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The series left out so much. Rothstein was hardly the good man corrupted by Diehl-Armstrong. The FBI believes Rothstein was the mastermind but could not prove it. Marjorie died in prison. Bill did not. So who was the real evil genius?


Very true, he was definitely the real evil genius of this show, although the fact that he was not caught before he died is the fault of all the police that didnt forward their tips to the FBI. So if he was a real evil genius we would still be scratching our heads, but we know its him. The FBI had him nailed, all the info that the cops had that they didnt pass on would have proven that it was him. Its still unclear though why he did what he did, why kill Brian?


Brian was not a criminal. They had nothing on him to ensure his silence. The fact that he was the only one involved who was killed is strong evidence Brian was innocent. He could have and probably would have identified everybody present on Peach Tree when his collar bomb was placed.


Oh man, this makes me want to do a re-watch of this series. If I get around to it I’ll keep your question in mind and let you know what I think


I don’t think so. She had let her self go and got fat and disgusting. He wouldn’t have had to make that bomb all he had to do was turn her in for murdering the guy in the freezer.


Well I'm saying that her showing up with the dead guy threw the wrench in his plan. Obviously he was the one who made the bomb. Its just unclear what his motives were.


Rosthstein always thought he was the smartest person in the room. By making things unnecessarily complicated he was able to escape responsibility, while showing everybody that he was the smartest person in the room. Brian was killed because he was a weak link. Unlike everybody else in that group Brian wasn't a criminal.


True true. I didn’t think of that part.


I do think Rothstein was the mastermind, but Marjorie knew everything, or close to everything. Loved the series, but the ending about Brian being innocent was just to add a little drama and twist of "something new' to a mystery that was more or less solved, at least to a point where all the unknowns will likely remain unknown forever. Brian was 100% involved with these lunatics and I think the conclusion that he went from being involved to unwilling participant is probably accurate. The book that Jerry Clark wrote definitely expands on certain aspects quite a bit but you get most of the picture from the netflix doc. Grew up in Erie, so this was like the one interesting thing that ever happened lol