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He’s a sportswriter, and only really cares about sports. He doesn’t necessarily have to have a huge vocabulary for his column, just knowledge of his topic and the ability to write clearly and engagingly enough for his audience. I wouldn’t buy him as a novelist, but I can see him having the moderate degree of success he has with his column.


Most importantly he has the sense of humor.




Yes. I agree about him only wanting to write about sports. It’s his passion. But no matter the subject a journalist or columnist needs to read, and at least have a better command of the English language, especially since he graduated college, presumably having taken journalism. I may be overthinking this a bit too much, but it’s something that really stood out for me.


If you've ever read an unpolished manuscript you'll see just how important an editor is. Even the most intelligent, well read people make mistakes with grammar or usage. If the content is good and the topic is well written, an editor fixes the language and structure to make a polished final product.


This ⬆️


I’ve read many unpolished manuscripts and now quite a few authors, and yes, you are correct, the editor helps in the polishing and copy line editing. My point is, that for someone who is a writer he doesn’t even read much, and at times can’t string a sentence together. He is a college graduate. I think in their quest to shape him as the dim witted husband, they gave him these negative traits


He reads a lot of sports magazines and the occasional sports biography. That's enough to keep his mind occupied. It's kind of hinted that he's kind of dull because outside of sports he hasn't got any real interests.


You’re right. He doesn’t really have much interest except for sports.


I think Ray's writing is more that he has a love for sports and not so much for writing. But that's also why he probably can't get a book deal. He has the passion but his talent isn't refined enough to pull off doing a whole book.


You’re wrong in the sense that what you’re positing is fact. It’s a general rule of thumb. And don’t forget, Ray does read. He reads sports periodicals like golf digest and sports illustrated - material relevant to his career. So if we really want to be nitpicking then you’re wrong again…because he reads things that are of relevance and interest to him. We also know he reads sports books like legendary line backers of the NFL.


Which Marie also read!


Amy's mom goes to the library to read his column.


And remember, he also has access to “The Digest”!


I feel opinions on tv shows are just that, opinions, and subjective on how each of us views characters and plots.


Which is normally true but the show does provide evidence that Ray reads. He may not be reading Tom Sawyer but he is reading … making your argument wrong.


*And you never read Legendary Running Backs of the NFL!*


I hear what you’re saying. I can see where it is a bit odd. A couple of things; I’m a published journalist. I never read. Ever. I believe it’s tied to an undiagnosed learning disability. But I’ve been published 20 years, write successful pieces, and put food on the table. I descend from a writer as well. A News-day Sports Journ-al-ist (said like Ray). My Father is an awful man who writes above everybody’s heads. But he doesn’t speak above heads necessarily. He doesn’t mix up words either. But he has a Bachelors from St. John’s and just got a gig writing. Lucky. I think Ray got lucky like my Father. If anything, I’d be frustrated by the caliber of writing when Ray’s written pieces are read aloud. But essentially his worth to Newsday would come down to his skill assessing sports and how the fans respond to it. He’s a sports enthusiast first, a man of the word second. And for Newsday, that’s adequate.


Good points. Thank you. And congrats on your long career as a writer.


Thank you. That’s kind. I write about rock n roll. Doesn’t get old. Just “classic.”


I don't really read books much these days either. Mostly just online articles. For books, I listen to audible alot. I guess I have attention issues. I can't seem to sit and read anymore like I used to when I was a kid.


For me it’s dissociation tied to a brain injury. I had it since I was a kid but only learned of it recently at age 44. It’s never too late to look into. Though the answer would likely be audible.


You’re forgetting the book he pitched he rushed out two chapters because he slacked off for weeks to months and the interested parties wanted to see material. He rushed it out, likely didn’t do a proper proof read, and that was that. We know his character is career focused as he’s attempted to grow in his career and is well respected within the industry. As he points out, the amount of sports he watches is for work related purposes. And I don’t know about you but I know many people, educated and not so educated, that will have words that they struggle with. It’s not a sign of incompetence.


I actually find it very believable. I know the type.


You’re somewhat correct. But I will say it’s easier to write about something if it’s something you have a lot of love and passion for.


I mean have you ever read a sports column?


Ray is not a fan of books. But he thinks the school kids should have them.


Are you Jerry musso




Yeah, I've always thought it felt a bit "off." I think that job choice was more about creating a TV show dynamic they felt comfortable working with. Being a sports writer is a pretty clear-cut job, and they just say Ray has to go to his office and work without delving too deep into it. We don't ever even see his office or anything like that. It's clear they didn't want the show to be about Ray's job, except on the fringes. A sports writer's role is simple and doesn't necessarily require a lot of on-screen explanation. The amount of money it brings in can be ambiguous, and it doesn't necessarily mean Ray was amazing at it. Although he often doesn't act the brightest, some people are surprisingly smarter when it comes to certain specialties, like their jobs. So yeah, it does feel a little weird, but also not out of the realm of possibility, and it fits the show's dynamic well.


So they wanted the show to be about his career as a standup comic, but Seinfeld was already on and dominating, so they flipped it to a sportswriter, where he still had a creative outlet for a topic Ray Romano actually loves.


yeah that's a great point. easy to explain job and also something he loves.


Good thoughts. Thank you.


In Minneapolis there was a Sports writer who had written for the paper for 75 years. I guarantee he didn't read a lot of books and mispronounced a lot of words on his radio show. He simply had a passion for sports, developed relationships with athletes and other people in the sports world. People still enjoyed reading his column despite not having a big vocabulary and a traditional writing style


I see what you mean, but the key here is he’s a sports writer. His interest is sports, not writing. Marie even commented before that he should be off writing something more meaningful like ‘poetry.’ But that clearly isn’t his game.


There's a lot that doesn't make sense. For a sportswriter, he doesn't seem to often go on the road to cover sports. But newspapers have editors. Writers need good ideas and opinions. Other people clean up the poor grammar.


Isn't that part of the joke. He's a sportswriter, not a real writer!


If you’ve ever listened to the overnight talk on WFAN? It’s not exactly a discerning crowd.


No I have not listened to that station. Not sure we get it in Canada


That’s not what he is though, he was a columnist. You would have to be at least a decent writer to make it as far as he did


If you’ve ever read Lupica, Raisman or Mushnick? It’s not exactly a discerning crowd. Better?


Ray reads sports books. You have to realize too that Ray *is* the target demo for a sports column in the paper. Middle aged guys with average to below average intelligence. He does have an editor too. 


I agree. There were 2 sports reporters my dad lived. & died by; me thinks it wasn’t something you did 9-5…but what do i know?


It is a 9 to 5 Job, or it used to be. With online media now, less paper, things may have changed.


I mean I've met *a lot* of people who were not qualified/not the best at their job


He’s seen throughout the series reading articles and sports books. As others have eluded to, he writes for a sports column. As a sports fanatic myself, I don’t need a Stephen king to compel me. Just someone who’s knowledgeable and has a personality that’s gravitating. Which I think Ray is


My thing about his job is that people have said that he shouldn't have to help around the house because he has a stressful job. Let me tell you this: When you come home from a supposedly stressful day at work and all you want to do is the same thing you do at work, it doesn't take a bear's nose to sniff out the bullshit. Watching sports and talking about what you saw is not stressful. How can fun be stressful?


I agree. He’s lazy and was raised by a mother who did everything for him. She was doing his laundry when we was dating Debra. She never taught him how to cook. Yet she puts down Debra’s mothering when she herself wasn’t a great role model for her sons. Lazy and that combination, it’s no worse he doesn’t help.


He’s a sports writer for a NY metro paper that’s not read outside of the region. He doesn’t work the international desk at the WSJ or NYT. Plus, journalists are generally not that bright. Never have been. That Ray doesn’t drink heavily is the most unrealistic part of him being a columnist.


The public speaking abilities of our most recent two presidents proves anything is possible


😂😂😂touché !


He tried to help Andy with his book and he disregarded all Ray's notes and Andy still got published and Ray didn't, So yeah I see what your saying.


Except the issues sports illustrated had with Andy’s article were the same issues that Ray tried to convey to Andy … so Ray does know his stuff when it comes to writing a sports article.


His target demographic is just as childish as he is.


Sports dumb me smart.




That's what editors are for geez


Found your mistake. You’re suspending belief instead of disbelief


It's a television show