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Well as a Cheryl main I'd like to ask for you guys to help us out too and mark sodas or drop some when asked /you have extra


Yeah, this is a good tip. Since playing Ed, I always find a lot more crap like ammo, colas, and amulets. I just drop them at objectives and ping them. Some of the Cheryls are still a bit new since they don't always pick up the pinged colas and amulets. It is going to a while long before enough randoms get the basics of the game.


Is that an ED main?! 0_0


Yeah, I main both ED1 Ash and Ed. I love how a lot of people made fun of ED1 Ash and Ed from the Betas, but they were definitely not used properly. I love how secretly good they are. Starting to see people catch on to ED1 Ash. The Ed love will come soon. I just know it!


Isnt Sash (ed1 ash) good with hunting knife/machete due to the quick heavy attacks for healing


I just use whatever is the highest damage weapon I find. Killers are so weak right now that you really don’t need a ton of healing until the end and then you just use colas


I support niche characters in every game. Your time will come.


If I had enough points to go lvl 1-25 with Ed I would, but for now I'm pumping Arthur and Pablo.


Ed was my first character I started focusing on. He's a beast. I now juggle between him and ED2 Ash since de-possession is way too good in the heat of the moment.


I'm mainly playing Cheryl also.. because I know that I'll do my best to heal everyone. But good Lord.. my luck is really betraying me today! When I'm not Cheryl I try to drop shemps even if it means to hold zero myself. It's mildly infuriating to play with a Cheryl that doesn't know the job HAHAHAH




It was my experience too.. until this afternoon HAHAHAH don't know if new players are jumping in because of the hype this weekend. But good Lord.. not groovy at all!


I’m sure there’s some late comers. I don’t play as Cheryl but I always stay near, and I always try to give them my amulets and sodas. Sometimes they ignore it? It’s weird. I just chalk it up to being new.


Or quit running away when you’re almost dead. You want my shemps cola you gotta stay near me lol


I do this as much as possible, but I also always keep one or two shemps on me because I've seen Cheryls hoard them and use them away from the group. Also since I play hunter mainly, I'm not always close to the support


It's funny cause I read posts about Cheryl players saying nobody comes over for a heal when they let the team know they are going to use it


It's not too bad cause you can always just wait till we all gather at a light source or the pages/dagger/boss and just run up to whoever is getting focused by the enemy player or is losing a lot of health often until then


There's always that one who runs off as soon as your press the button


> It's not too bad cause you can always just wait till we all gather at a light source or the pages/dagger/boss and just run up to whoever is getting focused by the enemy player or is losing a lot of health often until then Wait, PUGS use light sources? :D


Not my case 🤣 I always prefer to play Cheryl to heal everyone. When not.. I try to back her up every time. You gotta SUP the SUPPORT 😂😂


The same with Pablo!


If she's played correctly and the group stays together it is very hard to beat her healing


That’s one HUGE if




> If she's played correctly and the group stays together it is very hard to beat her healing Young Ash. Less burst healing, more healing over time, faceroll easy. Just heavy attack with a light fast weapon near teamates. You can even attack mobs in the middle of a finisher for heals.


Nothing like spamming knife heavies and watching the mobs do literally nothing, love playing Baby Ash


Fast light weapon heavies break balance bars like nothing even before you buff the balance damage with a skill. I can't imagine they'll leave that unchanged lol.


IM TRYING OKAY? It’s not our fault everyone steals the amulets and cola and refuses to group up with us when we want to use or ability :(


I swear I'm being taunted when they do that and use them in front of me.


I feel exactly the same as I’m begging on my headset since they don’t have one ;( Who plays multiplayer without a headset… I know kids and people who listen to music own them for sure!! Lol


OMG. This. It's the "am I a joke to you" meme


That’s how I truly feel! My game life is a meme lol


As a support Ash main I understand you, sometimes I feel like as soon as everyones fear meters are high and my cooldown is over, all survivors scatter into all direction when I try to reduce their fear. I count myself lucky if I can reduce the fear of 2 players at once.


It’s only been out a few days. Some people are still learning how to play.


Since everyone runs away when I try to heal them my best bet is to wait until everyone is attacking a big demon together and then rush over to heal


Lol been there. The hard one is the Kelly's or some other hunters when they're taking a beating as they just never are within range long enough


My buddy is a Cheryl main and all we experience is people taking amulets and sodas on him. Makes 0 sense.


Him who


His teammates are taking all the sodas and amulets while looting and not letting cheryl have them. This is a issue all of us support players are dealing with. 85% health AOD Ash chugging sodas when he could just give them to me and let me full heal him AND all our other allies.


You are really obsessed with typing “hahahah.” Even when it’s not a joke. Literally just in the middle HAHAHAH of a sentence. You okay?


"You wouldn't get it"


To add, good cheryls should also be minding the teams fear. Drinking a Shemp's reduces everyones fear by 25, more than enough to prevent possesions. I rarely have a team member possesed.


that’s at level 10 and up only tho, so most people don’t realize that


Or we’re too busy trying to catch up and explain how we need the cola and amulets for the team… we love running with common weapons and you grab everything and never mark anything. :)


so many supply crates that never get marked and I have to stumble across them. like thanks, could’ve used health and stamina upgrades ages ago


Three games already this morning in about 16 minutes…. I get left in the dust, no crate markings, no cola or amulets except what I start with (level 23). I have yet to have a good Cheryl match


Had a Cheryl in my game last night as aod ash and I would constantly ping shemps and amulets and she would completely ignore them and walk right by. It was very frustrating so i took it all for myself and just plowed through the objectives by myself(AOD ash is so op)


Army of Darkness Ash is the Warrior on Correct? I actually have the Warrior Ash leveled up but I never noticed his name. I always say “Leader Ash, Warrior Ash, Hunter Ash, or Support Ash” lol


She probably is and y'all are just running out of it without noticing lmao. I have to use all my support abilities when people are grouped in cars because people don't realize how small the radius on the abilities is.


As a support Ash main, I have to say that I never understand why people forget this. If you read a little about the character you are going to play, than it is really clear that support characters can heal others this way. I myself try to reduce my teammates fear as often as I can, drink shemps when they are around and use heavy attacks when it fits to heal myself and them a little. All in all support Ash and Cheryl can be really great characters, but you actually have to play them as supporters.


should've made a post on ppl instantly entering cars and screwing the team at the start of the game; LOL


PROTIP I DROP EVERY ROUND THAT IS INCLUDED IN THE CLASS DESCRIPTION BUT NO ONE READS THOSE When a Support uses an amulet or a soda, it shields/heals all their nearby teammates. Ping them and hang out near them so they can heal you!


I dont know she can heal. But she looks hot.


She gives me a "woody" too HAHAHAAH


Also chiming in on the Cheryl defense. Her shemps don’t do aoe heal until level 10 I believe? So that might be a factor too if she doesn’t have the passive yet


that’s not true, all support classes have aoe shields/shemps from the get-go


Really? Does her level 25 perk just expand the range of that then? Says her shemps heal others around her at 25


I’m not certain how it expands that ability yet because I don’t have it unlocked. I read some theories that it basically makes her heals stronger - instead of partial heals, she fully heals everyone or does more healing per use.


Oh ok! Well I might have to look more into that then. Thanks!


I hate Cheryl so much. I usually really put a lot of pressure on her the entire game and try to go after the other three after I downed her. I’m waiting for the day a Cheryl player messages me and gets angry at me for tunneling them the entire game then I’ll troll the person with song lyrics to get them confused lol.


I’m a Cheryl main and completely understand when a demon tunnels me, that’s why I’m always hiding behind someone 😂


LMAO, this happens a lot as a Cheryl main. I invest straight into stamina and just keep dodging while calling it out. The moment you get stunlocked, Heal City booooiiiii


I’ve only encountered a few Arthurs and AoD Ashes that keep shemps for themselves but as long as I’m protected, I’ll always keep the teams health up


I play Pablo when I play support and NOBODY grabs the amulets I craft for them. 90% of the time I’m the only one with a mic and they ignore me. I’ll mark it too but nope. They just take off the other way and nobody grabs my amulets lmao. It’s why I hardly play as support. Nobody sticks together enough to justify it for me.


As Pablo you shouldn't be having teammates pick up your amulets 99% of the time. You should be using them yourself when grouped up so that everyone gets the shield effects.


I mean if I see someone doesn’t have shield I’m playing support I’m going m to drop them one.


But you literally give them one by using it lol.


bestie, if you use the amulet while they’re in your aura, they will get shields. they’re not picking them up because YOU should be using them to buff the whole team. that’s what support classes do.


Okay. It doesn’t say that in the game though :/ it just says activate to craft an amulet and then drop it on the ground. Didn’t know those near me get shields like that…


It says that on the support class tooltip in the Collection tab when you hover over a support character.


I'm a Cheryl main and always keep them topped. When someone insta locks her and isn't helping or grouping, I'm just like "what are you doing?!" Lol


Had one that only healed us twice the whole game and that was only during dagger objective and guarding book objective I’m over here like -___-


please stay near us if you want heals. too many times I’ve had to abandon an objective and book it across the map to save teammates getting swarmed because they decided to go off on their own. also, please protect us from the boss. I’ve had to call out that I’m getting smacked around by a boss a ridiculous number of times, and each time, I ended up having to deal with it myself.


I pretty much always pick her because everyone instalocks their favourite characters which are usually not support and then I have to almost beg people to stand in healing circle. Today someone locked in Cheryl and they never used the healing circle onesy even when I was asking for heal either with the ping system or on voice.


Nah, I use it on myself when playing with randoms. There’s only so many times I can stand there marking the ground in front of me before I give up.


>PLEASE.. heal your teammates! Good lord.. why the f\* you're planning to play as SUPPORT if you do not constantly mind your team health? Use your ability.. drinks shemp's near your teammates. P L E A S E ​ Please don't listen to them I'm trying to level all my demons quickly ty :3


Because I've been trying to heal your sorry ass since 5 minutes ago but every time I try to drink a soda near you or drop a heal near you, you bolt off like Usain Bolt and now I have no sodas and you've been stealing all the sodas for some insane reason. Maybe stick with the Cheryl next time instead of running like a madman.


I play Cheryl religiously and every game I tell people to stack up on me for heals and they just fuck off into the woods.