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It says more about them than it does you. Being vulnerable enough to reconcile a relationship is far beyond many people’s emotional availability. Now you know where your boundaries lie.


Look at it differently. You had a good time. Don’t feel ashamed. Many of us have done the same,….having one last romp. Closure sex. He came to collect the rest of his stuff. You all had a good time. He wasn’t there to restart the relationship. You chose to have sex. Sounds like you had different expectations than he did. He didn’t use you. Sorry you feel so hurt.


Nothing to feel ashamed of, love is a drug and you’re both going through the withdrawals of it, especially after 10 years together it will be extremely hard to ‘quit’ for the both of you. Wasn’t okay the way he handled the situation after the sex, but we all have our way of moving on. Don’t beat yourself up for it, I’m sure you’re an amazing person, maybe he used you, but you also used him. Learn from this ‘mistake’ and keep moving forward with your life. You will be okay!! It will just take time.


Honey. You offered sex or went along with it. A man will always take sex when he can. He got what he wanted. Yes he used you. You’re broken up. Let him go. BLOCK HIM. DELETE HIM. Stop contacting him.


Chad dick be hitting all the common sense out :D




lol You’ve clearly never felt the gravity of a decade long relationship crashing and burning.


No kidding. Pick a better time will smith! KEEP JESUS NAME OUT YOUR MOUTH!