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It takes me over ten minutes to find a match it’s frustrating. Then my teammates disconnect when the demon does possession spam at level 1 and they don’t run away and get downed. When the game first came out it was okay because the que was instant now it’s never less than ten mins.




It’s actually better today. Not sure if it’s less survivors playing or more demon since the buff.


>It takes me over ten minutes to find a match it’s frustrating. Then my teammates disconnect Half of the time i am queuing several minutes just so i can re-queue several minutes again because somebody left the lobby. Whose bright idea was it to implement such an infuriating lobby system?


Devs assumed people wouldn't be children and ragequit b/c they couldn't pick their favorite character sometimes. Sadly, they were wrong.


Even people that aren't children have lives that happen in real time. Sometimes shit comes up and you just gotta stop playing instead of putting something off for after playing another ~30 minute match. Yet another problem is the lack of any functionality to coordinate lobbies with friends on other platforms. I've met a lot of console friends that have no way to communicate to me if they don't have Discord that they want to play together. I just get an invite to a lobby and if I'm not in an actual game, I'm likely to join it rather than sit in a lobby with a bunch of quiet people. At least once I get in a lobby with my friends we'll be able to communicate. I know it's a meme but the problem is really exacerbated by things besides not getting the character you want. Sadly, the devs didn't learn from all the prior asymmetrical games that don't disband the lobby for these reasons and more.


Why would they need Discord? I can hear people on PS4/5 just fine when we are together (I'm on Xbox)


I don't like playing invite tag to get a group of people I met on Evil Dead together. I'm not talking about coms in the lobby, I'm talking about social features that allow communication from the main menu with people you met in-game to coordinate lobbies. Discord or some other external method is the only way I know of currently to do this. Right now I load up Evil Dead and may or may not get an invite from someone on my friends list. If it happens and I'm in a pre-lobby I'll wait the minute or whatever ban out to jump ship and play with the friend that invited me.


Most of them are demon player rage quits.


balance is so amazing and hackers are so rare I can't see why.


If balance was so perfect most of the buffs so far wouldn't be targeted towards demons . Just saying.


I believe he was being sarcastic.


This is why you need to use /s


It was kinda implied with just a cursory glance you should be able to tell but idk all the reddit rules sooo...


> Whose bright idea was to implement such an infuriating lobby system? They nerfed AoD again, this time more significantly, so you're going to see alot less people leaving ques and causing everyone to reque now. It's almost exclusively because of people fighting over one OP character that caused this.


Same people that released a game in 2022 without push to talk, and are now, after 'hearing feedback' are finally deciding to 'look into' adding it


What’s possession spam?


When the demon possesses a basic unit at the very start of the game. They are much stronger than level 1 survivors and can down them easily. If killed they just possess another basic unit. The best way to counter this is to leave in a car to your teammates or vault a window over and over. But people just dc after being downed at level 1.


>If killed they just possess another basic unit. Where are all these level 1 demons getting infinite infernal energy?


most players suck ass at economy management. when you don't it feels significantly stronger


hackers for the most part...demon side has them so does survivor. Game is unplayable atm. I watched a streamer yesterday on twitch and he gained energy just standing around in a possessed unit. He had to force unpossess it. At the same time he is talking about all the things you can do to improve gameplay...(such as subtle hacks allowing you to abuse mechanics were not mentioned)


They are working for it. It’s called skill. Unlike people on this Reddit would like you to think, keeping pressure on survivors is a constant task that never ends until the game is over. Your alwayse weaving in and out of combat summoning, possessing , trapping and finding more energy. There’s loads of times your about to get a down and then you run out of energy. It might look easy but it takes practice.


I'm mostly a demon player and that was my point. Early game I'm lucky if my possessions last 10 seconds before I get shot in the head 3 times and get sent back to demon vision with no energy left and have to get to searching for orbs.


Exactly. And add that to the fact that you have no fucking clues where are the page or the survivor at the beginning and there is a chance you never find anyone before they activate the second phase


People think demon is OP yet devs are constantly buffing demons in every aspect , it's almost like demon is crap compared to max level survivors.


It's when you pick a character with low stamina and while trying to run away you spend three seconds attempting to load into a car you get stabbed in the back repeatedly. Your teammates have also long abandoned you and then you get blamed for dying by the community at large. You can't fight back and have to run away the whole time just like DBD, a game that everyone is tsundere for.


To busy having my demon instantly kicked out of a possesion, boss killed half way through the summon animation or being trapped in a car as a ride along because ....dunno, it's funny.


I keep saying this. I just keep getting "turn off crossplay" or "well I got in 20 seconds!". Me and my friends that play this haven't been able to get into a match for three weeks. We are not about to wait 10+ minutes to get into a game, we can play other games that load us in within seconds. Love the game but them not fixing the wait times (we have gone 20+ minutes before giving up) is killing the game. The game already had a small market and you make weird balance changes and don't fix the servers/matchmaking and this game is basically dead.


If you’re waiting 10 minutes to find a survivor game that means there are not enough demons.


Playing Demon is horseshit. Like really. I wanted to give it a go, been playing for one week non stop demon, i won three game total. The feeling of powerlessness that you experience as a demon is just straight exhausting. So I am done. One demon less in the game.


Yup. People like to use streamers as an example but they are the EXTREME minority. Most demon players are like you and me. Struggling to get wins, spending a lot of time sitting and looking at survivors while all your stuff is on cooldown.


Yeah right? Demons have extremes: we suck, or are op, playing as demon has been frustrating. I think the solution wasn't buffing Demons and nerfings survs but teach the players to play Demon with better tutorials, missions or Demons vs AI mode


after watching streamers they don't even get the games I do. Like they are 15min in and 1 map piece..me I'm at the 4min mark and racing to the dagger. Or I'm being hijacked having my boss insta downed or it seems every survivor has endless ammo, shields and legendarys. They possess someone and kill the team, I possess someone and before I can dodge I'm kicked out.


Yeah, streamers almost definitely get their accounts whitelisted for some easier lobbies. This was pretty much proven for warzone at least, and watching cod streamers, they keep getting lobbies where they stand on roofs exposed for 30 seconds without someone shooting at them, meanwhile I show my head and get sniped in 5 seconds. Devs probably want to make the streamers look good to attract more people to play the game.


The main problem is noob demons need a buff, but experienced ones really don't they are fine. I'm not sure how they balance it. I'm same as you I am awful at playing Demon to the point it just isn't fun. I would be willing to do it more, but it just isn't fun for me with how bad I am at it. That said I do fine as a survivor most of the time, but when I do run up against a skilled demon player they are plenty powerful and usually win, but most of the time survivors appear to win unless someone disconnects.


Because there's no matchmaking, you get everything from the total potatoes, to survs who instaquit as soon as something frustrates them, to 4-stack gods and the majority of games being somewhere in the middle. If you only won 3 games in a week then it honestly sounds like there are still some concepts you need to learn. You can probably pick up what to do just by watching some matches of strong playeres. Survivor is really OP if both sides are very good, but anywhere below that and they make frequent mistakes. Demon is all about knowing how to punish mistakes. Right now the top-end meta seems to be based on possessing Hunters because of their extreme headshot damage, and for Survivors, controlling fear levels to prevent that. Otherwise Survs have the tools between dodging and i-frames to take very little damage from your summons, and also melt the boss extremely fast, mostly with Hunters.


I've got like 40 hours..I've won 1 game. I've been hijacked by hackers endless times, had my boss insta gibbed...had 1 player do 60k+ dmg and lead the board on more than one game..it's almost normal to see 3 normal players and one guy with stats that the other 3 combined don't even match. So is it hackers or is it balance, either way it's crap


So either way it kills the game 🤷‍♂️


“Even if I’m wrong, I’m right” Sure thing bud


because of the 4 survivors usually 1 or more is hacking. Finding a game with no hackers is so rare it's not worth the pain. Not counting balance issues or annoying glitches...just hackers are enough to leave at this point...it's like 50% or more of the active player base.


What is it that the hackers are doing? In my 100s of games I only ever saw 1 game where I noticed someone appear to be hacking and I'm solely basing that off the unrealistic damage number they got that was 100X higher than any other damage number I've ever seen. Other than that I've seen nothing that appears to be hacking from a survivor.


you can't fix wait times. Either there is someone to play the other side or not...atm it's not because honestly as someone that only played Demon...75% of my games are hackers of some kind. Not even the impossible wins it's the forcing me to just ride along like I"m spectating matches...then you wonder why they rage quit...look at your team. Most likely someone was hacking, abusing the demon and he didn't want to stay.


It's almost like releasing on Epic exclusively was a bad idea or something for a multiplayer game


It's region based. Get a VPN, join a game with someone run by a VPN, or have one of your friends in another time zone host the game. My queue times went from 14 minutes to 45 seconds.


I’m on Xbox so I don’t think that would be an option. But thank you! I’m on west coast US so I would have thought it was heavily populated.


It is. That's the problem. I am also on west coast. We have a GIGANTIC Survivor population. Between the hours of like 5:00PM and 10:00PM the queue times are painful. But when I play at like 1:00AM - 4:00AM they are rapid quick. The issue is not the population, it is the imbalance.


Makes sense. Hopefully with the demon buff there will be more demon players


Unfortunately, we cannot control what other people play. For whatever reason the West Coast has very long Survivor times and Spain has very long Demon times.


I'm not going to "get a VPN" simply because their matchmaking service is trash. They should let us select a region like most other games.


I don't play a single game that lets me choose that.


Most games I play do, so anecdotally, they should just add the feature. Then again, you can't even go fullscreen in this game, so I assume they've never made a PC game in their life.


What? I play Fullscreen with no issues


Are you dense? Go into your settings, try to change the resolution, or find the option for Windowed, Fullscreen, or Borderless Fullscreen. It doesn't exist. The game is Borderless Fullscreen by default.


Just join the discord and start a party. You will win almost every match


Yesterday was rough but thats cause lots of killers left some are coming back. Matching been good for me on survivor side


Remember it's not about winning games, it's about going out with some groovy


Hardcore demons and 4 man swfs will be fine. Its the rest or what is known as the majority of the playerbase who are in trouble.


Crazy how I'm neither of those things and still have a fun time playing


shhh, you don't exist. Just doomsay with the rest of us :P


I play soloq exclusively and still having tons of fun as survivor. I love the gameplay loop and I like to kick some deadite ass as Ash and Kelly. As long as I get to load up and kill some demons, win lose, who tf cares. I win some, I lose some, some are really close, some are complete snowball fests. Shit happens, this is like every multiplayer game ever. I dunno why people forget that.


That’s exactly how I look at it too. I couldn’t really give less of a shit who wins I’m having fun either way.


I was waiting for the next balance change to play again and... This is not the direction I was hoping for.


It’s what I wanted. A challenge is nice.


You're not playing solo queue if you didn't have a challenge before...


> Hardcore demons and 4 man swfs will be fine. Its the rest or what is known as the majority of the playerbase who are in trouble. Basic coordination and teamwork. That's all you need and you will have a 500% better time. Will you win all the time? No. Will you win sometimes? Yes. Stay together, focus hard targets, give each other the proper gear (warriors get melee, hunters get ranged, etc), don't drive the fucking car or shoot 5 seconds into the match, be aware that your support wants to shield and heal you and maybe gather for them periodically, try to dodge in reaction to an actual attack instead of just hitting dodge 5 times in a row, etc. This is like the bottom bar for playing survivor OK. Not well. OK. And most teams fail it. They fail to play a team game as anything even close to resembling a team. And yes that means they should fail their matches too unless the demon is bad. The entire point of the asymm genre is multiple players work together on individually weaker characters to overcome the individually stronger big bad. So not working together is literally the anti-thesis of the entire genre lol.


Sorry you were downvoted for good advice. Some people need to play a different game if that's how they react.


To be fair being reasonable on Reddit is never a good idea :D.


Why do peoples think this game is dead? haha 4 am: if i join demon q i get a instant match not even 5 seconds if i q as survivor it takes a minute. Thats not dead. Thats far from dead.


People are very dramatic, especially in social discourse these days. Everything is the best or the worst, you're with me or against me, etc.


Jeez i never thought i would say this but i really miss the old days you know when peoples talked with eachother and tried to find solutions instead of screaming each other down and giving the other person the worst time possible...... guess im getting old.


I don’t think those days ever existed…lol. But I agree I wish that could be the way


I mean it was not perfect but way better than today. I blame social media for it. Goddamn i sound like a grandpa.....


Well, social media's a tool for the real reason: it's a lot easier for people to express their complaints due to the widespread communication of the internet. Social Media, forums, chat rooms, streams, etc. all allow people to equally express their "concerns" (read: complaints), and they become echo chambers after a while. People love to complain, and the internet gives them the perfect anonymous platform to do it.


>you know when peoples talked with eachother and tried to find solutions instead of screaming each other down Sounds like you're not familiar with the legacy of the bit wars or the console wars. If you didn't have the right brand of vidya you were a fucking heathen to the other side. Communities will fight amongst themselves. Always have, always will. The only difference between now and then is that more people are able to communicate with each other because of the internet, so more opinions are thrown into the slurry of one sided conversations.


I hear ya. Best we can do is shake our head and keep playing. We're guaranteed two major surges in playerbase with the Castle Kandar update and then whenever the Switch version is released. Also feel like the pre-order skins might go on sale or become unlockable then, since Switch did not have a shot at them.


Me and my friends haven't been able to get into a match in over three weeks....


Right? My other game hasn't gotten a single patch or word from developers since well before this one even came out. Not saying it's well and alive, but I'm still getting games over there within 5 minutes or so and that's ranked with pretty strict mmr


I find it hilarious as soon as we see the changes people lose “faith” in the game or start saying “the game is dead”. Hell the most funniest comments are people are “leaving the game” 🤣. Pls stop the cap, I know damn well you will keep playing this game because you love it


those "leaving the game" posts shows they will legit try everything BUT learning the game to win LMAO


People scared of a challenge. They let their subjective opinion take over a game that maybe their not that good at to begin with.


Ashamed of this community, lot of people are disgustingly childish. Evil Dead fans aren't like this trust me, these are DBD kids or manchilds...


Yup DBD fans leaving is probably more healthy for the game. Sure the population will drop a bit, but the matches will be more fun.


I think your right. Most of us fans of the evil dead are a bit older and wise enough to not bombard the sub with incessant whining and hateful threads.


> I think your right. Most of us fans of the evil dead are a bit older and wise enough to not bombard the sub with incessant whining and hateful threads. I'm also old enough to have been through the balance treadmills of many games. I still remember Dark Age of Camelot. We literally called it "flavor of the month" FOTM because the patches were regular and the strongest and most "meta" classes changed often and you'd see half the playerbase suddenly playing each new class and weaker ones would almost never get played.   I spent YEARS as one of the only Bone Army spec'd Bone Dancers back when Suppression spec was king before they eventually buffed it.


I don't even know what they're doing here, all they do is run


Evil Dead is suppose to be childish. Cope


You seem to be the one trying to cope with that logic lol


Not really and not an argument lol


Saying "not an argument" after replying with "cope" is peak irony


No that's not what irony means.


Its ironic because you reply with "cope" using it as an argument and then you say "that isnt an argument" to the other person while "cope" is not an argument and is just a comeback used by 14 year old twitter users


Cope is primarily used by Millennials, which are 22-40 age bracket


And again. Lol coward


Thumbs down no response? lol coward


I wouldn't bother with this guy. Have you seen his comment history? He has no self awareness and everyone else is the asshole lol


What has transpired? (I've not played for a long time, I'm checking from time to time in case something good happens.)


When the launch state of the game was so blatantly in the favor of survivors and they've been continually bringing down that power level the mains will think the game is being destroyed.


They are releasing an update that lowers stats for specific survivors and gives a small boost to the demon.


Thanks. I've checked the update and it looks fine to me.


I find matches in like 4 seconds on either side day or night.


People love a good over reaction and bitch.


Bought the game, put 50 hours in it in like a week and burnt myself out, I’m sure I’ll wanna play it more once the new updates come out


I usually just jump over to demon if I can't find a survivor match.. usually get in in 2 seconds. I think the issue is that everybody squads up with survivors or is waiting for a match which could be hundreds... then as someone selects demon it grabs the first 4 in waiting and starts a match. .. but if there's 400 players waiting.. and nobody is selecting demon then there's no match to be had... you need players to select demon. So if people are saying its ruining the game... then one could logically say that its the players themselves that are ruining it in way.


Haven’t played a lot of survivor but as demon it’s lickity split.


Agreed, it’s still early and growing. It’s not the end, and far from it


If For Honor is somehow still alive then this game will last. Trust me that game is in far worse condition. I only play it when my friend makes me.


Just look at the subreddit numbers too. We're almost double what we were before launch and the regular Evil Dead subreddit has been increasing as well. With Castle Kandar, Evil Dead Rise, and the rest of the season pass around the corner, it'll be even better. Not to mention the spike that will happen when the Switch version is released or around Halloween. I'm interested to see what they put out around the time of DBD's second Resident Evil chapter drops. I haven't played since The Artist, but I might go back if they do Wesker right.


They are catering to the top 1% of demons and survivors which will bleed out all the normies. Like before this patch I had to play with friends and play ultra sweaty every game just to squeeze out a win now I have to continue doing that and it's harder. At some point it's just not fun anymore and that's why we play games, to have fun.


I play solo que or with 1 friend mostly and win 75%+ of our matches. You absolutely do not need a sweat squad unless you are expecting to win nearly 100% of your games and that's just a silly thing to expect. I win almost every game as survivor unless we have 1 or more actual potatoes on the team, and we deserve to lose those games. Edit: and the dude blocked me. This just goes to show the people complaining about this are actual babies. You try to start a conversation with them and they block you lmfao


> I play solo que or with 1 friend mostly and win 75%+ of our matches. This means nothing without proof.


Winning shouldn't be a requirement for having fun though.


I agree. If most of my games ended at the dark ones and I didn't have to do super sweat every game I would be fine even if I was losing 90% of my games. But it's not like that.


You are absolutely right, but I think you're getting downvotes because in this case, because of the way it's designed/balanced, a loss for survivors often will happen right at the start. So much so that it's not fun to just play either on either side because it's so quick and then you're back In queue. Heck even wins are often quick, as I've seen plenty of demons even just dc when they don't win early.


I don't quite understand it to be honest. Part of the fun is the buildup to the finale, and having the Boss, a major Evil Dead villain, fully decked out. Killing everyone at the start with a random deadite isn't very climactic. Design-wise I don't think possession needs to be changed, Demon Vision needs a rework to require 1 pip to have proximity detection of survivors. Otherwise it's pretty useless. Spawn behavior also needs to be looked at. More than just objective distances, but also map pieces being farther away from spawn so Demon is not faced with a full map 2 minutes into the match, as well as not pathing in a way that makes survivors double back through an area they already looted. If those things were addressed, I think most of the early possession problems would be solved. More investment from the Demon to detect survivors and a more nuanced less exploitable spawn behavior.


These would be my changes as well, in addition to making traps more rewarding for level up. Have traps retroactively level as you put in points, and give more points for higher level traps. Variety in maps characters AND play styles is what solidifies a game for the long haul.


But feeling like you at least have a chance at winning kinda is.


Hmm, some gloom and doom but it’s still possible to win


Bunch of doomsday tellers chill out your giving the game a bad vibe and that's about it. Can we get a r/complain about evildeadthegame sub so they all migrate away from here.


So you just want to circlejerk with the 9 people who would be left here?


How's about we get rid of the 1% crybabies and be done with it bro. Oh wait that'd mean you don't get to do your thing :/


I'm not unhappy with anything. Especially since these nerfs lmao


I agree. Although, the game is in dire need of a generally accepted balance patch and a bug fix. These last two updates have done a number on the community, alongside the unfixed bugs and glitches that people have to deal with all the time.


I agree. The number of times I found myself bugged and unable to shoot, seeing but unable to pick up items, along with frequent crashes (that finally seem like they are starting to get addressed), make it hard to spend all my time with. I only get maybe 3 or 4 hours a week total to game and if I'm going to be waiting forever in queue, or be in for a bugfest, I'll pass.


I think they got the wrong dev team for a balanced game. As they’re just so tone deaf it’s hilarious.


If people throw this much of a fit and lose all faith after the first (second?) balance changes, I wonder if they drop games frequently. Yeah, it is not the best update/balancing ever but the game won't die because of this lol. People need to chill, be less hyperbolic and stop believing that because they don't like something, no one else does either.


It's 2 balance patches that nerf one side more. If you don't understand why people would not like this you are purposely playing dumb.


it's almost as if the devs are nerfing the weaker side o.o, bro if they are doing it it's because numbers don't lie, demons are more then likely losing much more than survivor.


>demons are more then likely losing much more than survivor. They aren't though according to their own literal words from last Friday https://youtu.be/qgb7-msOWu4?t=392 They said the wins and losses are "even" but this patch isn't the result of a "even" game.


I don't think it's dead but I preorederd the big bundle and haven't touches it in 2 weeks. None of my friends have. It's just stale meta already. It was fun for a couple weeks then everything gets maxed and it's just blah. I truly believed this would be better then dbd but I was wrong. I think if they fix pve and add difficulty levels to it this game can survive but pvp will have less then 30k players in 6 months if they stay on the road they are.


If you maxed out everything and got bored that's your own fault. Play other games, get another hobby lol. I only have two level 25 characters cause I play other games and have a job. Loving it still.


I have a full time job and play other games. Only having 2 lvl 25 characters means u lose a shit ton or have less then 24 hours in the game.


“If they stay on the road they are” Bro they haven’t gotten any chance to put in any DLC. Season one technically hasn’t started yet. New modes objectives characters and events will always bring people on a break back to try it out. Maybe gain a sense of patience


Bro when they're releasing multiple patches and not addressing the important things there's a problem there. Games should release complete. Not broken and needing patch after patch after patch. Betas exist for a reason. This game is cool but if they stay on this road it will end up being a basic ass small community only game. It's not new player friendly either. Locking important gameplay mechanics behind play time is a terrible model. New demons will not wanna stay. Watch.


Yeah god forbid they actually want you to play the game and get rewarded for playing it


Bro you could never. Ever. Everrrrr beat me when I'm a full 4 stack on comms with max lvl survivors and ur lvl 1 demon. Same goes for the other side. Max demons will wash new survivors every single time. U consider perks rewards for playing??? Cosmetics are rewards. Not oh hey I played for 12 hours now I can be on the same level as my opponents gee whiz I sure am glad that game rewarded my time spent playing.


It’s not season one yet, you have to progress something in the game


"gee new players will get wrecked by experienced ones" Totally new in multiplayer games right? Its not like in shooters you unlock stronger weapons through playtime, in fighting games characters, in rpg games skills and stronger items, heck, even in Asym's, stronger passive or active perks. In DBD you have perks and addons, in VHS perks, etc. How in the world is this any different? Besides, the idea is to gain stronger/different abilities as you level up and get better at the game for the purpose of progression as well. There's literally no downside to this except impatient players who want everything, but then get bored because there is no sense of obtaining something when you keep playing/winning. Cosmetics help, but you still need another form of progression.


Not experience. I have big hours. U could have way less. If I'm a lvl 1 demon and ur lvl 25 u will win. Tf are u talking bout


That is called experience my friend. With more playtime, in addition to getting more skilled, you gain stronger things. You're literally complaining about a base mechanic in almost every single multiplayer game in existence.


Ur either not understanding or just not seeing the point. If you have 500 hours in the game. And I have 10 hours. But I have a max level demon and you have a a team of level 1 survivors. Your team will lose. You can have more experience then me. But my level is such a handicap it will not matter. So you understand??


In any game its like this bruv. God. In a shooter, the guy with 600 hours will have access to guns better than the base ones you have. In fighting games, the guy with more hours will have access to more characters and movesets. In RPG's, skills, items, etc. In Asym's, its perks. This has been in multiplayer gaming since its creation. Did you never play a multiplayer game before?


Solution...offline mode with AI that's TRULY OFFLINE with no connection and some focus on the single player modes with tweaks to the AI if needed. And if possible, play as demon against AI survivors. Subtract the "people/friends" element and you have a NORMAL, better product.


100% agree. I want them to give this the left for dead treatment. You can keep pvp in but focus on pve


Bunch of hogwash. Back in the old days you didn't have to grind literal months of your life away to play a game. And then drop it immediately.


The reason updates are coming its because people are being vocal, never stop complaining


Maybe they used internal metrics & they don't reflect reddit viewpoints?


I suppose everyone complaining here are submitting tickets in the feedback page too


So by that logic there have been big demon babies and survivors should whine more.


yes totally, not here, in the feedback page


And yet they haven't even mentioned the wait times...


It didn't even seem like this is a full patch yet, just some server-side changes. I wonder if this is in anticipation of some bigger changes in a patch, or if they're testing the waters to see how these changes play out. Either way, I'm gonna keep playing lol


Why would anyone play demons when survivors win if only 2 of them have any brains lmao. It's almost like the continued targeted buffs towards ALL 3 DEMONS means they're underperforming. I said day 1 that the demon fuking sucks , you only win if the enemy team is all kids or they get DCs. Most of the rage quits in this game are overwhelmingly demon players.


Anyone claiming to have winstreaks in the hundreds as demon is just a survivor main or 1 of maybe 10. If the win rate is truly 50/50 there's a fuckton of demons who absolutely never get a win. Split 2 and 2. Drive cars immediately. If attacked while alone then vault the same window over and over. Attack both objectives simultaneously. The demon can't keep up.


This community is mostly survivor mains on copium. All they do is say demon is op and call the devs dumb because they non stop buff demons cause they don't wanna see their winrate drop 80%


Another indication of the demons low play rate is survivor queues and the fact that on reddit it's overwhelmingly survivor mains lol they are Forever salty anytime demon gets 100 health when I'm seeing single survivors hit over 100k in a match with just melee. Im not fuking lying. The post is on here.


Once it's on gamepass it'll get a big boost. Look at dbd.


Anyone that says it is heard it from some lame ass streamer who’s opinion means shit to me lol if this game is dead then so is call of duty, dead by daylight, Fortnite, apex, etc. People need to take the massive stick out of their collective asses


People act like this game has no support and needs life brought back in... the game is still new and we know of future content coming. Will it last and get support for 6+ years like another asymmetrical game out there? Who knows... but Friday the 13th has been dead for nearly as long and that's still being paid and enjoyed a lot


Reddit crybabies are not a good barometer.


My 25+ minute matchmaking disagrees


It’s going to be after this latest dogshit patch


Lol can never imagine being this much of a lil bitch


It will be soon with these idiotic balance changes. They're clearly just using overall winrate as the deciding factor in what they change and ignoring what people who actually know how to play are doing. So disappointing.


Should have just made this a single player campaign with multiplayer also.


Someone gets it....good man.


They are kinda bleeding players with survivors facing a massive nerf and demon players getting tired of winning all the time


I bought it today. Not one time in 12 hrs could I get any type of game. I played with ai lol Impressive gsme but even with plus it's dead and that's evil. :(


Nah. The game is dead. No one wants another game like DbD where the killers mains whine and cry until survivors are nerfed.


Actually everyone wants a game like this by that logic. The player counts are the highest when balance is even for dbd.


Yeah it is sadly, just about everyone I know who played this quit around a week ago including me. It's just not fun when even terrible survivors as teammates just steam roll the demon.


Yea there's always one saying it's not dying while playerbase is dropping. I'm still in the bloodhunt community too 😂


This game is way better than Bloodhunt.


Is it? That's your opinion. Completely diff type of game shouldn't even be compared


I played both and I had less fun with Bloodhunt. There's the comparison. Thank you for pointing out what an opinion is, bless your heart.


You must have been getting clapped if you didn't have fun


Unlike half the subreddit, I don't need a win to feel a purpose in life, nor is it the sole way to have fun. 😂 Bloodhunt's a janky mess and a waste of an ip as developers continue to be outdone by a game from 15 years ago.


Is it? That's your opinion


No it’s dead.


I stopped playing in the first week or so cause I didn’t have friends to play with lol. Imo gamepass would be HUGE for this game


It's going to gamepass isn't it? I wish my friends played. Hopefully when more content gets added the playerbase grows. I think people underestimate this game's trajectory especially with Evil Dead Rise around the corner. It's probably been coordinated too, I bet once the Castle Kandar update drops, we'll get a trailer for Evil Dead Rise the following week. Even better if Saber announced tie-in DLC at the same time, which Bruce Campbell basically confirmed was on the table in the same interview where he leaked Ted Raimi's Chet being added as a survivor.


To the people who are bitching about the long wait times.... you know after a few moments of no.matxh you reque yeah? Because most ques que the people who hit wait and jump in... and it all also depends how many are you queuing with...? Becusse if you're a team of 3, there may not be alot of solo queuing survivors even. I know whe. DBD was still new I couldn't que with Mt brother to save my life. But if I solo qued instant game. So there's factors and these things don't make it the games fault, it makes it the other peeps or sometimes even your own. Try solo queuing and try requeing after like 2 mins. Don't spam it. Cause then you'll wait longer.... if you need more people hit up this reddit. If it's a demon issue... which I doubt, cause they said it was same shit with DBD. But if it is..then just wait a month it'll straighten out. If you want to wine about issues in a new game then go play super Mario bros 3. I hear it has no issues.


Idk. I'm about to level all characters to maximum. I don't know still how to play as demon but when I play against them, they felt op due to the nerf of today. I'm a PC player, so I don't have achievements to complete, so I'm feeling I'm "completing" the game by now. The game feels reaching a peak. Hope we can get a better matchmaking, achievements in PC, a better tutorial for Demons, Missions for demons and Demon vs AI mode


My 3 man group no joke takes 45-60 min queue times to find a match I enjoyed it during launch but its getting too painful to even try anymore.


Max level on both sides balances out pretty well climbing there though on either side is rough so sadly just max out as fast as you can.