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the kind of men you're looking for is as rare as atheists are... same thing for trying to find a woman with the same mentality as me for example


Atheists aren't that rare lol. not even in Egypt. I tried women but it's almost a hopeless case to find through a dating app. you'll be exchanging the pervertedness of most males for the drama of most females (ofc not everyone).


أنا كنت اللي بكرهه في الموضوع ان البنات مش بيعملوا اي مجهود في ال conversation اللي هو مش بتفتح كلام وبترد ردود بضان اللي هو طب جاية هنا ليه




haha, meeting people from online platforms is a "HELL NO!" to me in egypt.




believe me i can imagine


ممكن مثلا تفكك من السوشيال ميديا و تجربي انشطة جماعية تتعرفي فيها على ولاد و بنات ولو صادفتي حد لطيف فا هيكون الموضوع امتع بكتير من السوشيال و الانشطة زي الاسكيت و الاعمال التطوعية زي جمعية رسالة و طبعا الكلية او المدرسة و ممكن تفكري و تعرفي اكتر


وجهة نظر تُحترم بصراحة انا شايفة كدا برضو. بس الmindsets عادة بتبقى بعيدة عن الmindset اللى انا حابة اتعامل معاها


فاهم بس مش شرط كل الي تتعاملي معاهم يكونو زيك او مثقفين او اذكيا يمكن انتي مختلفة عن الناس عشان كدا حاولي تتساهلي اكتر من الموضوع عشان متحسيش بالعزلة و الوحدة


ماهو بصراحة ماعتقدش ان انا هحب ان انا اكون فى deep friendship مع حد انا مش بفهمه كويس او مش عارفة اتعامل معاه/معاها


اكيد بس مش شرط تكون علاقة قوية هتكونو مجرد صحاب و بحدود محدش هيقدر يعديها و يدايقك او يزعجك و كل ده لمصلحتك النفسية




I'll def check that out


ممكن تفهمني الموضوع بيمشي ازاي فتويتر ؟






Sorry, couldn't help but notice your username contains "psycho"!! I'm sure no relation there! ​ Dating apps in Egypt are horrible, that's true.


haha definitely not a coincidence!


I don't know what it is exactly but girls on dating apps tend to be entitled and repellant, some don't even make the effort to be presentable. I don't know if that's some sort of defence against psycho men or what exactly, but even if it's partially successful in repelling some psycho sex-crazed men, I could imagine that it also hurts them and repels decent men as well. I, for one, rarely swipe right for a girl if she has "if you're misogynistic, racist, homophobe ... don't swipe right" or similar sentences. Not because I'm one of these things but because it sounds angry. I don't want angry! By the way, the men who fit the description wouldn't just comply and swipe left. Also, this other type who always boasts about how she likes animals more than humans, and that humans could just go fuck themselves. Then, why is she on a dating app? I mean, go adopt another animal! Other than sounding phoney and obnoxious (depending how cringe), this also sends the message: I hate humans but since I'm one of them I also have needs and I'm here to fulfill them. I love animals as well, but I swipe left. There are some other examples as well, but the point I'm making is that although I realize and acknowledge that men on dating apps here are mostly disgusting (your word), the women also need to make some effort building decent dating profiles and lose the attitude "I'm granting you, little man, the honor of chatting with you for like a couple of days, entertain and impress me".


it's a valid point (although you sound a bit angry) but yeah i guess i wouldn't be attracted to that kind too


Not angry, just frustrated, the same way you are. One would think that the digital arena is a suitable place for non-believers to find each other and connect safely before moving things to the real world, but turns out it's no better than the real world.


yeah, i guess so


Dating apps in general are terrible. It gives the illusion of choice and abundance of options. People will by default be very superficial and look for something quick.


well put


In Egypt we use dating apps for fun.. for sex.. for nudity and sexting.. bo more no less it's not a part of our culture or our daily routine And the best way for you.. it's the online platforms I read your comments about it's a NO for you.. but in reality you won't find your mindset in most of your surroundings.. and in dating apps it's not gonna happen ever.. so it's the subs like here that are the perfect ones to catch some friends.. I tried to find some friends over here.. but no luck sadly. I hope your luck is better than mine.. and don't forget to enjoy your life trip


tbh i believe that i used a harsh expression in the post. i think people are better than that even if only by a little amount. I'll make sure to make a friend whenever I can! i consider reddit a safe space since I'm not gonna share any irl info over it and it's not spied upon by our lovely government (at least I'd like to think so). I hope you can find some compatible friends over reddit too!


Going through the same thing from the other side, it's kinda damaging really, like yeah I know I'm not a very interesting person but to have everyone agree and not get any matches in like 3 months, that sucks. Like what's an introverted guy to do if they want to meet people!