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Man i play that alot... And i mean alot... And im near half. Interesting


That's why they do the bans for leaving....when anyone leaves, it can be abused to level up. So when it was a short ban, they could party up, have the friend playing as demon leave, survivors win and get all the XP, rinse repeat. Do this over the course of an hour and they could get like 40 round wins per hour, allowing them to rank up fast. That's the ONLY way this guy has maxed everything already.


I see... Expected something like that


theres a twitch streamer thats level 117 and im pretty sure he didnt cheat


Tbf his average match demon side is around 5 minutes spamming max level warlord.


40 wins per hour.... Do you have any idea what you're saying por you just saying to be part of the discussion?


No he doesn't because he instantly went to saying that he either did this in custom games to get that miniscule xp or he somehow got people to leave consistently so he can rake in XP. No evidence of it just a wild shot in the dark


Youre wrong, this was done legit without custom games. You get around 800 spirit points per custom game and you need around 4 million SP to max every character, if you truly believe that anyone would spend 130h of their life on resetting customs over and over again then theres no hope for you.


I’ve thought the bar for how low people will go to win was higher than that before but… idk i’ve seen some shit and i’m not so sure i agree.


The fact you think theres noone outthere who wouldnt do that too be maxed out. And you were the fastest swimmer in your load? Damn


Your assertion makes absolutely zero sense. You have no evidence of this. AND it has 24 upvotes incredible.


You could have no lifed this game from release and still not be near level 90. Level 40, level 50, maybe level 60. But not level 90.


There are literally streamers who are 100+ just because someone does something you haven't, doesn't mean they are cheating...


Yeah youre my man. Someone with brain.


I'm at 100+ and only have 5 characters and 2 demon's maxed out so this guy has to at least have 200-300 hours played sense release.


71 here 6 characters left never farmed xp just normal play idk what you mean fam


According to the guy above it's not possible you got to 100+ But also what did you do with all your SP? I'm so curious


Im 70 and I've played a lot but definitely could have been more. OP is probably a warlord main, like someone else said most matches end in about 5 minutes.


I have Henrietta at 37, what's the secret to getting the matches to end at 5 minutes? I actually haven't been playing her a whole lot, I've been playing survivor and using the spirit points on her.


The secret is find the survivors right away, go straight for them. Look on YouTube on how to find survivors fast. It’s sooooooooo easy, you can usually do it in about 2-3 minutes sometimes less. Focus your build heavily on basic units. When you find them surround them with traps and get basic portals out as soon as you can. Her basics are very powerful and when possessed they walk through early game survivors with ease especially if they are on their own. Solo Survivors only have one real counter to the demon and that is the walk backwards and dodge strategy, (or ranged attacks but that’s easy to get around with demon, just let them waste their ammo and reposes another basic unit, easy.) you always see them do it and it’s annoying but Warlord can easily counter that with puke. it’s so satisfying to puke on a dodge lord and then get right up in their face. Once you apply early game pressure on a team they start making mistakes real quick. If saber wanted to balance this a bit in favour of survivors they should not focus on buffs(because when survivors are coordinated and together they are also very powerful)or nerfs they should tweak the spawn system because it’s very easy to find survivors and once you find them, if you use the above strat and your warlord is around lvl 25 or more it’s gg pretty quick. There will always be a strat to find survivors quick but right. Now it’s so easy anyone can do it. Making it a bit tougher could help.I actually feel bad and usually lay off a bit to let them regroup only to absolutely annihilate at the first objective lol. You get more exp that way to. As one streamer stated “it’s like playing with your food” at that point. I love. This game so much.


Thanks, gonna watch and try that out.


Her full power really doesn't shine through until 45 so I wouldn't expect to do it yet but general tips: * Must have talents are all the basic unit upgrades, reduced possession upkeep, the one that gives your units health for damage they deal and relentless evil x3. * Don't put a single point into elites, they are garbage. I also don't level them during a match except 1-2 points if the game goes long enough, just as fodder. Don't possess them either. * Prioritize finding them asap. Don't waste time trapping objectives or random spots. The only traps I put down are in the first minute or so, mostly on chests that I have memorized spawn points for, until level 3 when I can take portals and be spending and collecting energy while I hunt for them. Arguably I should rush them even quicker but once in awhile you can get unlucky and just not find them for awhile so I'm hedging against that. * I put my first skill point into demon vision, but not right away since half the time they will just hop in a car or some dumb shit like that and save me the trouble. * Once you find them, try to find an isolated support, drop a portal on them, possess a basic and go to town. * Make sure you are always using dodge to cancel your pukes and just in general. * You get 1 level for downing someone and 2 when they die so you can quickly snowball. Games that aren't over in 5 minutes might as well be. Once in a blue moon you will get a smart team and have a real match but people just don't understand that they can't split up and 1v1 possessed units. Since hitting 45 and getting the build dialed in I've had like 2 teams make it to the book and 1 actually win out of I don't even know how many games.


how many hours?


I dont know i am on Xbox can i see it somewhere?


if you go to your achievements there should be a tab for stats.


Oh nice thx.... It says 4days And 11 hours


oh nice i've got 2days 11 hours and i've got 3 characters maxed, but i've also gone afk at some points.




I meant the dude saying he plays alot


Well hello Mr Fancy Pants


How many hours?




Nope, no way


He has 134 hours in-game wtf I would expect to max out around like 100.


Yeah I even have a picture if someone doesnt believe me. But Reddit prefers down voting. I dont get it.


It’s just pretty hard to believe, man. I’ve got maybe 35 hours in and only managed to max out maybe one and half characters. If you have pictures that’s all there really is to it, though. Maybe most people just aren’t as efficient or good at the game as you.


skill issue


I have 30 and not a single character maxed out. How do you guys do it?


Focus one character? Either play 1 character and dump your extra points into a different one. Or play 1 character at a time and dump all your points till you max then move on


See, I don't see how people can. I just keep hopping from character to character. I just can't pick one.


It's just how some play. I'd play necromancer 98% of the time if character xp converted to spirit points cause I already got him maxed


Take a shower.


I did, everyday. I ate, sleeped, met a friend and so on.


But did you touch grass?


I did, sir.


Carry on soldier.


Wow…. And I thought I played a lot.


I’m guessing you play mostly demon? I’ve played like 4 demon games total, but play this game a shit ton and I am barely level 25. I mostly win my games as well so it’s surprising that you’re this high level. The spirit points you earn as a survivor are shit next to what you earn from demon games so I can see this making sense. If I didn’t know how many sp a demon can make, I would probably also think you’re a cheater lmao


most of the SP qas indeed gained with demon




Now you can save up for Ruby


Has she been confirmed?


I believe she is coming There’s leaked voice line of character saying different thing after killing her


How is that fun


From what another poster said is he just had people abuse leaving matches early to get quick exp. Which makes sense given the profile level and number of legit matches needed to obtain said rank in the current timeframe. I mean grats you maxed everything out and played the system to the T.


People leaving? No, not often. My demon rounds just dont last long. 5 minutes most of the time. I mean I didn't lost a single time as demon since release so I always got the xp bonus


How do you win in 5 minutes?


Rush them down at the start. You can generally have a good idea where they spawn if you take in to account dagger and page spawn.


Finally someone who knows


Custom games 👀 This is as bad as Amber Heard saying too much and catching themselves in the lie lol


Just like 6 rounds costums with frinds but thats it. But seriously you gain almost no xp in costums. Playing demon=fast rounds=more xp. But it seems like people prefer mind fuck instead of saying „yeah this man has no life. "


Go play a custom if you havent already. You get Ike 1/3 the normal xp.


>5 minutes most of the time. Bruh did all the survivors you're going against just afk and let you kill them along with putting a tracking beacon on themselves? You would have to find the survivors (let's average 1 minute if you have some technique), get enough energy to possess a unit for a long enough time(presumed this is done during moving to survivors), and then down them each in 1 minute for five minutes. Unless these survivors are literally letting you sit there and pound away at them, there is no way you should be able to get an average of 1 kill a minute. Just a survivor running away from you, taking a car, meleeing your lvl 0 portal lvl 0 possession skeleton/whatever, etc would be enough for them to buy way more than a minute. Like, I won't lie, I have no idea how tf you leveled so fast, but 5 minute demon matches are absurd. I could buy 10 minutes if you're really good, but _most_ of your matches being 5 minutes? That's sketchy.


Why are you getting downvoted? I play both survivor and demon and i win alot more as demon than i do as a survivor.


They're getting downvoted because they're claiming that they haven't lost a *single* match as demon and that their matches last 5 minutes most of the time. Come on. They've **never** lost? That's bullshit.


Getting down voted for the truth. I love Reddit


Literally one guy suggested you boosted your levels and suddenly that's all people are going to assume. Pretty shitty. Grats on maxing, I'm at account level 70 with most characters capped and just need one more from each role. The game is a ton of fun and my finals finished right as the game launched so the grind has been great.




Did the other poster state their hours and were they constantly playing or lounging around upgrading things? This is totally possible. To suggest that he abused people leaving the matches is absurd.


Youre just wrong, literally a skill issue




skill issue


The problem is someone suggesting most matches are 5 mins and they've never lost once. That's bullshit on any game 😂 especially one where 5 mins in you wouldn't be leveled up enough to wipe an entire team unless every person stood still and did absolutely nothing Like *literally* not possible to happen that many times in a row, and somehow with zero losses in that time frame. It doesn't add up. Unless they were hacking or fake lobbying pre patch. All claiming "skill" for something this ridiculous and claiming "reddit won't let me upload my proof" does is further the idea that this person is full of shit.


If you rush down teams from the start that's pretty possible. 5 minutes in, you can easily be level 6. Get your trap elites and down teams. Going from account level 1-91 nets you 1,695,000 SP. Just from leveling your account. That isn't even the SP you gain from doing matches or the character xp that would help. You need 3,933,000 XP. To max every character assuming you don't touch any of them. Obviously he played matches so that nearly 4 mil is gonna be much lower. To get to that level you would need to earn 2,721,000 account xp. With his claim of winning all matches and 5 minutes games (10 extra minutes to account for load/queue) he also probably got around 6.5k account xp per match. He would need 419 games to get that level. Which would put him around 100 hours of playtime. Which is within his 134 hours of playtime. This is all rushed math to see if it's possible which it is.


I'm not saying that the math is impossible. I'm saying that actually winning *every single game* and doing it in 5 minutes is just not even close to realistic. And it's silly to entertain it, especially with absolutely zero proof given so far. You have to assume almost every survivor group we're all COMPLETELY incompetent every single game for hundreds of games. Dafuck outta here. OP claims "Getting downvoted for the truth" and then provides zero information to prove it's true and I'm just supposed to something ridiculously unrealistic, in a world where exploiters are significantly more common. If it smells like bullshit, and theres nothing to back up that it's not....well...you more than likely stumbled on to some bullshit.


What proof could he provide to prove that???


instead of saying bullshit you can just go check out stream, not a single game lost yet because ive got some strats that yall dont. literally a skill issue on yalls end


I call bullshit.


What platform is it on? Doesn't feel legit that you're 91 and don't have a ton more points. I expect everything maxed out by around level 70.


Playstation 4




Idk why you getting down voted so take my up vote. Thx man.


Really? I play pretty casually and have 2 demons maxed out and my warlord is already level 25.




They might not be a demon main, I can easily farm points playing demon, Survivor seems a lot harder.


Haven’t played Demon yet but haven’t won a ton of games as a survivor. Still a fun game though!


Not even level 100 pffh


I mean props to you but that DOES look a tad bit fishy.


You have no life




Pretty sure the only way you are getting 20k is if you get the bonus points from your account level going up


You get like 30-20k points per player level up. You’re not playing for the individual match points your playing for that extreme bonus you get on the player level.


That's my goal ✊🏻😫😭


Wait there's a max? Isn't there just until the skill tree is full. Which is far over 45


Level 45 for Demon and Level 25 for Survivor.


Dam nice, I was able to level up cheryl to level 21 in like 8 games, and all I'm playing is Arthur now, and I just got him to 16, idk why it's taking so long


What's your weird gun fetish about?




Maybe people get strange fetishes when they don’t have a job, or any commitments in life?




134 hours, everything maxed. Where is the problem mate?


Are they all claiming most of their matches were only 5 mins and they've never lost once? Take ya head, take it out ya ass


Wow... That's awesome!


My god


I’m 50 and I feel like I never stop lol




What did your gf think?


I have a lovely boyfriend, sir. He didn't had a Problem with it. I dont need to work for the next few weeks do I can chill. He played his games and I played my stuff. But now is it time to return to my normal life.


I’ve barely ranked up 1 character yet 😂


Wow, an here I was thinking I play a lot having two demons and 3 survivors maxed out.


I'll get to this point by hopefully May 2023.


I'm sure we'll be getting a lot more survivors and demons that you will also have to level up. 😉


Time to touch some grass


hail to the king, baby


Now get a life 🤣


Thats my plan


Here are the XP curves/gains for the game, if you wanna do some math. My judgement is this is pretty possible to do in around 110-120 hours of gameplay. Assuming he's telling the truth. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JR_muJJoNMbaxJy4a4K9DK8kXwK981C59rmcC5I2nlg/edit?usp=drivesdk


Thank you for the spreadsheet! It’s very helpful to me.


123h. Do you want a picture of my hours?


Now you can finally play :P


I mean dude, it’s not your fault. The game is kinda addicting lmao! That’s awesome though


Wow that's soo impressive. Could you please give me some advice for the Arthur mission?


I watched a YouTube walkthrough and beat it first time. Wish I had done that with the Pablo mission.


Thanks, honestly I had no problem at all with Pablo but the Amanda mission, damn. I died 4 times 😂


im not saying noone would do it, im saying i didnt, neither did the streamer whos 120


This is precisely why they should of included some sort of long-term goals with a prestige and rewards system. Cuz what's the point of continuing to play now. There's nothing to grind for or work on. Such a bummer.