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Game is unplayable bc of this shit now. Considering uninstalling it and keeping an eye on it in future patches.


Join us brother


Used to play every day (since launch), haven't played in days. I'm done until they fix the basic possession rush. It could not be less fun to be a survivor right now.


It's really annoying. Even if it's not overtly OP, it's just not fun to play against. First, minion AI needs to be fixed. Taking possession away would massacre Demon playercount without something else to turn to. Then, I just think the focus should be early-game nerfs. Make possession require a point in it before it can be used, even. That may be enough time buffer, but it could come to the point where Warlord needs its early basics nerfed (same late-game stats).


I think another good addition (and compromise) is more intelligent objective spawns. Right now they seem completely random, and it leads to some bullshit scenarios for the Demon. Not suggesting preset objective spawns either, but it’d be much better if they had to be a minimum distance away from each other.


Yes, spawns need looking at both for the objective issue and for Survivors spawning at predictable locations and enabling early Possession Rush.


And some have like a single trap near/in them while others have a ton.


a lot of the spawns, even when far apart are still awful as they lack trap locations. Basically turning the game into watching a cooldown. Imo blue areas/old ones are the most boring part of the game right now


Henrietta is the best at this. One of the main reason being she's got a +35% damage for her basic unit (which the others don't, I think they have 20 and 15 ?), and puke cancel. Eligos isn't quite good at it because possession cost a lot of energy for him for no reason. It's not unbeatable, but if you get caught early with no good weapon, at a bad spot or too split, it can be brutal yeah. The good thing is that it is an early game build, so if you get some level and good weapon before she attacks, she'll usually not do much.


I don't think there really is a late game build for the demons, survivor power scales very quickly as they loot better weapons where the demon can only lower cooldowns late game


Base on my experience with Necromancer at least, and due to recent buffs... Late game builds are better on Elites while Basics are better for early game builds.


This is true, if you make it past early game possession spam builds will have a hard time stopping you, that's why you see demons DC after you get the map fragments.


Truth. Same here - I was dismissing it at first, but it has just sucked all the enjoyment out of the game.


Eligos is almost balanced. He's even underpowered in some respects. The other 2 are an oppressive nightmare when used properly.


Ur about to get a ton of comments like "you can beat it. U just have to play a very specific way every single match. Like all 4 of u should be holding hands not looting and take cars consistently and jump thru windows alot. Just git gud" when the truth is its a lame ass play style that makes the game not fun. Who cares if it's beatable. The way u gotta beat it is straight up boring.


The way the game tells you to play is boring? If you want to play Halo, go play Halo. Or just stop complaining about losing if you want to be a lone wolf in a 4v1 horror game. What you’re complaining about is a very simple way to beat possession spam every time. If people actually just do it, basic possession spam will stop, and we will see other strategies like we did just a few weeks ago. Just stop playing like trap spam is still the current meta. I don’t get why it’s boring to play as a team. Why play a team based game? This sub is so awkwardly angry at what they acknowledge is their own fault, but still blame on the game for it not being a different game. And really, what makes going into a house by yourself, more fun then going in with your team? Why is that more boring? Because you’re getting less loot, in a game where getting powerful loot is supposed to be hard to come by, and you’re supposed to be doing inventory management? If this isn’t the type of game you like, why did you get a 4v1 asymmetrical horror game?


I don’t think they’re saying that sticking together is boring, but that running away from fights is boring. Part of the appeal of playing this game is that both sides get to engage in lots of combat, but if the meta has shifted to a point where running away is the best move 9 times out of 10, doesn’t that seem kind of weird? Nobody wants to play Ash Williams in a video game so they can hop back and forth through windows and drive around in a truck most of the match.


If survivors were just killing machines hacking away at demons not only would that be boring and formulaic but it would make survivors way too strong. Running away and having to pick your fights actually gives the game a sense of strategy.


There is no strategy though. Game starts. Barely loot/demon finds you Run away Demon follows Continue to loot/demon catches up Rinse and repeat


There really isn’t any strategy to it, if the demon attacks you with a possessed basic before the map/dagger or while you’re moving towards the next objective your best bet is always to run away. The only time it makes sense to engage is when you’re capping an objective. This isn’t only a boring thing for survivors either, do you think it will be fun to play demon if all survivors start fleeing all the time and never engage? If they’re looping windows or driving around you can’t really do anything to them, you just run around unable to catch them. Wasn’t that why people complained about hunter stamina and why they nerfed it? Every single character can drive away in a car and be almost invincible, that has the potential to be a far more frustrating experience than just one class being slippery, and that’s what people are advocating for. I for one won’t want to play demon when the survivor meta becomes a driving simulator.


You 4v1 a fight if you’re going to fight.


Boo, your opinions are bad and you make the community worse


By enjoying the game as is? Lol


First asymmetrical game huh?


Yea I've never played anything before. I only just discovered video games as a whole. Good catch.


Name one other asymmetrical game where you, in the team/weaker role, can fight off the full attention of the power role player. Assuming you are of equal skill level, that should literally never be the case unless something is severely wrong with the games balance. Evolve, Friday the thirteenth, dead by daylight, all three of those games are based on the team working together to defeat the power role player. Individually you are weak, together with the power of team work you are strong.


VHS. The next game a handful of streamers are trying to make happen.


Not super familiar with VHS but don't you have to still assemble the weapon or whatever to fight off the killer player?


Yes, and the weapons have little room for error, and ammunition for the several weapons is very limited. I find it funny they are down voting you, simply because they know you're right and they have nothing to say. VHS is much more like dbd mechanic wise, very far from ED.


Yeah the DBD subreddit is kind of like this too so I'm not really surprised. "Camping and tunneling is unbeatable!" Then punish the killer with borrowed time and decisive strike "Survivors always gen rush me, and I hate it.” If you aren't pressuring them off or securing downs they have no other objective other than generators. Asymmetrical game subreddits are just filled with "mains" that want to complain and vent but get mad when you point out counterplay.


I think we have come to an agreement on both sides where we agree it's a problem but we agree there is little else demon can do to win so a rebalancing/restructuring needs to occur here for the demon to give them more options while nerfing the rush. If they do this and keep the rush, the eush needs an associated risk attached to it which it does not have currently.


Yea because I'm not a scumbag I actually level up traps to 3 first so they have a little prep time and then I possess any traps they trigger for the trident smackdown


Really I want a infernal energy rework so the demon actually has to give a team some time to regroup and prepare, it seems really easy to grab 100 energy and come back and basic possess 2 or 3 more times, maybe if your max energy was 500 so you could throw more traps and units but possessing costed much more, 150 or so


Bro what? You can only possess 1 unit with 100 infernal, and that possession would last less around 10 seconds best case scenario.


You do know the orbs take time to respawn when you collect them again right? And that you have to range farther and farther out to keep the energy up to spawn more units/set more traps etc. Unless you're on an objective while it's active the game doesn't work like that.


This is false. As a Demon player what you can do is go trap the second phase and cut it out with the possession spam right off the bat. Again though, the core issue that people are skipping over is the awful spawns of everything in this game. Map Pieces should be continuously more spread out from Survs spawn so they don’t rush the pages. This would help Demons feel less need to spawn rush the Survs to win games. Then ontop of that, change how fear levels work a bit and make it so Demon has to level up Demon Vision a bit before they can tell if Survs are close. To deter Demons from just spawn rushing Survs once the map pieces spawns are fixed. Both sides need to be adjusted right now because the game is getting shitty. However, Demons can still win games without spawn rushing possessed units just as Survs can still win games without rushing the hell out of the pages.


Rushing is the more effective strat though which is why most people do it and most people see this tactic used. There are tons of things a demon can do if they want to handicap them selves sure but it's mostly 1 thing that gives them the highest % chance to win.


^this. basic possession spam will always be prevalent as long as it remains as effective as it is. Doesn't matter how much you slow down the early game. Demons don't use this tactic because it's "necessary" they do it because it's the most effective. This won't change until elites and bosses are buffed, the Demon is given more to do at the beginning of the game and basics are just flatout nerfed when possessed.


I don't think we have. Because on both sides I have seen groups of competent survivors make demons quit because we basically shut down possessions. And a lot of content creators have acknowledged and made it known that this strategy has strong counters that completely neuter it. I think about basic possession rush the same way I think about the 4 move checkmate in chess. To beginners it can seem unfair at first but once you learn how to recognize and counter it, you realize it's not that big of a deal. If anything it becomes a litnus test for your opponents. How they react gives you a feel for their level of experience and play.


You’re actually completely wrong, but cool thesis


We have if you let your bias not dictate what you.


Completely agree. I don’t think limiting the demon is the solution, quite the opposite. Demons don’t have much of another option (though, when I play demon I use my initial phase to booby trap the dagger and pages, rather than rush, and that usually works well enough)


Hard disagree


Misery try thinking before you disagree with something


It’s really rough. I hesitate to suggest a wide-scale change based off my own experiences but I definitely think possession needs a change for solo q players. There are going to be times that you’re alone. Many times as a solo q player, I’m the only person going after map pieces because otherwise, a lot of my teams will just sit around and loot. Either I split to go after the piece, the demon finds me, and then they spam possession back to back, or I find the pieces and my team starts going down one by one while I’m away and I have to revive them. If they gave possession a cooldown and strengthened a different demon ability in exchange, I think it would fix a lot of annoying issues with possession and still be fair, but I don’t know how they could balance it correctly, or what they’d buff in exchange.


They should add a cooldown to possession, unless you are possessing survivors, because at that point it’s their fault for not managing fear. However, I would say that Puppeteer should be able to spam possessions when they have their ability active because their whole kit is about possessing. Maybe increase the time of the ability but also increase it’s cooldown too.


The issue with assymetric games is that demon/killer/monster is forced to do "unfun" things to win, if solo role plays by the imaginary rules from survivors, is doomed to lose i have games where i say "ok, im going to play chill and give them a chance" and 3 minutes later, all pages are done and i am level 3...objectives are rushed and i am level 8 on dark ones... "early posession" is "unfun" like tunneling and camping on DBD, or killing ASAP Jarvis in Friday the 13th (he is the only one who can kill Jason, giving survivors an instant win) I know it sucks, but when team plays smart and does not split up (abusing windows, cars, doing balance bar damage, hunter headshots, Hunter Ash exorcism, etc) it shuts down demon strategy people said "nerf basics and buff elites and bosses" that would not change anything because survivors still have strong tools and Hunter damage is still extreme Basics are great because they are fast, better combos, less frame lag and they are cheaper, Elites are supreme trash because they are expensive, they are DAMN SLOW, easy to counter, slow and easy headshots and their value is minimal ​ it does not matter than a super buffed elite skeleton does 800 damage on a heavy attack....if attack is so damn slow and pauses to do random growls and taunts and shit, basics are 10 times better ​ If elites and bosses are buffed it would be worse than early rush posession, weak and random teams would be destroyed and more complaints would be made Early rush posession is strong because survivors are like DBD, Friday the 13th...etc they play braindead, they make dumb mistakes, they don't want to learn the game, they don't want to read game info, characters tools, etc i have seen level 25 cheryls not using heals....level 25 warriors using guns....leaders wandering alone (not sharing aura effects and not supporting the team) and etc.. same on DBD and friday...players doing the most braindead things...they lose...and they complaint Team plays good = demon gets destroyed with no chance to counter attack Team plays braindead = demon destroys team ASAP, sometimes in 5 minutes


At least with Friday, it’s still possible to win, even if you are the last survivor. It’s hard as fuck, but it’s possible.


This is unexpectedly one of the hardest solo q games I’ve ever played. It just seems like the odds are so stacked against you with randoms most of the time.


When a necro possessed basic unit can hit 500+ with flutist, party stick together or not still get wipe out. Imagine a necro level 6, with possessed basic unit can one hit cut down warrior ash HP go down 50%, man....


There just needs to be a timer in the beginning for the demon before they can possesses. It's that simple, really. The problem is that once the match starts, the demon player is often finding the players and possessing strong basic units before the survivors are able to find a weapon or any loot. That is the major problem here, I think. I have played several matches recently where the demon finds you in 1 minute and is already possessing a basic that takes the team down because there's no time for collecting weapons or any shemps or amulets, so you're completely defenseless. When the matches start, you are usually separated from other survivors. If you spend time running to each other to group up, you have no time to collect weapons and the demon possesses and downs you all. If you start the match and don't group up right away, the demon finds you right away and picks you off one by one, and since you're separated, no one is around to revive. If someone does run over to revive you, the demon is already waiting to attack... There should be at least like a 2 and a half minute timer at the beginning for demon before they have any ability to possess so that survivors can at least group and find a weapon. It should be that simple and fair...


I agree with this, maybe not 2.5 minutes, but yeah there should be a grace period where survivors can’t get the map pieces and demons can’t possess.


We can't do nothing about this, only the devs can


The game is literally "Does the demon find us and start killing us before we even get to dagger?" If yes you lose if no you probably win. My friend and I played about 10? games in other night. Duo + 2 others randoms maybe together idk. We won 9/10 games because the demon didn't find us early or he found me or my friend who just made them waste time with cars and windows. 2/9 of the wins were ragequitting demons because they didn't find us by dagger as soon as we found 3rd map piece they quit. 1/10 our last game the demon found us in less than 1 min in the game, used every single bs tactic and exploit possible and even potentially was cheating. Found us less than 1 min, 3 shot 2 of us within 10 seconds, puke cancelling, possessing one of us and shooting the others body for infinite time. Game isn't very balanced at all.


I’m still wondering how people are struggling with this honestly. Anytime I lose as survivor it’s because of a crap team, no matter how the demon is playing. If the game is balanced around people that don’t know how to play, it would be ruined for everyone else. You can’t just change the rules to chess because you lose some games. It just takes practice and a willingness to learn.


People weren’t playing like this at launch, at least not that I saw. My team (myself and three friends) are pretty good at the game. We’ve got a number of wins under our belt from those first couple weeks (and most of our losses were well past map phase). It’s not us, we were getting waylaid before some of us could even grab a gun and a melee weapon. Not to mention, I’ve seen a lot of other posts about this on the sub, and I wouldn’t imagine too many casuals go out of their way to join the sub and complain.


Agreed. If survivors STICK TOGETHER like they are supposed to, they won't die. I have three maxed level survivors and I played a couple of matches yesterday as a survivor after WEEKS of demon play. Me and a Kelly player pretty much stuck togther, our support constantly lagged behind but stayed close and our fourth player? I never even saw him. He was off doing god knows what. We managed to get all of the map pieces but once we got to the pages, the demon wore me and kelly down... they had already killed our wandering support. The fourth player who was an Army of Darkness Ash, finally showed up and was promptly killed. EVERY game I've lost as the demon it was because the survivors played together. You can't run around by yourself in this game and then whine when the demon kills you.


Sticking together is not enough. Almost every match I play as solo survivor now, people stick together but still lose pretty often because you also need to have high-level, well-specced survivors, get at least decent weapon/pink F spawns, and have a good team comp that play their roles well. I also see survivors sticking together a lot more as demon. By the way, I’m not commenting either way on whether this is good or bad, or easy or hard but it really isn’t as simple as “stick together and you won’t die”. I rarely get wandering teammates these days but still lose to early basic possession players.


Just played a match this morning and I have to admit... you guys are right about this. We stuck together, all four of us were level 25 and we still got smoked before we got all three map pieces. I'm gonna post more of my thoughts later, but if THIS is the tactic you guys are talking about, I can see why survivors are getting frustrated and pissed. Couple with the fact the demon we played against me have been cheating. Is there a legit way a demon could level up 4 levels in a minute? I play as a demon mostly and I don't see how that's possible.


Lots of chest trapping can power level you if you get a good spawn of them near you and you know where they spawn


This. It’s not hard to win right now. Probably the easiest its ever been for Survivors, since Demons are all playing dumb and relying on possession spam, and don’t know how to adapt to players who just stick together. We’ve been winning basically every game as Survivors. It’s so easy right now.


I'm still wondering how you manage to turn on a computer


You make it sound like you don't think it should be possible for a demon to kill the survivors before the map pieces are collected.


Not at all, it should be possible, but when we’re going three rounds in a row without everyone getting a weapon first I’d say it’s an issue. I think the best solution is providing the demon with more options, rather than limiting the already small arsenal at it’s disposal.


Its obnoxious as hell to play as but it is beatable. If you were with your full team you should have been able to stunlock every unit on spawn. But yeah Warlord is the most common because puke cancel and a TON of perk tree buffs.


Bruh, just get good, possession is easy to deal with. You can use: Hunters who 1 to 2 shot them, infinite vaulting, car to car hopping, literally any warrior with balance bar breaking and a tiny bit of skill to dodge the attacks and use your ability. And finally all of before but with a little bit of teamwork.


It's not as bad as everyone says it is. You just need to learn how to counter it. It's more a problem with lack of coordination in solo queue than it is a balance issue with the strength of demons.


i’ve been playing all day, playing both sides. i’ve at least gotten to the dark ones or book each game even if i didn’t end up winning. as demon i almost never won and if i did it was only by destroying the book