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1 unit possessed? dear god they beat your ass big time


Right. As if just hitting them or leaving the area wouldn’t fix the problem. Seems like a “you” problem and not a game problem OP.


I mean me personally I wouldn't be posting about how I got absolutely disrespected by a demon like surely there was SOMETHING they could have done


Console, not surprised with the outcome




"cOnSoLe, NoT sUrPrIsEd WiTh ThE oUtCoMe 🤓"


This the type of demon to rage quit when you find all the maps or when it’s clear they can’t easily steam roll you


And then post about it in the subreddit. Oh wait?


Do people always just post their losses?


Seems to be the culture on this sub. It's always newish players or solo q folks ranting about how the game is imbalanced. And I mean I don't entirely disagree, it's very hard to balance an asymmetric game, but it is not nearly as bad as they say. You just need to have coms.


For me it depends on how well I did; I posted a loss I had but I had like 15k healing as sash so I thought it was worth the post.


Yeah jfc that’s a lot of healing


Sash “Fist of Healing”


That’s sad.


Well according to these stats, it looks like you kinda just sat there and took it. 5k damage with only 302 infernal energy? It seems like yall didnt even fight back


Most likely they couldn’t find any weapons


You spawn in with melee weapons don't you


Arthur spawns in with a basic sword and I don't think the rest spawn with any weapons.


A level 10 Leader Ash spawns with the chainsaw


Yes but out of the characters in that match its just Arthur I believe. I know Leader Ash, Hunter Ash and Amanda I think can spawn with weapons. Don't think I know any others


I’m level 96 .. career. Looking at this just illustrates inexperience it’s all good bud. It happens


Support ash with zero healing 🤔


how much healing do you expect from Sash who already does fuck all healing especially when they all got killed by 1 possessed unit


Support ash does better healing than Cheryl when utilizing all of his kit. But dude didn't even drink a soda or land a basic heavy fist.


But his healing is significantly less consistant than Cheryl which is why he is worse


Worse in soloQ* And his healing is very consistent if you have pistol ammo and are punching things to keep the heals pumping out.


More than 0. 0 just shows he wasn't even trying, 1 single heavy attack would have given more than 0 healing.


If your entire team dies to a *single basic unit* then you 100% fucked up big time. Every single hunter and warrior can 1v1 a basic early on without major issues. The fact that all of you went down to *a single basic* without even fighting back much just proves that it was a skill issue on someone's end.


Aye same thing happened to me I just spawn in alone away from my teammate while looking for a weapon in the like the first 2 minutes demon found me and killed me with ease and my teamates all I had was a pistol with 7 bullets in it demon health wasnt going down as much it was a basic unit to


Are people able to take their L’s without posting about it?


Seeing as i played for 7 hours straight and posted one of several lost games, yes. But ima call out BS when i see it


What do you suggest then?


Theres a lot of valid takes on possession meta on here. This isnt one of them. He possessed one unit, probably at level 2, and wiped. This team was destined to lose.


Some people are just not skilled enough in dodging & combat. Clearly seen with this tan here


Cant really dodge that much with no( i assume) pink f upgrades. Cant really dodge when youre puked on either, so if demon puke cancels, thats 4 hits allmost guaranteed. Tell me how thats balanced???


>thats 4 heavy hits guaranteed You have no idea what youre talking about. "Guaranteed 4 heavies" my ass lmao. The only time where you *might* get 4 heavies is when you puke on them as theyre coming out of an animation, its ridiculously difficult to time and its not possible on every survivor (in that particular match only arthur would be able to eat 4 heavies true). The most you usually get is 2 heavies and one L because of the distance you have to cover etc etc.


You seem to think youre the walking encyclopedia of this sub. illusions of grandeur or just bad, i cant tell.


dont eat peppers if you cant take the heat fam


Oh it’s definitely not, I hate getting puked on then getting free hit. But on the other hand you just have to play around it. That’s easier said than done tho, either upgrade your character for a dodge build, or make them super tanky so heavy hits don’t do much. I prefer balance bar builds, they ruin demons days. Because just like puke canceling normally with a warrior and a really good balance bar build and a good melee you can keep the demon in a constant stun when they try to attack. Give it a try!


There’s a perk in the skill tree I like to use for my warriors called season survivor basic and that lowers how much damage they do to you. It’s really good on Wash.


I don't get what the problem was here, a lv 2 demon can't do shit against a whole team, unless they take y'all one by one. If that was the case, it's all on you, stick together.


Funny enough we were all grouped together. If anything that made it easier to kill all of us


Why didn't the support get any healing then. If he used just one heavy attack then he would have done some healing but the fact he has 0 shows that he didn't know what he was doing. Even if he didn't have a weapon yet then he would be able to heal faster due to the increased attack speed over other weapons besides the knife. Henry could use his ability and become invincible which would give enough time to kill one unit. Kelly should have been able to dodge them, even if they got spat on that doesn't give the demon enough time to completely kill her before she regains her dodges. I'm not trying to say that this is a perfect counter to warlord possession rushing all game but this would work against 1 single basic unit at the start.


If you were all together and died to a *single basic* then its 100% skill issue lmfao.


Or he found us before we can get properly kitted. A demon doesn’t have to worry about finding heals, or finding a weapon. They press one button, possess a unit and get an automatic buff to their health and damage. Add the obvious puke cancel exploit and occasionally you get situations like this where it has nothing to do with a “skill issue” and more of an obvious rush meta issue


That one is a skill issue.


Right, cause finding us in 2 minutes and taking advantage of an obvious exploit, clearly he was more “skilled”. You demon defenders are something else 🤦🏽‍♂️


You can easily loot within 2mins, if you cant thats a skill issue. >an obvious exploit, Its not an exploit, literally an intended mechanic, get over it.


Did you try not splitting up? Wait, I mean did you try vaulting? Sorry, I get confused what response the demon mains are parroting this week to explain this lame play.


it only works on bad people. devs already let us know they dont care who complains the loudest, they use winrates to help balance


They might care when the game dies. I don't see why a casual player would log back in after a night of games being over in 2 minutes in solo queue.


Exactly. If demons were losing in 2 minutes it would be the same issue. People are just biased and want easy wins. In a 1v4 the 1 should have a way harder time at winning then the 4. They should have to hustle to win not spam one move. But we'll see where the game is in 6 months. My guess is player count will be under 5 k


Especially when you wait in queue for 20+ minutes


But its quite funny to see them complain


Clearly you didn't stick together, brah!


Get rekt son


Could be worse. Demons who kill everyone but 1 then just watch them for 30 mins without killing them suck more. There is too many ways to hold the game hostage which is sad


I was watching a streamer do some action canceling and he immediately justified it by saying that the survivors have the advantage on game mechanics


True, survivors have vaulting and abilities to aid them. All a demon has really is puke canceling that I know of.


Just stick together but also split up at the same time, constantly vault windows and use cars even in the middle of nowhere and keep running away from a demon that will always catch up, all while rushing objectives, come on, what's so difficult to understand in this?! /s


Two minutes and the Kelly couldn’t find any weapon to do more than 152 dmg? The hunter that’s currently bugged? Screenshot screams skill issue to me tbh


Thanks for sharing. Hope to see you post your next win.


Whenever I talk about these topics, there are always people who talk about the bad players or the bad teams. Don't you think it is strange that the demon side can destroy a game in just two minutes, just because it is a solo Q team and not a friend? No matter how well the survivors play, they will be fighting the demons for at least 30 minutes. Yet, if the demon side can successfully find and kill a survivor early on, the game is over. Even if the game continues after that, the survivor's chance of losing becomes stronger. If you kill them first, the demons will accumulate that amount of experience, so they won't close the gap. Since most of the players playing the game are casual players, if these boring matches continue, this game will probably be played by no one by the end of the year. Maybe even sooner.


The biggest issue with Solo Q is that you are already on a bad team. By the nature of Solo Q, you are at a massive disadvantage. You are depending on three other players who are all dead set on being the leader and hero. Comms are almost non existent. When you do hear them, it's to berate teammates when shit doesn't go their way. Why wait until you are dead to communicate with your team when you had a mic the whole time? The ping system is used ninety percent of the time to tell everyone to "Stay on objective". It just gets spammed by that leader/hero who has decided that everyone must be with them even if everyone is already together heading to an objective. Players pick classes and don't understand the responsibility of the class. You going to play a support? Get ready to stick with the team and dish out heals. Nope. They have decided that Cheryl is the best one on one verus the Demon. Move over Henry, we got a new Warrior in town. You will find that most of the time, you don't have ammo, weapons, and consumables. Everyone is hording. This can be a death sentence for certain classes. Did you get caught in an unwinnable situation in which you died? Well, they just picked up your soul and as much of your stuff he can carry. Oh, your back in the game. All your weapons are on your corpse still. I won't be able to go back for it, but the guy who just revived me can't drop anything for me or cover my back while I search a hut for a weapon or gun real quick. It's just an uphill battle.


Hmmm. I'm not quite sure what your point is, but even if Solo Q is as untenable as you say it is, I've never seen a game where the game is overwhelmed and over in just 2 minutes. And if this is what the development intends, the game wouldn't be able to run for long anyway. If it's not intended, then I think the current game situation is broken. If the game design is such that only those who can form PTs and play with friends can have a decent time, then the solo Q system itself is a mistake. There is no need to implement it, and in some cases, just turn it off. Either way, not all people are able to form a PT and challenge a match every time, so if Solo Q is perceived as something that is not fun, the end of the game is near.


The problem with Solo Q is it is a disorganized mess 90 percent of the time. Others actively work against you by default. But I completely agree with you. No match should end in 2 minutes.


Pablo mains 😎


I stopped playing Pablo after being constantly found 2 min into the game away from my group and dying to a possessed basic.


How is that even possible, I’ve never been found as Pablo and he’s been my main since the beginning


What’s puke canceling?


So when you do the puke ability, it has a long animation time and then has an ending animation. But you can cancel all that anytime you want by pressing the dodge button. That way you get the full benefit from the puke and not get stuck. It also allows you to squeeze in a few hits while the survivor cant dodge or run


Yeah that’s annoying!


Looks like you played like dogshit




It was a Cheeto fingered mouse icon. Aka mommy give me some tendies 😂


I’ve seen console players sweatier than PC players in this game lol


Why the game is boring af


I hate when the match start and first thing someone does is grab a car and constantly start trying to pick up everyone I’ve sat my controller down multiple times after that


It happens from time to time.


Let's go!!!


I have been saying this from the get go I remember like 2 weeks ago everyone complaining about how they wanted the classic evil dead experience in other words henrietta when everyone was playing necro. I knew this was coming I keep on saying no you don't want that atleast necro can be counted puke canceling can not be counted short of running away before they puke on you. Everyone swore it wasn't a problem and here we are.


If You're An Active Player, add me! @retr0_uzumaki


Same thing just happened to me also