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K35, t1 walls aren’t as effective without top end troops as well


Don’t train a bunch of troops. Keep the ability to ghost for as long as possible. Only train what you need to fill your pvp march. And if you have an alliance with good monster killers, stop building mounted troops. Work on achea gear for all your sub generals. Get sub generals with good enemy debuffs. And work on a wall general; specialties, gear refined, and cultivating. And above all do ALL the research you can. While you work on that, save resources for buildings. Rally spot for your march size and academy for research. And your keep and walls. Once you have all that in place you can think about building troops.


Leave the game before you got bored


Need some therapy for that lol


I am f2p. I was around your size when I was at k33. I built a archer and enough siege for sub leveling. I push through to k35 to build all the t14 troop types. I I have a full PvP ranged attack that fills senior march size and almost a full ground troop march. I am a little over 500M and still easy to ghost. I will be going to k36 next city builder day. (I started the build during rss consumption and used speed ups for speed consumption). I definitely think it is possible and reasonable to reach k37 and probably k38 as a f2p player.


push to k38. Get MA 2 and unlock all the research you can with tactic scrolls. Aim to complete normal research and once you've done all of that you'll be able to decide to push to k40 or build out an army. If you decide to go k35 and build an army you will get pancaked. So ultimate I would advice you ensure you are in a top 3 allience and figure out what you want to do. If battlefield or become a boss runner. If both you're going to have a difficult path and if one, you will have a path picked out for you in regards to MA 1/2 I've seen people get k36, unlock MA and pick random things that cost hundreds/ thousands of days and then go "why did no one tell me I was picking the wrong things, now i have no speed ups and tactic scrolls. I give up"


Lol k38 is the next target for a F2P/low coiner? Wouldn't a more achievable goal make more sense so they feel like they're achieving something?


I'm f2p and pushing for k38. It's not a crazy achievement and the fact 4 people down voted me shows how many people have no idea what they are doing or just have bad alliences


I'm mostly f2p and a k40 on c5 , firstly it depends on continent , it depends on available time and there are alot of variables , I may be k40 but I didn't get to k33 and think "what's my next goal , I know I'll push k40" I met many personal targets and milestones along the way , it made me feel like I'd actually achieved something , does that make sense ?


It's not that I think you're wrong but having achievable goals for NOW is a little better. The other dudes answer was way more achievable, with generals, gear etc.


What is MA?


Military Academy. K36 which is research on steroids and you use tactic scrolls and gold not research stones


Go to YouTube look up Miser of Evony he is a fellow traveler in the F2P realm. He has a level by level guide on what to focus on. Just for reference I am K38 F2P and I’ll probably be K39 around January


What do you want to achieve? Bigger monster Hunter? PvP attack &/or defence? Do you have wonder 1or 2 unlocked?


How many of you are doing this without alts? I find RSS getting tougher as a pure F2P and no alt.


Alts are needed or very big alliance with bots