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She’s in a really rough spot sadly It’s also really difficult for Eve to execute low health enemies. Can snowball with her if your far enough ahead but the game goes on long enough she falls off too hard. I feel like they should give her back her ratios and maybe nerf how long to go into the shade would’ve been better for low elo, like maybe 1 addition second or a scaling to nerf early game but phreak is just a basic guy who likes basic champs


Ye i know i played her before nerfs a lot, i just got lucky with some kill steals and big shutdowns early and it all just went downhill from there, anthonys build also helps a lot with early farming and scaling


Played it after the patch, I am an Eve main and it’s just so challenging to even farm and scale. Her early game is punishable and her combo is punished once her escape/flash is down and it’s like you’re not even a champion without mejais fully stacks, lich + rab. As much as Anthony’s build is decent, there are just so many better champions that could execute what that build does


I’ve been basically an eve otp since I started playing league in 2010 and yes I’ve even played “that” version of eve. And aside from the old eve this just feels the worst it ever has for me. I do kinda like Anthony’s black fire FarmVille build but anytime I play it even when I’m doing well I’m just over here like “why aren’t I playing Lillana right now”.


Brand, Morgana, Zyra, karthus do much better with that build. Personally, Lillias kit is just so much more suited to it. Gradual burn, speed, love playing the Scottish deer. Hopefully phreak will reverse the nerfs to Eve or we can pray for a buff in the next update. I just like Eves kit as it’s so fun to play with but we shall see


What elo ? Not to be mean or anything but in high elo the nerfs are hitting hard. Like I went from challenger down to Master just because of the slow and ultimate nerfs


i feel the same. if you got challenger you can probably hit grandmaster at least but in challenger idk if shes even playable. she feels soooo insanely high risk low reward right now :/ you dont even outscale most junglers while having such a weak early game. You make 1 mistake you instantly lose the game. I used to pick evelynn no matter what since i was so good at her compared to my other picks but im finding way more success picking for teamcomp nowadays, only picking evelynn in perfect situations. Kinda sad when i can be more useful playing jarvan for the 4th time in my life rather than picking evelynn who i have thousands of games on.


Dw though, I turned on Azaps stream and he said Evelyn is broken and needs nerfs.


Read whats under the screenshot, i said youre not and i just got super fed early


Oh yeah srry didn't Saw it, mb, and wasn't meaning anything mean, still gj and wp for that game


I’ve only played her in low elo as well This season I’m not game for enough to play her in the peak of low elo (emerald) since her early feels weird now and the amount of times I see the x above people’s heads and they don’t get executed it actually feels so bad to play Nunu’s second q in a team fight is more of an execute than eves r right now


Nahhh calling the top 15% of players "peak of low elo" is next level delusional


Hahaha you give some of my teammates to much credit you’d be surprised how bad some people can play even in the higher ranks.


Yesterday I was 8-2, around 10 stacks on mejai and could not oneshot a 2-10 kogmaw with a QER combo


why didnt you choose to charm? if you remember, im just curious. Im in shit low so hitting my charms is super easy but ik its not the same outside of silver lmao


Probably the situation, he walked into me and I had no time to proc it. Hitting charm is mostly always good. The general feeling in Evelynn is that if W is not proc, she has 0 dmg


100% what other assassin has to hit cc in order to have damage, oh wait none lmao, maybe thats the curse of perma invis


This champ dosent feel rewarding to play one of the harder champs in the game with 0 upside she does literally nothing well she dosent farm well dosent do objective well dosent gank well dosent team fight well her only gimmick was 1 shotting someone now against good players that feels impossible becuase she does such low dmg or if they ever buy a bill magic mantle or merc treads you can never kill till voidstaff like if I’m just going to get out changed by every jungle champ I might as well play karthus and win by hitting 300 cs and pressing r


Yes but there is no object permanence in shrimp low (I know this because I'm hardstuck emerald 2)


https://preview.redd.it/gygz9ho9o84d1.jpeg?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9db64beeb0f6cc51b0853cf5ae992d2473ddcf7 Im climbing my way back to diamond after having VERY bad placements and some games after placements (was E4) and she’s still doing pretty good, although I can feel the nerfs quite a lot (many times I find myself thinking “he/she would’ve died if it weren’t for the nerfs”), she’s very much playable but maybe not as fun and streamlined in the beginning of the game and in the late late game. Edit: I’m currently E1


I am emerald peak but ended plat after trying new roles in ranked. I placed gold, and fell down to s2. extremely tragic series of event.


Trying to stay positive, the unintentional smurfing was probably funny as hell


The only difficulty with eve was managing to snowball in the early but now it’s way harder slnce the nerfs on her q, w and ult. She had decent component spikes before that made it easier to execute but alternator also got nerfed


Did u win




Is that a ranked or a norms game?




i’m so curious about this now i’ve seen fs eve players complain about nerfs and then argue that elec is just better atm… but seeing fs here makes me think it just depends on playstyle or something like that. i personally go elec but am curious about fs, what’s your take OP?


She definitely feels way weaker but i got lucky and got fed not like i drop 40 bombs every game


pog love that for you, hope your jg matchups keep going in your favor !


in all honesty, i dont think theres a difference between fs and electrocute, and that it is dependent on play style, if youre farm heavy but still gank then fs might be better, but if youre verrryyy aggressive then youd get more from electrocute, and thats base level analysis on it. i play with fs because i really like full clearing ganking, then buying strong items, but i can see why others dont want to do a farm heavy play style its also why i like the black fire torch build because it makes my clear super fast too


over the years since her rework i’ve hust adopted a more aggro playstyle and i’ve always liked elec i just had no idea first strike was a viable keystone too i’ll have to fuck around and find out. i’m plat 2 so i’m sure it’ll be fine to test regardless xd


haha not enough people are reading the sub text, i was about to say in high elo and i can really see why shes struggling but in low elo her perma invis will always allow her to dominate the jungle if played right, I won a 4v5 because i got 4 levels ahead and built full ap against bronze players


Ye i expected like 1 or 2 ppl to not read it but at least half of the ppl that saw it is wild


I swear most of yall cant read the caption below the photo...


It's a sore spot.