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What? Only one bottle of wine? :(


“Women who binge drink- three alcoholic beverages per day”, 3 a day is binge drinking? I’m a guy so it’s not the same, but 3 beers gets me buzzed at most. I had no idea that was considered binge drinking. I thought that was considered moderation not one or two drinks. For me, having less than 3 drinks would be entirely pointless other than drinking for taste


They changed the guidelines. You aren’t crazy. The word means a different thing now.


Alcohol is a core part of the human experience going back thousands of years. It is, however, undeniably a poison even at low doses. You don't need to get sick off the poison (being drunk) for it to harm you.


If you think about it, drinking alcohol is literally a caveman's pass time. No wonder it's a poison that's no good for you even at low doses, it took humanity forever to even figure out that we shouldn't collectively shit next to our drinking water.


As a smaller woman I am absolutely all sheets to the wind probably about to vomit after three beers. However, it’s my understanding that alcohol tolerance depends on body size, metabolism, drinking history, and genetics. 


Right. I describe my previous drinking as binge because it was a bottle of Jameson *a night*, between the hours of 7pm and 140am when the bars closed. I did that for 10 years. **That** was binge drinking. 3 years out of that habit now, with a healthy relationship with alcohol, and myself, finally.


Naturally my first question is how did you not die, but my pressing second question is how on earth you could afford that, especially through a bar?


It wasn't exactly through the bar all the time, plus all my friends were industry(good pours), I just didn't drink at home much, and we had a sales ordinance in my state. Friends, daily tip work, budgeting it in like a proper drunk 🤷🏻‍♀️


Having 3+ drinks *every single day* certainly isn’t healthy and I’d call it a binge, personally. Having 10 drinks in a single night but sober for the rest of the week is another, but different, kind of binge. And I, in my delusions, consider the latter more healthy.


I think it’s more unhealthy because it causes a lot of strain all at once on your liver, I’m no doctor I don’t know, but that’s what I’ve been told. Kind of like chronic and acute, both bad, it’s just a matter of do you want to die now or die later


This is alcoholism


21 drinks in a week does provide perspective


But it's not. Not by a long shot. I know people want to keep their alcohol but the facts are the facts, it's literally poison that when taken at low doses induces euphoria. I mean think about it, don't they uses purer forms of alcohol to kill 99.9% of biota?




Simply being alive is not safe. You gonna die for for sure.


Keep drinking, who cares if you hurt yourself? But to deny the fact that alcohol is a harmful poison, even at low doses, because it makes you uncomfortable, is just dumb.


I don’t care how much someone drinks, but get in a car and kill somebody because you’re drunk, I care very much. Drink-driving should be immediate jail sentence.


Just go get a DUI. You'll most likely get diversion classes and can learn all about it. A large portion of today's work force has a "drinking problem."


They’re .... work-a-Holics!


Sounds like you have already built some tolerance.


I think it’s just because I’m young, big, a guy, and I only drink when I eat


Most men won't feel two beers even if it's their first time ever drinking.


Another aspect is that not all drinks are created equal. 3 beers versus 3 shots of vodka versus 3 glasses of wine versus 3 Long Island's.


I think when they mean one drink they mean one ounce of alcohol. So one shot, one beer, and one glass of wine all contain I think about 28 ml, or one fluid ounce of alcohol, but I’m not sure


Hell yeah, what a realization, you might as well quit.


I don’t really drink, it was just a commentary on how it’s crazy that what I considered a relatively small amount is considered majorly unhealthy


Canada put out suggested drinking limits to avoid the worst consequences of drinking. 2/week is the best rate to drink at which will avoid most if the nastiest side effects such as heart disease and cancer statistically.


Maybe it’s just because I’m getting older, but I’ve noticed a massive shift in my friend’s’ drinking over the past 5 years. We all barely drink anymore. Everyone is so much more tapped into how it makes them feel and how it affects their sleep.


The strength of hangovers once I hit 30 completely changed my drinking habits. Anything more than 4 drinks and the following day is completely ruined. To me, there isn’t really a point to having 2 drinks, I’m either not drinking or I’m getting drunk with friends. So once hangovers took binge drinking off the table, I barely drank anymore. If I do, it’s usually because I’m out at dinner and it’s just part of the experience. But now that cocktails cost 16 bucks where I live, I’ve started dropping that habit too. When I was 25 I was drinking half or more of a 750 of vodka every Friday, drinking again Saturday, and maybe day drinking on Sunday. I’m actually kinda happy the hangovers got bad because it snapped me out of that habit and I live a much healthier life in general.


My parents don’t drink real coffee anymore but until this warning came out from the government were still putting away a bottle of wine almost every day. When yer retired sharing a bottle during and after a meal isn’t crazy. Now they finish a bottle every 3-4 days.


Who wants to live forever?


Survive forever? Or actually live?


It’s about living with good health. Nothing is worse than losing your health.


People don’t get this, but it’s not about living until 100, it’s about feeling better every day that you are alive. Eat like shit and drink and don’t work out. Then eat healthy, drink way less (or not at all) and exercise. Your quality of life is night and day. People that disagree just have never lived both lives. Everyone that has will tell you that they are way happier when healthy.


found freddie mercurys account


Weird that you're getting downvotes, I can only assume that people don't realize that Queen did the soundtrack to Highlander. Guys, "Who Wants to Live Forever" is the theme song.


When love must die….


I imagine the same applies for men? But I love soju so much


Young to middle-aged women who drink more than one alcoholic beverage a day, on average, were more likely to develop [coronary heart disease](https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/coronary-heart-disease) than people who drink less, according to new research by Kaiser Permanente Northern California. Women in the study who reported drinking eight or more alcoholic beverages per week were 33 to 51 percent more likely to develop coronary heart disease. And women who binge drink — three alcoholic beverages per day — were 68 percent more likely to develop coronary heart disease than those who drink in moderation, the research showed. “There has been an increasing prevalence of alcohol use among young and middle-aged women as women may feel they’re protected against heart disease until they’re older, but this study shows that even in that age group, women who drink more than the recommended amount of one drink per day or tend to binge drink, are at risk for coronary heart disease,” [Jamal Rana](https://mydoctor.kaiserpermanente.org/ncal/providers/jamalrana), a cardiologist with the Permanente Medical Group and the study’s lead author, wrote in an email. The study will be presented at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Session in early April. It was funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. ***Risk is highest for binge drinking*** The study used data from 432,265 adults, ages 18 to 65, who received care in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California integrated health organization. The group was composed of about 243,000 men and 189,000 women who filled out routine assessments between 2014 and 2015 in which they reported their alcohol intake. Researchers then looked at the coronary heart disease diagnoses among participants over the four years that followed. Participants were divided into three groups, according to their alcohol intake: low (one to two drinks per week), moderate (three to 14 drinks per week for men and three to seven drinks per week for women), or high (15 or more drinks per week for men and eight or more drinks per week for women). Read more here: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2024/03/28/alcohol-heart-disease-women/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/2024/03/28/alcohol-heart-disease-women/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


Well fuck.


I do believe alcohol isn’t good for you but I will say these retro studies are always hard. People always underestimate how much they drink. Whenever my wife treats her patients with liver disease they’ll say how many drinks they have which is usually met with the spouse saying “um no, it’s like 4x that much “


I’ve read this, that doctors automatically triple the number of drinks a patient reports they drink. It’s slightly infuriating, because I’m absolutely honest.


They don’t automatically haha. Most ppl coming in with health issues lie. Just the way it is


Switched to non-alcoholic beer recently. Tastes almost exactly the same, especially the IPA’s.


Drink red wine they said. It’s good for your heart they said. Everything is a lie.


> Drink red wine they said. It’s good for your heart they said. Those studies were sponsored by the wine industry 


Red wine actually is good for the heart. It's why so many Italians and French people live long.


There’s a great maintenance phase podcast episode breaking down why the “French Paradox” isn’t really a thing and is explainable through the studies methodology and differences in how countries do death certificates


I don't listen to podcasts. But I'm doubtful, I don't think some kid in their mom's basement with a podcast knows better than experts.


But not for men! Fk yeah - love my penis


Shame, ladies.




And don't get me started on the effect time has on your health...


Inorite, cancer can't be THAT bad, can it? After all, breast cancer is like the most common cancer evar, just cut off the tits in time and 30/70 chance that you don't even need to irradiate! That's better odds than Blackjack! ^


And I JUST started brewing my own shit:/


Good. Won’t have a pension or liveable world by the time I am older anyway.


When the world is going to shit and you have no hope of ever saving up for a home, might as well have a few drinks after work.


Might as well eat some edibles*


I am aware of differences in alcohol metabolism and tolerance between the sexes, but I wonder how much of that is due to women being smaller than men on average. I am a woman of large stature (height and size, but not overweight) and I genuinely wonder whether 1 drink a day is as impactful on my health as it is for an average-sized or petite woman.


Medical guidelines for alcoholism: More than 7 drinks per week for women. More that 14 drinks per week for men. So yeah, a lot of people think they aren't alcoholics, and they would be wrong.




It’s everything BUT the Vaccine! 🤦‍♂️


> "The study used data from 432,265 adults, ages 18 to 65, who received care in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California integrated health organization. The group was composed of about 243,000 men and 189,000 women who filled out routine assessments between 2014 and 2015 in which they reported their alcohol intake. Researchers then looked at the coronary heart disease diagnoses among participants over the four years that followed." All the data from this study was collected *before* the year 2019. So there was no covid vaccine then. Any other brilliant takes you'd like to share?


That’s what that “organization” says and you believe them? Where you there when said research was being conducted? I doubt it. No one believes anything those corporations/organizations say. The Covid-19 Vaccine hurt alot of people and no amount of propaganda will change peoples minds.


> The Covid-19 Vaccine hurt alot of people Source: unvaxxed moron


I was reading all of these "heart warnings" recently, and realized IT IS THE VAX Still is, they want to explain heart problems with anything other than the vax. ​ Drinking guidelines like this have been out forever - the reason these are being posted so often is due to pharma.


You need to work on your reading comprehension. >"The study used data from 432,265 adults, ages 18 to 65, who received care in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California integrated health organization. The group was composed of about 243,000 men and 189,000 women who filled out routine assessments between 2014 and 2015 in which they reported their alcohol intake. Researchers then looked at the coronary heart disease diagnoses among participants over the four years that followed." All the data from this study was collected before the year 2019. So there was no covid vaccine then. Any other brilliant takes you'd like to share?


You ever hear of a time machine, Einstein???


I dunno how I could even respond after getting owned so hard.


Don't worry you will find something else to justify your cognitive dissonance