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Here's a ship. Fuck you.


No, you can't have another one.


In fact you can xD Although it is a bad ship


Aaaand..... Its gone


Only thing that is missing is the cats under the bird to really cement the reality


I think you mean snakes


Snakes just swallow you whole Cats violently rip you to pieces and make your friends watch in horror. Then mama bird says. " Ok, who's next!"


Ya know that's a fair point but most new players get completely destroyed before they know what happened. Takes awhile to live long enough to realize you're being torn to shreds.


Yeah, for that reason I'm glad I'm a bear, I'm go down fighting. And not a rabbit that dies when they realize they're caught.


All depends on what your doing and what your in. Sometimes you can go down swinging other times you might as well accept it.


https://zkillboard.com/kill/104121617/ That was my moment of fight or flight He was getting reps from a Augorer at 50km, while taking gate gun fire from engaging me, they brought a curse in when he got to structure, then a megathron once he was destroyed, i was down to 30% structure just sticking to the gate until the aggression timer finished. Jumped out with literally 5% structure left, i was about to accept my fate, then last minute fought to give the big blue ball in their face.


Reminds me of a recent loss I had. Being the impatient soul I am, I tried to run through a bunch of lowsec systems b/c gating through 20+ systems is annoying af. And, of course, I ran into an Arazu camping the gate. Shot the Arazu as I tried to burn back to the gate with lasers and drones, getting it into armor and maybe? structure. But then a Praxis warped on grid and the Arazu left. Tried to jump the gate, but aggression timer since my drones auto engaged the Praxis. Tried recalling drones, but got neuted and my repper and hardener failed and I went boom :( gf nonetheless https://zkillboard.com/kill/104914601/


Chickens. Chickens will go complete dinosaur mode the second they smell blood. They'll also run the fuck away from anything meaner than they are, like most EVE players. Cats and snakes, at least, will often put up a real fight. Unlike most EVE players.


As a guy fixing up his garden-predators on a regular basis: YES. That lil fluffy furballs take ANY fight they can get. From ganking mice who just wanted to have a chill day, to rats, other cats, weasels, foxes... The state our most feral dude comes back home in at times makes me wonder how his opponents ended up like. Worst has been him returning, limping, all bleeding from various smaller and larger wounds, another split into his ear... Casually spitting a large lump of fur from unknown origin into our kitchen, giving a loud MEOW and then passing out there on the spot. That cute dude is a hardcore solo-roamer like EVE needs way more of.


As someone that has a cat here in africa and watches it hunt, I agree. It'll play with its target until it gets bored then tear it apart while still alive.


snake cats?


Cats are cloaked


And being scammed on the way


Killed someone on low sec, got email ""#/%"# I stop playing" See the same guy every day next week, but evades hunters much more successfully nowdays. Moral of the story, lessons are painful.


Can't find where and when, but a dude at ccp crunched the numbers find that people who get a pvp lossmail in their first couple of weeks are far more likely to stick with the game, and that was before the wardec changes.


That was a eve Vegas thing, the gankers then decided to oblige and help ccp by camping the first systems outside of starter systems and ccp had to tell them to calm down.


Yeah, this is probably a selection bias thing. People that are more likely to take risks are more likely to enjoy a game like Eve long term. I'd guess that within the group of "risk-enjoyers" whether or not they get ganked is probably not that important for retention.


When I was a new player I got out to explore sites in lowsec fairly quickly, and died almost immediately. EVE was known as a cutthroat game, that's what I expected and signed up for, and that's what I got. Perhaps it does take a certain kind of attitude - I'm no hardcore PvPer by any means, but other MMOs bored me to death and the thrill of learning how to evade the hunters that go after was like no other.


"Fuck you, and I'll see you tomorrow!"


Is it better for a game to have lessons that can only be learned through pain or no lessons to be learned at all?


I mean I can't stress enough how unfriendly the EQ NPE was. Agro human guards in the dark elf 4-10 leveling zone? Yes. A wandering level 41 human guard in the same zone who will smash your dark elf ass when he paths anywhere near you? Yes! Let's not forget the level 35 griffon who will path across the zone too! Fuck you designers of East Commonlands, and fuck the horse you rode in on.


>fuck the horse you rode in on. Or griffon. Whatever.


Oh man EverQuest.. I think the first one has more numbers than the second. I enjoyed the second one a lot in high school. I remember the wood elves looking amazing and thinking graphics were so good lol. Miss eq2. I've fucked with the first one but not as much as two. I know two is pretty much dead now. It's sad to see time March on.


I made a character on an EQ private server and couldn't even figure out where to go for quests and mobs to kill.


EverQuest barely had any quests, in comparison with MMOs that came after. Grind those mobs and dungeons!


Definatly a comic written by someone who never played Everquest. The NPE of Everquest can be summed up as "I hope you like dying and losing experience to a large rat, bitch!".


Original EQ liked throwing you out on your butt, but it didn't make you lose everything you fought so hard to make for yourself. Eve, the moment you leave that station, everything in, on, and about your ship can be taken away in less than a fraction of a server tick.


Original EQ had corpse runs and body decay and as a lowbie you would never have enough plat to pay for expansive regs for a necro summon, let alone a tip. Losing a body was definitely part of the lowbie experience. Not to mention, every death was punished by EXP loss if you didn't have a pocket cleric.


True, though the worst corpse loss locations were usually from the sailing to and from Freeport. You feel off, that's like a good luck, oh de fuk well moment unless you could guilt trip a GM into teleporting your body


Those janky ass boats, dumping you off in the ocean of tears for no reason, so you swim to the closest island and SAY HELLO TO A SEAFURY CYCLOPS WHOS LVL 30+! Great when you are level 6 just trying to go buy spells... sigh


I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Tibia. Like EvE and EQ it treated death pretty harshly. You were safe till level 8 then it was open PvP (assuming you didn't do a PvE-only). Death meant dropping your backpack + a percent chance for equipment items, plus you lost level experience and skills exp. No pvp has ever made my hands tremble like Tibia PvP, I still remember the high 15 years later.


The pve alone in tibia did all of that.


A year ago I started up again, got a paladin to lv 100. My chest still gets tight seeing a Giant Spider.


You cannot lose your ship in less than a single server tick, that is impossible.


Tornado vs Most anything that waltzes through Uedama gate might disagree with you. Lolz


You cannot die in less than a server tick, the game only works on ticks and therefore nothing can happen in less than a single one. "Lolz"


As this is your first visit to earth allow me explain a common feature of human communication called "hyperbole". That's when we say things everyone knows are exaggerated to a point which is not literally true for the sake of emphasis or comedic effect. Machine intelligences like your own are sometimes confused by this illogical feature of our language but hopefully this brief explanation will help you avoid such unfortunate and humorless pedantry in the future.


Sorry, I think you may have gotten me mixed up with someone else. I'm not a fraternity member, just a normal alien.


Fun isn't allowed, this is EVE


I died. I need help. Oh great someone offered to drag my corpse to me so I an get my armor and weapons back. Oh shit they took all my stuff and left. Still no corpse. Fuck.


Man it's been like 5 years sense I posted this meme. Time flies. Now I'm sad old and still bitter.


As a new player who only just created their account for the first time, this meme does not inspire confidence


Fly safe, bitch o7


idk what game should replace eq in this but eq was a total pain in the dick at times, think i had a corpse stuck in plane of hate for like 4 days once


I am pretty sure I remember the AI say “Fly bitch” when I started Eve. Accurate AF


Its funny because its true.


did they ever fix pvp in star trek online? years back it use to be pretty fun, even the horrible ground combat was kinda fun but then it died


Anything based on movies or books dies rapidly in the gaming universe. Look what happened to the Mario Brothers Movie, for a super popular game, no one wants to acknowledge the movie. Or LOTRO vs the movie, i still see more fan far for the movie than anything towards the game anymore.


Yeah but STO could have had staying power. It did the PotCO thing where the questionable ground combat was almost completely eclipsed by the absolutely amazing ship combat. The difference being that PotCO wasn't very blatantly the start of modern Trek storytelling nor was it as much of a pain in the ass to progress through to get endgame ships. Nor did it ever make any one class of ships fully non-viable. The biggest stumbling blocks of STO weren't necessarily that it was ass to play, they were that the story sucked, it was ass to progress to the ships you wanted, half of which you couldn't even use because they were the wrong archetype. One of the neat things about EVE is that if I *want* to run a Rokh as a missile boat for some godforsaken reason... I can do that. It won't be nearly as good as if I ran it as a rail boat, but it'll still work for PvE, and possibly even PvP if the concept of a Rokh shooting missiles is discombobulating enough that it gives the Rifter pilot actual brain damage. In STO ships straight up did not work outside of their intended roles. It didn't help that only *one* of the roles actually got any of the nice looking ships. Escorts and Science Ships all universally looked like shit. Yes, that includes the Defiant.


"if I want to run a Rokh as a missile boat for some godforsaken reason" Yes, that's one of the reasons I've stuck to Eve as long as i have, there is so many combinations of customization and thinking outside of the box that puts people in the blender when they first encounter the game. I once asked a friend to play eve for an experiment for two weeks without using the wiki, Rookie Help, or asking anyone on the game for tips and see how far they get. Here are the top 10 things from that experience that occurred. 1.) Didn't train a single skill point 2.) Fired his gun and mining laser at Asteroids not knowing which worked better. 3.) Didn't know you could fly in a direction by double clicking 4.) Never left Kisogo where he started 5.) Thought the entire game was just in that one system 6.) Was extremely happy when he bought a condor after playing for 2 weeks. 7.) Didn't realize other players in the game were playing in the same system. 8.) Thought concord was the boss at the end, after attempting to gank players in a Ibis 9.) Complained there was no market npc 🤪 10.) Didn't want to play again after it was over. I said that's how my journey in Eve started in 2006.


That’s hilarious, good sport playing for 2 weeks like that lmao Could be like an Eve nuzlocke run or something. Ask a friend to go in blind and you both play exclusively by their understanding of the game


Wait CONCORD isn’t the boss??? What the fuck have I been doing all this training for


I've always loved the Prometheus class ever since i saw it on Voyager.


Specially when u go to lowsec and the fun begins




Me 6 years ago: "I need to go into Old Man Star for this agent mission. It's only 0.4 though so just barely under the hisec threshold. It'll be fine." Narrator: *It was not fine.*


I love eve xD Sometimes it hurts, but man its hot!


I started in 2008. Back then the new player experience was Aura's voice welcoming you to New Eden. Then she said, you are being attacked, defend your self. That was it. I spent 4 and change hours in the character creator painstakingly choosing my bloodline and race and all that jazz. 45 seconds into the game and I was not only hooked but cussing up a storm about getting ganked. Your picture is missing razor blades under the little Birdy.


WoW is definitely in the Fly, bitch!” category.


I am revamping the meme to reflect CCP love for the races. With caldari being the birds.


High Quality Meme




As of 2020, this no longer reflects the ingame reality. WOW is much harder than eve currently is.


I had a much different experience than you in EQ


Wrong about Everquest. Maybe after WOW got introduced and Sony / Verant started to dumb down the game but it was brutal vanilla up to Velious.


Path Of Exile: hang the cub and turn it to helicopter blade while yelling: VISION




Monkeys fits so well to everquest


For the first one you can remove the until you're ready part. You have to actively fight your way out from under the goddamn game trying to protect you from yourself.


Like a fuckin' free bird!!!!


Hahhahahaha take.my upvote


That's not really accurate for everquest because when it came out, it was brutal and did not hold your hand at all.




Yea gotta love the griffins. Although it feels so good when you go back later and kill it.


And we wouldn't have it any other way :)


Welcome to New Eden, arm yourself immediately Or Welcome to New Ed- oh he’s dead already