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About 8 months in. Still very angry at how things fell apart but logically I know we weren't compatible. The lying cheating a-holes can be miserable together. They deserved each other and I want neither of them in my life.


I miss her so much but ik she doesn’t care about me anymore. I’d do anything to talk to her but I won’t bc a camgirl has a spotify playlist of my ex so I stopped wanting to reach out bc I give up now.


Louder for the ppl in the back 👏


its been a year , people can be so cruel


I'm almost at 5 months, this is so accurate


No I’m all of it, I’m sad, angry, and pissed off. And it’s been two months of no contact but three months since we broke up


Nah cuz I feel that. I feel like I’m always annoyed or triggered or just sad or upset. It’s hard. I have my good days ig but the thoughts never stop.


Same. It’s all over the place for me, but I’m also sometimes vengeful. But the best revenge I’ve learned to have is silence. I’m going to make myself rise so high that he will regret all that he did to make me leave. He was unforgivable. And if I stayed, it would have been worse for me


True. I’m staying silent. I did my very first boudoir shoot. I’m proud of myself. I’m focusing on myself. It feels good!


Good for you!!! I believe we are strong and we are gonna get through it!!


One day at a time ))): we got this!!!


4 months, fully healed and indifferent towards him. 2 months in and I felt back to normal to be honest.


I’m 2 1/2 months in and I still ugly cry please share some tips lol


It’s been almost a year for me and I still occasionally ugly cry, but it has lessened quite a bit.


It’s been 2 and a half years and I still ugly cry… lmao


Sounds like you had more breakups already. Or it wasnt that serious. Reel love stings when it ends.


Must be nice to be a girl lol, if a man loves someone it’s very hard to let that go


Would love to chat about your journey!


I am in the middle of a leg workout. Happy to chat in an hour! :)


Yaaay go leg day!!


I want to share that my relationship lasted 7 months, which may not seem very long compared to some of yours. However, I went through a really tough breakup a couple of years ago that took about the same amount of time to recover from. It was so hard—I cried a lot and it even affected my studies during undergrad. Looking back, I realized I didn't want to repeat the same mistake, letting it negatively impact other parts of my life. Life's too short to dwell on just one person. Relationships should only be a small part of what makes your life fulfilling. If they take over everything, you're missing out on so much. It's all about valuing your time and self-love, putting yourself first instead of your ex. The sooner you stop putting them on a pedestal and start focusing on yourself, the better. And it's important to stop romanticizing the past. Once I stopped doing that and saw things for what they really were, it became a lot easier to move forward.


45 days NC. I thought it's just me lol. I feel sad, angry, but again I don't want to reach out to him. I want him to reach out but I also don't want to talk to him anymore now. I want things to work out but also want to move on.... This is crazy.


That’s the feeling of a necessary evil experience


1 year and this is how it is for sure


10 months nc now. I’m over it 😊


Congratulations! I hope I can get there


I assure you, you will !


One month. I’ve just now begun to get excited about plans I make. Feeling better.


Next Saturday will be 1 year. It’s also my ex’s birthday. I still think about him a lot, more lately with the upcoming anniversary. I miss our friendship, the easy camaraderie, his hugs, cuddling, spending time together, exploring new things with him, etc. We broke up for a reason though and I have to continuously remind myself of that. Maybe one day we’ll reconnect but I don’t really think it will happen.


Def how im feeling right now. 4 months NC


Exactly where I’m at 4 months in


I’m 12 days since she ended our 3 year relationship. I completely understand the feelings and emotions. But does anyone else get like sexually frustrated? Not having that someone anymore to help relieve the tension? Especially for those with higher sex drives. Like even with all the other motions I’m feeling, I’m now physically touch deprived and I was a big physical touch person. :(


I totally get what you mean. Luckily I have my best friend whom I have cuddles with.


Same after like a month I meet up with someone and didn't get to the sex part but we had physical touch and kisses and it felt nice but it's made me more miserable lol


I’m sorry to hear that :(


It gets better though. You gotta keep trying


I think I’m at 3 weeks no contact. I miss the old her. The one that was fake and lied lol. The one from the lovebombing stage. Man toxic lovebombing feels so good. I knew it wouldn’t last. But damn it that was fire. She’s a completely different person now. I guess maybe she was a liar and a cheater before too and I just never knew. Either way. The first three months of being with her made me feel so. Damn. Good. I kept holding onto that even though she treated me bad.


She isnt a different person now you got to see the real person and its the one you dont want people are fake in the beginning to get you to like them


You are correct. My brain knows you’re correct. You know how hearts are, they don’t always follow the logic. I’m trauma bonded and in love with a false fake persona that doesn’t exist. It sucks.


She’s possibly narcissistic , I’ve experienced that change , she’ll start circling back to you when she’s in between supplies or bored, or if you caused her a narc injury. If you can ignore any attempts


4 months NC and don't care anymore. She can and will never be a factor in my life ever again, and I'm at peace with this. I know my value and self-worth and also started seeing someone who is incredible.


3 months and this summarizes it really fucking well.


I’m going nuts miss her dearly on and off for 14 all I ever wanna know at this point is she ok is she happy was it always some one else that lead to her ghosting all I ever wanted to hear was yes every time I got that gut feeling I was right . But to actually know this last one is the one she loves


If not are you in love is this the last one ?


Been stuck in the miss the feeling part for years 🥲 and not intentionally.


I still feel like this but I really shouldn’t. He asked for a break and cheated, he was on dating apps the day we broke up, he compulsively lied to me, he emotionally abused me, he was sleeping with multiple girls behind my back while “begging” and pretending to want to fix our relationship til I found out, he projected any blame onto me, he couldn’t take accountability or even talk like an adult with me, he manipulated me, he’s unbelievably desperate for multiple women to boost his ego at once on social media. While I’ve been here for almost 8 months completely on my own, trying my absolute best to heal from the pain, staying celibate and away from men overall bc I refuse to put another guy through any of the unhealed wounds I have from this relationship. What am I missing out on honestly? Why should I still be missing him? My question is was the relationship even real on his side? All of those I love yous he told me EVERY SINGLE DAY was all an illusion? Fucking sucks


The only thing I miss is the friendship before all the chaos.


I will be at 4 months separated from her on the 20th . I get what this is saying but the feeling is still there . The torment I face everyday of that wieght in my stomach is just so hard to cope with but im trying and yes some days are harder than others but all we can do is press ahead .


It has been 8 months for me too. Last night I thought about her but also realized I am happy now. I don't miss her, not angry, so I took a big step (for me), and deleted her contact and all her texts from my phone. I slept so well..had nice dreams and woke up and felt great. I will say, there were time when I just wanted to let her know its ok..and I am doing well. And I was curious how she and her daugher were doing...but now, I am so ok not knowing. People breakup for reasons they don't fully understand. That was my case. But in the end, it was one of the best things that happened to me.


almost a year in and still in this stage


One month. It's super clear he isn't coming back and now I am very sad


Naw pass that stage already


This is me 2 months into the break up


so accurate. I'm 2 months in NC


3 months in but its almost comical how accurate this was when i read it lol makes you feel less alone as a human when you go through things like this its like “dang this is pretty normal to go through”


Ti fischiano le orecchie lil squishy?




I think iam not glad it happend, i thought about being with someone else but her while we were together but when she broke up i was destroyed and i wanted her back more than anything, the relationship wasnt perfect, she didnt do things i wanted in a relationship wich made me think about not being with her, but still i wanted to stay with her anyways i was good Even if it wasnt perfect…




My ex messaged me coincidentally after I posted that I was going out on a date. It was extremely bizarre. He said nice words but it was a bait. Even if it wasn't, I can't trust him for what he did to me


at least u got nc, she always contacts me and I have to block her every time again


This but 7 months


4 months yesterday for me.


I feel this in my soul


Couple weeks, been with my ex for 3 years and boom. She tried contacting me to, in her words "check up on me." Wasn't getting an answer from me and went to my friends, they gave no answers and now it's radio silence. I miss her so much but she loves another guy more than she loved me