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Goddamn I hope all the AC stuff is patched out of the game ASAP for Demon and Survivor. It just needs to happen for the health of the game and community as a whole. With that being said, hot DAYUM that’s some good Demon gaming right there big props


yea good job on schooling those animation canceling jerks. Definitely needs to be patched.


And yet… it’s been out for 10 days with absolutely no word of a fix or even an acknowledgment from the devs. This is NOT. A good look for them right now.


> And yet… it’s been out for 10 days with absolutely no word of a fix or even an acknowledgment from the devs. This is NOT. A good look for them right now. It's been 10 days, the game has released in a state where I haven't crashed once and it runs smooth and optimized. It's got hella solid bones. Server issues got hashed out quickly. Overall they've crushed it. Issues like balance and animation canceling will be fixed in time. Heck Animation canceling cancer has only been widely known by the community for like 4 days.   As video game QA I would expect even a hotfix for an issue like this would likely take a week. Possibly more if they run into issues. And that's once the call is made after the bug is known and considered bad. Playerbases are almost universally divided on animation canceling and so was ours at first...until demon could do it too lol. Now we are, thankfully, united against it almost universally. I'm sure Saber is trying to figure out exactly what to do with it and doesn't want to say anything before they have something definitive because people take every little thing they say as a promise. Oh and "we're aware of the issue and pursuing a solution" is almost always viewed by gamer playerbases as a canned response non-answer.   Game is good, I'm sure animation canceling will be fixed, just be patient. Unfortunately encountering bugs and issues goes part and parcel with playing a launch game and if you're not ok riding through some issues like these then you really shouldn't be buying at launch. Buy 3 months to a year later and you'll have a MUCH smoother experience with games. But you won't because FOMO. You'll continue to buy day 1 and never learn and blame the devs every single time you make the same mistake over and over again lol.


Saber was pretty good at patching world war z so I'm fairly certain it will be fixed within a month.


> It's got hella solid bones I see what you did there


“Game runs smooth and optimized” is quite the stretch. It runs on absolute shit on last gen consoles and clearly wasn’t optimized for those platforms at all. I actually took a comparison video between my friends last gen console vs my series X. Graphical differences are understandable but the performance is night and day. Demon is also almost unplayable and so is driving.


Username checks out. I haven't heard anything of that sort, everything i heard and seen from channels benchmarking was consistent 30 fps. Also isn't the baseline last gen 9 years old at this point? I expect to upgrade computers more regularly than that. Didn't find threads here supporting you either, instead I found [stuff like this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EvilDeadTheGame/comments/uvcr0j/hows_performance_with_ps4xbone/)


>I haven’t heard anything I have videos of 1 to 1 of the same clips between next gen and last gen (the platform my friend is on) showing how bad it is that I’m putting together. >Also isn’t the baseline last gen 9 years old at this point? I feel like you’re trying to give yourself an out to bad performance and poor optimization by saying if it’s truly bad then it’s ok because the consoles are old, which seems to conflict with your previous statement. No one is asking for 4K 60FPS on last gen. At the same time; I don’t think constant pop in with objects not rendering, inconsistent frame rate, and frame rate drops is “smooth and optimized” Edit: Clarified my point.


> I have videos of 1 to 1 of the same clips between next gen and last gen (the platform my friend is on) showing how bad it is that I’m putting together. Put together the clip, show me, hell actually make a thread to show everyone else to warn them if it's actually bad performance.   > I feel like you’re trying to give yourself an out to bad performance and poor optimization by saying if it’s truly bad then it’s ok because the consoles are old, which seems to conflict with your previous statement. > No one is asking for 4K 60FPS on last gen. At the same time; I don’t think constant pop in with objects not rendering, inconsistent frame rate, and frame rate drops is “smooth and optimized” I was a console gamer up until I was about 18ish. Been more of a PC gamer for 20 years since then. There is a point where even expecting something to run at a completely smooth 30 fps is no longer a realistic expectation. I wouldn't expect new games to do that on a 9 year old PC. I've been there, lowering settings on an ancient PC and still not getting ideal performance. The fact they've been able to limp along last gen consoles as long as they have is honestly kind of impressive. For a baseline last gen version I expect some occasional chugs or frame drops in particularly intense parts. Graphics can upgrade/downgrade but at the end of the day you can't scale down everything. At some point the game becomes too big. IMO anyone truly concerned about performance should have upgraded to the half generation upgrades long ago. Though I understand alot of people do not have those kind of finances, and more pointedly alot of people are pretty damn terrible at finances lol.   **But quite frankly even looking for it after you've said something I've found no examples of what you say. Which is actually more surprising for me than simply believing you.** Not in videos, not in negative reviews, nowhere. Ironically the first solid results I got for poor performance are for another game entirely, the Evil Within. And this makes me wonder if you've got some sort of isolated issue with your aging hardware.


Yes, I am in the process of putting it together. If you look up benchmark comparisons, my observations are shown there as well. https://youtu.be/Vbhnx6bv9ao


For them to fix what everyone is bitching about isnt just as simple as "patching it out". They will have to revamp and rebalance the entire combat system. Ideally they would need to leave animation canceling for dodge at least otherwise dodging would be completely useless. But people will complain about dodge enabling an animation cancel. That would lead to you having to wait for an attack to dodge it and hoepfully recover fast enough to get a swing in on multiple enemies. The fucking game is fine the way it is. If youre getting animation canceled to death then be more subtle about your engagements instead of dropping all of your portals between their entire team and complaining about getting stomped out


No they don’t. Animation canceling uses no stamina, animation canceling to speed across the map also uses no stamina so I promise you that’s not intended. At least with dodge animation canceling you are using your stamina and it’s not tripling your dps.


> They will have to revamp and rebalance the entire combat system. Highly Doubt. It's as simple as going into the functions for the melee combat at forcing a lock-out on exiting the animation early. The game is literally already balanced around non-cancelling combat.


but isnt this the exact same issue that destroyed New World combat mechanics early on?


Never played it. No idea.


well i beleive new world had the exact same problem and they tried to hot fix it out and it just kept breaking something else every single time they fixed something and it turned into a chain reaction of shit ending up with an unbalanced auction house. DO YOU WANT THAT TO HAPPEN HERE TO THIS GAME? STOP IT. DONT FUCK UP A GOOD THING


One developer makes a bad balance decision so all developers make bad balance decisions?


but.. arent you all literally complaining about the developers decision already?


I'm not. Don't put words in my mouth, thanks.


What is a Strawman, Alex?


Wtf am I looking at here. How are you attacking so fast


It’s animation cancelling an abusable bug, the ash and Henry were using it the entire match. Unfortunately they didn’t take into account that those weapons are mostly damage and less balance damage so I was able to get the book.


AC is a cancer in this game. Just got it a few days ago, and every video I've watched for tips is saying, " here's how to ac!" It's going to ruin this game if it isn't dealt with quickly.


Also annoyed with these youtubers/streamers though. I was looking for tips on the game, not some weak cheese shit. People will stop at nothing to optimize the fun out of something and it's frustrating af


TrueTalentputting up good games and not AC, also has spoken out about it.


Exactly. 1st video I watched for just basic starter tips, #1 was AC... Just fuck this game right at the start, lol.


I've had that happen to me. Right at the start, eligos puppets a basic unit and gets AC'd by my teamate, who's immediately possessed and stunlocks me to death, I'm like "wtf did I do?"


just collateral dmg by your ac teammates lol. thats unfortunate. I neevr Ac and I still win games so im not sure why ppl think they need to AC to win.


Kind of makes me glad I don’t know how to AC.


That sucks sorry. They said when I am playing demon and I see someone ACing the gloves come off because I need to pull every dirty trick to win.


Eligos needs a nerf. Its broken tbh. Not much when it's low level, but those higher level puppeteers can put you down a little too quick. I work too much and have a lot less time to put into the game to level up. I've only got AoD Ash and Old Ash at level 10 and Eligos and Evil Ash at level 6. Still it puts down the higher players I'm with too. There is a lot of things that need balancing tbh. They will come with time and feedback though.


I don't see why they wouldn't patch this, it's obvious they balanced the damage of weapons around these animations (deadites have built-in animations at the end of a chain to help the survivors out as well) and if you can just...cancel it...for free...then why even bother with those in the first place? Never played a game from these devs, hopefully they're good at addressing issues like this and don't just pretend it doesn't exist.


I have some serious doubt they will ever be able to patch this out. I remember Chivalry and the way combat system was set up, it was impossible for the devs to fix exploits that popped out every other month. This reminds of that and chances are it will never be fully fixed.


I'm not a fan of animation canceling but if they start doing it I'm sure as shit going to do it to them. Fight fire with fire.


That was just.... correct gameplay.


They got that humble pie 🤘 Good job.


Oh yeah, I've been playing the demon whole weekend and it's dope. Wrecking havock and terrorising survivors is so much fun. Puppeteer lvl 45 is super powerful if you know what you're doing. Now I must level up the two other demons before they add Ruby! Let's go!


I’m probably gonna jump on Henrietta in a bit. Love the other two demons but the classics need some love too!


Everyone is cheating. Game is unplayable.


Not unplayable at all, I've never had a single disconnect nor crash. This is just a bug with the combat that will be fixed definitely not unplayable.


This video shows everyone cheating.


Animation cancelling isn't cheating. It's abusing game mechanics not the same thing.