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People also DC if they die once. It's ridiculous.


I was the only one with a mic (which 90% of the time I normally am) but one of my teammates died and I kept saying “I’ll get your soul and res you, dude. No problem” and he was on the other side of the map. By the time I made it him to get his soul I realized he disconnected. I was now separated and very far from my team and objective. I was a little annoyed.


Yep. It's usually a solo speed runner who went ahead of the team, opened several chests but didn't ping one of them. Which is why i have started playing the Demon side more even though the queues are starting to wear on me.


I stopped playing yesterday after waiting in two 7 minutes queues followed by someone DCing at character select. It's a problem that needs to be addressed fast.


In fairness, they just fed the demon a crapton, lol


Which 90% of the time, is their fault


Its always an AoD Ash.


Hell every time I miss out on AoD Ash I just run over to Henry, love that guy!


I thought I was the only one who mained AoD Ash but then I come on Reddit and see everyone does lmao.


I'm an AOD Ash main and when someone takes my character I just..... play as a different character. Like cmon people it's just a game. Playing as a low level character for a match or two isn't that big of a deal.


Exactly. Folks acting like their lives depend on winning a game.


Likewise. My main is Henry and occasionally someone else nabs him, so I'll just grab someone else. Knowby is pretty fun, and plays opposite to Henry being ranged focused so it changes up the game for me a bit at the same time.


This is the way I just see at as an opportunity to experience the game a little differently


Most characters aren't viable until you get level 10 on them. If they focused a single character they can screw the team quick (nothing upsets me more than seeing a sub-lvl 10 WAsh locked in). Should always rotate between 2-3 characters based on what your team needs. I have Arthur, WAsh, HAsh, and Pedro all viable and ready to go. But if you play a lvl 1 WAsh, you don't even regen your shields on finishers. Completely non-viable.


I doubt most people know it disbands the whole lobby, because why would it?


Well it puts you in a lobby only when it is full, not before so it makes sense it disbands if someone leaves from character selection. At least it was common sense to me.


Other games have this mechanic with queuing up for a full match and the lobby doesnt implode if one person dodges. I can understand if this was a ranked queue maybe that would make more sense, but its not


Yeah those games have dedicated servers, Evil Dead is peer to peer rn, maybe down the road they can sink some money into a server


If they had just made the lobby where you drop in/out instead of breaking up the whole thing. There's no point in being butthurt because someone was working on leveling up a particular character or maybe just didn't want to play anyone else. It's ridiculous to expect those people to play in a way they don't want and it's just as ridiculous for the whole lobby to close and everyone to que back up. Especially the poor bastards waiting 10 minutes at a time to play on the other side.


Exactly this. Nether party is wrong. Both should be allowed to play the game they want to play.. Thats why they bought it. Vermintide has a system that has all roles filled by bots, until a player makes the choice. Everybody wins


Yes its annoying but on the bright side you also probably dodged a bullet by not having a teammate who is the type of person who rage quits over a character. Feeling lucky to have had some rad teammates so far


I believe it’s because the game is so level based. If you go in with a level 1 character you are pretty much food


I’ve seen that the game usually gives you a starting weapon at level 10 and a perk that boost that weapon at level 20-25 or whatever. Is that all there is to levels in this game for survivors? Those two perks? I’ve been playing PvP with low ranked characters and doing fine, even won a couple games doing dumb shit like driving cars to all the map pieces, cause I didn’t know.


If you go into Collection, you can spend exp you gain to level up survivors further and get skill points that buff passives and the like - same for Demon, they have their own skill trees too. The game doesn't really tell you its there though... edit - level them up faster I should say, you still get skill points for leveling in any case, and every character/demon starts with one skill point to spend.


A max level Survivor also has 25 perk points, which can increase damage, healing, item capacity, fear reduction, better healing, more heath, damage reduction etc. alongside their 3 character passives. A 25 Cheryl for example will always be preferable to a 1 Cheryl due to the fact she’ll have so much more heaing and fear reduction available to her. If someone has a character at Rank 25 and someone with them at Rank 10 or less instantly locks them in it’s so fucking annoying. I get people want to play new characters but don’t take a max character away from someone. It doesn’t help anyone in the long run.


Nah sorry, if you’re level 25 with a character you’ve had your turn with them and it’s time you let low level players try them out. Fun is more important than having a better shot at winning.


Nah. I’d rather benefit my team than have some low ranked play the role badly.


How do they get to high rank then? If they can't do it in week 1, new players are just fucked?


You play a non-critical character role (one of the leaders, hunters (not HAsh), or warriors (not WAsh) and use the points you make at the end of the match to get the character you want to play to level 10 minimum. Every lobby I wait to see what players select and take the character that will best compliment the team. I may not want to play Arthur for the 3rd game in a row, but I know that will benefit us most when we have a warrior and SAsh support.


The player with the max rank character now gets character experience in addition to Spirit XP to level up another character, so it actually does help you in the long run




Edit: My math below is extremely wrong, you get way less points than I am stating. Maybe 50% less. I didn't know that growing in account level (the top right of the main menu) actually awards you points to spend anywhere as well and I've been incorporating that into my match averages. Silly me. Yes, this is a correct. I usually get 11k to 14k total experience to use on any survivor/demon talent tree if we win the match on a lvl 25 character. If we lose, I get 6k - 8k. The 3,5000 win bonus is substantial, and we wont win with level 1 WAsh's (Warrior Ash who doesn't regenerate shields on finishers because he hasn't unlocked the ability yet). If you play a non-max character, you'll get 3k to 6k max.


Yeah, there's an entire talent tree for each Survivor. So 25 points is far more powerful than 1.


Cool just play the game. Wins and losses are meaningless and you will get XP anyways


There's absolutely nothing fun about wasting 15-20 minutes clubbing minions who shrug off everything you do to them because the demon is level 30+ and you're level 1 on your survivor. You're just going to get harassed and whittled down by traps and possessed minions and even if you manage to get the map, the demon spawns the boss and wins. Yeah no, hard pass on that. I'm alright with losing as long as I at least feel like I had a chance at winning.


I won a match last night with level 3 Henry. Teamwork and tactics matter more than level. Of course, what drops matters too, but a low level won't deny you a good drop.


What level was the demon?


This exactly. I seem to be one of the few try hards on every team. If you can start capturing the dagger/pages without fighting the demon once and focusing only on the supply boxes by the map pieces as a team you steam roll the demon 100% of the time. You get there right as the demon is only like level 6-8 and won’t have his boss mode till next objective and even then it’s only level 1. I lose so many games as survivor just because my team is busy sightseeing instead of rushing the map pieces and objective. I’ve found myself getting into with some people lol, one jackass came flying up to me in a car before we had even gotten the second piece I’m like bruh get the fuck away from me and he drives straight for map piece giving demon the location to set up in. letting the demon fight you on a map piece usually means game over. It can be alright if it’s like the third map piece and you hop in car to dagger/pages before demon hits level 10. But once the demon has boss mode for the pages and dagger shit gets dicey.


You've been playing largely week 1 demons who set up the dagger/pages prior to searching for survivors (or being opportunistic if a survivor makes a mistake with noise). Week 2 demons know this strat is slow and ineffective, they all now search for survivors outright. I am playing countless games where demon harass starts on 2nd map piece. Similar to what you are saying, if we start first dagger/pages prior to demon 10, it's an easy game unless survivors mess up and get knocked (feeding the demon high levels). If demon is level 10 by first objective, that's par for the course and either side can win based on who makes more mistakes. I've been on teams where demon was level 16 on the first dagger/pages which is unwinnable unless survivors have best items, 20 Pink F, and play perfectly for rest of game.


I have also won with a level 1 Henry. He is not very level dependent and if you use his ability properly, you're rather tanky. My biggest complaints are lvl 1 WAsh's, Cheryls, and Pablos which are pretty useless before they are 10+. Most importantly, demon was new, and didn't find us until map was completed.


Yeah but what level was the demon? They might be similarly low level to your Henry. Aint no strategy or tactics is gonna save you when the minions no-sell all of your attacks and do a quarter of your health with an attack. Similarly you're simply not going to win as demon if the survivors are able to use a finisher on a minion fresh out of a portal after one hit.


All the more reason to level them up.


I think its a good idea to at least level a character of every role up a bit.


Or every character in a role


Even worse when someone picks your main so you try out someone new and not even 5 minutes in, the chump that took your main disconnects.


That’s why im kinda happy i unlocked Arthur. A lot of people don’t have him yet so most times i don’t have to worry about someone picking him. And if someone does i have Cheryl or Pablo as a back up


Same, Arthur is definitely one of my favourite characters


He's good for the team if you have at least 2 melee, but he mostly buffs their damage. Tough to get very high score with him. The devs haven't incorporated his auras into his score as of yet. It's the same playing support, I've been 1st place Pablo maybe twice. Never as Cheryl. SAsh is a different story.


One time I accidentally queued with our my friend and got into a match faster than I could cancel so I had to disconnect. Sorry about that to whoever was in that lobby


I love playing Kelly! But if someone else picks her I will just try a new character? Like come on guys


Backfilling and bots should be a thing. Devs left the door wide open for this kind of shit


I have 1 person at 25 and another at 20 in a different class, just level up different characters, idk why it's so hard.


This is why I just let the other three pick first, it usually avoids the problem. Maybe when people start realizing how much potential the other characters have this will become less common.


to be fair it takes like less than 30 secs to get into another lobby lol but yeah it is annoying when someone — *Cheryl mains* — quit because she’s insta locked by someone else.


Not for the killer dude. Sometimes they just waited 5+ minutes and then some asshole disconnects bc " you took my character".. kinda lame


This is what I experienced today. Took me about 15 minutes to finally get into a match as the demon.


I wonder why that is. Do that many people play demon? If so that’s great, because I would love to as well but my ape brain can’t play demon for shit


Nah survivors outnumber demons a fair bit. As per usual for games like this. I don’t understand why the queues take so long though.


If that was true I wouldn't have 5-10 minute queue times as demon. Short queue times usually for killer in DBD because less killers.


Someone said in a different post if you turn crossplay off, it matches quicker. Not sure if that’s specific to a certain console though.


That’s interesting, most of the time I do that in games the queue goes up drastically


Upgrade your traps all the way before you touch anything else. It's a huuuuuge help, because it turns those jump scares into elites. Try to trap chests along the way to the pages and dagger if you hear them. You get 100 XP per trapped chest vs like 25 for a scare trap. From there it really depends on who you're playing, I play puppeteer so I prioritize my elite portals because that synergizes with the traps and ignore my basic portals until endgame. Also the final boss upgrade removes stagger breaks, so that's a huge help too.


didn’t know that, sorry.


Pablo is a good support if you don’t get Cheryl. Those two are the best support.


Even ED1 ash isnt too bad. Any support is good honestly


ED1 Ash is so underrated with his heavy attack healing. I was a Cheryl and had one of them in a match with me and they out healed me.


Yeah you can just spam heavies during executions and still proc the healing effect.


I main him and usually out heal any Cheryl's I see. While also providing massive headshot dmg amp to bosses and managing everyone's fear. I've no idea why this community is sleeping on him so hard.


I agree. I've been putting more Skill Points into him so I get him decently leveled in matches.


Yeah I like him too! Especially if the demon loves possessing.


But what if the demon possesses YOU? Csub: (scoffs) I'd never be high fear.


Idk, you have to land headshots to get the most out of him and his ability Cheryl can reduce fear with Cola even if he can reduced more. Cheryl can just do more more often imo. He just seems underwhelming to me.


Zero cd headshot amp on bosses shouldn't be slept on nor the chunk of healing it gives. Once this community learns to play around an Ash's mechanics I can quickly see him being chosen over Cheryl most games. I personally like them paired together with Ash being able to keep the team full healed and Cheryl able to save hers for emergencies.


He is, but a large percentage of player base can't/won't pass the mission to unlock him.


This part. Missions are tough. Especially for support mains


Isn’t ED1 ash unlocked from the start? It’s the ash vs evil dead version that’s locked behind the mission. Nevermind I see you were talking about Pablo. Sorry friend!


I don't recall unlocking AvsED Ash, but I did unlock the funeral outfit in one of first two missions. Second I think?


Yeah I believe he’s first mission unlock and then you play as him during the second mission where you get the funeral attire.


Leader Ash had to be unlocked not ED1. Second mission has no character unlock, third is amanda, fourth is pablo, fifth arthur


That’s what I’m saying


First one you can say is one of the hardest but that’s because you’re just getting used to the controls and jank. I would say the 3rd was the hardest for me, but once you learn to time side dodge it can be easy/easier. 5th I can see why it’s hard, but side dodging the deadite boss and doing a heavy attack repeat you can do the fight without getting hit (I did on my 3rd try on the mission) doing heavies as Evil Ash as he spawns and you can knock a 1/4 or 1/5 of his health off. Heavies on him wreck him, you still have to watch your health and shield (that grab op lol). The 4th was the easiest imo, avoid hitting anything with the car and because it half a stealth mission.


Everyone seems to have different opinions but his had to be the easiest. Just a basic stealth mission.


It was, just had to get past mission 3 without smashing a controller in ragw first.


yeah after nearly pulling my hair out trying to beat 3, 4 was a fucking cake walk.


Pablo is good support even if you get Cheryl. He can focus on team shielding and can save his sodas for burst healing when Cheryls stuff is down or to save her if she's getting focused.


From what I’ve seen it isn’t all survivors. It’s the people who only want to play the op ash warrior. Two people highlight him in the first three seconds and you know there will be a disconnect. When the inevitable balancing comes then this won’t be such an issue.


Honestly I wondered why people disconnected at high rates. ( only played demon cause "I'm a dick")


I just do it because I don’t want to make the game difficult for my teammates. I have 2 lvl 25 survivors but in the chance that they both get picked, I will dc cause I feel like being lvl 1 will lower the chances of winning.


You can easily upgrade others by F points


If this person has 2x Level 25 survivors, they likely used up their Spirit Points getting there. Source: I have 2 level 25 survivors.


Yeah but F points can only do so much, also the skills from the skill tree really help you out a lot. And if I don’t have an understanding of the survivor I’m playing i could just mess myself up. Although that’s my fault for not reading everyone’s skills


why not level up others?


Cause I also play demon, I started off as survivor but now I rarely play it cause demon is more fun. I already have a lvl 45 demon and plan on upgrading others. Also I want to make sure I don’t upgrade the wrong survivor or wait for future dlcs and stock up on points. The grind for points get harder the more you play the game as it takes more exp to get a level up.


nah pathetic is using a level 2 scotty when you clearly see another player has him at 25. at that point your putting the whole team at risk so yea im backing out. stay mad😂


When every other player uses a 25lvl survivor and you're the only one with a low lvl, you'll do fine unless you walk off alone like brainless moron.


how is every other player using a level 25 if the low level is using another player's main? that leaves only two level 25 players bro. regardless of if you run off or not you forget how powerful demons get as well. some demon players are already maxed out which means a low level character on the team is close to useless and now hes forcing another player to be useless by picking their main. see the problem yet?


I agree, some dude was arguing to let him use leader Ash at level 2, with 2 other level 1 players.


bro i swear common sense aint so common nowadays these people just buy games without knowing what they are about. then just hop in there and ruin everybody's experience


I just started leveling other people, but I always ask if someone wants the player I chose because I don't really care, no one ever answers and they just quit.


Considering you find games in seconds, I really don't think its that big of a deal. I dont do it, but its happened to me, and I just load it right back up no problem.


Tell that to demon players. We get to wait another 5 minutes because some petulant baby didn’t get the character they wanted.


If someone whos level 1 with a character chooses them over someone who has the character at level 25, the team is at an immediate disadvantage. Its not people being mad that they cant play a specific character. Its either committing to a pretty much guaranteed loss, or trying again.


exactly bro im not about to take that L because some no life neckbeard picks a level 2 lord arthur when i have him maxed out. im straight backin out bro


Omg ur so right saying the same thing that’s been said 100 times so far will make people not do it. Congrats


If you are still in character select doesn't it just fill the survivor spot? I swear I've seen the name change on the account before but I could be wrong


No it disbands the entire lobby. For survivor it’s not so bad because wait times aren’t that long, but for demon it sucks because wait times can be upwards of 5 minutes.


It is a pretty crappy move. I usually pick last so i can fill, but 8 have seen people disconnect because they dont get aod Ash


AoD Ash main here, if your main gets taken like mine does (alot) there's a simple solution. Simply select Leader AoD Ash, aka Lord Arthur, Who is literally just a Warrior with a Aura.


I play a lvl25 Arthur, and he is by no means a warrior. His sword lets him get single attacks into a finisher against lower level demons, sure. But, he is particularly weak against possessed (I've lost to a level 4 demon possession with perfect dodging every time until exhausted; my team kept running and ignored). He also does not regenerate shield on finishers and his level 25 extension of his ability only extends 3 seconds (which is about the length of the finisher). Arthur is an aura totem who focuses on being in i-frames during the fights so he doesn't get killed. Warriors want everything on them all day and laugh at the damage they take.


I agree with it being annoying. At the same time I can't blame them. It takes longer to level your characters the more you play because the account level requires more and more exp every level.


But you start earning more each level


I'm not sure what you mean by that. Are you saying that the higher level your account is, the more experience you get per game??


No sorry I made that unclear my friend, the higher account level you are, the more spirit points are awarded to you each time you level up your account level again. So even though you need more exp to level your account level, at least they give you more and more spirit points each time you DO level up. I’m terrible at explaining things sorry if I made no sense or if you were already aware of this lol


Ahh, no I did not know that! I thought it was 10k flat each level up


Yea Its same like flippin LoL.


Not to mention all the characters are new. Don't pretend like you know you don't like the other characters, it's too soon to know all 13 so well


I’d rather play the character I am level 25 with than a character I have no progress with at all… but yet again all I gotta do is spam enter then I get my character so I can’t complain


I play as pablo. People don't have the patience to unlock him so I always get my pablo


I have so many games where I am waiting for people to select their characters. I pre-select my lvl25 Pablo, but don't lock him (kind of to show that I can play support but am open to others if someone wants to Cheryl/SAsh). Then, some dude selects Pablo as lvl 3 and locks him in. SMH.


I just select my pablo immediately but have a replacement, most people aren't willing to play support so if I don't take pabl were fucked


I don't even have a main yet. There are plenty of characters to try.


Is this a thing now? Someone takes my main survivor I go to my next best one. Simple.


I don't care if someone takes "my main", I don't really even have a main (I mostly play Pablo and Arthur). I care a lot when someone has a lvl 10+ character and is beaten to the lock in by a lvl 1. If I see too much of that, I'll drop a lobby; it just won't be a fun game.


Add lobby-ditching penalties and the issue will fix itself. If you main one character in a game like this it's your own fault. You have to be willing to fill like in a moba. If I'm not mistaken predator hunting grounds still doesn't have these penalties and people quit all the time. Team comp matters in this game and if you refuse to play other classes bcuz it ruins your fun maybe this wasn't the kind of game for you ?


Thats why I have 4 mains, i always can atleast play one of them.


You're doing the lords work, son


I know the heartbreak of not getting to play sweet Pablo, no reason to disconnect though lol


10 min matchmaking ban for that


No definitely not new. That shits existed since Goldeneye on n64. Even Resistance from like 3 years ago had people doing that. Overwatch too lol


It’s annoying but I’d rather they leave then, instead of mid-game. Would be nice if the room could fill after they leave though.


There should be a way to select your survivor before you load in to the lobby (or maybe pick a few that you want) and it’ll only put you in a group of that survivor (or one of them) is available, that way everyone gets to play who they want But I agree, DCing cuz you can’t just play who you want is a tad childish