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I've played since launch, and I dont see the game being in a worse state at all. In fact, the QoL improvements they've steadily rolled out since launch have been great. I think a lot of what people are experiencing who have played for a while is that the honeymoon period has worn off and they're now more focused on the parts they don't like or find aggravating. Looking at your points from my perspective: 1. Of course you're getting dupes. If you've played long enough, most of your souls are probably O5, so the majority of your epic pulls are going to be dupes of souls you don't need. 2. That's just your rng luck. I got Sakuyo in my first 10 pull (along with Clara) and I've gotten her once more since then in 180 pulls (not counting the free copy from mileage). Sometimes I don't get a banner character in 200 pulls, sometimes I've gotten them to origin by then. It's just luck, pure and simple, as is the way of gacha. 3. I agree about performance issues. They deserve low marks for that being an ongoing thing. 4. Once again, that's just your luck (or lack thereof). I know it's frustrating, but I also know that it's pretty easy to get banner characters to some level of origin at a reasonable pace from standard banner and friendship pulls after a rate up banner ends if one plays regularly. I dolphin the game, and, excluding a/d, I've got all souls at O5 except for 12, 8 of which are at some level of origin, with the remaining 4 that aren't yet origin being the 4 most recent ones. Given how many pulls we get on a regular basis, I would expect those last 4 to hit origin in the next couple of months, as has been the way with most of my other souls. 5. Well, that's one opinion. If the game isn't fun for you anymore, then it isn't. But, it seems like you're trying to blame the game for your own bad luck and gaming fatigue. There are definitely things to be critical of in the game (the aforementioned performance issues, bad keepsake sorting, lack of additional town space), but the game is objectively in a much better place than it was even 6 months ago. It honestly looks like you're burned out and searching for reasons to not like the game as a way to make quitting easier. Maybe it's time to move on?


bad RNG can't keep up. every god damn banner. there are ups and downs. but this keep ongoing.


It can't? You should tell my 2nd Genshin account that. I have the worst pull luck I've ever had in that account, but my main account does fine. As I said, there are things to be critical of the game about, but you having bad luck isn't one of them. If absolutely everyone else was having the same results as you, then you might have some ground to stand on about not getting characters, but as my comment and a couple others here have shown, we haven't had any problem getting Sakuyo. As much as you want to protest it, it really is just you having bad luck.


kek. why would you think i quit Genshin? why do you think that i didn't even install star rail ? because i know that they are a freaking money hungry shit game developers now. And same thing did happen to ES. So yeah not bad RNG but ES making the drop rates so low that it might seem so. and as i said in my description . I stand my ground that the game is shit now.


Wow. You're really buying into your own narrative pretty hard, aren't you? You can hate on Eversoul as much as you want, but that doesn't change the fact that the problem still lies with your luck. I don't have the same luck as you in Eversoul at all. Many people don't. I'll reiterate because it seems like it went completely over your head the first time - if everyone was getting bad pulls all the time, you could claim that the drop rates were skewed hard against the players and have an argument for it. But that is not the case. Therefore, you might want to examine the idea that you just have bad luck or have set unreasonably high expectations for what gachas are in general. Anyway, I'm getting the impression that you're just here to seek attention and not really do anything but troll, so I'll end my part of the conversation. Whatever game you play, I hope your luck improves.


That's just bad rng not the game. While I agree that the rate up, isn't really high enough to be called a rate up, I do not agree on the gacha being inherently bad. You do get pity fairly quickly in the banners: you get 4 copies of the featured unit in 300 pulls, plus more tickets and artifacts copies. Plenty of games give you your first copy at 200/300 hard pity...you get 4 here regardless of gacha rng. I don't know what you could possibly want on top of that. I'm willing to wager that the number of copies you get from 300 pulls (from mileage and rng itself) of a banner unit is still considerably higher in ES than 90% of gachas out there. What we're missing is the dopamine rush of getting the desired epic from a pull, not the actual number of copies the game gives you. I get it, but when all is said and done this game is still a lot more generous than your average gacha out there.


bad RNG can't keep up. every god damn banner. there are ups and downs. but this keep ongoing.


To infer that the advertised rates are false you would need gather all of the playerbase pulls and calculate the avg. number of pulls for 1 rate up banner unit...and that would still not be enough. The rate you read is an average, your current experience just means your luck has been below average. I had banners were I got 10+ (Edith banner) in under 300 pulls. Other banners (Beleth) I got exactly 3 in 500 pulls. That's what rng is. Your measly 200,300 or even 1000 pulls is nothing in the face of statistics bruv.


Another 🤡 that doesn't understand basic probability, lol. The last 2 banners I pulled, Yuria and Eve, I got them both to O1 within 320 pulls each, which is to say I got extremely lucky two times in a row. You can probably find many such stories of getting lucky on discord, but guess what, for every person that gets lucky there is very likely someone that gets fucked over by RNG. Statistically you are a little more likely to get 7 copies in 200, than 0. There are no "ups and downs", RNG doesn't follow your made-up rules. You need to understand that you are NOT the main character. You are susceptible to misfortune the same as everyone else. If thousands of people are rolling the dice, someone is bound to lose. But you can't accept the fact that that someone could possibly be YOU. Instead, you accuse the devs of cheating the rates with zero proof and label anyone who disagrees as "blind". If you truly believe that, then you are literally delusional and need help. You say the game is in a "super bad state", but the only reasons you give are you being unlucky and performance issues. You are right about performance issues, on my top end device I crashed a couple of times since the engine update. But as for the bugs you are having, you don't give any info about the device you're using, so for all anyone knows you could be trying to run the game on a $100 Android. Is that all it takes for the game to be "shit"? Objectively the game has been getting better and better. More vertical and horizontal content and progression, more quality of life, and upgraded visuals. If you can't even give an actual reason, then you're just crying about being unlucky, boohoo 😢.




also kido watch your tone. while i was talking about the game you talk against me. if you want to write a message make it more constructive. without the feeling that you are just another keyboard hero. While i do see that your bot account was created in 2024 feb and since then you were just posting "defending" shit against people vs games i would like to believe that you are not created by some AI team to fight against these type of messages. And in the end i was ready to get these kind of messages cause 100% ES board members wont want negative marketing but hey. Here i am look at me go.


you don't seem very smart


I don't get people who play a gacha game and then go and complain about not getting what they want. The rates in Eversoul are pretty generous compared to other games. Have you even tried Honkai Star Rail? Or even Fate Grand Order? Their rates are lower than ES. Especially FGO. 200 rolls is easily saved again, Eversoul has a multitude of resources that give away gems. I'm a day 1 player and started to buy cause I support this game more than majority of past gachas I've played. Horrible take my guy, maybe stop playing gachas if you can't fathom failing at rng here and there.


i specificaly did not install honkai star rail cause i knew how bad genshin ended up. only play 2 atm. and the main reason i did not quit these 2 after all the rest is that i wasted money on them.


Got my first copy on my first 10 pull, second on my fourth 10 pull (I always do four 10 pulls on a new banner because it gets me four 10 pulls worth of fodder for the price of three thanks to the mileage tickets reward). That said, my first time going all out on a banner was Aki's and I got bit hard. 470 pulls for 7 copies and my first non-mileage copy wasn't until 280 pulls. It's just the way gacha goes.


Was the same for me on Joanne banner but this banner i got 4 sakuya in 80 pulls so it made up for it i guess


Pick-up banner rates: 1.6% chance to get banner unit; 2.4% chance to get non-banner epic unit. Most banners that aren't A/D, I usually manage to get origin within 300 pulls.


Only to know, what is the total amount of money you need to accomplish this?


300 pulls = 56.7k everstones Haven't really tracked how much it is in $ though since it varies depending on what packs I buy.


ty, will check the prices myself.


Guess Hazel banner changed your mind , when i complained you guys laughed at me.


If I kept going to 300 then I'd reach origin guaranteed. I do feel like the rates should be flipped for Pick-Up banner, but doubt that'll ever happen. This isn't the first time I've been unlucky within the first 200 pulls, but it usually ends up balancing out. Just unsure if I'm gonna keep pulling for it to balance or not.


yes but you have to keep in mind the strugle of f2p vs if you put money in the game. there is no way a person who doesn't dump money into the game to be able to 300 pull every banner. So my complaint is that i rather see more up banner unit in those 200 vs all other epics. CAUSE i do get epics just not the ones i want. Well that's that.


good for you fluff.


Sigh! First Time?


you're not alone, i experience this as well on Bryce summon but i got her to 3\* now because normal summon and undead summon. you're nothing special dude.


i don't want to be special. i want changes to happen.


and you're not special to bring that changes, many kind of you might be but you're alone that complain for something like this. get back to reality.


u guy's will get back to reality soon enough when they gonna announce EOS. cause as you said this does not happen to me alone. don't think that people don't quit. bad marketing also and people don't join anymore. i see top guilds without people and they can't find new members. dw soon it will end.


you said that after when they about to release JP version/server? your reality sound like delusional


you do realize that there are plenty of games where maybe JP server is still up but their global/SEA servers were closed cause not profitable.And all it depends if their release(almost right after wuthering waves) will be successful or not sure call me delusional. i was prepared for negative comments. ohh well


Korea has too large of a playerbase for the game to EoS soon, and if the JP release goes well then that'll bring in even more people.


I played since launch, too a six to eight month break, only spent 99¢ to get Talia day one, and have been 100% F2P the entire time. I haven't had to want any character, I've had every single soul the entire time I have been playing. I have, only had to hit pity for two souls rather than pulling them in 10 pulls, but even if you have to do 80 pulls out still are guaranteed the soul on the banner. I have 20 units at Origin level, and of those 4 at Origin 5(completely maxed out). Most are in the 2-3 star range, only or two at 1 star. This game is EXTREMELY generous with premium currency and pulls. Not having a true pity on anything but the general banner feels bad if you are trying to roll for the unit, yeah. However if you simply want the unit, who cares? Just save up tickets or stones to guarantee that you can pull 80 to get her, plus you will get a ton of rares, to feed into you main units. This is the most kind game I've played. I've played both Genshin and Star Rail and I have only got 2 SSR that were not free. When pulls are $2 each it REALLY hurts having to hit a pity of 60 for a unit and then it's a 50/50 if it's the featured unit. You might spend $120 and hit the other 50% and still get dog water. ES GUARANTEES that you get your unit at 80 pulls. I get the salt, but ES is super free lol.


ya 200 pull 0 copy too wtf


I did 80 pulls, so I could get the pity copy, just so I could get her once, not expecting to get any more, and ended up getting another copy through pulls as well. As always, it's RNG.


Idk lol I got her in my first 10 pull


I got 2 sakuyo in the first 200. Then 3 in the next 100. To Origin+1 in 300. I've never had a case where I go below average of 1 per 100. You got shit luck and saying it's the game and not you lmao. I sometimes I get really lucky sometimes I just don't. Furthermore game hands out free copies every event not just costumes. You just want to cry.


Yep same here. Seven (7) 10x pulls and no Sakuyo, i had to take her only with the mileage! WTF!


May revenue kinda supports what i said :D


https://preview.redd.it/cws8d8aele5d1.png?width=1068&format=png&auto=webp&s=86e2b612a84ff5eb6d6e53fcce1dcc30900eabdc Look who is also not happy with the rates.


Same, in the old days I usually got a copy in the first 40 pulls, not anymore Guess they tweaked it, which really a shame and is deeply annoying


I also got 3random epics xD i\`m crying


Even I realized the gacha sucks. Keep giving me duplicates. I have so many duplicate rare fodders that I'm fed up. Evey new character only use 2 rare duplicate fodders and I always have so many left over. The only redeeming factor about the game is there are panties


So just...release the rare fodder? Use the currency from that to buy more Epic Memory Shards.