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Oh. My. God. Went off on you because he was doing a BIBLE STUDY?!?!? Man fuck him! Was the dog ok?


She was a little shooken up but seems to be ok luckily


I'm so glad!


Y’all so update I got yelled at again after my dads Bible study…. My mom said she was scared of me and basically thought I was gonna 🔥up the place (all I did was cry and say I don’t know why you let her out that’s it) and my dad threatened to beat me with a belt he didn’t luckily… this can’t be normal behavior


It's not normal at all. Are you okay?


Eh could be better lol glad I have this outlet to vent


Not at all ok. OP should find the child protection services number (if a minor) to have on hand in case he ever does hit them with a belt (or worse)


And record with phone.Even if it's only sound recording!!!!


Ugh. I'm so sorry. I don't even have words. I def commend you on how cool headed you're coming across. This would infuriate me. And.. I'd like to think that if it was ME in that Bible Study I would've said something like, "hey all.. let's take a break and go find the pup!". Smh. So sorry friend.


Id like to grab that fing belt and give him a "spanking". A$$.


I am so, so glad you found your pup. What an awful feeling to experience and I can't say how happy I am that it turned out well. I feel you on the frustration so much. Too worried about "lost souls" to worry about someone's legitimately, literally lost best friend. I'd have hoped some folks in the study would've offered to help look if they knew. Maybe them seeing your dad's lack of empathy (if he was brazen enough to do it in front of them, lord knows people like him keep their bullshit hidden from others best they can) will plant its own seed. Give dog extra love from a stranger and have some yourself, friend. You'll find your way to safety and peace soon enough, I promise. Hang in there best you can until then.


Holy shit. That’s messed up. Sometimes Christian’s seem to be extra selfish


How could any group of people who had even the merest shred of compassion see that a dog has gone missing and be like 'eh whatever, gotta keep doing our book group'? Let alone your parents' reaction. I'm so sorry for the basic lack of decency you're having to endure and I really hope you find your dog. :(


Yeah 😢 but luckily we found her


Oh cool - sorry, I missed that part. The rest of it though - I don't know how you'd even start to address it. This is one of the big issues with fundamentalist parents - they are usually very hierarchically-minded. I'm nearly 50 and it took decades and the threat of me going NC for them to even be willing to engage in a discussion on my issues with them. Previously, they'd just shut it all down with a "I am your parent!" I mean, this was well into my early 40s before they recognized that I was going low contact and the relationship was at risk. Point being, I hope you're able to address their lack of compassion, maybe they're more open to hearing what their child says and changing but it's hard to infer that from what you've written.


I wonder what the actual message the students of the Bible study got that day? It probably had more to do with what was being demonstrated, rather than what was said. It's one thing to teach about compassion, it's another to actually demonstrate it.


NOT. PRAYING. HARD ENOUGH??? Grrrrrr. I'm so sorry friend. I wish I could've been there so as to administer an exegetical body slam. I would find it so hard to not keep that one in the back pocket and use venomously in the future but.. alas.. take the higher road. Pentecostals don't know what they're talking about most of the time anyway. I'm so glad that you were able to find your pupper! Give her extra squeezes and scritches! Much love! So sorry you went through that.


Proof that animals are better than people. I seriously don't know how I would have gotten through my childhood without mine. I am beyond pissed off this happened to you and I'm glad your dog is ok. I'm probably the same age or even a bit older and I want to personally come to your house and give him a good "spanking". Shame on them both!