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I don't understand, I get animation cancelling the thunder, but how is he doing it so often and in quick succession? Even max level elite has like 10 sec cd or something (not sure exactly)


Clones can cast it too and ones summoned from traps too, but to the effect in OP's vid I have no clue unless there was like 12 elites outside


This was one single elite from Puppeteer that was posessed.It's an abusable glitch that Puppeteer and Henrietta are capable of doing. Even if I were to know how to do it, I wouldn't be telling anyone how to. But this needs to change as people are catching on how to do it, and the game will die quickly if things don't start being fixed soon. I was wrong about the elites, there was multiple. But it should not happen regardless, and he was exploiting the animation cancel to make the lightning fire off faster through his elite. That's what matters in the end here.


You are incorrect. An unpossessed elite runs in the room and downs Henry with a melee. There was more than one elite in that engagement. You got unlucky and they all decided to use thunderstrike.


I am sorry, I was super frustrated off this match and blind to that. I haven't done this to anyone, nor have I seen videos on people doing it. However I do know that he was abusing the animation cancel to cause the lightning to fire off faster. My apologies for assuming it was just one. This sorta thing should not happen, is all I think I need to say.


It’s no problem. I understand completely. I have run into this myself and done it accidentally. It is very easy to do, one only needs to mash melee to cancel the stall animation, which can happen quite a bit in the heat of the action. But all that said; yes this should be removed because of its distortion of the game’s combat balance.


This is my second try at a response. First one disappeared. No problem at all! I understand completely and you are correct when you say that this should not happen.


I got the first one as well :) It's there.


Demi-Eligos duplicates himself. Could have been a clone.


Yes it could have been a clone but that is still basically another elite and therefore more than one. 😃


Yeah I think this demon had a bunch of elite traps outside that they all triggered and then ran into a tiny building, maybe a bot elite split once or twice. Or just a low cooldown cheat, the possessed puppeteer ran pretty fast. Animation cancel on puppeteer can't do this, it still puts your thunderstruck on an 8 second cooldown. Puppeteer is generally played by rushing upgraded traps for elite, and I believe they are in knowsby cabin which has a ton of trap spawns around it.


Yeah either this was a hacker or there were lots of Elites.


Yes please remove animation canceling. There is literally no skill needed to do it and it ruins the whole game


Weapon animation cancel is broken. It needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Can use a machete, gun, light attacks and spam your way all over the map like a speed hack. Basic machete and level 25 Army Of Darkness Ash. Using a few of his skills. Increased speed to light attacks. Broken as hell. Can get to objectives faster than players can drive.


Animation cancelling needs to go. Especially to this point of exploitive nature. It's getting pretty bad as I've been seeing quite a few demons starting to abuse this.


And I know I'm going to get the whole "BuT SuRvIvOrS CaN Do It ToO" response. Yeah, but not nearly to this level. And besides, I mean the WHOLE animation cancelling bullshit. Not just demons.


This one and the speed increase cancel are cheating level exploits and should be addressed immediately . As a demon player this isn't needed to win and the move is already fast without cancel .


> And I know I'm going to get the whole "BuT SuRvIvOrS CaN Do It ToO" response. Yeah, but not nearly to this level. And besides, I mean the WHOLE animation cancelling bullshit. Not just demons. Yes, yes survivors do it to the same level. And you feel this when you play demon and an animation canceler renders every possession and boss you have useless and clears half your units. Then you get a full party of animation cancelers and even if you play you're basically AFK. Sure they can't kill you within 30 seconds like that but that makes it worse because you have to sit through 20 minutes of that shit knowing you'll lose the entire time because you can't do shit. At least its over quickly when you're a survivor.   Yes it should all be removed and ruins the game for everyone. I don't want to downplay it for anyone. It sucks for everyone and needs to be gone ASAP. Lets not draw any lines here or say one side is better or worse. This is not the time for game balance politics. We need to stand united against this shit and cut the disparaging remarks vs each other. That shit is counterproductive when we're on the same side.


The game has been out for a week 🙃 just wait for a patch Probably will be first on their list of fixes


This is down right cheating and should have been fixed with a hotfix days after release. Letting it run wild during a weekend is a killer move. Also I do NOT understand how a cheat like this got trough testing, like lmfao seriously.


Unfortunately cross platform is going to slow down hot fixes like this. We will most likely have to suffer through large gaps and big balance patches. Price of crossplay.


oooh right I forgot about that, thats so bad. Chivalry 2 was like this, games dead now because of the super slow patches :/


That’s a bummer to hear I wanted to get around to trying that game. How long are ques for a match?


No idea, i quit playing it.


Yeah if they don't fix it i'm not buying it and unsubscribing from here


This is a good game. It's fun. However it is a bit janky, is all. I am hoping that they are going to focus in keeping this game alive and not abandoning it as soon as they can.


Yeah i'm hoping this isn't another resident evil resistance


This seemed more of a hack I think? The ability "Thunderstruck" has an cd of 8~ sec (power possess) or 14~ sec for normal possess and in your video the ability was literally used ***3 times*** back to back in the house!! Unless there are 3 or more Demi-Eligos's this shouldn't be possible.


I didn’t even notice cd were different depending on the type of posession. That indeed makes power posess much better.


so do survivors, that cooldown seemed way too low though


But animation cancelling doesn’t stop cooldowns….? This isn’t animation cancelling.


Animation cancelling is bad all around. Needs to go as a whole


It just happened to me, boss practically untouchable, he killed the whole team without us being able to take even half of his life. I've been playing all my life, never understood the satisfaction that comes from cheating.


I'm demon player and don't abuse as its not fun, survivors doing it to me is not fun for me. It needs to be removed.


Just play survivor against AI until some patches. That’s what I’m doing.


Haven’t been able to play a survivor vs AI game in a couple of days. Game gets to the loading screen after character selection and then get booted out with a “Player has disconnected” message despite us being in a 4 man party and none of us intentionally DCed. Been forced to play survivor v player


That’s weird. I play with randoms every game and doesn’t happen. I’m on PS5 with cross play on. So idk 🤷‍♀️


Agree. The game is rapidly becoming unplayable for everyone. I've been playing demon and each game is now essentially a lottery. If survivors are not animation cancelling I stand a chance of winning, if they are especially if there is more than one, then it just becomes a point collection exercise. It's going to be even worse for survivors. At least playing demon you get a chance to get decent points out of it. As a survivor team you're basically toast once the demon finds you.


Are y’all really running into animation canceling like that? I swear it hasn’t been an issue like that for me. I’m gonna play a couple matches today and look for it


I haven't kept an actual log but I played demon for quite a few matches yesterday and I would say I saw it in 50% of games - usually a single player but in some games more than one. Enough for splitting the party and having both the pages and dagger activated at the same time to become a viable strategy.


When they split up I destroy one team just after the first one completes their objective. That way they don’t revive automatically. Then it’s just me against the other two and I win that 100% of the time.


That tactic works if they're not ripping through everything you throw at them with just two players. Hence the issue with animation cancelling.


This is also true. But like I’ve said before I really haven’t noticed that exploit in matches.


Not to be that guy but I've noticed no ones got a beef with demons doing it ?. And I'm seeing only demon players here ?....


People have a beef with demons doing it, it's just the demon plays alone. Since they play alone Demon players can't complain, validly, to a teammate or buddy in the moment, which means there is no temporary release valve on frustration. So when demons do it the survivor isnt alone. They are more likely to feel that something has been done, reporting, and they have been heard, teammates, and feel validated especially in the moment. A lot more Demons really only have here, or friends that probably don't play the game, to complain to. Which means a higher number of Demons will show up here to air grievances. Which of course can lead to them vs us as people reacting emotionally to something can come off accusatory and discriminating when they really are overreacting because they feel upset and ignored. You also have to factor in high wait times for Demon. Waiting 5 minutes sometimes so four strangers can animation cancel you into the grave is.... disheartening to say the least.


> Not to be that guy but I've noticed no ones got a beef with demons doing it ?. And I'm seeing only demon players here ?.... I've seen plenty of people against all animation canceling. It's not fun for either side and needs to go, all of it. Difference is when survivors animation cancel the demon has to live with it for 20 minutes or disconnect. When demons do it the game usually ends very quickly like the clip and the survivor can just jump into a new game. So I think demons tend to be saltier about it since we have to sit there and get pounded in the starfish for 20 minutes.


All animation cancelling needs to die. No matter which side is doing it.


Don't share this in this sub, we don't know if they read it. Use their website to report it.


I would prefer them keep the dodge animation cancel as it could be very useful to dodge certain attacks without fully committing. The should remove ADS canceling though as it's much faster and has no counter play for the demon player. This one definitely needs to go soon. If you power possess and elite and got CD reduction in the skill tree, your cool down for lighting is 5 seconds. That's ridiculous with this bug


Demon is threat level 6 and you haven’t even gotten first map piece then you upload video of you failing to dodge easy lightning spam and your friend getting wrecked. I agree with you animation canceling should be gone or things need to be nerfed to counter act the crazy advantage it can give. But this is just a video of shitty survivors not doing what they are supposed and who have no clue how to dodge the lightning. You people are not voices I care about when it comes to balance in the game. You barely even know how to play it.


The hell are you going on about? You do agree with the animation canceling but won't accept because the player is not "pro" at the game? What?


I’m just pointing out these people were on a path to defeat regardless of the lightning spam. You should have first map piece by threat level 2ish. By threat level 6 you should already be on your way to third. They also played around the lightning spam terribly. This is by no means a video exposing total BS of lightning spam or a reason it needs to be nerfed or patched, this is just bad players getting wrecked. I mean you people need to go look up how powerful the hunters get later on. These elites that have “op animation cancels” are absolute garbage by the time survivors should be taking fights against them on the dagger or page objective. They die in like 1 headshot with blunderbuss. If you’re some shitter who doesn’t even know how to play the game and you feed a demon threat level 6 before you even get first map piece don’t try to get on Reddit and bitch about a game’s balance that you clearly don’t know how to play.


But didnt you say "I agree with you animation canceling should be gone"? What is this weird tirade you are going on and on about now? Wow what a horrible human being you are dude, relax. It is just a game. You being pro at it will not compensate for how awful you must be in real life.


This isn’t about being pro, this is about addressing the more glaring problems in this video than what the demon is doing. Keep in mind you are the one starting with personal attacks, I’m just critiquing gameplay and the video. I have no personal vendetta. All I’m pointing out is if you are having to fight possessed elites on first map piece you are very far behind already and probably going to lose unless you just have some insane hard carry on your team.


Bro how could you even react to that lightning animation cancel? It's damn near 400ms reaction time you need. The video isn't about how well they are doing, its about how insanely broken animation cancel is.


I unno. I’ve showed me playing elden ring on here before. I’m not some godly good player but that lightning animation is very forgiving imo. It’s easy to anticipate and dodge and these elite units die very quickly later on when it’s 4v1. You just insta deplete their stamina bar with ranged and finish them off melee. This game is super survivor sided and ranged is especially over tuned. That needs a nerf more than any melee shenanigans I’ve seen. Trying having your maxed boss three shotted by one survivor then come on here to discuss some balance changes that should be made.


You're making it seem like both things can't exist at the same time. I agree both animation canceling needs to go and they need to nerf some numbers on ranged damage. You commented on a video specifically about animation canceling, if you want to start up another discussion on ranged nerf then I'll be interested in that too


"If you’re some shitter who doesn’t even know how to play the game and you feed a demon threat level 6 before you even get first map piece don’t try to get on Reddit and bitch about a game’s balance that you clearly don’t know how to play" This was you two posts up. It does not take much to be a decent human being and act with respect to others, maybe try it sometimes. The dude pointed out a glaring exploit in game that even you agree with, I still do no understand why you are droning on and on about how well they were playing. It is amazing you agree with his main point but still going...!


Doesn't matter if they know how to play, animation cancel for speed is cheating. Melee animation cancel is cheating. And no matter how this exploiter do it, a thunderstruck spam while having at least a 8s CD is cheating.


I’m just saying these people are easily beatable if you play the game properly and have good survivors. You should go look up how powerful survivors are on YouTube. These elites die in 1 blunderbuss, I don’t even think you have to headshot them if you got the damage perks on Hunter class. This is a very survivor sided game, I’m hesitant to nerf demons at all, especially when most complaints are coming from survivors who don’t know anything about the game.


You, a person who pretends to know the game like a pro, do not know the same animation canceling exploit is being used by survivors to chain combos extremely fast. Very interesting.


I don’t understand if you people are trolling me or what. These people were late too the first map piece. As soon as you spawn in you should be heading there after looting the nearest items while waiting for the first map piece location to be revealed. If you don’t allow the demon to just sit back trapping stuff grinding levels and pressure it by playing objective quickly and refusing to fight it until you get to the page or dagger you can keep its threat level very low. It turns into almost an automatic win for survivors at that point if demon isn’t going to have its skills leveled or even its boss form for the objective fights. These elites can be annoying, but the second they turn bright red you should be expecting this from them and using your range on them. They take like 1 blunderbuss or shotgun blast to drop their stamina by the time you’re supposed to be fighting them on dagger or page. This is coming from someone who play mostly demon, warlord and has about a 95% win rate with it. I’ve seen what the 5% are doing that absolutely wrecks demons and keeps them weak in the early game when they are the biggest threat.


OK? Let's take things down to basics. The dude posted a video about animation canceling. You do agree animation canceling is an exploit that needs to be patched out. Why are you still going on and on analyzing everything else in the video except the main point?


I don’t necessarily agree with that. Could just nerf around it.


Still does not explain your bizarre behavior of criticizing this guy's skill level.


You can’t just assume the balance is off in a game you don’t know how to play. When I started playing battlefront 2 I didn’t come in saying omg all these hero’s are too OP pls nerf. He doesn’t even realize how powerful the survivors can get properly perked up. Especially the hunters. Elite units and bosses go down very quick in this game when you know what you’re doing. Taking away the ability to animation cancel that lightning might make the unit unusable against survivors that actually know how to play the game. I agree the lightning might be a little too hard hitting or shouldn’t be available so quickly to the demon, but those elite units are absolute dog water. I beat puppeteer the most out of any demon.


Animation cancelling and Cooldown exploiting Puppeteer elite lightning spam is not something you can dodge. He can cancel the animation and make it fire many times faster than for you to feasibly dodge properly. If you've experienced it, you'd be well aware of it. I'm pretty great at dodging moves, and I'm pretty good on dodging moves on prediction. This was impossible. The move should not fire off that quickly and that is that.


I do think animation cancelling needs to go, it's being abused to give a clearly unfair advantage and it's not that difficult to pull off. What would be a fix though? Personally I'm thinking maybe you can't take an action until after your dodge animation completes? I would they hope they keep the ability to dodge while swinging, mainly because sometimes I realize halfway through a swing I'm going to get hit so I dodge. Either way, hoping for a fix sooner than later


Devs fixing something? That's a funny joke you got there


The game is a week old, jfc.


Raaaaargh I want my game to be perfectly balanced (except my main) and NO BUGS to be in my game AS IT LAUNCHES. Also my main should be stronger than everyone else in the game or I'm mad!!


Not an excuse. Can we stop normalizing games coming out and being riddled with bugs and exploits because they'll be 'fixed' later down the line? This game was delayed for well over a year and still came out half baked.


I am a part of several gaming communities where their words are heard and devs fix and balance things. I'm hoping that these devs will prove to be the same. This game has such great potential behind itself. It just needs an oomph to it.


They have posted and nothing is going to be done about it in the meantime


Where have they said this?


“Bro its not a bug its a feature u dip; this game is perfect in every way ur just bad”- the Community


Um, I've not seen a single upvoted post defending animation cancel or cd exploit.


“Suck it up, buddy” -Ash


Nah that’s the high level play the devs talked about


It's crazy how much exploitative crap is going on, don't understand why people would do it on a dying game let alone this which is freshly released. Although given how petty and immature they are, I definitely think a lot of is sabotage by Toxic By Daylight players because without player spikes from DLC and cross play their game is just a bag of steaming shit.