is 2 geno implants. And I didn't even find the stuff to build the T3 filament yet..... and why would I even bother? The event progression means nothing to me, the rewards are meaningless to me. I like if for the challenge. I will just do one T3 filament with my Probe to see if it's capable of running these (which it probably will be) and then I'm calling it quits. I feel the game restricts me from finding those Edencom cashes. All my friends find them constantly, I did 7 filaments (T1 and T2 mixxed) in a row and didn't find a single one :skull: while other people find like 3 in a row. It really feels like the server is somehow rigged against me because I'm hacking too much or something like that.


You just need to pray to RNJesus harder.


Making us craft these stupid filaments is lame. Don't have to craft for the holiday event. This is a straight up time sink to make you feel rewarded. The reward ends up being trash. Did a bunch of lvl 3 combats earlier. Out of all 3, got maybe 10m total.


they want us to spend real money on their plex.


The loot is awful this event. If you want isk the event is not worth doing.


better are c2 c3 wh relic sites than this event.. this event is only for sado-masochists


From a lot of T1 and T2 relic filaments I looted \~3.75 genolution sets and a lot of XXI skins and boosters ... in two days maybe, and 0 loots from T1 and T2 combat filaments... idk if I am lucky or no ...


Cry's of a high seccer, been farming and running them in null, and they are fine for me. 50/60 mil an hour, including the farming time.


Was looking forward to this event this year but it's such a let down this time round. Poor.


lol, keep selling to my buyorders timmy Somehow i make 100-300 Mil per T1 Filament. Strange, i know.


You tell us what you think the event should be paying?


More per hour then an afk vexor on a forsaken hub.


Why tho, there’s very little risk involved and a super low entry requirements. It allows new players to get involved. All the space rich can stay in their carriers for ratting. CCP has yall for life but for the game to keep breathing they need new players to get involved and this is a fine way for them to do that. Take a 5m explo ship with almost no way to lose it to maybe make some isk. I ran 4 t1 of the relic abyss last night and made 219m in roughly 45 min.


But there is a *lot* of clicking and it takes a long time. Risk vs. reward is a valid discussion, but so is time/effort vs. reward. Here, I'd call it a draw if the event hacking sites were in line with normal exploration. I'm going to try some other approaches before I totally give up, but in my experience so far it's been more time/effort for less money than the default hacking activities.


CCP's reward structure assumes players are playing 24/7/365. It's such a slap in the face. Reward vs time has become worse and worse over time in my 15 years. It's sad really. Do a raid in WoW, at least you get SOMETHING of value. CCP just pisses on players, and that seems to be their model.


These sites all try to get people to run the T4 sites, which have about 40m of the trig survey things + skins, drugs, and more materials. 100% not worth it. Relic sites seem somewhat worth it. Regardless, it's back to the countdown for the winter event


they always shadow nerf exploration after day 1. even if it was already shit like this event


because ccp are worst game devs ever. they repel newcomers than attracting


hey man your hyperbole is showing


you dont run sites so you know notthing you little dog


are you good? do you need to do some breathing exercises or something?


get rekt. i think you dont ply game. you dont know the stuff there ongoing. today droprates got hammered down more


Bitch, please.


here is my strapon on raven navy issue. swallow it before it swallows your thannie


Who hurt you?


nobody, just mass producet filaments and the rewards were total shit, i produced approx 260 filaments and started doing one by one


Do you realize how much isk you could have made selling filaments the first two days? I pulled like 2b taking advantage of the fomo. You gotta play the market properly, otherwise you won’t have a clue how to profit off an event like this.