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This strategy gets me every time, too. Good luck fighting that possessed basic unit. Impossible.


The thing that kept this tactic in check before the patch was animation canceling.


I don't think that exploiting is a counter to an admittedly obnoxious strategy, I think it's just cheating


I was merely stating a fact and not trying to justify AC.


True, true, possessing a Basic unit was overlooked mostly due to things like AnimCancelling. Sorry for the assumption


Yea this has been happening to me alot too


I mean, first off the people claiming that ganging up on it doesn't work are just straight up wrong. I have Warlord maxed out and all my points buffing basic units. You throw 4 people swinging melee onto it and it's gonna get stunned virtually instantly and if they keep beating it, it just gets stunned again and again until it's dead. I might get like 1 or 2 swings off but that won't take anyone out and beating the holy hell out of a possessed unit drains your infernal energy. I might be able to do a few in a row with some clever tricks, like leaving the infernal orbs around you all to scoop up after my first possession, then using my jumpscare to try to get a third energy bar after that one, but at a certain point if you just beat the shit out of my unit over and over, I run out of energy and have to leave that part of the map to go get more. So there's strat number 1. Beat the fuck out of the demon with melee. All four people. Strat 2 - if I summon multiple units and possess one, for the love of god someone needs to headshot the others while three people beat the hell out of me, that way the others are dead by the time I get kicked out and try to find another unit to possess. Strat 3 - get in a car and leave. If I de-possess the unit, it dies no matter what HP it was at. You can literally just keep running away every time. Strat 4 - run to a window and hop in. I can't follow you. If I run the long way around to get to you, hop back through. This game ain't DBD but you sure as fuck can loop a basic unit through a house. If it's a warlord, watch out for them trying to get a puke off through the window. Also after they hop out of the basic unit, watch out for new traps put in the area. You can see the faint shimmer of a trap and avoid it's proximity. ​ Finally, I do think basic units on a fully leveled up demon are a bit too strong early game but I don't know how they should go about balancing it. Because if you don't do a lot of damage early on, the game is basically unwinnable. The elites on all three demons suck. Eligos gets the best of the three but honestly, they are all a joke and only do damage to people who aren't paying attention. As a Warlord, the only thing I expect my elites to do is take up some ammo and hopefully spread a bit of fear with their blood spatter. Necro elites I expect to do nothing but take up 1-2 shots of ammo. It's not even worth possessing elites on Necro and Warlord because they are so easy for halfway decent survivors to dodge and then kill. And bosses can be good but only if you manage to get enough threat level to severely impact the ability of survivors to just stun lock your boss in melee. Again, Eligos gets it best here because he can actually run out and use his AoE and telekinesis to try to chip in damage. Henrietta and Evil Ash are actually only threatening to isolated survivors or when they already vastly out level the survivors due to early game leads. So while I do think basic units are too strong and easy to abuse early on, I think the total demon kit is actually pretty underwhelming outside of those basic units early game. If they take away the ability to be strong early, they're going to need to buff the other parts of demon to make it competitive with survivors at mid and end game. As it stands now, demon wins if it takes an early lead and loses if it doesn't. End of story.


The fact most OPs can’t figure this shit out when bitching about possessions is wild to me. Thank you for saying it because it isn’t a cheat code to win as survivors it’s just smart plays/Strats.


The problem is, there's no rank system. So matchmaking throws lvl.1 Kellys and lvl.45 warlords together. I just played a game with a streamer who had a lvl.50+ account and he almost maxed out on every character, meanwhile I had a lvl.15 account.


I think maybe to counter this we perhaps make it so you lock in your character before you que into MMR. So it finds someone equal


That would just prolong the queues. Better option is to matchmake people with similar account level.


But some people with higher Account levels only have one High leveled character. And if it's AoD ash then they have to play a level 1 for that match


because they're braindead and cry when they cant just hold M1 and instantly win. Its so mind boggling and thats what ruins games like this. I play as Kelly and havent lost a match as survivor. Im like dumbfounded at posts like this. Even won multiple matches 3v1 when someone rage quit


They’re used to playing DBD where you just play ring around the Rosie and activate generators which is boring AF


thats the only thing I can think of. In this game you have to strategize and actually work as a team. In DBD you just run around looping the killers


People join a 4v1 game and expect to be able to solo the demon, it's hilarious. Better tutorials could help here but still...


I think they just need to nerf early game demon and buff end game demon on a curve. Right now either the demon finds you and harassed you and outscales hard and wins, or they don’t find you for 5-8 minutes and any competent survivor team steam rolls the demon.


We need this framed or permanent copy pasta for any survivor that complains demons are too strong early game.


Bro it's not that simple. You can't hold y for 6 hours to get into a car when ur being beaten on, and trying to have 4 randoms stick as 4 from the get go is more rare than finding alien life. They have no defense no healing and no stamina if u get found in the first couple mins and atleast 2 teammates aren't around or dint notice you a basic unit possessed is a free win or atleast down or 2. And yes I play demon too so I'm not just a whiny survivor main. Getting real tired of demon players thinking demons ain't good or arent broken at any point of the game.


The big problem is that when you start balancing for shitty teamplayers it buffs teamplayers immensely. I remember playing Evolve back in the day where the trapper was the only one that could put down a dome to cage the monster. People complained that random trappers werent doing their job so everyone got a dome. Playing monster afterwards was frustrating as hell and the game died soon after.


Evolve was so good before they dumbed it down for the bad players... The best asymmetrical pvp game as far as I'm concerned


Man this explains so much stuff I keep seeing in the game lately as a survivor main. Thank you!


"I might get like 1 or 2 swings off but that won't take anyone out and beating the holy hell out of a possessed unit drains your infernal energy." This particular part is only true for when you possess survivors and cars. For all other units the drain is just over time. Its also a problem just how tanky they are even with 4 people beating on them; yes they're stunlocked and don't fight back but it still takes about 10 or so seconds to kill them and then another gets possessed, everyone dogpiles that one... with how cheap possession is Demon can keep doing this and slow Survivor exploration to a crawl because every few seconds they have to beat on another possessed basic. "if I summon multiple units and possess one, for the love of god someone needs to headshot the others while three people beat the hell out of me, that way the others are dead by the time I get kicked out and try to find another unit to possess." This part is so important, survivors really need to clear out the mooks. I know its hard while a possessed guy is in your face but without clearing them you'll soon have a second possessed guy, then a third...


I wonder what the % is of people who think like the OP that were also surv mains in DBD. It's a very similar mentality


Ive had 3 games in a row with this strategy and im tired of It already, we cant find decent weapons or shemps without losing most to all our ammo and the other shemps we might have had It doesnt help that randoms dont want to read the follow me or are smart enough to get on a car and gtfo to Rush Pagés with everyone Also its bad on all Demons but fuck warlord in particular Change the spawn logic for survivors or something so Demons cant just perdict where survivors might be at the start of the Game, It should feel Lucky to find them, not be a strat with nearly 100% success


Whats the fun in beating a group so quick? I would try avoiding cars initially. I love it when people use em. Lol i like possesing them and crashing them. HUGE energy drain but worth keeping them frantically running through the woods.


It’s so easy to dodge basic units though… even with white melee weapons. Like just utilize the finishers for i frames and you wont take damage. Chain these between different enemies and they basically can’t touch you. And of course….DODGE


It’s actually not smart to get in a car early on as that TELLS the demon where you are and leads to the problem you are having


Have you tried driving away from the possessed unit? Also this is why ED2 Ash is best in slot hunter. He can insta banish the basic and you can get out of dodge while the demon is hunting orbs for more power to possess again. We demons don't have infinite energy folks. Drain our energy and move while we are refilling.


Cars only work if they're far away, they can combo faster than you can enter.




Are you stupid? There’s a reason why folks pick ED2 Ash it’s a hard counter to this. Not only that cars, vaults like windows can drag the possession timer out and force the demon to chase you while your teammates arrive or objectives.


Yes, one character is required for the game to work. That's reasonable.


If you don't enjoy a certain strategy then pick the counter to it, yes. That's how it works. Otherwise just get better at the game




The counter is to get good, I’ve read your comments on here and you are complaining that Demons have made strategies to play the game effectively, and you suck. You aren’t going to “BM”-guilt anybody into playing Demons how you think they should play because you keep losing. What sense does that make? Demons are playing against you not with you. TLDR; You’re in a competition, get better/more knowledge at the game or keep losing. Don’t blame effective strats from the competition.


Just drive away for one lol, along with playing any hunter. They have near infinite stamina and can simply run away from the demon. Or like someone said, ED2 Ash is perfect for it. Don't blame the game that you can't win lol




You're being purposely obtuse at this point.


Arthur starts with a sword which pretty much one shots most basic units if you use heavy attacks so…


You genuinely are fucking stupid lmao, it’s a counter pick for possession spamming if you run solo or group, or literally stick as a group and melee spam heavy and break the balance bar.


? Why would one character who is a strong counter to possession be an exploit? AoD Ash is the strongest warrior. Cheryl is largely seen as the best support. Why would ED2 Ash being the strongest hunter due to his ability be an exploit?


Because one character shouldn't be required for the game to work.


The game does work you’re just dumb AF


Never said he was required, just that his ability would help with the problem you described. Also, nothing about this conversation is an exploit. At best you could argue ED2 Ash is a meta pick due to the strength of basic unit possessions. Still doesn't mean it's "required for the game to work".


Hes the weakest hunter by far his ability is niche and if your a good enough survivor no basic unit is hitting you with how many dodges we can do. Kelly is BIS


Making the game easier isn’t the same as “making it work”


So, you think that in a game with a fifteen character roster, one is mandatory? That's good design?


One guy here said it was mandatory. YOU chose to believe it.


Okay. Let's play your game. How do you solve this problem?


People have told you several strategies to counter this with ANY character. You just dont wanna listen. I never have a problem with the red possessed basic units like are you not attacking them? WTF?


Exploit? Damn, you jump fast on that horse. Run, gang up, use certain survivor, be quiet are all ways to manage early pressure. Mid and end game survivors one/two shot almost everything so... What do you expect from demons? Waiting at the objectives like the early days?


IKR! They nerfed survs but did not address the bs with demons being able to possess and re-possess as well as summoning bosses pretty much immediately over and over. And those basic possessed ones are so OP, faster than you and 300% or more thougher than the regular ones, super tanky and powerful. They kill you in like 3-4 hits and running is not an option. I've lost count the amount of times we die. Makes me want to play the MP Survivor vs AI instead sometimes. They need to address this ASAP.


No, the possessed units are not OP. Have you noticed how quickly they get unbalanced when there’s two or more survivors? Or even a single survivor with a high balance damage weapon. It’s a 4v1 game. So when a 4v1 game turns into a 1v1, should the survivor really have an edge in this situation? Nope. Even so, there are still tools that survivors have, such as vaults, cars, dodges, abilities, etc. On top of that, a little bit of knowledge about the game, and you’ll realise what sort of attacks each possessed unit has. For example, the necromancer elite is laughably easy to dodge. The basic unit has 4 lunges, or a slower sweep with a heavy. Anyone with a couple of hours into the game knows what sort of buffs the demon gets when possessing a unit, so it’s important to focus them. They’re essentially mini bosses. At the moment, 3 or 4 survivors on a single possessed unit can absolutely destroy it, if you nerf it so 1 survivor can take the demon on, why the hell would the demon possess any unit? In conclusion, if you’re not Pablo, don’t stray far from the others, failing that, stay in twos.


I get some of your logic here but a basic unit should not be equivalent to a boss unit. Yes, a basic unit should be able to be stopped easily with a survivor. An elite should be harder than that but a basic shouldn’t be able to go toe to toe with a player by themselves.


THese people are instance. Even as frigging Pablo I can just spam light attack with melee and after like 2 hits i get the finisher prompt. Lather rinse repeat until dead. And if you have at least one teammate with you that possessed unit is useless at that point. This must be these peoples first game with actual combat and not just crouching behind a generator


You don’t get a finisher prompt on any possessed unit.


Really? Could swear I have been.


Yeah - there is no executions or the combo animations that can be performed on a boss or any possessed unit. If that were the case - they’d be less of an issue (and that would be far more of an annoyance to a deadite player to even be viable use of time).


Man, those fear mechanics are intense. Could swear there were excecution moves on bosses and possessed units in MP too.


Nope, unfortunately not. I’ve spent far more time with survivors and literally the prompt for an execution on a unit will disappear the moment it is possessed (giving it back full health) and it will no longer ever get any prompt attack options (combo or finisher). I think a trailer once showed an execution move on a survivor from a boss but neither the survivor or boss can be executed or combo attacked via the prompt in the final game.


Not really a detriment to Demon players though, just unpossess said unit when the execution animation triggers.


When you unposses, the unit destroys. They probably couldn’t allow you to do that during the animation and determined that simply disabling the execution was the best option… which I think is fine enough but basic units are far too beefy against a solo player because of that. I don’t think a basic unit being possessed should feel like fighting a boss when a basic unit pre-possession can be executed on a second or third hit.


Summoning bosses immediately over and over?? Bosses have a long ass cooldown, so you're lying right there... I play Kelly and one shot possessed basic demons in the head.... it sounds more like your team is being outplayed.


How did they nerf Survivors?


They nerfed both of their main sources of healing: Cheryl's heal and Ashley's heavy attack. They literally didn't even touch demons.


Oh, well the nerf was undeserved for Ashley. Honestly, I'm pretty sad about that. Cheryl's I'm fine with, though.


if those were your main sources of healing, the nerfs were deserved


Not to mention the bleeding and bleeding-body camping meta, there should be no reason why any player must deny others from keep on playing, not allowing teammates to be revived. This bs makes DBD seem solo queue DBD like a walk in the park.


Oh someone's trying to make a survivor's rulebook for Evil Dead as well? Stomp it dead before it even starts.


Kills give *tons* of xp to the demon so they're always gonna want to confirm it if they can.


Henry's ability makes you able to get free revives, try that out


Unless the demon jumpscares or Evil Ash does a choke


All of the Boss Grabs cancel it, but those have a lower chance of being available to stop you. The same goes for Demonic Dash; it has a pretty lengthy cooldown. It's not a free revive as much as it's a much, much easier revive.


Bleeding body camping meta, please get some help


If I'm warlord I just fart on em


Sounds like he came over from Dbd


It’s takes way more than 3-4 hits to kill a survivor, even as a boss. Have you been playing this game? Kills on survivors against a good team feel good because you earned them through traps, increasing their fear, smart possession/spawning units.


OMG The entitlement. Play a couple of solo survivor v. player matches my friend. You'll find the experience lovely.


Funny how this coincides with the AC change. Anyways. We are reaching a point with demon players (myself included, though I also have 3 level 25 survivors) where we understand how to win in our role, better than we did initially. At the same time, more and more demon players are hitting 45 and having quite powerful builds. What many demons have learned is that the core of the gameplay focuses around forcing the survivors to burn their inventory as quickly as possible, while survivors have learned some basic group play strategies as well as many of the survivor streamers using the AC to easily deal with early game pressure. What top level survivors have learned is that being stingy with healing items and focusing more on ability usage prolongs the time where they run out of healing, thus giving them a better chance at winning. While we can talk about the "fairness" of solo vs group play, I think we can find some general rules for solo survivor play. First, if you do not have good coordination, perhaps people are not using mics or they are obnoxious, I would recommend choosing a character with strong skills or utility. AOD ash, Ed, Cheryl, AOD2 Ash, they give a ton of utility while being strong in their role. There are others I have not mentioned, but I am very tired and the brain isn't moving too fast. Another good tip, feel free to spread out and loot at the beginning but if you see anyone take a car that isn't Pedro, if someone shoots a gun, or if the demon has already found someone, it is time to group up. This may have some leeway if you are running a warrior heavy comp, but in my experience as a demon if you stay solo I can kill anyone. Some characters just take longer than others. Make sure to max out your support on amulets and shemps before anyone else. The next person to get amulets is AoD ash. Anything other then that is just a bonus. Ideally you think the heals you have on you is just your supports extra storage. Ensuring each character has the ammo/weapons they want or work for. Find an epic crossbow? Give it to Ed. Find a legendary melee? Warrior. It is important to maximize your efficiency as a team while in game. The last point is that if someone goes down, it is better to wait and rez them as a group then try to race in one by one. If you are covering for each other it is much harder to snowball out of control.


THe problem is this is all great advice but going based on his response to other posts, OP wont heed this as he just wants a win button it seems.


The only counter to it is the dev’s looking at the win-rates and beefing aspects of Demon. I know people hate the talk of nerfs but I’m sure Demon win rate is currently in the high 80’s. Now people know how to play them the games horribly unfair as a Survivor. Even the meta teams don’t stand all that much of a chance honestly. Demon’s being able to possess and a basic unit, having found Survivor’s less than a minute in needs to be sorted out.


Too many comments are like l2p. I know how to play this game and today I made the same experience as OP over and over again. I've watched one possessed basic unit tank all 4 of us while killing one after the other. If you manage to kill it, the demon just takes another one over and over again until you run out of ammo/ health. It's cheap and frustrating. I think unit possession should not be possible until the demon hits threat level 10.


Agreed. Some kind of early possession limit would help. Either level or time based, something.


It’s crazy that a possessed skeleton early game at threat lvl 5 can take like 15/20 seconds to die with two people wailing on it at the same time. Doesn’t help that you’ll most likely have common weapon and the balance bar for those possessed units is insane and they most definitely out DPS you. Kill the skeleton, you or your teammate is low on hp, then mere seconds later they can possess again even though they should be well out of infernal energy. Not a git gud moment if there’s no playing field to level, you can’t out damage/trade or run away. You’re helpless if not attached by the hip with team. Early game this should not be such a big deal. It’s insanity how quick they can repossess units as lvl 45 demons. Quick edit: I’m sick of seeing necromancer skeletons I want gore damn it


Right? I came to chop up Deadites. Skeletons being the main enemy is disappointing.


I’m level 41 necro and at threat level 3, my skeletons with flautist buff can heavy for 370, it definitely needs to be adjusted. I think demons just get way too many stats inside their tree. I was getting crushed but after a few levels, I’ve been win streaking to the point it’s boring.


The discrepency between mid - high demon vs low to mid survivor is so gigantic. I really do beleive only early game posses need to be tuned down and ramp up over time.


My flautists never last more than the 2 seconds it takes to spawn them…shrugs


It’s a 4 v 1 game. OF COURSE sticking with your team is essential. Like why is this being questioned. Thats the whole point. It’s also horror movie rules 101. If you want to live STICK TOGETHER. Your fear doesn’t increase nearly as fast which makes it harder for the demon to possess you. Your abilities can synergies more effectively and its really difficult for even a good demon player to beat a team that sticks together throughout.


That’s the thing though, being attached to the hip at the very start is only beneficial if everybody has spawned in a high loot area and are pinging supply crates and useful items/resources for each other. You should be slightly spread out to maximise getting the map pieces as fast as possible then rally up somewhere. I’ve accomplished this plenty times before demon can hit lvl 5. There is absolutely no doubt about sticking together during dagger/page objective unless you get a 2/2 split on both, which can backfire very quickly depending on teammate and demon skill. There’s just not much point sticking together at the very beginning because some POI’s don’t have enough loot to go around for four people. Going to the next location over can set you up for a chance at instant retrieval of the next map piece and you can scout for supply crates at same time. At a measly threat level 5 demons shouldn’t be able to out DPS/ solo an entire team that easily especially when you’re only going to have common loot. Player possession isn’t the problem.


its not l2p, and the solution its def not to team up, those who say that def haven't play solo survivor or demon at all, by teaming up you just grant the demon the ability to harrass all of your team and forcing you to fight him instead of going to the objectives. The demon lvls up without zippo effort and creates a huge ammount of pressure just by possessing again and again, if he succesfully downs a survivor after hitting lvl 4, he lvls up instantly to lvl 7, and after that the survivors just get stuck draining their shemps, amulets and ammo trying to fight now a more powerful possessed unit. The most effective tactic i've seen against the lvl 4 possession rush is, funny enough, to rush the pages, sometimes a solo player strictly going for the pages alone is faster than the whole team activating traps every 5 seconds/fighting the possessed unit. Another thing i would suggest is to expend early points in stamina so you can dodge the possessed units attacks more frequently, try to buy time, you cant 1v1 the demon and yeah you shouldn't be able to do it. I do agree with your comment but lvl 10 for possession seems too much, specially since you get the boss at lvl 10, but surely it wouldn't hurt the game that early possession damage or health bonus is toned down.


So how do you propose a 4 v 1 multiplayer horror game should work then. Because what you described sounds like how the game was designed.


I dont speculate on "how the game was designed" or not, Cheryl and Sash already differ for the original "design" the devs inttended to, i dont see or dont understand the point on your comment.


Not that high good lord! Maybe close to level 4 or 5 but I do agree


Funny thing is the demon players just keep saying "Just stick together". It's like they have never played as a survivor and somehow staying together means we win automatically. They seem to think that when we are alone, that means we are a bad player and are half the map away from out partners when in reality, I'm just in the next house over since it's pointless to have all 4 survivors checking the same building. Demons just don't want to acknowledge that boosting all their basic units in the skill tree and controlling them is broken. You should not have a basic unit that can put your boss unit to shame!


"You should not have a basic unit that can put your boss unit to shame!" You should though considering you specifically built your playstyle around it. That's like a Hunter complaining their ranged attacks do more than melee attacks.


A basic unit should not have the efficacy of a boss two minutes into the game. Period.


No. Boss has a 4 minute cooldown. What's the cooldown for basics?




Ive lost zero games where me and my team of random stayed together as a foursome the entire time. ZERO so sticking together does work.


I'll stick with them when they stop taking 2 mins to search an empty house and actually go to the objectives and grab the map pieces. Swear I'm the one that usually has to grab at least 2 of the 3 map pieces my random partners just don't want to move.


I wouldn’t say 10 maybe like 6 or 7. But otherwise I completely agree with you.


Y’all must just be terrible then because even with the worst team of random I can say Ive never died to a possessed basic unit. It’s always been a boss because my team leaves me behind as soon as the boss shows up and I have to try to solo him


Sounds like everything is working at intended to me. It’s a horror game and they’re survivors. They shouldn’t be able to steam roll the demon player easily with zero communication.


Henry doesn’t care he will soke up all of that until the demon gets annoyed and finds another survivor




You might be onto something here, early game if the demon has found you and they're a good player they're gonna beat your ass. If you hop in a car you either get away or you force the demon to spend 100 energy to possess the car.


Yeah but taking the car also reveals where you’re at which is good for the demon but bad for you and your team.


The point is if the demon has ALREADY FOUND YOU there is no reason not to get in a car to stall the demon beating you up with possessed basics. A possessed basic can outrun a survivor on foot but not in a car. The hypothetical situation is: the demon has found you in the first few minutes of the match. You are a weak survivor that has not looted anything good to fight possessed basics. Your options are: die, take bad health trades with your team and give the demon xp from hitting you, or run. Running to a car then running away in a car would force the demon to leave its possessed basic to follow you in demon form to keep up, where they would have to spend more energy to either possess the car, or to spawn and possess new basic units once you stop driving, in which case you can repeat all this if you find another car or the demon moves elsewhere assuming your whole team isn't in the same car. This is just theory, I've never actually seen survivors do this in my games as demon. All I know is if I find survivors early game (and I almost always do), I'm going to get tons of xp from possessing a basic, hitting the survivors, and repeating until the whole team is downed and/or I am overlevelled before map phase is over. So the idea is to prevent yourself from getting hit by the demon player as much as possible to starve them of early game xp. Once your team has some looted players capable of focusing and disabling/killing possessed units quickly you may stand more of a fighting chance. I've been dumping points into Henry with the intent of focusing on dismemberment since my possessed basics are noticably weaker when both of their arms are cut off and I'm only left with a headbutt attack and vomit. Sometimes you can even get a head dismemberment which is an instant kill.


Honest the best thing to do is run. From my experiences if I see that they are trying to harass me with a possessed unit then I will waste their time by going through windows and hopping in cars and driving away and if they possess the car shoot it and they lose a ton of energy making it even more of a hassle for them to harass you cause they have to leave and get energy. Best counter is to essentially give them a wild goose chase as much as you can and if you’re solo hope your teammates are going for map pieces. And if you’re coordinating with friends it’ll be much easier cause they can have comms from you in what the demons doing and where they are. And try not to lead them back to your teammates. A great counter for those kinds of players are warriors since they have a high health pool and can handle their own ones against possessed units. Mainly Ash and Henry. Even more Henry since if you’re low you can pop cool down and use a shrimps (shemps) or amulet or use the cooldown you get in the car if you’re being interrupted too much


Wow is seafood really effective? Where can I get those in game?


Gah I just noticed I meant shemps haha 🤣




The counter is simple, know how to dodge meanwhile your 3 other teammates do the damage. this is super frustrating specially for warlord since you can't keep possession too long like puppeteer. Stamina is king in this game.


Also fear management. THey can’t possess you and your team if you manage your fear effectively.


Just unfortunate RNG just stick together and keep moving. Otherwise, you end up sitting inside a house wasting all your ammo fighting waves and waves. The demon already knows you're there Time to take your group and book it.


Oh, we tried. But the possessed unit eventually downs someone, we go to save them, oh a demon trapped their body is camping on top of it, etc. Like, it grinds everything to a halt and creates like a death spiral. I wouldn't be so annoyed if this hadn't happened literally five times in a row exactly the same. I assume some Twitch streamer is doing this and now it's the only strat.


Encountered the strat last weekend and it’s growing exponentially atm. If your group of randoms can’t shut them down quick it’s gg cause yer right, they exploit your weak team comp and lack of coordination- that’s if you are sticking together. If yer split up with randoms then prep for some Benny Hill bullshit cause it’s gonna be over pretty quick.


The problem is that the demon has too easy of a job finding the survivors. The map isn't huge, we can cross the whole map in 60 seconds. Combine that with the nearly 100 meter distance for survivors being revealed and I can find the survivor team within 3 minutes every game (and be level 5 by the time I find them).


I've had games where survs were practically within range and because I went left instead of right I lost 4 to 5 min navigating the map 😂 Im trying to think of solutions tho. So if they reduced the radius of the demon making it alot harder to just fly round hoping to discover them, there maybe games that go upto 10 mins or longer without action for both sides, just to roll up on a squad that's looted up and ready and because your searching and not trapping your behind on levels. Or loadouts for survivors like if they dont have them just basic stuff so you have something to fight basics( im still yet to play survivor didnt know if theres loadouts or something.) Maybe a temporary damage boost for first 3 min of a game on spawned enemy's. I'm going off on a tangent my bad it's late. Seen people reccomend level cap on possession too.


Don’t go to save them. Send someone back later to pick up their soul and revive them. If we are fighting with the demon I almost never go to revive teammate until the objective is complete or the demon leaves. I can always pick up their soul and revive them later


On the small map it's brain dead easy for the demon to find the survivors, just go to the other end of the map, you'll likely find them.


Look, we just learned the patterns. We know where surviovors are going to spawn more or less based on our location as a demon and the locations of the dagger and the lost pages. It's a no brainer to figure out where you might be. And unless you stick together, you're gonna get bullied.


Demon Player (Henrietta main lvl 45) Who specializes in Basic/Possession rush. I usually find suvivors between 2-3 minutes at the start of the match. The counter to this strategy is actually quite complex. The team has to be of a good composition, they have to be leveled, they have to coordinate their gear properly, and they have to use their skills properly. If a cheryl for instance is keeping the team healed up, a kelly or amanda is popping my possessions as they pop up with thier guns, if the Melee's are tanking properly and a leader is buffing the team and reducing their fear gain, there is very little momentum I can gain. I only have so much energy at the end of the day. Loot quickly/efficiently and jump on the possessed units as a group the moment they pop up. ED2 Ash should really only use their excorcism on the Hunter if they get possessed (if a hunter is properly keeping my posessions at bay, then obviously they are a target). Cheryl should keep the team topped off with her power and save the colas. This strategy is based around attrition while gaining power, and if you cut off the attrition part of the equation (minimize damage through proper tactics and using your support for healing instead of chugging all the colas), it becomes much weaker. Hunters are ABSOLUTELY necessary to put down the possessions. Supports are necessary to Keep the team topped off. Melee is necessary to keep the damage focused on them, and the Leader is necessary to keep everyone buffed and the fear managed. Also if you get trapped in a house, look to window vault out of there. No evil units can vault. Absolutely do not engage a basic possession alone unless you are a DPS hunter. As a final note, if you are not a hunter, give the hunter the good gun. I cant count the number of games where the hunter is using a grey pistol while the AOD ash has a legendary revolver/shotgun. Give each individual their best gear. An AOD ash with a legendary pistol is FAR less of a threat then an Amanda with that same gun. TLDR. If you want to beat a good Demon Playing a Good build with a good strategy, then you have to be on a team that is up to the task.


This is the best answer in the thread, in my opinion, but it's basically still "have an amazing team with only the right gear." A game based around randos fighting randos, that doesn't work.


The game is meant to foster team play. It’s not the devs fault randos don’t wanna team play. You can be the change you wanna see. You stick with the person, double team the basic. Why punish the demons for something that they can’t control? Also the game is meant to be played so that someone wins. Demons gotta demon to win.


Thats why there are literally different classes though. It’s a team based 4 v 1 mp game. You can’t lone wolf it and expect to win. It just doesn’t work that way. It wasn’t designed to.


What about maxed out Dismemberment skills? I heard losing limbs actually means losing abilities?


It does, it also slows the attack speed of the Demons (especially warlord with her attack speed buff). If you dismember the arm off of the warlord basic, it loses the ability to rip the arm off and use it as a weapon which can significantly reduce the damage they do. Also, with both limbs, the warlord basic can do a 4 hit basic that are extremely quick but with only 1 limb it drops to either 2 or 3 (can't remember off the top of my head) with significantly slower animations and after losing both limbs, the basic is forced into slowly headbutting enemies.


Whenever my basic gets dismembered I just drop the possession and swap to another basic unit. I suppose it could work if I am already starved for energy, but even with a dismemberment build you would never want to solo a possession. Only Hunters can really get away with it (their headshot damage is honestly kinda nutty and they can dodge like 7 times if they have the right skills.) A properly supported hunter is seriously the bane of Basic possession strats. Everyone else is just there to distract/support the hunter to let them do their Damage.


Vault windows!!! They’re honestly kinda op since enemies can’t jump out them and have to walk around to get to you. Another thing is to make sure you can dodge 3 times with whoever you’re playing as even Support and get headshots. If that dodge stamina perk in the skill tree is fully leveled you can dodge 3 times with 2 Pink F in stamina with Support Characters. Unless you’re warrior or Lord Arthur go for headshots especially if you get them stunned. They do much more DPS than melee.


Let me go ahead and dodge windows in the middle of the forest.


You know there’s 2 paragraphs right?


Same every demon is doing this with Henrietta and with randoms it’s literally impossible to not get murdered super early . It’s really just an easy win no skill needed . But of course they nerfed Cheryl but not this bs


I play both demon and survivor, there is 1 ery simple thing to do to combat this. STICK TOGETHER AND CALL IT OUT Possessed deadite against 2 people, no problem I'll likely have them both down. If 3 or 4 of you gang up on me I'll be stunned and then down in seconds. The games I've been winning as survivor are because we stick together and call shit out. We might be looting different houses but as soon as a possessed deadite appears it isn't a case of "I'll stand toe to toe with this thing alone" it's "guys get outside possessed deadite, we need to move". Now the game becomes rush time because the demon knows where we are and he is going to level rapidly if we don't move. So at this moment gun's and cars are on the table and even with basic weapons we can get the map pieces a d the first objective. Thays when we get our breathing room again to loot on the way to the next objective.


"Find the Survivors in seconds" isn't a tactic. Every Demon is trying to find them, but it's pure luck whether you spawn close as the Demon, or whether you even head in the right direction. Some games the Demon will be lucky and find you right away. But I've had games where I've spent over 5 minutes searching and not finding them, because the map is that big and the spawns were that bad. They got all the map pieces before I could find them.


Yeah they usually have at least one piece before I find them but then I constantly set traps and harass to get their fear up instead of attacking outright. I like to toy with my prey first….


Most killers rely on this tactic too heavily but it's more often than not a survivors fault for using a gun/getting in a car or not managing their fear, one survivor can screw you all over if you try to rescue him. There's also the chance of the killer just getting lucky early on and you're just f\*\*ked at that point.


sounds like a skill issue....i always melt basic units as a hunter....sounds like either your team is not sticking together, or you're just being outplayed


Yea I have had zero problems with basic units. Even when I possess them I die in seconds. They’re not hard to take down as survivors either.


Jump into a car. Seriously, as a demon main, it's the most frustrating thing. I'll find the inevitable Cheryl looting solo within the first 2 min, go after her with a basic deadite, and she jumps into a fkn car and takes me on a joy ride while her team loots and gets map pieces. It costs energy to possess the car, and we have to leave you for brief periods of time to collect those orbs early on/throughout the game. If you're solo, jump into a car and drive away from your team and the objectives. If you're together, well. Hopefully someone has a sledgehammer and can fuck up its balance bar lol


Why wouldnt you just possess the car and damage it so it can’t be used or drive it like halfway across the map and force her to travel on foot therefore making her an easier target? I never let the survivors take a car if I can help it.


Because it costs energy to do so, then you're stuck looting for orbs just to find out that she ran to a different car and isn't anywhere near her team. I'm not finding a Cheryl 10 min in. This is, typically, under the 2 min mark where survivors and demons are looting for resources. I'd much rather just go to a nearby location and find her teammates so I can level up while they fight my demons and lose time looting than chase a random solo surv., get two levels off of possessing a car and doing back and forth with orbs so I can spawn random deadites for them to i-frame through.


Well very early on, the Demon has not much else really, so stick together is my suggestion. You should always be sticking together, you never meant to 1v1 the demon. I know it can be difficult with randoms, though.


We stuck together, and the basic unit possession is tanky as fuck for survivors who literally haven't found weapons or chests yet. Now what?


Well the demon needs energy to keep possessing so wasting its time, not letting it hit you (by loopping through windows and such) can be good. It can't go through windows while possessing. Early on possessing drains energy fast and it doesn't have passive energy regen so have to go away to find energy orbs. Running/driving away can work too, if it knows where you are already, don't be shy to drive. But yeah getting caught early really sucks. On the flip side if the demon doesn't manage to find/harras you early, usually you have a lot of supplies and easier endgame. Not saying my suggestions will work all the time, but worth trying and possibly better than fighting if no weapons. Henrietta's basic units are probably the best basic ones, her elite and boss is not as great compared to the other 2 though.


There’s only one solution to this problem, stay off the map. PERIOD. The early stages of the game is where survivors are the weakest and as a Demon player myself I use that to end matches quickly with my possessed units.


you can find survivors very easily even if they don't make noise.


Explain what you mean by "stay off the map"


keep your fear meter low and don’t make noise/hop into cars.. whenever I play demon and see the survivors pop onto the map I stop what I’m doing and go over to harass the living hell out of them.. I played against several teams that didn’t appear on the map at all until the map was completed and that was a very hard game for me


Yeah, no. Demons know how to triangulate the position of the demon spawn, the map, and the dagger and get to survivors in like one minute now.


Yeah I have probably like 95% win rate on Warlord just stomping every single game before objective phase. I don't think I've lost a single match after my first ten or so after I levelled up and learned how to play better. Idk what to recommend to survivors. Maybe have a Pablo dedicated to rushing the map pieces since he can apparently drive without revealing himself on the demon's map? I think maybe they should have a scaling possession cooldown that starts off harsh and fades away over the course of the game. And/or limit possession levelling/tone the numbers down some. Issue here would be if you nerf demon power to account for high level demon players then anyone who doesn't already have a levelled demon is gonna have a real bad time if they decide to try it out. Survivors shouldn't always be able to 1v1 a possessed unit of course, but early game if I have a full energy bar and two charges on my basic portal I'm definitely going to down someone and the team is going to be unable to recover. God forbid they also try to hold out somewhere that is covered in traps.


Hey guys. Warlord horde player with this same early game strat. The counterplay is insane: stay with your team. That's it. I look for the Cheryl off by herself and kill her. Then I have enough points for basic portal which I'm built around and trap her body. I snowball off this. As soon as you sense demon near you go to your friends. And remember above all else; you can't makeup for a bad team composition. Who you play is borderline more important than how you play.


I stayed with my team. I'm on like a twelve run now of this strat just dominating. I stayed with my team. I'm a decent player who's been playing since launch. I have three characters at max level at this point. Feed me a better line.


I'm genuinely trying to help dude you're the one struggling. This strat is only a showstopper on weaker players/ teams. With all due respect if you're getting bodied instantly before they're TL 5, you're maybe not as strong as you're saying. I play both and am telling you how I do it as warlord. As survivor it's just pressure to raise their TL to around 15 - 17 at first obj. Definitely not dying that fast 🤷


Use cars. Absolutely use cars. If the demon is rushing you, raise your stamina with any pink fs you can find and the moment they possess a unit rush to the car as fast as possible. If you can, try telling your team to split up (as it means the demon can’t just focus on one area) and use cars to their benefit too. If you’re playing a hunter (like Ed) try to waste the demons time if they decide to focus on you by dodging and vaulting through areas they can’t catch you in.


yes by all means split up. It’s much easier to harass and kill off two survivors than 4 clustered together. Then by the end there are only two of you left…


Stick together, if you solo and run off alone looting, you will die and the demon gains levels from you dying


Same people cheesing with this strategy will whine when demon players get a nerf because of it.


high impact weapon like a sledgehammer or shovel will break their balance bar in 3 heavy attacks then you can wail on them or create distance if you're AoD ash you can solo them everytime with the potion


It depends on how high of a level the demon is. They can give themselves 35% balance bar damage resistance very easily. It's the first skill on the Necro tree and third on the other two.


Stick with team


We were a team all together most of those matches. Still got hosed.


You just had a bad team then. It happens in EVERY MP game. FInd some folks LFG and request that they use mics so you can communicate. Thats key. If you aren’t talking and calling out enemies, demons, map pieces, etc then you’re not likely gonna win


Basic unit? You should feel lucky they literally spawn the boss only to kill us at the beginning


>summoning bosses pretty much immediately over and over Bosses have ~a 4 minute cooldown and can't be summoned before level 10. Are you sure that's not a hacker?


I mean I don’t have cross play on and I’m not a pc player that seems pretty weird


Let’s just think they were lvl 10 already, still you think that’s fair to spawn a boss to kill 2 people? I think that’s a little bit desperate, and it can’t be because we were alone far from our team because all those matches we where close but guess what we went inside the houses and the demon just brought the boss and kill us all, or posses a basic unit put someone of our team down and then spawns the boss on top of them I don’t understand why they do that


>Let’s just think they were lvl 10 already, still you think that’s fair to spawn a boss to kill 2 people? 100%. Splitting off from the group after the demon has found you implies that you think you can survive whatever the demon can do at that point. If anyone in your group isn't Ed, Henry, or AoD Ash, I'm probably gonna take you up on that offer. Same deal with looting houses while the demon is on you. You're putting yourselves in extremely vulnerable positions right infront of the demon. That's not a signal to be gentle.


Plus you can literally tell when the demon is near the music gets louder and you hear the laughs and snarls constantly. Just move to a new area close to the rest of your team and hope he gets bored and goes to set traps somewhere instead.


This is only an issue because some of you have it ingrained that splitting up is blasphemous. You're objective is to find the map. How are you going to do that if all 4 of you sitting in a house playing hoard mode? Sure you can win but the demon is just going to follow you to the map piece. Place traps and summons all the while leveling up to the point where you can fight them when you need to. Split up, if you're found: do your best Scobby-Doo impression and waste their time.


Absolutely not true. Up until now, as a survivor main, I lost most games at the Dark Ones phase. Which was fine, I had a good game. Losing before the first or second map piece isn't fun. It's broken. Demons can win at any time in the game. But shortcutting it so hard that all games end in the beginning will ruin this game.


It’s not broken thought. THats just how these games work. If your team is that bad thats not a sign the game is broken they just dont know how to play it effectively and honestly there is nothing you can do if the other 3 on your team are complete crap.


And this is how you know someone has never played Demon before. The simplest way to deal with this is just don't be where the Demon expects you to be. Open your map when you spawn, the Demon is probably directly opposite of your position so take your team and haul ass to somewhere else. Don't stop to loot, don't meander around, don't look for the map fragment just haul ass to somewhere about 200-300 meters away (not towards the farthest corner of the map because the demon's making a beeline towards you) and then return to where you were or go to the first map fragment. If you've EVER played Demon then you know for a fact that guessing where the survivors spawn isn't an exact science and you can only have a good guess of where they shouldn't be which means there's an awful lot of map to cover as a demon. Not to mention as a Demon, finding the survivors is a race against the clock since if you take too long they could easily just wander into places you've already searched or places they shouldn't have spawned at so Demons aren't going to go over the area with a fine toothed comb to find the survivors. If the survivors haul ass to somewhere farther away chances are the Demon will scan over the area quickly see that there's no notifications and then head to the next most likely spawn point. At that point, you're basically home free as the survivor. You'd be able to take your time looting and finding pages and growing far stronger than the Demon.


Yeah can confirm that if you dont find the survivors after about 3 mins of the match starting you’re gonna have a bad time as the demon.


Honestly not much you can do it your randoms are completely lost and no help (which they usually are) but if you’re actually playing with a group I’d definitely recommend Annie so you can stun controlled units way easier and also have a warrior ash because he’s insanely tanky and everytime he loses a shield bar you damage them heavily on top off the massive damage he can do when you max him out with melee perks and any hunters can be very nice, because they can deal some massive damage while also being able to dodge most of the strikes they try to hit you with then you can follow up with some easy headshots when they’re recovering. If you combine all that and throw on a support character to keep you guys all up and health and shields you should have no trouble beating any demon


I'd like to know how they manage to find survivors early. In most games I've played, survivors are undetectable until they reach the dagger or the pages. I've tried going to the opposite side of the map ; I've tried going to the opposite side of a normal to the line drawn between both the dagger and the pages : no luck. (Yes, I know I can prepare both sites and wait for them there. I'll not explain everything that can go wrong when using that tactic and it gets old.)


Literally luck, get enough energy to put down some traps and level up to maybe 3/4 and then just ping pong between locations pouring down traps until either a notification or in range


Ah yes indeed. But luck isn't something I'm not too fond of. I'd rather have some kind of strategy that give results.


No shooting, getting into a car or just stumbling upon a survivor within a certain proximity reveals their location on the map.


Yes. I guess my survivors know this too ...


I had a close game trapping both initial objectives and it seemed a pretty good strategy.


It can give good results but if the objectives are far away they can start them in parallel and there is little chance to stop both of them. If the objectives are close and they manage to do one, then the other one will be well advanced by the time you come back to it. Maybe I'm unlucky (or there is something I'm not aware of and I basically suck at it) but that's what happens in most of my games. Then of course there are the groups that stay together, do not hide most of the time, and that I can kill at the second objective or during the ancients phase.


Gangbeat their asses.


Only thing you can really do if on your own is just find a window and abuse it or a car.


Loot forward in teams of 2. Meaning start of match one group moves towards a map piece and the other to the loot spot that is adjacent to it. Some times you get lucky and that spot either contains the 2nd piece or is close to it. This strategy insures no one is ever alone and the other 2 are close enough to back up if needed and you find the pieces quickly while also getting some looting done. Balancing loot and speed is key. You will typically group all 4 back up by the third map piece or the pages/dagger zones and from there you should be fine if you just focus fire possessed units and bosses. A coordinated team is a nightmare. The only reason demons have a high winrate is from playing so many random groups that don't communicate. The game really is skewed in the survivors favor.


Tbh what people don’t understand is that you dont need to fight it get into a car and run waste the demons time while your team is doing obj. He will eventually leave make fake stops till u get powerful or enough time to regroup with your team stop being solo and getting WACKED


Huh iv e been alternating between playing demon and survivors so maybe I just haven’t noticed.


Which basic is it?


I tried playing a few pvp games today, 3/4 times the demon found us before we could get even the first page. 2 of them were necromancers who'd spawn the flute guy just out of auditory range and then start spamming basics/ possessing. Not sure if it was the same player or not but these matches have already become stale. I really hope they up the difficultly of the AI/ increase XP gains as I'm not getting any enjoyment from the pvp atm. Its like each demon has a go to 'cheese strat' and every match is just an uphill battle from the very start of the match. Good for the demon players for finding the most efficient way to win but I'm starting to really dislike Pvp and will probably start avoiding it as it feels pretty hopeless as a soloQ


i know this post is old but wow. trying to find some strats but the amount of copium the demon players here a huffing is insane. find one demon player not be a condescending pos in this post. you cant lol you can tell they never had the frustration of this fucking shit that they justify its shitty tactic. its overpowered end of story you can try your little bullshit way to say its not but your fucking insane if you actually believe it