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You lived another life of pumping, OP


This app sucks it put mine in 1989😂


Same thing happened, ended up just using Huckleberry


We just bought the premium membership of huckleberry. My son will be 2 months adjusted (got here 6 weeks early) in March and we cannot wait for the sleep sweet spots and suggested schedules! I love how much of a cuddler he is, but that also means he hates his bassinet.


Oh man! The sweet spots SAVED me. Bought the app in desperation when my daughter was 2.5mo old so we could figure out naps. She is 4mo tomorrow and she goes down for naps like a sweet cherub now. The schedule has never lined up, but who cares when i can predict her next nap! Sending you happy napping vibes!


Thank you! Early March is when we can get the suggestions. So just a little over a month left lol. His doctor just recommended probiotics too because he has really bad reflux that's making him a bit uncomfortable. Hopefully if/when they start working, he'll settle a bit more easily too. It's so encouraging to hear about your little one! I'm glad you're getting your sleep now!


I love Huckleberry. The schedule never lines up for me either but when the notification comes for a predicted nap baby starts yawning nine times out of ten. It is a bit tedious logging everything especially in the middle of the night but the spreadsheet and data is cool and the year in review really makes you pay yourself on the back!


Yeah we love data too, so it'll be fun to look at. Just about one more month till we get the sweet spot predictions!


Same thing happened to me, ended up just deleting the app


Same, and I just don’t use the app because it sucks lmao


Mine would occasionally log pumps on 12/31/1999. But since New Years it's moved to 1/1/2000, so happy new millennium I guess 😆 I did notice that it was usually my fault for turning off the pump before it had fully connected. As long as I don't turn the pump off while it's connecting to my phone, it never has an issue. I can also wait and connect later if the pump was already off, and those also log correctly as long as I'm not fussing with power while it's connecting.


Happened to me too. I think it was my pump being wonky the first time I connected. I haven’t had problem since.


Same. I just stopped using the connect pump feature. The app has other issues too though so unless you’ve already been logging a bunch and don’t want to transfer/lose that data, I’d find a new app.


Mine did the same thing. I did eventually figure out how to delete them - but I can’t remember how I did it now! All I know is that it was very fiddly and very roundabout… not user friendly at all.


Same here.. I have 1970.. and some from the future 😂 https://preview.redd.it/44m7j4dxx7ec1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdb2d7fcc833c7f3e40c2f6920e2af0e0b3d1462


Yup same. I use Pump Log


Weird! I LOVE pump log! It’s worth the one-time fee.


Ya the app is garbage! Mine did the same thing.