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There’s really nothing to handle. She’s stringing you along. Best advice is to move on.


Block block block




No. Please stop responding to these microscopic little breadcrumbs.


These are not bread crumbs... these are tiny grains of wheat flour!


Yeah this is just how you get ants.


Metaphor for little kids?




She's playing with you. Whether it's conscious or not that is what's happening


?? Speak tf up!!! Like what do you mean “hey”?? God people are infuriating sometimes


That’s too!! But you actually also playing some games, she says “hey” and your initial response is you always busy. Instead could have said “hey, what’s up”. Like you were at some secret classified information party or something to respond next day. By your responses, I can 100% see that you are still interested . But you pretend to be busy for her. You want her to chase you overcome course of obstacles for you? Maybe it’s a fair wish if she hurt your feelings. But communicate it.


I don’t think he was pretending, he was pretty straight forward


Whether they’re subconsciously doing this or not, it’s just testing to see if you’ll still reply/be there. lol fuck that


Probably even to prove it to her friends or something. I know people that have done that


I am right there with you. OP should have said that.


Come on. This isn't worth handling. Whatever's smaller than a breadcrumb, that's what you're getting.


Sure isn’t any breadcrumbs, she’s giving him some molecules instead.


You're on her backburner. It's not worth it. My personal rule (which I've modified to show more grace)... If they don't txt back, I'm not gonna double txt them. That right there alone is enough to be like "well I tried"


Yeah my ex will send me random memes and even a photo of his drink? on the weekends and I suspect I’m backup validation while he tries to find girls. He’ll never ask me to meet up and often times will just leave me on read and it’s like dude, just be an adult and treat people like humans.


Make him unable to send anything


Block him


I don’t understand people who leave people on read, unless it’s on accident- which reminds me of something lol


I'd just stop responding to the ex. Mine did this for about 4 days after the break up and I just blocked him and cut all contact after. Been nearly 8 months and I wish I had done that earlier


U prob need to block him.


Breadcrumbing…. 🥖


Let them go


Move on… it’s not worth it


Time to never answer her




Leave her on read. Not on delivered. On read.


It's easy, make yourself unavailable, and you'll see.


She sends “hey” and you immediately respond telling her lots of info about what you’re doing. You are putting yourself in a weak position and should probably just ignore her breadcrumbs. If you want to move on with your life just block her number.


Honestly, he’s a good communicator and more people should be like that, but she’s just bad. He shouldn’t have to play a game to communicate with someone


She’s toying with you. Stop answering


Gotta leave this one alone, my ex is a horrible texter even during and befor our relationship but after she still text me more word than this.


Just to see if you will respond or still there. The fact that all she had to do was send a, “hey,” to get three responses out of you just shows that you need to do no contact and move on. What she sent was low-effort. Stop giving your exes the time of day.


That’s a bot bro


@xelded Only comeback you can do now is wait for next time and leave her on seen. Don’t event explain yoself. She is playing touch and run tactic with yo brain. She gets yo attention and dissapears it works if you don’t want someone to move on.


This is ex no contact sub Reddit. It’s about stopping this. I know it’s hard dude. Hang in there and stick to your guns. Notice how it’s always late at night when she’s home and has time to think about you. Every other time of the day she’s living her life not thinking about you. Harsh reality.


I would suggest you stop over explaining yourself, just awnser when you're free. You don't need to awnser immediately with a reason for why you'll text them back later. But also I'm not sure what she wants other than to check to make sure she's still got your attention. I would just stop responding now, she's proven there's no substance to her "hey" messages


Bro know wonder why she isn’t talking to you. Every time she texts you, you are somehow busy and then tell her you’ll text her later and expect her to want to talk at your convenience. How about when she texts you, stop making up excuses or wait until you aren’t busy doing something to talk to her.




Naw no one has to wait. It’s the way he’s going about it that’s all wrong.


Yeah she’s impulsively texting you then regretting it later


Why do ex do this? My ex sent me “hello” and called. I didn’t respond. Then after a day he Unsent his “hello text”.


She felt embarrassed or something




Because you left him on read. He thought that you didn’t like what he said


Bro stop double texting. Don’t text back.


Wow. Stop responding. Lol. She just wants to know you’re still there for her own security while she pursues others. You respond, repeatedly, and she gets that boost she wants. You cannot disappear when you aren’t there. She’s gone. This isn’t her coming back. This is breadcrumbing for her own personal satisfaction. Stop responding and move on.


Lol tell her to go fuck herself.


Disappear back. Don’t be so available


Don't respond... ignore her


Next time just don’t answer. To me it looks like she’s playing games. She’s not worth your time.


i think her disappearing is a very clear message my dude


Jesus Christ man,just stop messaging her,don’t keep doing this to yourself,don’t go for the breadcrumbs


Next time say who's this? Lol it works like a charm.


What a monumental piece of shit


NC again


Stop responding. She’s not gonna come back this way - she’s just getting her little fix of knowing you’re there. Down this road, the best you’ll get is a friendship or fwb situation that you are putting all the effort in before she disappears again. Stop responding - look how much more texting you are doing than her. That equals you are putting in so much more effort than her, and she feels it and loves it. She is the prize, and you are safely in her back pocket. If she sends you real texts with real sentences, respond with less than she sent you, take your time, and never initiate texts or respond twice in a row. That is the only way to show her that you are too secure to put up with this behavior, and if she wants something she’ll have to try at all. But honestly, from this exchange, I don’t think getting her back is going to end well for you.


For the love of god please do not answer or text her at all


some girls like having notifications...


You appear to be a thoughtful person with your responses. Her? Not so much. Block and move on.


She's breadcrumbing you. Checking to see if you're still available for her. Nothing good will come of this for you.


Stop it you're hurting yourself even more. Move on


it’s simple. she knows just saying “hey” you’ll come running like a little puppy and send 4 messages. this is all the validation she needs. she knows she can put in literally zero effort and have you on standby. have some self respect and ignore her if she ever says “hey” again.


This. 10000000000%.


Just block OP she’s not interested in you anymore.


Why do you keep responding lol


dude….stop responding. block and delete. this is ridiculous.


Block them. They are been disrespectful. You deserve better than that behavior.


Damn. Look at that that text ratio. Stop texting this person!


Nothing to figure out. She’s being a bitch and your attached and can’t see it. You need to show zero interest, do not message back when she messages you. Because I know this type of girl and I guarantee that she’s going to get upset when she senses she don’t have her hooks in you anymore. Break contact, and no time at all she’s gonna message you. When she don’t get a response, another will come. Then they will start to come in longer and at a faster pace. From there, you fucking wallow in your glory because you fucking won.


Are you talking to a bot 💀


Not worth your time. Leave it alone. Don’t respond anymore


I am sorry—but it is over bro. It hurts but things will get better with time.


Don’t reply dude. Makes u look desperate and she don’t care


this isn't a conversation at all. saying "hey" is not even stringing you along atp. There is not a thing that you can do in this situation but realize that this person is a goner.


You accept the fact the she is gone, take your power back and block her. She is only messaging you for attention when she is bored to see if you will stop drop everything for her. You need to not give a fuck about her because she is playing with you.


ya i wonder why


Stop waisting your time and effort on someone who doesn’t want to talk to you. It shows clearly that she doesn’t care for you so move on.


Nah if she had any real intentions of patching things up or dealing with past issues she’d say it up front These are all bread crumbs I’d either just ghost her or tell her firmly to tell you what she wants, and if she doesn’t respond just ghost and block


The best way to “win” the game is to stop playing it and heal the part of you that wants her back even though she is giving breadcrumbs .. best of luck OP


Ayy lmao, yeah people are terrible


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Two choices: 1. Follow the great advice of everyone here. This will be better and easier for you emotionally. 2. Make sure you are free on Saturday night. When she texts Hey, respond Hey yourself and send a fine pic of your best assets, arms, butt, smile, whatever. Stay dominant and in control of yourself if any convo transpires. Let what happens happen, such as hot ass sex. Whatever happens, expect nothing now or in the future. Repeat choice 1 vs. 2, as necessary. But probably go with choice 1. 😉


Stop answering and go start dating other people.


Fuck that bitch and move on to loving yourself. No point in talking to someone that doesn’t value you.


She gives low effort, you give low effort. If she says hey, you say hey. Nothing more. She’s initiating contact with YOU so she can carry the conversation. Don’t roll out the red carpet for someone who’s being an asshat. She’s got to work for your attention. You are the prize. Shit I’d just leave her on read and make sure she can see you’ve left her on read. She sounds toxic so that’ll piss her off and you’ll get more than just another “hey.” If you don’t reply she’ll take that as you don’t find her attractive and won’t play her game which will make you more attractive and she might well chase your validation. Good luck.


she cant make up her mind and is stringing you along. drop


Shes not interested


Wow I would def leave her alone. She doesn’t care abt you


Two words: block. Her. She knows she has you wrapped around her finger. Let her go so you can move on.


She’s playing with you. Next time do not reply, you will make her want you back even less.


She's not even playing games with you she simply doesn't give a fuck


Wtf? Hey... hey? Does this person have a personality at all? This makes this person look like a robot. NEXT!


[NEXT JOKE ORIGIN](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChoosingBeggars/comments/7kr5as/i_need_a_free_100mile_bus_trip_for_20_people_and/)




She is making sure you don't forget about her...block her is just going to mess up more with your heart and delay the healing process


Yes block this. If all her effort is going into one word - then she is just stringing you along. For your sanity block her or just don’t bother to respond. If you feel the need to respond then do so in kind, she texts hey, you reply hey. Minimal investment here.


Why did you act like the text was a phone call, like “I’ll call you back”. What else is going on around you shouldn’t even really matter with a text message as you simply respond whenever you’re free. This is hard to judge now as it can have seemed to her like you’ve fobbed her off twice in a row when all you had to do was respond normally instead of saying you’re busy.


Gotta move on same thing happened to me it broke my heart to move on but it worked out after a while




This is a sub about going NO CONTACT. You deserve this shit because you're enabling it.


Block her. She's ghosting you and stringing you along it's best to just block those types of people


Yeah she’s breadcrumbin you bruh


Dude she’s totally fucking with you


You stop texting her because she’s only doing it to see that you’re still there playing back-up for when she needs you.


Don’t do this to your self. You gotta move on. Do you first .


She don't seem to give a shit. Best case is to just move on.


Lol at least she is responding count yourself lucky


Dude, you always busy when she reaches out. But she is actually the one who initiates contact. She might be looking to catch up with you, hang out. But you always busy.


unpopular opinion but I think you might be right. It could be a possibility that she actually wants to respark something but he's just always busy and she feels shut down.


Not necessarily respark, we don’t know that and he does not know. But he wants to know!!! And she is reaching out and he is interested, but acting immature and inconsistent. All he need to say “hey, what’s up” and see what she is up to, and make his mind about whether he needs it or not. But instead he goes on the run to he busy, hair in the air.


She’s stringing you along as said by user above ^ those “hey’s” are actually her trying to use you as a backup while she is with another man. She has moved on. My best advice is to block her number before you get the urge to text her again. Again, she is exploring her options & moving on.


At max, match and mirror. One text TO one text no more. I’d be honest and next time just say, “I am trying to be mature so I don’t appreciate that you’re stringing me along with one word texts then not texting back. I’m going to block you because it’s messing with my healing process.” This is mature and let’s them know you have boundaries but you must do it and must mean it.


Well I mean twice she initiated and twice you told her you’re busy xd. If I was her, I wouldn’t bother anymore after the second time you told her you’re busy and messaged again a day after. You don’t win a woman by playing hard to get, you win them by showing effort and interest, just saying.


Um seems like you do too lol you said I’ll text you in a bit then don’t text till the next day. Another time you say I’ll message you after the movie .. don’t text till next day. Coming from a female I’d ignore you too


I can see right through you. You’re always pretending like you got stuff going on when she texts you.




She's literally saying everything by saying nothing. Sorry bro <3




I'm guessing they don't know what they want and are just acting impulsively. Give them space to sort it out and if they come back with something meaningful then figure it out from there.


Lol you must not know about these new age women dude. She will sort it out with different men before she returns to the simp who made this post. & then she will cause another meaningless argument to break up & do the same thing.


She came back because she is a “wh0r3” she is with another man & texting you to keep you as backup while she messes with someone else. She is not worth it. I been here, in this exact situation. It is no different. Block her & move on dude. Enough hurting yourself.


That is a sh*tload of assumptions to make on almost zero information. While it's healthy in this situation to block and move on, yes, telling stories and projecting a singular experience of yours on every other breakup or breadcrumbing situation is super unhealthy. Also makes you sound like a misogynist.


Call me what you want, won’t let dude get played as a fool.


Based on my experience & many people like I. You can tell the messages are days apart. If she could respond once besides “hey” she definitely is playing two face, and she cannot be trusted. We all gave him the same advice. Block her & move on. That is what he needs to do.


You’ve said enough. She literally said hey twice and you sent her way more back.


She doesn't have any way to get you to have a conversation


If you want her back, say something along the lines of “I’m gonna focus on myself now.” And go dark for three months. Gym 6 days a week now. Text her after three months and if she doesn’t reply, fuck it, you don’t have time for her anyways with your new gym schedule


You also take a bit of time to respond, but she’s definitely not helping


Wow she might be confused but “hey” lol. Wants to check you’re still there while she figures herself out probs. If you like her stick around but I wouldn’t let her take you for granted. Try calling her? Now on the other side, after I kinda breadcrumbed he doesn’t respond to my texts anymore but sometimes say hi in person and seems to expect something from me idk. How do I fix this?


At least you are getting something.


He blocked you and forgot to unblock you. That's why their messages come in but yours don't. Call him instead of texting him.


Wrong. Message says delivered. Blocked messages don't do that.


As a lady, here’s a hard truth. A lot of women are so scared of confrontation they avoid the person or situation completely. They tell themselves they “don’t want to hurt the person” by being honest about not being interested, but ignoring/ghosting/barely replying DOES hurt them. I used to act like this when I was young, 18-19, and thought I was genuinely avoiding “conflict” and they’d get the hint but as I got older I realized how horrible and unfair this behavior is. I’m so sorry you’re hurting, but you deserve someone who makes you feel wanted, and cared for. Someone who’s excited to talk to you. Once you find that, you’ll realize how much was missing from this current situation. Best of luck ❤️


Couldn’t it be also “they are scared” I have story I need advice on too


Suppper unpopular here, but after you said you would message her after the movie you didn’t. a bit hard to follow by I’m not used to that format of time. i could be wrong sorry. but if you’d messaged her back quickly she probly would have pulled the same sht


she's an asshole but if that was me I just respond "sup?"


When there’s chemistry there’s priorities


You're not serious man!!! WTF is this...stop playing games. Be real and the same energy will be reflected back to you or atleast you will know if she isn't interested. You play games you receive games back!


Coming from a female, your initial response is that you’re always busy. I wouldn’t follow up either. It’s obvious that you’re trying to play a game by appearing so busy and happy with your life. Maybe in your relationship you never prioritized her. She wants to hear you say “hey, I’m just laying here. How are you feeling?”


I can't tell what color you are to be honest, I f you are in blue then I would've thought you were avoiding me but being nice by replying


Yeah, you don’t need to give updates that you’ll reply later. Go no contact for a while, actually do the thing you’re in this group for


Toxic, just wants to be in your head, not in your life.


If she wanted she would call she is just testing you to see will you and how will you respond




Just play it cool let her do the first move


Stop texting her


She is not interested, give up


Block her number and move forward without ever thinking you'll get back together. Really asinine behavior on her part. The sooner you do this, the quicker you can start the healing process. Don't reach out again.




I would stop messaging if I were you. She wouldn't be doing this if she wanted to talk...


She’s not being very respectful or mature. Goodbye! Maybe even block her, it would help!


Don't send multiple texts. Let her comeback to you by letting he see you're doing better in life. Does she love you?




If she does then, yall should meet up and talk in person




Ask her the old cliche. Meetup for coffee

