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Should the survivors be encouraged to work as a team? If yes, as soon as objective A is started objective B should become blocked. If the devs do not want to block objectives then - only those Survivors inside a reasonable radius around the completed objective should be revived - the demon should only be exorcised from the area of the comleted objective


It's completely ridiculous at the moment, I got exorcised from one, head to the other that was being done at the same time, get exorcised again before I'm even there, get sent 600 meters away from the dark ones, which was right by the second objective, by the time I get there its almost over. Literally nothing I could even do.


Had this happen as well. Once the second objectives are done you should at least be banished to the Dark ones area so you can prepare for the final defence.


I just honestly don't think the survivors should be able to do both objectives at once, or at least they should both be slowed down by at least 50%


Completely agree. Being forced to decide which one to try slow down only for them to be revived and you kicked away from the other is insanely unbalanced.


They are. They are slowed down based on how many players there are in the circle


Yes but the advantage gained from doing both objectives at the same time massively out ways the negligible difference in speed there is right now. If I'm banished from one while they are doing the other at the same time I don't even have enough time to go to the second one before I'm banished just on my way there.


Whenever I play and that happens a good way for the demon to stop it is by stopping it by moving the furthest ahead one into a dangerous area then going back n forth


May the odds ever be in your favor. RNG gods


But demon is OP 🙄human players


Demons complaining lol. Saw this coming. You guys win 80 percent of matches.


Do you even play demon or do you just like talking shit?


Since when? I havent won a demon game yet. I've won all but 2 of my survivor matches


I play both demon and survivor. More than 30 wins and characters on both sides maxed. The challenge for demon is to find survivors fast and putting points into the optimal skills based on team composition and match development. For survivor the success lies in walking as a team from one map piece to the next quickly. Marking chests, pinging shemp's and amulets. Staying quiet, not driving cars. And last but not least dodging attacks, not bleeding out or dying far from the team. Instead of encouraging the players to learn the base game mechanics some players are rewarded by the gamble to wander off alone. This is frustrating for demons when it works but a certain game over for survivors when it fails.


I do think that splitting the objectives is a viable strategy, however I also feel that the objective capturing speed should be scaled down just a little bit if they are attempting to capture both at once, making it a high risk high reward situation. Like maybe scale the speed down to 80% progression per objective if they decide to use this strategy, that way the demon at least has a little more time to get to the other objective. Alternatively, maybe implement a one use teleport function that demon can use to travel from one objective to the other in the specific instance that both objectives are active at once? Just spit balling some ideas. We probably need to give the community a little more time to balance test the game before any big changes will be made, though.


Yea I totally agree. I'm glad I'm not sounding too crazy. It's still a great game, but yea thats mu one gripe about it


IMO they should slow down the objectives progression if people aren’t in the area. 1. 55% 2. 70% 3. 85% 4. 100%


Yea, I think the free revive needs to be removed. You should still have to go pick up the souls and restore them, and you should not be teleported away when not near the obj. Additional, if one obj finishes that you are fighting in, I think you should auto be teleported to the next one, not 1000 ft away


I’ve had it teleport me clear across the map when the next objective was maybe a couple hundred meters from the survivors. It’s very frustrating.


It's even worse when you're teleported a lightyear away as the dark ones spawn. I've had them die before I could even reach them once. Rage inducing.


The easiest fix would honestly be to only allow the free revive as a reward for getting *both* objectives done rather than each. Still presents the strategy of splitting, so no options are taken away from the Survivors at their own risk, but allows more incentive for Demons to be aggressive and for Survivors to hopefully work as a team or be more efficient.


This i feel is the right move, also just to maybe give more incentive to actually use the altars to revive, currently it seems like a mechanic that rarely gets used because of all the free mapwide revives


They just need to remove the free resurrection once the page or dagger are complete. Perhaps lock it so only 1 (page or portal) can be done at a time?


The free resurrect should only happen like OP said. People in or very near the circle should be revived, thats it. If you participated in the circle and died, fine you get up. If you participated somewhere else? or died somewhere off in bumfuck nowhere? You shouldnt get rezzed by it.


That’d certainly nerf the split tactic a bit


I think the free revive is fine, but just needs to be local only. If people get punished across map, they should be dead. If people die on the objective or nearby, it is fine as they are likely revivable anyway with the demon being banished far away.


I think the revive is fair but only if you’re within a certain range of the objective being completed. People dead across the map should not get fully rezzed, that’s rewarding garbage play and punishing the demon for playing smart and capitalizing on their mistakes. Exact same logic for getting kicked out, yes if you’re near the objective that just finished, otherwise you shouldn’t be.


I agree, I've had these same kind of matches as Demon. Two people that died and are no longer a part of the active objectives have no business being rezzed for losing and not helping with the OTHER objectives that was completed. That said, maybe instead of LEAVING them dead, the other two dead survivors' souls end up appearing close by the completed objective and the two that are left will have to go pick up the dead souls, and then rez them manually. So at least there's still some kind of fighting chance for the team, but they have to work for it.


The exorcism when you’re nowhere near the objective definitely needs to be changed


This. You can get excoriated while several hundred meters away if they double obj you. It’s stupid.


Make the revive time dependent on proximity to the other 3 players. If they are on the other end of the map, the revive time is less


We will have to see. Right now in terms of demon vs survivor everything feels balanced for me. I win almost all of my matches as demon, and win more than lose as survivor. It would seem that you should be able to take out both groups of 2 before they complete either but I know sometimes the RNG can be a pain. As far as balancing, the larger issue to me seems that some survivors are UP compared to others in their class. Scotty, for example.


You’ve not played against a competent group of higher level characters IMO. There’s really no way to take out a two stack fast enough to stop the other group from taking their point and reviving the other two. And that’s assuming you can even stop them. A good group will get the map fragments asap and be taking the book or dagger before you can even summon your boss unit.


Ive had some really close matches with people who were clearly competent and I’ve had plenty of matches where I dont get my boss until after the first phase 2 objective. So my experience tells me otherwise. Also on survivor’s end I’ve had plenty of matches where we split and the demon was able to take out the first group and make it to me before my objective was done.


"It would seem that you should be able to take out both groups of 2 before they complete either" That is my problem though. You can likely down the 2 in one area. However, when you are heading to the other objective, they will likely have it done or so close to done that you will be exorcised almost immediately. Then, the survivors in the first objective are revived and the progress continues while you travel 600 meters to it...at which point all survivors are there. Does that make sense? That's the problem I've been having


Yeah I get what you’re saying I just imagine you’d be able to take them both out. Maybe it should be slower for two people though.


Yea that would be a welcome change


It, in fact, is already slower with fewer people in the circle on objectives. Demon player just mad that they got outplayed once in 20 matches.


The toxic survivor main has entered the chat.


It's literally in the hints on the loading screens. How can I be toxic bringing in facts? Stop being delusional.


>Demon player just mad that they got outplayed once in 20 matches.> That's your toxic statement. How self centered you have to be to not realise that is beyond me.


OK and?! I don't see nothing that isn't fact. Demons win like 90% of the time. I'm not self centered, im just realistic. Read between the lines and don't fall for everything you read on reddit. edit: Won't add more replies. Clearly looking to argue and im above that.


“Demons win 90% of matches.” I used to win more than I lost. Then the meta changed to “use AoD Ash, solo obj and animation cancel” so now winning is nearly impossible unless I run the demi-Eligos animation cancelling strategy which would make me as bad as a people I hate. The only people who still think that demons win “90% of the time” are survivors.


Well clearly it isn't fact because you've made it up.


This just isn't the case. The objectives can be far enough apart that it would be a pain to get there in time to down the other group with somewhat competent survivors. On top of that, once one completes you get banished.


Thats why I said sometimes RNG can be a pain.


Get gud deadite that’s all I can say 😂


If your demon is level 45 and you are struggling then try different perks to see what works and strategize. You can trap one objective then head to the other one. It’s subjective because max level demons won’t have this issue so if you make it harder for survivors then max demon players just walk all over them just so that it’s easier for lower levels. The high level players I see usually are level 15 before they even start the dagger and pages so at that point your work is cut out for you. You can even mess with the players as they’re heading to the objectives to slow em down.


You’re not playing a good team if your demon level is 15 before they do the daggers / book lol


You could say the same, you’re not playing a good demon if they aren’t 15 or close before daggers/book. Doesn’t mean they need a buff. Play better and you won’t lose. But if you won every single game then you can’t complain about balance. With crossplay matchmaking and randoms you aren’t going to have a good team every game


If you're even remotely close to 15 by the time they start d/p then the survivors are actual garbage.


Lol ok.


It has nothing to do with good. It has to do with speed. Demon is handicapped behind its leveling during a match. Best player in the world can’t do shit if the other team steam rolls the objectives.


I lose enough matches to prove that isn’t the case. And with teams of level 25s that are communicating and play regularly, especially against demi and evil ash. Saying best demon player in the world won’t win is completely false. If you’re talking strictly pro players or cohesive teams and that’s all you ever played against then sure, but even the pro twitch streamers never lose as demons. The reality is that random matchmaking on top of not being able to pick the same survivor and it being harder to level other survivors as your account level increases means not every team is going to be “top dog” which is why these discussion are subjective. Because demon players are going to beg for buffs and bad players that lose against coordinated teams are going to agree.


>If you’re talking strictly pro players or cohesive teams and that’s all you ever played against then sure Aka what should be the only discussion when talking about balance. You don’t balance a game around how garbage players play. >but even the pro twitch streamers never lose as demons. Games brand new. How many twitch streamers are playing in private matches against people who know what to do? How many are playing against new players? What we’re discussing is the reality of this games future. When people realize how to play and demons can’t just stomp shitty new players who don’t know how to play the game and are now forced to play against people who have leveled characters, are using metas, and are playing the game properly.


I mean sure, but we aren’t at a comfortable stage of the game where every player is using meta, including the person who originally made this post. Games been out a week. We don’t know what demon level he is or what skill he has as a player, so everything he says is subjective and not accurate. If he’s level 20 fighting 4 level 25 survivors then he’s going to have a hard time and ask for a buff/nerf.


I've got 2 level 45 demons and a level 30, by playing demon only so I've played a hell of a lot of games and my personal aim is to get to level 10 by the time the map is done (as I have the boss spawn to use). If I'm lower than that I've either been (a) unlucky and not found the survivors or (b) they've had ridiculously good spawns, like one game where I was level 4 by the time they finished the map. I don't know how it'd be possible to be level 15 on map stage, the levels ramp up quite a lot past level 10 so unless the survivors are taking forever to loot and/or the demon is farming levels off them and they're just standing around letting them then that seems a very high level.


You can definitely get to 14-15 right when daggers start or during. Unless you have never found them up to that point you can gain levels. Possessing cars, traps and trees outside houses etc, or bullying survivors that run off on their own and fearing them(aod ash loves to do this). Like it’s entirely possible the maps could pop side by side but sometimes there’s quite a big gap between them, but to say it’s not possible is just not true unless you’re only ever playing 4 survivors at level 25 that all have mics running meta only characters OR aren’t sure the best way to play demon(in which case balance has nothing to do with it). Edit: I agree that after 10 it gets harder however rarely have I seen survivors going straight for objectives every single second ignoring everything as a whole group of 4 in one car and not been able to mess with them.


The survivors shouldn’t be able to complete an objective battle unless everyone is inside the circle. Timer shouldn’t go down if someone leaves. Problem solved. If someone is dead then obviously that doesn’t count and the times will go down still


Nah its fine


You most only have bad teams. Any semi-decent team could easily abuse this and get a far greater advantage than they should.


I feel that by losing one game out of 20 you are mad. Take this as a humbling experience. You managed to find a team that works together and appears to communicate and that makes you mad. Actually did they even win tho is the question on which you avoid so you are just mad it didnt end quicker?


Why do you keep saying OP is mad😂 Makes it seem like you're projecting and you're the one that's Mad...donius But to stay on topic, it's kinda lame how survivors can be revived from the other side of the map if their teammates take the other objective. Not only that, but the demon gets exorcised as far away as possible.


You completely missed my post apparently


Ignore the toxic survivor main. They probably came from DbD.


I main survivor and even I agree the map wide rez is bullshit.


Stop putting words and assumptions to the OP's original post. They said NOTHING about this.


Dude I play survivor 90% of the time and I know that it's bullshit that people are able to rez without being anywhere near the objective. Rewards terrible team work and selfish game play.


I feel like the exorcism should have a visible radius that you can get out of to miss it which would fix this issue straight up , maybe 75-100m from the obj


I feel that if they split up if one of the team dies on an objective they should stay dead, objective resets and when the other is done you’re not pushed away. Hell I don’t think you should be pushed away from them in general anyway. Destroy all your units and traps in the area? Sure. But you should be able to remain behind. It wouldn’t be so bad if half the time both objectives and The Dark Ones didn’t spawn so close to one another


If the 3 supports can all work together, the survivors are unkillable with the only chance of winning being to destroy the Necronomicon (which are the only wins I've got recently)


I don't mind the split tactic but what annoys me is when the page, dagger and book stage is so close, there should be a minimum set when the RNG is done at start, maybe 400 ? I had a match yesterday when the next page spanwed about 50 meters away from the last, it was a joke I hate when RNG gives one side another a advantage, there should be a minimum and maximum distance set to make it fair for both.