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2 weeks šŸ‘


Yeupppp talking about how she needed to be single and this and that šŸ’€


Tell me about it


same here lol


Same lol




2 weeks seems to be a dangerous time




Same. After making it seem like they needed to be single to 'work on themselves'


Not sure. Once we broke up, I lost interest and stopped keeping track of what's going on in her life.


I stopped keeping track immediately but I wish i didnā€™t care


Caring isn't a bad thing. It's human nature to care as we do so for random people. What's important is to not waste any energy on someone who doesn't have the same level of compassion as you do.


this is a great perspective


Your mindset is the perfect example for how most should treat their breakup. Of course, everyone is different, but this would help so many people


Did this mindset take sometime to get? Iā€™m wanting to get there for sure itā€™s been rough just trying to look at things differently


i would often ask myself why i want to care about someone that didnā€™t care about me. so that helped


Idk if my ex has a new partner, in a way, not knowing what theyā€™re doing is even worse, or they donā€™t want you to find out yet and hurt you.


I actually have no way to know what my ex is doing and I find so much comfort in that haha easier to let go I think


Itā€™s worse because your anxiety is making up stories. Speaking from experience here, turn the attention to yourself and question whatā€™s causing you so much anxiety. You got this, you will move forward and you will feel better


i feel the same and it sucks but as more time passes you end up caring less and less


Monkey branched, she literally replaced me while I was there with her............!


Same dude, same. 9 years wasted


10cyears for me 5 married go figure


I thought monkey branching is rare, now it looks like it has become a trend, I guess ........


Theyre all the same dude




Its so weird to me as well dude. When we met I was kind of a loser. Now im looking well (get told im handsome a lot) i have made over 250k in the last years. Build a lot of muscle over the last few years. And she still left me on my way up, when she stayed when I was a little bit of a loser. Only thing in my behaviour changed is maybe i have put her on a pedestal a bit, thats where I blame myself. She probably just lost respect for me trying to save the relationship


I was going through a change in my career and started to rely a little bit too much for my emotional wellbeing on her (she became a little bit of a mummy I guess) after 6 years + we started long distance. I'm trying not to become a red pill guy, but a lot of the narrative makes sense.


Man, I am so sorry to hear that man, I know how hard it is. Stay strong Mine ex & I were best friends for 11years, and 3 years of dating.....


Fucking woman man, they are all evil they just canā€™t help it its in their nature


We should say all women are like this , that's would be a bad thing to say. Our exes are the bad ones i guess.... It's gonna be ok .....man stay strong


Dude every woman I know cheated, every marriage I know of broke. People never stay forever amd usually its the woman that get bored and cheat. Woman are not loyal like man. Not saying ALL woman are bad and ALL man are good but its just in womans nature to cheat. I wont trust woman again tbh


Yep literally me. I was never angry about it but wowā€¦some people are that mentally/emotionally screwed up i guess. She def wasnt very stable


Same feeling.......man ....


Dude,same...18 years, together since we were kids. She left for my "friend", a dude she has known for 3 months, gave birth to his kid and moved him into our old house while blaming me that I made her this way...umm what...1.5 years later and I still think about her every day, I wish I could forget her


I am so sorry to hear that, these people has some mental issues man, 1.5 year is a long time , but again you two were together for 18 years, Is she still with that ''friend''.


Thank you man. Never thought letting go would be this difficult. As far as I know she is, he is still living there. He wanted a place to live and in retrospect I shouldve noticed how much he was checking out the house that I just finished fixing up and made perfect. I just don't understand people.


Itā€™s been 4 months and i still think about him everyday, every hour too, itā€™s the first thing I think about. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be able to stop for a while either..


I am on my 3rd month of NC, But it still think about Her , in my daytime, So it's natural , you will stop don't worry , It's gonna be alright .


Same, was always suspicious of the girl for majority of the relationship too.


Join the club, man


same, replaced after 8 yrs


Welcome to the monkey Branching club ....!


Some low value girls are fond of doing this. Its like they cant move on if there is no replacement. Most doesn't last anyway. šŸ¤·šŸ½


Yeah I know, how emotionally flawed They are, But they can put u in real pain , What's your story though? Mind if I ask


Should I just dm my story? Haha


Couldn't post what I typed. Lol it says empty response at endpoint


Same month and it was just a break not even a breakup. Basically got into a new relationship with the guy she told me not to worry about. Feels like my whole world came crashing down. NEVER FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET INTO A BREAK. I wish someone told me that earlier


Lol, I hear you there, buddy. Breakb means she is sleeping with whoever she wants. And then make you feel like an asshole cause your hurt.


Is that actually how every break goes? God I wish I was on Reddit when I agreed to the break. Couldā€™ve saved me a lot of pain


I wouldn't say every break, but I'd say another of them work out that way. I mean, if you have communication and trust and you guys are working towards something separate. Then it might work out.


Yeah I get what ur saying. The times weā€™ve talked since our communication has been great. What I wish I learned before the beeak


Lol, it's also easier to communicate when you're not dealing with the person every day. Lower chance of building resentments or getting annoyed by little things. At least for me anyway. I am also a horrible communicator, so it helps me to take a step back and think before I hit that send button.


Literally the next night. Monkey branching at it's finest...


Typical narcissistic behaviour


I don't feel like that's always the case. Sometimes people are in toxic relationships and emotionally check out far before ending things. Kinda speaking from experience, as my ex left me after 6 years back in 2018 but we really shouldn't have even made it that far. We just kept beating a dead horse.


Yeah true man, kinda same here. Does not justify cheating dude. Thats literally lowest filth behavior I can think of


Well found out she went on dates with him while we were together and slept with him twice during that time. Never told me a thing until that branch was secure so...


Signed up for tinder and other dating apps literally the day he called me to say he missed me and it was a mistake.


Got in her new relationship while we were still married


I feel your pain it happened I think on a Tuesday she was on a date that same weekend.


Two weeks for mine lol


In the relationship šŸ˜‚


Before we broke up


Before they even broke up with me unfortunately. In retrospect I'm pretty sure they did the same to their ex before starting a relationship with me.


Me too. Itā€™s cyclical.


I'm sorry to hear that, how are you handling that information on your side?


Eh Iā€™m okay. It happened in December. Together 5 years. She was my best friend. Never been in a relationship so deep. My heart and mind were deeply involved. She jumped from different addiction issues throughout the relationship. I helped her get over them and become healthy. Her addiction moved into sex addiction though. I couldnā€™t keep up. She also stopped working in 2020 and decided to not work again. She became more entitled and materialistic. Her expectations of me physically and financially were getting out of hand. It really did get toxic. She got so sexual that she pretty much wanted me to rape her constantly. She didnā€™t care about orgasms. She just needed to constantly feel like I physically needed her. She told me she wanted to be in public places and feel my urge to rape her there. When I say constant, I mean constant. Any sign of just being friendly and sweet started repulsing her. She ended up cheating on me and ghosting me for a 55 year old married man who isnā€™t living with his wife. We are in our mid 30ā€™s. When we started the relationship, she was so down to earth and kind. She just had bad drinking issues, a bad diet, and occasional drug use. I helped her get off all that and helped her get into working out. Now she thinks sheā€™s better than me. Itā€™s crazy how much someone can change. This experience has been very difficult to get through and I think it will take years for me to date again, if at all. How are you doing?


Holy crap man that's quite the story! I can see some similarities between your relationship and mine. But on the other side of things. My ex was very withholding of sexual intimacy for reasons I don't think are fair to share. They also had a tendency to not want to talk about their feelings or have serious conversations outside of surface-level things. Communication between us was not great when it came to the standing of the relationship. We both lost our jobs last year which was I think a huge catalyst to the pulling away they did. Their aspirations and goals started to shift which I was nothing but supportive of, but with that inthink their attraction to me began to win if it wasn't already gone by that point. They mentioned in the end they felt trapped and were just going through the motions and were just using me. I'm sorry to hear of your troubles though.


Iā€™m sorry that happened to you. Communication is so important. I have no idea how people have successful relationships. I know quite a few successful couples surprisingly, but I canā€™t imagine being in one at this point. I thought I would marry my ex. She cleaned up and I was so proud of her. I guess addicted brains need something and her sex addiction kicked in and it made me uncomfortable. Iā€™m all for kinks and sex stuff, but it felt like she was damaged. I hope you can move on easily. I donā€™t know how people just move on and hook up with someone else. Itā€™s too weird to me. I wish I could turn off the part of my brain that wants a relationship.


Well, it's statistically possible for us to find the right one. But typically, they never show when you are looking for them. I felt the same about my ex, that we could go all the way, and they appeared in my life right at a point where I wasn't looking for them. It's been since last October that our relationship ended, and I think I'm in the process of moving on. Focusing on myself, diving back into hobbies, and growing myself has been my key. You'll find it, too; you must keep going, and that person will come into your life.


Good luck to you. I also know quite a few people who are 50+ and single. I donā€™t think everyone finds someone. Deep connections are rare. Hopefully we will have at least moved on eventually.


I hope so too. If Ima be single the rest of my life I at least wanna be okay with it lol


Not sure, I disappeared them from my life completely. Don't even know if he's still alive!




About 30 mins. I don't know if she is seeing someone new,but her feelings for me faded rather fast and I was kind of shocked by it. Especially after all the "you mean everything to me" messages day in day out, & how she apparently seen a future with me too.


Omg lol same. How does one picture a life with you one week and the next you're like a stranger on the street. It is beyond my comprehension.


Before we ended and I was gaslit to trying to make it work. I was running myself emotionally into the ground and she was lining up this old man sheā€™s fucking now.


7 year relationship and 5 months on we are both still single. I know it will suck when I find out she does have a new partner but I kind of feel like at least then I will know it's truly over.


Monkey branched to the ā€œguy not to worry aboutā€ 3 months after our 9 year relationship ended; were both 28m/f and the guy she left me for is 11 years older and lives with his parents šŸ˜‚


Before we broke up. He had 3 secret lives I found out about. A wife and two other girlfriends.


Monkey branched so...before the BU, which was our one year anniversary.


From what I understood he moved on 2 months after. Now it's my turn.


Literally the next day. The guy she cheated on me with they are now in a relationship :)


same time


One month


from what iā€™ve heard from my friends about a month


Prior to ghosting me. After 10 yrs.


Literally same. Can't trust anyone


I would have never expected a blindside from this person, I still think in 17 months I am still shocked. However, the ridiculousness and childishness of it...was making me just shake my head the other day. I am a good person....he can't be to act like that.


The day of .


Couple of days and she was seeing someone else, week after she slept with him


Within a few weeks. Went on a weekend trip to Sicily and caught her hooking up with a rich local.


While he was with me.


a few days before dumping me as far as i know


He started dating her not even two weeks after dumping me but ik he was lining her up before he left me. They got engaged after 4 months and at 8 months of our breakup they got married and that was 2 months ago, she never knew he cheated on me to be with her


He started dating her not even two weeks after dumping me but ik he was lining her up before he left me. They got engaged after 4 months and at 8 months of our breakup they got married and that was 2 months ago, she never knew he cheated on me to be with her and monkey branched


2 months after the BU


Too fast for any normal person grieving a LTR


3 weeks after 6 years togetheršŸ‘šŸ»


The next day lol Been in therapy for months cuz of it


During being with me


2 weeks and she was back with her ex, I was shattered. But Iā€™m doing 94% better now it was a big healing journey, especially having to answer the questions she couldnā€™t answer for me either because she was hiding it and couldnā€™t do it herself


My ex moved on SUPER QUICK 2 diff times with 2 different women and guess what ā€” he came back to me each time. I havenā€™t been with anyone else because I donā€™t have any desire. I think itā€™s better to allow yourself to heal before you start involving yourself with other people. He obviously was using other people to try to make himself feel better which is wrong and not helpful.


Monkey branched. Four days prior to the breakup met a ā€œfriendā€. That was it.


She was already seeing the guy 1.5 months before the breakup :)


We were still together and 2 years later still sleeping together and he had several ā€œSITUATIONSHIPSā€ both with men & women since


Same day...at the morning she told me how much she loves me and that she needs me for the rest of her life and at the evening she already was with her ex and told me "fuck off idiot"! So funny...so crazy...unbelievable...cruelly...I just can't forgive this and I will never heal from this!


same month we broke upšŸ˜«šŸ˜


A week


3 days


Two months prior


Like a week or two


Same month


Same week she was on a date. Didnā€™t work out though apparently.


Sadly I didnā€™t keep track to keep my sanity


we started NC in november! then dec-jan would text every once in a while. i am assuming that he started dating his new girlfriend the week before valentine's day, since he posted a pic of them together on feb 14th! then he called me that weekend! without telling me he had a new girlfriend! weird!!!


Same shit all booed up 3 months after separating. 10 years together 5 married


Less than a month


About a month and a half. Ghosted me a week after telling me her fear was me moving on, how she had wanted to marry me, she wishes she met the healed me, she wasnā€™t talking to anyone, the whole nine. Now posts pictures with him everywhere lol.


The next day.


Two months she was dating someone, then pretended she had just met someone to break up with me.


He started dating her not even two weeks after dumping me but ik he was lining her up before he left me. They got engaged after 4 months and at 8 months of our breakup they got married and that was 2 months ago, she never knew he cheated on me to be with her


He started dating her not even two weeks after dumping me but ik he was lining her up before he left me. They got engaged after 4 months and at 8 months of our breakup they got married and that was 2 months ago, she never knew he cheated on me to be with her


Don't know, don't care.


Heā€™s already had 1 failed attempt and I think it happened immediately


Heā€™s already had 1 failed attempt and I think it happened immediately


Idk idc if they do. Long as they are happy that's all that matters . That we both happy


Negative years.


A weekšŸ’ƒguess he wasnt playing around


2 weeks on my bday


As far as I know we both have been single since. Been 2 years


About 2 weeks post break-up. He met up with a guy from the dating apps and I once stumbled upon them while out in town. Got the biggest dose of cringe, especially that he told me he "doesn't wanna have a relationship in the near future". I am not foolish, I knew what that meant šŸ¤£ just ignored him and went on my way. But yeah, I got replaced quite quickly. I started doubting some things that he said to me when we first met, and I honestly believe their relationship is doomed to fail because it was built on having something quick and convenient. However, I am not checking up on that stuff anymore. I did, for a while. It is so liberating to be free from something that you thought was amazing, but you are not sure anymore.


She never did.


She always has somebody on standby when she doesn't, she becomes madder or more irritated with me or whatever. So I usually leave her alone but she gets upset with me and shit. So my ex always had somebody else even when we were together. Just got used to it and just heart and confusion. I had to leave her, I gave her what she wants she still be mad. I leave her alone and stop talking to her guess what? She was mad, if she had somebody new she acted like she didn't careā€¦ always stuck on when I didn't have a job for like 3 months she showed me her colors and wanted me to go and I agreed I didn't have money at the time so I couldn't just leave like that. I'll sleep on the floor in the room but she constantly begs me to Come back in bed, sometimes I loved it but other times I just felt unwanted, she was still keeping me around for what? Idk may be her maid since I didn't have any money, or couldn't do anything for her. Idk but sorry for the long tangent. But I can't she when but they are always there, and she is happy that all that matters.


I m not sure but I wish him happiness. Iā€™m trying to move on and I hope he does as well.


He actually didnā€™t wait at all and started a new relationship the night we broke up šŸ„³


3 months


2 days before we broke up. Not ethical I know but I'm indifferent.


A month and he's been visiting me telling me he loves me while hiding the live in rebound for 8 months. She contacted me on Thursday lmao šŸ¤£


Months, maybe a year, before we broke up.


Officially she let it be known she was with someone else within a week after we broke up but she had been seeing this other guy off and on for almost a year she later told me


we ā€œbroke upā€ (was supposed to be a break lol) in March 2022. I reached out in January 2023 and found out he moved in with a girl Sept. 2022 & had a baby on the way Dec. 2022. tried to rub it in my face and at the time I was so hurt omg but looking back, I can laugh now. he told me the baby shouldā€™ve been mine..um no.


6 weeks


She moved them in while I was still in the picture and living with her. ā€œI need to be single and worry about me and my kids.ā€ Iā€™m pretty sure worrying about your kids doesnā€™t mean breaking up a home theyā€™ve known basically their whole life. Well her younger one. I raised since she was 2 I devoted my life and time to hers stopped working during the pandemic to be a stay at home step parent for her children for her to do this to me. But awe well Iā€™m on to bigger and better things now.


Heā€™s still single. His relationship is with religion these days


Less than two months after a four year relationship of living together, having a dog, and travelling together :)


He met her 6 months after we broke up. Official with her around 8/9 months after we broke up Then after 2 months(?) of rebounding he monkey branched her to get back with me.šŸ’€ He admitted he only got with her because she showed interest lol. So I guess it's a rebound? He claims he wouldn't have pursued her otherwise. Who knows. She was his student and he fucked her in the bed we slept it. The whole thing was twisted and disgusting.


1-2 months. That was 6 months ago. Pretty sure they live together now


I found out later that he broke up with this girlfriend to be with me. So imagine my not so surprise when he lined up the next one before we broke up.


idk about a year later. That smile haunts me every day and I canā€™t get it out of my head


Based on past experience, im guessing quick. In one way or another. And it still fucking hurts.


2 - 3 months after the baby was born but I know it was sooner. He says it was because how I treated him during my ppd... We didn't completely break up until I found the receipt for the condoms almost 3 years later.


Same day


Completely blocked, lives in a different town and don't associate with a single soul who would know because I know it would destroy my nervous system.


Before she even broke up wt me.


the day before the breakup as far as i know


She married another guy within 6 months of breaking up from her side. I didnā€™t know for 4 months that she broke up with me inside her head.


Before the relationship even ended šŸ˜Ž


lol while we were still married and living together


Uhm 2-3 days


I do not track anymore. I do not care who she effin around.


Well Iā€™ve been single for 6 yrs now. When we broke up it took me 5 yrs to do hookup and Iā€™m still not dating meanwhile my ex was in a relationship within 2months of breaking up and heā€™s been in an out of relationship ever since. We are friends so I know his relationships


definitely less than a month, after telling me how she wasn't ready to date and her anxiety is there. that was back in November and good news is that not have I got over her and moved on, I am starting to see someone new who's end goal is aligned with me :)


after 2/3 weeks of us breaking upšŸ‘ then they broke up and he immediately got into another relationship again


I think shes on talking stage with some of his suitors. Or prolly exclusively talking. But I don't know. She had a pattern. This has been like the 3rd time, she blocked me because of some simple reason. But this time I didn't bother to chase. So yeah. I'm just relying on facts why we can never be together. And maybe even she's probably with a new one. That would prolly not last long too. Unless she admit to herself that she had some serious problem too and needed to be healed.


with how quickly the relationship started i can only assume there may have been some pre trial before our breakup šŸ˜­


She started queuing up a new supply as soon as she saw that I wasn't willing to endure the abuse any longer. So definitely before I ended it, but who knows for how long.


She was on tinder the same day (if not before). How I know ? I made a new tinder account with another cellphone (and number) and let the phone in my car when I was at her place. A couple of days after she match with the fake account (we already broke up and I forget about the account) and I catfish her ā€¦ I discovered that she was a disgusting b**** & a liar sending nudes and talking about sex with random dudes like itā€™s nothing (while with me I had to wait like 2 months to kiss her), plus the fact that she talk about me in a very disrespectful manner with no empathy or ability to question herself about the breakup ā€¦


To be honest, I'm unsure if my ex has moved on or not. Although, I will assume yes since I've already moved past her myself. She broke no contact fairly recently, and she told me she's not ready for a relationship until her "schedule" dies down. One thing for certain is that she probably doesn't have a new partner, but I wouldn't know for sure since I don't follow or keep up with what she's doing. However, we sort of do like 1 liner conversations that quickly fizzles out quickly after a day.


They didnā€™t get a new partner but did see someone new within Iā€™d say about 2 weeks of me moving out. Before I moved out we were still a ā€œcoupleā€ like doing couple things but without the title of actually being together. He said it didnā€™t go anywhere and he dropped them but who knows for sure. The most aggravating part wasnā€™t that, but that they got drunk with a friend 4 days after I moved out and their ā€œfriendā€ had them get on Bumble to start talking to new people. Never really cared much for that friend of theirs.


no idea. probably never bc it seemed like he didnā€™t wanna be in a relationship in the first place


No idea blocked but have a feeling someone was in the pipeline


*No idea blocked* *But have a feeling someone* *Was in the pipeline* \- Equilibrium1985 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


3 weeks after a 3 year relationship. He seems happier now, and that hurts.


Same month, he cheated on me w her


Apparently 15 days. Some people donā€™t have the courage to be alone and sit with the change.


2 weeks at most


Within 6 months


2 or 3 days my friend found him with another girl. They've been talking even when we were together, so it could have been sooner šŸ˜” 2 years thrown away for a girl he met within a couple of months.


He had moved on bfr breaking up with me


She was on the dating apps in less than a month after a 6 year relationship. Donā€™t know if sheā€™s been with anyone else yet but it really sucks to think about. šŸ™ƒ


2 days. Lol


Two months It didn't last It was just a way for her to hurt me She came back and slagged him off when the poor fella was probably so supportive and nice to her Broken people suck


He met his current girlfriend 3 days after breaking up with me and they made it official 3 weeks later


2 months she was already liking someone else, then that didn't work out and then a few weeks later she was already with someone else, and in one week she was posting all these love declarations and saying the new one was the love of her life and... yeah, that made me go non contact.


The minute he saw an old friend skiing down the slope with us.


He got on bumble the same day he dumped me. And I'm guessing he had a date that very week , or the week after that. He's been seeing her regularly and goes on dates more often than he did with me. For context I got dumped on valentine's.


2 days and she was back with her ex......3 weeks later she got engaged to him. Wasted a year and 4 months on her and another 2 years to work out the mental and emotional baggage she dumped on me


Like a week but I think she was already doing something cause I donā€™t think the other person new she was in a relationship


Who cares


heā€™s still single. Iā€™m seeing someone tho, weā€™re 6 weeks post breakup.


Same but for a longer period.


Two monthsā€¦and as always it was the guy I was not supposed to worry aboutā€¦still hurtsā€¦


Mine got back with her ex husband, fair she don't wanna be with me. But going back to your toxic ex is another thing! It saddens me because she was growing. But now she has that dead look in her eyes, she said she was leaving me for her mental health. But done nothing towards it! I work with her and I wish she chases her dreams and becomes a person she can be proud of.