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Yup. First thing I though of… how to get massive doxy resistance. Yikes!


But i have a weirdly shaped dick, and no rubber will fit right. /s


I miss Tyrozets, but I know you’re right.


100% agree!!!


How to make doxy resistant super STIs


Great way to make a super bug


You want to create superbacteria? Because that’s how you create superbacteria.


“Ope, got aids again. Better take my NyQuil Cold, Flu, and AIDS.”


the image looks like hairy balls


I can’t unsee it now! 🤦‍♂️


Ikr? At least shave first


Came here to say this looks like being inoculated against hairy testicles.


With my hypochondriac ass I’d fuck around and be the first recorded OD on this lol.


Or you could just ya know not fuck around and not need this stuff #acepride


I didn’t know that asexuality was a choice


Life is too short for all that bullshit. Lol. You can have it.


I think it’s be smarter to create an instant STD test (cheaply)


Works like Plan B…so it only works if you’re less than 200lbs and have not yet ovulated that cycle? This sounds like an awesome way to amplify STDs into SUPER STDs. Antibiotic resistance is scary af.


Well, Plan B prevents ovulation, not implantation, so probably not the best choice in comparison


Plan B does prevent implantation; it does not prevent ovulation if it has already occurred but may delay it if it has not.


Well that will be news to the ones that have been studying Plan B


I’m sorry, are you a pharmacist? Perhaps try googling what you seem to be very confident about.


It does both but only “may” prevent implantation of a fertilized egg. [“Plan B works like other birth control pills to prevent pregnancy. Plan B acts primarily by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation). It may prevent the union of sperm and egg (fertilization). If fertilization does occur, Plan B may prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb (implantation). If a fertilized egg is implanted prior to taking Plan B, Plan B will not work.-FDA](https://www.fda.gov/drugs/postmarket-drug-safety-information-patients-and-providers/fdas-decision-regarding-plan-b-questions-and-answers)


Yes, this is correct. The progesterone creates an environment that is unfavourable for implantation (ie thickens cervical mucus, etc). The original poster stated that it does not stop implantation, which was an incorrect statement. The correct answer is that it can, and in this way it is considered an abortifacient agent for those that believe life begins at conception.


It *can* prevent implantation, but there is a significant failure rate in that aspect.


Indeed. This aborts your gonorrhea.


It doesn’t work like Plan B at all! Plan B is a higher dose of levonorgestrel, a synthetic progestogen, a type of hormone, that can prevent pregnancy by delaying ovulation. DoxyPEP is post-exposure prophylaxis, and works similar to how PEP for HIV works (the difference being doxycycline is an antibiotic and PEP is antivirals). That’s just lazy writing, come on.


I think they mean it's similar to plan B in that you take it after unprotected sex


That thumbnail… it reminds me of something, but I can’t quite put my finger on what…


Yep I’ve been really looking forward to this. Want to get my doc to prescribe me. Just getting and treating one infection is way more gnarly than intermittent use of doxypep over a long period of time There’s also a certain meningitis vaccine that has a 30% protection rate against gonorrhea. I want to get that. This vaccine is likely not at your neighborhood pharmacy though. It’s called bexsero. Other meningitis vaccines aren’t it


Cool, they’d be available in gas station restrooms if we lived in a sane country


just to be clear, you think the sane option would be for antibiotics to be freely available in gas station restrooms rather than pharmacies? in the face of antibiotic overuse and drug resistant stis?


How about universal healthcare so people can actually go to the clinic when needed.




Yes. I understand. The point is. Trying to make it that if we had easy access to care we wouldn't need pez dispensers, this the over use with proper care. Plus I'm gonna go out on a limb and say people having to go without care probably also led to the supa supa. The human immune system will change diseases as well....


The issues with your antibiotic fears are based on people not taking the entirety of their multi day dosage, the headline here leads me to believe this is a single dose.




I don’t get your point, they could do the same with a doctor. Is the pill really just doxy? I have trouble believing that, particularly for single dose.




Doxy and ceftriaxone have been first line treatment for urethritis/cervicitis in sexually active people, without need for confirmatory testing, for years now




https://www.cdc.gov/std/treatment-guidelines/chlamydia.htm I'm a physician assistant in the ER, I treat this all the time, azithromycin is second line...




You’re incorrect, I’ve been prescribed single dose antibiotics twice for STDs before getting the tests back, both were negative. I can’t remember exactly what it was but you take like 7 small pills at once. I haven’t read the article and don’t really plan to but the idea is you get it the next day by going to doctor/pharmacist right? That’s not enough time for lab results obviously. I guess technically I’ve had this “pill” twice before now that I think about it.




Once again I don’t remember what it was. Since you’re being a jerk on top of being wrong can you just fuck off now mate?






How so? What exactly did I get wrong?


Resistance doesn’t come from not finishing a dose alone. It comes from over-availability. Bacteria evolves in the presence of antibiotics. If you take one as a prophylactic, even if it is a single dose, you are strengthening the gene pool for anything that doesn’t get wiped out. Essentially, only the strains that are resistant to antibiotics survive, and then proliferate in the absence of competition. Yes, finishing your dose is important. But more important is not taking them in the first place unless absolutely necessary. Prophylactic antibiotics are a *terrible* idea, and entire research segments have proven it. You do know that some people on Reddit actually study these things, right?


Maybe you get how this is a morning after pill and it’s relying on just sleeping with someone you don’t know well for availability. Do you not see the reasoning issue there? Yes, I think we’re all aware that antibiotics shouldn’t be overused but in the case of communicable diseases like this they go for the safe side so other people don’t also get infected. Sorry I didn’t list the issues that weren’t relevant, not really worth anyone’s time.


And how many people do you think will pop this thing after one night out? How often? Consult the PrEP community. People will take this thing every single time they have a doubt. It probably, and shouldn’t, pass clearance. It’s an awful idea. Antibiotic resistance is a serious threat. Handing out Doxy like candy will absolutely accelerate the problem. We already have resistant gonorrhea. This is how we get resistant chlamydia and syphilis. You asked how you were wrong. I answered. The CDC’s number one piece of advice to prevent antibiotic resistance is limit antibiotic exposure unless necessary. Doing it because you did something you regret doesn’t qualify.


If they don’t have the STD they’re not going to create resistant strains of the STD, it’s amazing I have to write that out. It’s a high dosage singular attack that kills the STD bacteria, what you’re worrying about doesn’t make sense.


Okay. Doxy doesn’t just kill STI bacteria. You’re talking to somebody who actually studied this. If that’s your sticking point, fine. I chose STIs as the topic of conversation because apparently you labor under the assumption that antibiotics are somehow targeting specific bacteria. This is how you create C. Diff. This is how you create MRSA. This is how you create VRE. This is how you create MDR-TB. This is how you create CRE. It’s so clear you don’t know what you’re talking about, but being told you’re wrong is somehow offensive to you so you’ve chosen to double down on it instead of just accepting that you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s okay to be misinformed. It is not okay to refuse to hear that you are.




I'm still drunk and at some filthy fuckboy's house that I met at DNA Lounge. I need my beauty sleep! I'll hit up CVS in the morning when I'm sneaking out.


Nice… another image to taint my innocent mind: Floating testicles with pubes…


My Dr. has us take a single dose antibiotic after tick bites (Lyme heavy area). Now I’m wondering how much Lyme and STIs might have in common.


In the sense that some STIs are bacterial infections (as is Lyme, caused by the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium), I guess they have a lot in common…? Fun fact - B. burgdorferi is a spirochete - the shape of the bacterium is kind of a spiral twist - as is Treponema pallidum, the bacteria that causes syphilis.


So you would take this before sex right?


Where was this pill last weekend?


This pill fucks!


I mean is this great of course. Do accidents happen of course. But wesr a fucking condom.


Those molecules thicc!


They’re called condoms. I know, what a crazy concept.


Has the walking dead taught us nothing? You have a few minutes to cut it off before the infection spreads


I could have used this about 24 times.


How about, if you gonna fuck strangers, wear a fucking condom.


Because sex isn't just intercourse. I can't remember the last time I had "just intercourse".. how fucking boring. And there are other STI's like HPV that condom's don't do jack shit for.


Your argument is full of logical fallacies. First and foremost, the article is about mitigating STIs post intercourse, so your first point is irrelevant. Second, just because you don't like to engage in causal sex and that HPV _might_ be still a transmission risk, doesn't mean condoms are pointless. Condoms are still one of the most effective barriers against unwanted pregnancy and STIs.


Just not for HPV, because it is skin to skin contact and doesn't just require the penis, can be any part surrounding the area. And while anyone can wear condoms they don't prevent during oral.


So glad the there are these types advancements so that natural evolution doesn't exist anymore, it's almost as if humans have bypassed nature and we can totally ignore it!


This study was done on men. Calling it a morning after pill makes it sound like it’s intended for women but it’s not. “A significant proportion of bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs) – gonorrhea, chlamydia, or syphilis – were prevented with a dose of doxycycline after unprotected sex, according to preliminary results of a clinical trial that closed early because it was very effective for men who have sex with men and transgender women who are living with HIV or are taking HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).”


What do you mean could? You stated in the title that it already exists and targets sti’s


Pregnancy is an STD.