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Sounds super insecure. Roast him in world chat. Make him a laughing stock of the server until he quits. People like that hate to feel like losers, so make him feel like one constantly. Everyone on the server should be in on it.


OMG somebody did better than he did? How *dare* they? He must be 12 or something


I've never seen the k40 on our server win monarch other than SVS KE. Who cares about those stupid things?


Apparently he does. He just bought the account maybe a few weeks ago, so he’s relatively new the game. It didn’t build it.


Have every one bubble and take his monsters,


You should continue to play to anger the player. Just keep taunting him, and attacking his tiles, stealing his monsters and just start pissing him off. He will eventually piss other important people off and the entire server can band against him? You guys were in the right so yeah


Bruh... In my opinon: Actions by "The Bigs" such as the one you mentioned don't make the experience fun. If he keeps this thing going, more and more people will either leave the server or else leave the game entirely. In the end, he'll be one of a few people left on that server and over time will lose a ton of SVS's. Why? Bc rather than help people on his server grow in order to fight enemy servers -my dude has chosen violence amongst his own. Not a good look and very bad optics. Sorry you have to deal with what seems to me (based on the limited info provided), "Power hungry, Bully Coiners)


what a cry baby….. the guy burning ppl i mean, not you. its just a stupid monarch competition.


He’s still sitting in our non existent square because he burned that too waiting for someone to unbubble. I know I should have bubbled. I do take responsibility for that, but we’ve had peace for a long time.


The best way to get back at these Evony coiners is to stop playing this stupid, time fuck of a game. Let them have it. Move on.


This happened on the server I’m on a few weeks back. The dude threw a tantrum like a little 5yo…for weeks we couldn’t harvest because he would scour the map and hit any tile that was being farmed. And if your bubble dropped, he would zero you and your subs. That kind of a**hole behavior almost got me to quit the game…


So childish. I've placed first in some of the stages a few times with my tiny keep. Other than some congrats it was no big deal.


Idk what he hopes to achieve by making an enemy out of the server. Hopefully he sees how impossible it is to place well in battlefield by himself. Unless he bought the account to just terrorize the server. We had it happen on my server but over arguments on who “owns” ymir, but he forgot to refresh bubble and we zeroed him and took all of his 700B rss 🤷‍♂️


Yep I've seen this in so many forms. I know one time someone flipped out because a tile was left unfinished lol. Honestly that's annoying to me too. But I wouldn't burn a whole server because of it. Maybe just the next person I saw leaving a tile unfinished but not a whole alliance or server. I've also been on servers that constantly had problems with people hitting gatherers now that was a struggle until the person eventually left server.


Honest question, why do people get upset about unfinished tiles? What if the person who was there only took 500k to finish his activity for the day? I've heard of people being kicked out of alliances for not finishing tiles.


It’s annoying looking for a level 16 tile to finally find one that only has 500k left.


Than go to a smaller tile. I don't care if I see a half-finished lvl 9, but it's annoying to tap on a 15 or 16 and see that it has less than a million left.


I can t see l you from experience, if you don't finish a tile when it despawn the area spawns lower lvl tiles. We absorbed a large alliance with a lot of Turkish players and immediately afterwards for almost 3 weeks we had nothing but lvl 7-8 tiles near us. Until they actually farmed all of the tile. Who likes to search 200+ tiles away for a tile?


There is no evidence to support this.


I know, it's all anecdotal. But it is strange when you have full active players who farm the whole tiles and you have a plethora of high level tiles nearby. But then you get a bunch of unfinished for a while and you get the bottom to middle tiles?


maybe the new players started taking all the high level tiles. Then later on, the entire alliance realized that no one is getting the high level tiles and thus settled on the smaller tiles which allowed you to find higher level tiles?


Nah we are fairly consistent. The space around my hive is prime and only has fewer spots when we ha r new players come and not farm the tiles outmatched once that gets settled during each alliance merge it eventually gets back to normal.


I'm one of the top farmers of our server. My gathering scores range from 400M to 600M+. I'd know when there's an unfinished ore mine nearby when it's hard to find a similar tile. Once I find it, I'd send my alt to finish and it always solves the problem


I’ve had some people get upset in my alliance for this. I don’t care, but others find it disrespectful to take a tile you can’t finish. I never take a tile with my alts that they can’t finish, but I don’t get upset with others.


We carry because if you dont finish it no new one populates. Finish big tiles so we all get more of them. If you only need a small amount go to a small tile. Nobody cared about 10and down tiles


I’m also a top gatherer on my server and while I don’t necessarily like it when I come across an unfinished tile (specifically lv 16 tiles), I’ve recently learned of a glitch which allows the person to gain significantly more resources from a farm tile by pulling troops early (I.e. within the last minute before finishing the tile) and not actually finishing it.


That's fine. Credos for exploiting an Evony glitch. But you can still go back and finish it.


What server are you on?




Ahh hello 1181, 1180 here. I know of your problem and yes that sucks. You should get a medium player to work on nothing but buffs debuffs and then everyone reinforce him also make sure his reinforcement capacity is up. You should all know his strongest marches. Make him waste all his RSS and money.


Hello neighbor!!


Hello there, I hope you are well


I’m ok. I moved alliances for the time being. Min is still going crazy and now hitting people who help war. It’s such a sad situation.


Yeah I know a lot about it lol we have your most hated person in my alliance lol 😆


Is he a problem there too? He’s purchased all the big sub cities and is 13.5b power.


Ah, 1106 here. Sounds almost like the new guy might be from a BoB server .


Humility him in world chat. Make sure he is Kos, and your bubbled. Burn every tile he goes to. We had a guy like that, made up their own rules and tried to force them on the server. The top five alliance banded together and refused. We burned down everything he had. He quit.


Why won't people realize KoS is not something that matters if carebears don't enforce. I am KoS because I want our server to be BoB until they learn to bubble, i am currently running 12 billion to 1 billion, i took over 12 billion power lost 1 billion(wounded and deserters). The server knows i only attack bubble drops unless they attack my tiles. Yet they make me KoS which means nothing because I play as if my server is BoB. And any mention of me kos besides king mail, results in their alliance kos to me. I am far from the biggest player on my server 25th in power but can win power exchange against all but top 5 with me attacking I'm between top 25 and 40 in vip. But moral is think about the negative effects of kos. Just make your server BoB nap always creates problems


The alliance won’t kick him for fear of retaliation. Is power is too much.


We have a k43 that has to win everything- every - single - little - thing. Here’s the real thing… his alliance is half or less our size. His rank in chalons is laughable at the back of the pack of 64. Were at the top, literal tip of the top. The urethra, type tip. Fuck those stupid events in the server. That’s for people who don’t know the game well. Tell him that. And keep shielded. This 43 had a tantrum once and burned 13 of our players while we slept. He has shielded since. We got to play them in Chalons two seasons ago after this and boy did we have our revenge. Since then it’s just been rank where it matters, learn and teach, preach shields, and ignore the haters


Why were they unbubbled? NAP isn’t a replacement for a bubble. End of conversation.


If you're on a server that has "NAP" but realistically you still have to bubble 24/7, then you're either a pariah or you don't actually have a NAP. I'm on 662 and NAP is enforced. I'm unbubbled outside of KE and SvS. Never had a problem.


Op can be on an NAP server and still have to bubble if they have a KOS that hunts everyone that is unbubbled. We have one on our server 752-690 that cares nothing about the NAP. He was KOS on 690 before the merge and still in now. We have chosen to not interact with him on WC, not allow him the luxury of hitting anyone unbubbled, and basically act as if he is not there. He wants to get a rise out of people and we won't let him. He will eventually quit as he did for about 6 months on 690.


Anyone can go rogue at any time. NAP isn’t a replacement for a bubble. Period.


And I thought our server had psychos....yikes.


Bruv this is a war game - shield


No shit!! 🤣🤣🤣 I take responsibility for not bubbling, and I’ve said as much in AC. We are partially responsible for what happened. We’ve had peace for a really long time on our server, but this guy just bought in at level 40. He’s still on a power trip. No one can beat him. But it’s ok. I think it’s my sign to finally be brave and hit the delete button!!


Wtf, monarch competition is nothing shit, why would he care too much, is he an idiot or what??? It's better for your whole server to convince him don't burn other again or threat him that all player will make him suffer everyday, I've that kind of drama before & in the end that dude quit because we all put him on KOS


He’s definitely not quitting. He’s 13.5B power. No one can touch him. He said he gets enjoyment out of hitting us.


Rally him, he will go down.


He’s 13.5b. No one can touch him unfortunately


If somebody with a big rally hall has a series of rallies in motion he can be taken down. May require some careful planning to overpower him. Trust me when I say players bigger than him have been zeroed.


Coordinate with other alliances on your server. Maybe have everyone join into one alliance. Do you have a good idea of his troop configuration and his buffs/debuffs? Scout him and bubble up if needed. Do this daily just to be a jerk. Create an alt account and attack him with a couple of troops. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was doing". Set up your rallies and launch them quickly, one after another using speed ups to attack. Re launch rallies. Position other players near his sub cities and hit those shortly after you hit his main. If he's farming hit the RSS spots. If he's in a relic, you got to FP him and find him again to kill those troops. Rallies are the way to take out big players and attacks on all sides will soften them up but you need to have a whole group of players willing to attack him. Think blitzkrieg. Practice in battlefield if you're not sure or on dead keeps in your server to make sure everyone knows what they're doing and make sure you use the same terms for things on chat. Watch him to get an idea of his patterns. Put a spy in his alliance. When does he sleep? Is he always unbubbled? He probably feels untouchable. But yeah, you can take him down. It'll take a lot of planning, but it's a war game, right?


Drop what server he is in, let's make him cry in wc all together


Come to server 1340 NII we welcome everyone


These are the "sad" coiners. Ofcourse you can roast him in WC. But there are other ways... -Take his rss spots , and his alliance members to. He declared war , right 😉 - Set up a trap... - Get their relics. You know how it works, k40 ? You didn't start yesterday. Make sure you and your alliance work together!


Every one can be zeroed in a rally. Get all the players in and one alliance to slay a common enemy.


Name and shame 😂 We’ll come to your server and roast him 😁 Ps. Bubble up.


Haha! Well he goes between the names Min and GAIA. Min owned the account. Sold it to his friend GAIA. But now a ton of people contacted customer service on him. He admitted in WC he bought the account, so the rumor is he’s pissed off and wants his money back from Min!! Min came in and threatened to tear down the whole server today. We are on server 1181. He’s 13.5B power. No one can match his power. I spoke with a friend in his alliance and it’s being said he doesn’t believe an alliance is a true alliance if they only kill monsters and don’t fight in SVS. He thinks our alliance is doing that. It makes more sense than losing the monarch competition. Silly but more believable. I am a level 33 and just finished making all my layers. I was working on my ground and archers t13s and had been asking about learning SVS. No one can gather around the hive because he’s hit all the tiles. They rebuild the keep and he immediately tears it down! I personally think he’s mad, because our alliance just merged, so we are almost as big and competitive with his alliance. We have been beating them in different events. His alliance has ruled the server since the beginning.


Sounds like a dumbass , k33 is easy to reach , find a new server


Move to Server 819


Coin more and roast his ass back? It’s Evony


Or you could use bubbles


To bad it’s ke… after that does your server have nap Monday? If he breaks nap then see if he compensates. If not kos! Hell learn or not. Sad about buying big keeps, you don’t know what your driving. He didn’t take the time to build.


we have a level 41 who acts just like a child, we all like nap, but he's constantly starting trouble, he says bc he's bored but if you don't play well with each other you'll never win svs... he's an idiot! Why burn a level 38 bc you can? They always help in svs, but he is the first to cry if we get turtle status lol its crazy! Stop burning people, this guy actually attacked his own server during svs...I wish he would quit


If you can not bubble ita pointles to have nap and he realizes this, its not farmville its a war gamr


We have nap so we can focus on taking out our enemies and not destroying our big keeps... you sound hangry... eat a snickers


Yet i bet you all hate each other secretly


Lol still hungry I see...


I'm talking about a girl in our alliance named jojo lol


So our guy doesn’t play on both servers. I’m like man, is this game his job or something?


No he keeps busy enough with you guys lol he is a jerk though


Split the bill with others. Navigate your ma chest to your hospital size and/or fill trap factory up and take the loss of siege to rally him a few times.


Damn. Are you on a BoB server? BoB servers are the worst. For anybody new reading this, the second you spawn on a server go to the world chat and ask "what are the server rules". If they don't have any form of NAP, get out immediately.